9 Run Yacy in a VPS
tangdou1 edited this page 2019-04-04 11:13:32 +08:00

Take Debian for example.

  1. run apt update
  2. run apt install default-jre openjdk-8-jdk ant zip (install java, ant, and zip)
  3. run wget https://github.com/yacy/yacy_search_server/archive/master.zip (the latest version of Yacy)
  4. run unzip master.zip
  5. run cd yacy_search_server-master
  6. run ant clean all (compile Yacy)
  7. run ./startYACY.sh
  8. run cd bin
  9. run ./passwd.sh newpassword
  10. open the http://your vps's ip:8090 in your local browser, and log in as admin with newpassword.