
1.4 KiB

Expected behavior

Describe your expected behavior.

Actual behavior

Describe the actual behavior.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Outline the steps to reproduce the issue you've encountered.

Additional context

Quickemu output

Run quickemu or quickemu and include the output of the failure below:

Quickemu output
quickemu/quickget output here

System Information

Run quickreport and include the output here; if you can't run quickreport, please provide the output of the following:

clear && \
echo -e "Ver:\t$(quickemu --version)" && \
echo -e "Distro:\t$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | cut -d'"' -f2)" && \
echo -e "Kernel:\t$(uname -s -r -m)" && \
echo -e "Memory:\t$(free --si -h | awk '/Mem:/{print $2}')" && \
lspci | grep -i vga | cut -d':' -f3 && echo && \
curl --version && echo && \
qemu-system-"$(uname -m)" -version | head -1 && \
qemu-system-"$(uname -m)" -cpu help && echo && \
lscpu | tee quickreport.txt
Quickreport output
quickreport output here