2019-09-25 18:32:39 +02:00

3.4 KiB


An opensource, MIT-licensed application that scraps the official Spanish Cadaster registry and stores information in Elastic Searcher.

libreCadastro example



  • From XML webservices. Check
  • From HTML webpages.
  • Scraps all properties, including houses, flats, garages, storehouses, even buildings in ruins!
  • Scraps all usages and purposes: living, commercial, religious, military...
  • Scraps rural (parcelas) and urban properties.
  • Retrieves the building plan of every property
  • Skips already scrapped information
  • Can be queried to scrap a list of provinces
  • Can be queried to scrap by a polygon of coordinates
  • Can be queried to start from a specific city in a province


  • Stores in ElasticSearch
  • Supports automatic map visualization in Kibana


Includes a configured Kibana that shows.

  1. A heatmap in the map of Spain (World) where the properties are
  2. All data in tables
  3. The picture of the property

DoS Warning

Spanish Cadaster has set restrictions, banning temporarily IPs that more than 10 queries in 5 seconds. A sleep command has been set to 5sec where needed, and can be configured at your own risk.

UPDATE: At night DoS happens more often it seems, and 5sec can throw a Connection Reset by Peer message.


Having Docker and Docker-compose installed, run first:

docker-compose up -d 

Then configure ElasticSearch index:


An finally, execute libreCadastro as follows in the next step.


$ python --help

usage: [-h] [--coords]
                        [--filenames FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]]
                        [--provinces PROVINCES [PROVINCES ...]]
                        [--sleep SLEEP] [--html] [--scale SCALE] [--pictures]
                        [--startcity STARTCITY] [--listprovinces]
                        [--listcities LISTCITIES] [--health]

Runs libreCadastro

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --coords (scrapping by coordinates. By default, if not set, it's by provinces)
  --filenames FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...] (for files with polygon coordinates)
  --provinces PROVINCES [PROVINCES ...] (for a list of provinces to scrap)
  --sleep SLEEP (time to sleep to avoid Cadaster DoS)
  --html (if you prefer to scrap HTML or if XML servers are down)
  --scale SCALE (for scrapping by coordinates, how big is the step)
  --pictures (scrap also the plan of the house)
  --startcity STARTCITY (start from a specific city in a province, in alphabetic order)
  --listprovinces (just list all provinces in alphabetic order)
  --listcities PROVINCE (just list all cities of a province in alphabetic order)
  --health (check if Cadaster servers are up)

Health I highly recommend to execute first of all: python3 --health to check if XML and HTML servers are up.

Time to get the complete DB Taking into account that there are restrictions that prevents a crapping faster than 5sec per page, scrapping can take very long time. so:

  1. Go directly to the provinces / cities you need the most. Leave the rest for later.
  2. Use different IP addresses and query parallely.
  3. Write me an email to to get the full DB.