6 COURSE.Program.en
Antonio Cañas Vargas edited this page 2023-03-30 14:02:54 +02:00

English | Spanish


The option COURSE > Program shows the program of the selected course, which consists of a list of nested items. Each item can include a description and a list of links to different resources of the course previously created on the platform, for example documents or exams. Items are by default collapsed and can be expanded by clicking on the Expand icon (triangle pointing to the right). When an item is collapsed its nested items (children) are not shown. An expanded item can be collapsed by clicking the Collapse icon (downward pointing triangle).


If you are a teacher of the course, you can edit the program by clicking on the Edit (pencil) icon in the upper left corner of the box. Next to each item of the program the following icons will appear that allow editing:

  • Delete (red trash can) to delete the item. The platform will request your confirmation.
  • Hide/Show (green eye/red eye crossed out) to hide/show the item to students.
  • Edit (pencil) to edit the title, date range, and description.
  • Up (up arrow) to move the item up while maintaining its nesting level.
  • Down (down arrow) to move the item up while maintaining its nesting level.
  • Level Up (left arrow) to unindent the item.
  • Level Down (right arrow) to indent the item.


Under the description of each item there is a box with the list of associated resources. Each resource consists of a title and a link. The link can point to:

Resource edition

In edit mode you can click the Edit (pencil) icon in the upper left corner of that resource box to edit them. Next to each resource of the item the following icons will appear that allow editing:

  • Delete (red trash can) to delete the resource. The platform will request your confirmation.
  • Hide/Show (green eye/red eye crossed out) to hide/show the resource to students.
  • Edit (pencil) to edit the link to the resource.
  • Up (up arrow) to move the resource up.
  • Down (down arrow) to move the resource down.

Resource clipboard

The resource clipboard contains all the links that have been copied from the different sections of the platform with the icon Link (chain) and that have not yet been assigned to items of the program or to criteria of rubrics. To add a link to a resource, you must first go to the section of the platform where such resource is located, select it, and click on the Link (chain) icon. The link to the resource will be added to the clipboard. You can repeat this action with several resources as a shopping cart before linking them from the program or from a rubric.

Once you have added one or more links to the clipboard, go to the program and edit it, then go to an item and edit its resources, and finally go to a resource and edit the link. Below the link title edit box will appear a list with:

  • the current link
  • an empty link to remove the current link
  • all links copied to clipboard

You will be able to select a link to the desired resource. As you assign links, they will disappear from the clipboard. So if you want to use the same link on two different sites, you'll have to copy it back to the clipboard from where it came from.

When editing the program, you can view the content of the resource clipboard by clicking the Clipboard icon in the upper left corner of the program box. A Resource clipboard box will appear with the current link list. If you want to remove the clipboard, click the Remove (red trash can) icon in the upper left corner of the clipboard; you will not be prompted for confirmation and obviously only the links to the original linked objects will be removed, not the objects themselves.