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Android client for e-learning platform SWAD.


SWADroid/ Android client. /LICENSE License file. /gen/ Files autogenerated by IDE. /libs/ Libraries required by SWADroid. /res/ Resources required by SWADroid. /src/ Source files. Webservices/ Webservices implemented in SWAD server. /LICENSE License file. HISTORY.md Changelog file in GitHub markdown format. README.md This file in GitHub markdown format.

Copyright (C) 2010, Juan Miguel Boyero Corral

gplv3_img SWADroid client is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as GPLv3 license.

agplv3_img SWADroid Webservices is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as AGPLv3 license.


SWADroid is an open source project. I encourage contributions.

The Github team has also been kind enough to write up some great documentation on working with pull requests. Contributions should be performed on topic branches in your personal forks - just issue your pull requests from there.
