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Android client for e-learning platform SWAD.


SWADroid/ Android client. /LICENSE License file. /gen/ Files autogenerated by IDE. /libs/ Libraries required by SWADroid. /res/ Resources required by SWADroid. /src/ Source files. Webservices/ Webservices implemented in SWAD server. /LICENSE License file. HISTORY.md Changelog file in GitHub markdown format. README.md This file in GitHub markdown format.

Mailing list

For discussions with others users, questions and more:


Copyright (C) 2010, Juan Miguel Boyero Corral

SWADroid client is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as GPLv3 license.

SWADroid Webservices is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as AGPLv3 license.