2016-02-22 21:34:04 -05:00

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#Amalgamated hosts file
This repository consolidates several reputable `hosts` files, and merges them into a single amalgamated hosts file
with duplicates removed. You can [download the resultant amalgamated hosts file]( or clone this repo and generate your own using the Python script provided.
**Details about this amalgamated hosts file:**
* Last updated: **February 23 2016 at 02:33:37 GMT**.
* Contains: **27,148 unique entries**.
## Take note!
This repo now includes <strong>extensions</strong> which are subfolder names under the <code>extensions</code>
folder wherein you can stash category specific <code>hosts</code> files.
Currently there is one extension to block porn sites. Note the <code>extensions/porn</code> folder with a
5,000+ domain hosts file that you can include with the following command
python --e porn
## Goals of this amalgamated hosts file
The goals of this repo are to:
1. automatically combine high-quality lists of hosts,
2. provide easy extensions,
3. de-dupe the resultant combined list,
4. and keep the resultant file reasonably sized.
A high-quality source is defined here as one that is actively curated. A hosts source should be frequently
updated by its maintainers with both additions and removals. The larger the hosts file, the higher the level of
curation is expected.
For example, the (huge) hosts file from []( is **not** included
here because it is very large (300,000+ entries) and doesn't currently display a corresponding high level of curation
It is expected that this amalgamated hosts file will serve both desktop and mobile devices under a variety of operating
## Sources of host data amalgamated here
Currently the `hosts` files from the following locations are amalgamated:
* The [Adaway hosts file](, updated regularly.
* Hosts file at [](, updated
monthly, or thereabouts.
* Dan Pollock at []( updated regularly.
* Malware Domain List at [](, updated regularly.
* Peter Lowe at [](, updated regularly.
* My own small list in raw form [here](
In addition, the generator can optionally include extensions depending on your particular needs. Currently the repo
ships with a `porn` extension but you can add your own by creating new folders belos the `extensions` folder.
## Generate your own amalgamated hosts file
The `` script, which is python 2.7 and Python 3-compatible, will generate an amalgamated hosts file
based on the sources in the local `data/` subfolder. The script will prompt you Whether it should fetch updated
versions (from locations defined by the text file in each source's folder), otherwise it will use the
`hosts` file that's already there.
### Usage
Using Python 3:
python3 [--auto] [--replace] [--ip nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn] [--extensions ext1 ext2 ext3]
Using Python 2.7:
python [--auto] [--replace] [--ip nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn] [--extensions ext1 ext2 ext3]
Command line options:
`--auto`, `-a`: run the script without prompting. When `--auto` is invoked,
* Host data sources, including extensions, are updated.
* No extensions are included by default. Use the `--extensions` or `-e` flag to include any you want.
* Your active hosts file is *not* replaced unless you include the `--replace` flag.
`--replace`, `-r`: trigger replacing your active hosts file with the new hosts file. Use along with `--auto` to
force replacement.
`--ip nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn`, `--i nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn`: the IP address to use as the target. Default is ``.
`--extensions ext1 ext2 ext3`, `-e ext1 ext2 ext3`: the names of subfolders below the `extensions` folder containing
other hosts collections to include. Example: `--extensions porn` or `-e porn`.
`--help`, `-h`: display help.
## How do I control which sources are amalgamated?
You can add additional sources by placing each in a subfolder of the `data/` folder. Provide a copy of that new
`hosts` file, and place its update url in ``.
## How do I incorporate my own hosts?
If you have custom host records, place them in file `myhosts`. The contents of this file are prepended to the
amalgamated hosts file during the update process.
## What is a hosts file?
A hosts file, named `hosts` (with no file extension), is a plain-text file used by all operating
systems to map hostnames to IP addresses.
In most operating systems, the `hosts` file is preferential to `DNS`. Therefore if a host name is
resolved by the `hosts` file, the request never leaves your computer.
Having a smart `hosts` file goes a long way towards blocking malware, adware, and other irritants.
For example, to nullify requests to some servers, adding these lines to your hosts
file will do it:
# block doubleClick's servers
# etc...
## We recommend using `` instead of ``
Using `` is faster because you don't have to wait for a timeout. It also does not interfere
with a web server that may be running on the local PC.
## Why not use just `0` instead of ``?
We tried that. Using `0` doesn't work universally.
## Location of your hosts file
To modify your current `hosts` file, look for it in the following places and modify it with a text
**Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux**: `/etc/hosts` folder.
**Windows**: `%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts` folder.
## Reloading hosts file
Your operating system will cache DNS lookups. You can either reboot or run the following commands to
manually flush your DNS cache once the new hosts file is in place.
### Mac OS X
Open a Terminal and run:
`sudo dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder`
### Windows
Open a Command Prompt:
**Windows XP**: Start -> Run -> `cmd`
**Windows Vista, 7**: Start Button -> type `cmd` -> right-click Command Prompt ->
"Run as Administrator"
**Windows 8**: Start -> Swipe Up -> All Apps -> Windows System -> right-click Command Prompt ->
"Run as Administrator"
and run:
`ipconfig /flushdns`
### Linux
Open a Terminal and run with root privileges:
**Debian/Ubuntu** `sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart`
**Linux with systemd**: `sudo systemctl restart network.service`
**Fedora Linux**: `sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service`
**Arch Linux/Manjaro with Network Manager**: `sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service`
**Arch Linux/Manjaro with Wicd**: `sudo systemctl restart wicd.service`
**Others**: Consult [this wikipedia article](