2 COURSE.Syllabus.en
Antonio Cañas Vargas edited this page 2017-04-07 16:41:38 +02:00

English | Español


The COURSE > Syllabus option displays information about the course program, both in terms of lectures (theoretical lessons) and practicals (lab), editable by teachers. Teachers can force students to read this information by checking the Force students to read this information checkbox.


To edit both syllabus (lectures and practicals), you must click on the Edit icon (pencil) at the top left of the box. A new box titled Source of information is displayed in which you can choose one of the following options:

  • Do not give any information.
  • Internal editor. A specific editor for syllabus (lectures and practicals).
  • Plain text. A plain text editor. You can write inline math formulas with \(LaTeX\) or centred equations with $$LaTeX$$ or \[LaTeX\].
  • Rich text. A rich text editor. In this case you can use Pandoc's Markdown to format the text. You can also write inline math formulas with $LaTeX$ or centred equations with $$LaTeX$$.
  • Web page hosted here (in SWAD server). A page uploaded to SWAD server. A form is shown to upload either a single HTML file if your page contains no images, or a ZIP file containing an index.html or index.htm HTML file and a folder with image files.
  • Web page hosted on another server (link to external site). You have to write a URL, that is, a link to a page or external document hosted on another server.