orbiter dc26d6262b - removed write buffer from kelondroCache (was never used because buggy; will now be replaced by new EcoBuffer)
- added new data structure 'eco' for an index file that should use only 50% of write-IO compared to kelondroFlex
The new eco index is not used yet, but already successfully tested with the collectionIndex
The main purpose is to replace the kelondroFlex at every point when enough RAM is available.
Othervise, the kelondroFlex stays as option in case of low memory (which then can even use a file-index)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4337 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-01-17 12:12:52 +00:00

640 lines
28 KiB

// kelondroRow.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 24.05.2006 on http://www.anomic.de
// This is a part of the kelondro database,
// which is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
public final class kelondroRow {
protected kelondroColumn[] row;
protected int[] colstart;
protected kelondroByteOrder objectOrder;
public int objectsize;
public int primaryKeyIndex, primaryKeyLength;
protected Map<String, Object[]> nickref = null; // a mapping from nicknames to Object[2]{kelondroColumn, Integer(colstart)}
public kelondroRow(kelondroColumn[] row, kelondroByteOrder objectOrder, int primaryKey) {
assert objectOrder != null;
this.objectOrder = objectOrder;
this.row = row;
assert (objectOrder != null);
this.colstart = new int[row.length];
this.objectsize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
this.colstart[i] = this.objectsize;
this.objectsize += this.row[i].cellwidth;
this.primaryKeyIndex = primaryKey;
this.primaryKeyLength = (primaryKey < 0) ? this.objectsize : row[primaryKeyIndex].cellwidth;
public kelondroRow(String structure, kelondroByteOrder objectOrder, int primaryKey) {
assert (objectOrder != null);
this.objectOrder = objectOrder;
// define row with row syntax
// example:
//# Structure=<pivot-12>,'=',<UDate-3>,<VDate-3>,<LCount-2>,<GCount-2>,<ICount-2>,<DCount-2>,<TLength-3>,<WACount-3>,<WUCount-3>,<Flags-1>
// parse pivot definition:
structure.replace('=', ',');
// parse property part definition:
int p = structure.indexOf('|');
if (p < 0) p = structure.length();
ArrayList<kelondroColumn> l = new ArrayList<kelondroColumn>();
String attr = structure.substring(0, p);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attr, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
l.add(new kelondroColumn(st.nextToken()));
// define columns
this.row = new kelondroColumn[l.size()];
this.colstart = new int[row.length];
this.objectsize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
this.colstart[i] = this.objectsize;
this.row[i] = (kelondroColumn) l.get(i);
this.objectsize += this.row[i].cellwidth;
this.primaryKeyIndex = primaryKey;
this.primaryKeyLength = (primaryKey < 0) ? this.objectsize : row[primaryKeyIndex].cellwidth;
public final void setOrdering(kelondroByteOrder objectOrder, int primaryKey) {
assert (objectOrder != null);
this.objectOrder = objectOrder;
this.primaryKeyIndex = primaryKey;
this.primaryKeyLength = (primaryKey < 0) ? this.objectsize : row[primaryKeyIndex].cellwidth;
public final kelondroOrder<byte[]> getOrdering() {
return this.objectOrder;
protected final void genNickRef() {
if (nickref != null) return;
nickref = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(row.length);
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) nickref.put(row[i].nickname, new Object[]{row[i], new Integer(colstart[i])});
public final int columns() {
return this.row.length;
public final int objectsize() {
return this.objectsize;
public final kelondroColumn column(int col) {
return row[col];
public final int width(int column) {
return this.row[column].cellwidth;
public final int[] widths() {
int[] w = new int[this.row.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.row.length; i++) w[i] = row[i].cellwidth;
return w;
public final String toString() {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i < row.length; i++) {
s.append(", ");
return new String(s);
public final Entry newEntry() {
return new Entry();
public final Entry newEntry(byte[] rowinstance) {
if (rowinstance == null) return null;
//assert (rowinstance[0] != 0);
assert (this.objectOrder.wellformed(rowinstance, 0, row[0].cellwidth)) : "rowinstance[0] = " + new String(rowinstance, 0, row[0].cellwidth) + " / " + serverLog.arrayList(rowinstance, 0, row[0].cellwidth);
if (!(this.objectOrder.wellformed(rowinstance, 0, row[0].cellwidth))) return null;
return new Entry(rowinstance, false);
public final Entry newEntry(Entry oldrow, int fromColumn) {
if (oldrow == null) return null;
assert (oldrow.getColBytes(0)[0] != 0);
assert (this.objectOrder.wellformed(oldrow.getColBytes(0), 0, row[0].cellwidth));
return new Entry(oldrow, fromColumn, false);
public final Entry newEntry(byte[] rowinstance, int start, boolean clone) {
if (rowinstance == null) return null;
//assert (rowinstance[0] != 0);
assert (this.objectOrder.wellformed(rowinstance, start, row[0].cellwidth)) : "rowinstance = " + new String(rowinstance);
// this method offers the option to clone the content
// this is necessary if it is known that the underlying byte array may change and therefore
// the reference to the byte array does not contain the original content
return new Entry(rowinstance, start, clone);
public final Entry newEntry(byte[][] cells) {
if (cells == null) return null;
assert (cells[0][0] != 0);
assert (this.objectOrder.wellformed(cells[0], 0, row[0].cellwidth));
return new Entry(cells);
public final Entry newEntry(String external, boolean decimalCardinal) {
if (external == null) return null;
return new Entry(external, decimalCardinal);
public final EntryIndex newEntryIndex(byte[] rowinstance, int index) {
if (rowinstance == null) return null;
assert (rowinstance[0] != 0);
assert (this.objectOrder.wellformed(rowinstance, 0, row[0].cellwidth));
return new EntryIndex(rowinstance, index);
public static class EntryComparator extends kelondroAbstractOrder<Entry> implements kelondroOrder<Entry>, Comparator<Entry> {
kelondroByteOrder base;
public EntryComparator(kelondroByteOrder baseOrder) {
this.base = baseOrder;
public int compare(Entry a, Entry b) {
return a.compareTo(b);
public kelondroOrder<Entry> clone() {
return new EntryComparator(base);
public long cardinal(Entry key) {
return base.cardinal(key.getPrimaryKeyBytes());
public String signature() {
return base.signature();
public boolean wellformed(Entry a) {
return base.wellformed(a.getPrimaryKeyBytes());
public class Entry implements Comparable<Entry> {
private byte[] rowinstance;
private int offset; // the offset where the row starts within rowinstance
public Entry() {
rowinstance = new byte[objectsize];
for (int i = 0; i < objectsize; i++) this.rowinstance[i] = 0;
offset = 0;
public Entry(byte[] newrow, boolean forceclone) {
this(newrow, 0, forceclone);
public Entry(Entry oldrow, int fromColumn, boolean forceclone) {
this(oldrow.rowinstance, oldrow.offset + oldrow.colstart(fromColumn), forceclone);
public Entry(byte[] newrow, int start, boolean forceclone) {
if ((!forceclone) && (newrow.length - start >= objectsize)) {
this.rowinstance = newrow;
this.offset = start;
} else {
this.rowinstance = new byte[objectsize];
System.arraycopy(newrow, start, this.rowinstance, 0, objectsize);
this.offset = 0;
//for (int i = ll; i < objectsize; i++) this.rowinstance[i] = 0;
public Entry(byte[][] cols) {
assert row.length == cols.length : "cols.length = " + cols.length + ", row.length = " + row.length;
this.rowinstance = new byte[objectsize];
this.offset = 0;
int ll;
int cs, cw;
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
cs = colstart[i];
cw = row[i].cellwidth;
if ((i >= cols.length) || (cols[i] == null)) {
for (int j = 0; j < cw; j++) this.rowinstance[cs + j] = 0;
} else {
//assert cols[i].length <= cw : "i = " + i + ", cols[i].length = " + cols[i].length + ", cw = " + cw;
ll = Math.min(cols[i].length, cw);
System.arraycopy(cols[i], 0, rowinstance, cs, ll);
for (int j = ll; j < cw; j++) this.rowinstance[cs + j] = 0;
public Entry(String external, boolean decimalCardinal) {
// parse external form
if (external.charAt(0) == '{') external = external.substring(1, external.length() - 1);
String[] elts = external.split(",");
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
String nick;
int p;
this.rowinstance = new byte[objectsize];
this.offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) {
p = elts[i].indexOf('=');
if (p > 0) {
nick = elts[i].substring(0, p).trim();
if (p + 1 == elts[i].length())
setCol(nick, null);
else {
if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_cardinal)) {
try {
setCol(nick, Long.parseLong(elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim()));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroRow", "NumberFormatException for celltype_cardinal; row = " + i + ", celltype = " + row[i].celltype + ", encoder = " + row[i].encoder + ", value = '" + elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim() + "'");
setCol(nick, 0);
} else if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_binary)) {
assert row[i].cellwidth == 1;
try {
setCol(nick, new byte[]{(byte) Integer.parseInt(elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim())});
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroRow", "NumberFormatException for celltype_binary; row = " + i + ", celltype = " + row[i].celltype + ", encoder = " + row[i].encoder + ", value = '" + elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim() + "'");
setCol(nick, new byte[]{0});
} else if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_bitfield)) {
setCol(nick, (new kelondroBitfield(row[i].cellwidth, elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim())).bytes());
} else {
setCol(nick, elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim().getBytes());
protected final int colstart(int column) {
return colstart[column];
protected final int cellwidth(int column) {
return row[column].cellwidth;
public final int compareTo(Entry o) {
if (objectOrder == null) throw new kelondroException("objects cannot be compared, no order given");
return objectOrder.compare(this.getPrimaryKeyBytes(), ((Entry) o).getPrimaryKeyBytes());
public final byte[] bytes() {
if ((offset == 0) && (rowinstance.length == objectsize)) {
return rowinstance;
} else {
byte[] tmp = new byte[objectsize];
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset, tmp, 0, objectsize);
return tmp;
public final void writeToArray(byte[] target, int targetOffset) {
// this method shall replace the byte()s where possible, bacause it may reduce the number of new byte[] allocations
assert (targetOffset + objectsize <= target.length) : "targetOffset = " + targetOffset + ", target.length = " + target.length + ", objectsize = " + objectsize;
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset, target, targetOffset, objectsize);
public final int columns() {
return row.length;
public final int objectsize() {
return objectsize;
public final boolean empty(int column) {
return rowinstance[offset + colstart[column]] == 0;
public final void setCol(String nickname, char c) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return;
rowinstance[offset + ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue()] = (byte) c;
public final void setCol(String nickname, byte[] cell) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return;
kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0];
setCol(col.encoder, ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth, cell);
public final void setCol(int column, byte[] cell) {
setCol(row[column].encoder, colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth, cell);
public final void setCol(int column, char[] cell) {
int clstrt = colstart[column];
for (int i = 0; i < cell.length; i++) rowinstance[offset + clstrt + i] = (byte) cell[i];
for (int i = cell.length; i < row[column].cellwidth; i++) rowinstance[offset + clstrt + i] = 0;
private final void setCol(int encoding, int clstrt, int length, byte[] cell) {
if (cell == null) {
while (length-- > 0) rowinstance[offset + clstrt + length] = 0;
} else {
if (cell.length < length) {
System.arraycopy(cell, 0, rowinstance, offset + clstrt, cell.length);
while (length-- > cell.length) rowinstance[offset + clstrt + length] = 0;
} else {
//assert cell.length == length;
System.arraycopy(cell, 0, rowinstance, offset + clstrt, length);
public final void setCol(int column, byte c) {
rowinstance[offset + colstart[column]] = c;
public final void setCol(int column, String cell, String encoding) {
if (encoding == null)
setCol(column, cell.getBytes());
try {
setCol(column, (cell == null) ? null : cell.getBytes(encoding));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
public final void setCol(String nick, String cell, String encoding) {
if (encoding == null)
setCol(nick, cell.getBytes());
try {
setCol(nick, cell.getBytes(encoding));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
public final void setCol(String nickname, long cell) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return;
kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0];
setCol(col.encoder, offset + ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth, cell);
public final void setCol(int column, long cell) {
// uses the column definition to choose the right encoding
setCol(row[column].encoder, offset + colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth, cell);
private final void setCol(int encoder, int offset, int length, long cell) {
switch (encoder) {
case kelondroColumn.encoder_none:
throw new kelondroException("ROW", "setColLong has celltype none, no encoder given");
case kelondroColumn.encoder_b64e:
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(cell, rowinstance, offset, length);
case kelondroColumn.encoder_b256:
kelondroNaturalOrder.encodeLong(cell, rowinstance, offset, length);
case kelondroColumn.encoder_bytes:
throw new kelondroException("ROW", "setColLong of celltype bytes not applicable");
public final byte[] getCol(String nickname, byte[] dflt) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return dflt;
kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0];
byte[] cell = new byte[col.cellwidth];
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset + ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), cell, 0, cell.length);
return cell;
public final String getColString(String nickname, String dflt, String encoding) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return dflt;
kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0];
return getColString(col.encoder, ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth, encoding);
public final String getColString(int column, String encoding) {
return getColString(row[column].encoder, colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth, encoding);
private final String getColString(int encoder, int clstrt, int length, String encoding) {
if (rowinstance[offset + clstrt] == 0) return null;
if (length > rowinstance.length - offset - clstrt) length = rowinstance.length - offset - clstrt;
while ((length > 0) && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt + length - 1] == 0)) length--;
if (length == 0) return null;
try {
if ((encoding == null) || (encoding.length() == 0))
return new String(rowinstance, offset + clstrt, length);
return new String(rowinstance, offset + clstrt, length, encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "";
public final long getColLong(String nickname, long dflt) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return dflt;
kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0];
int clstrt = ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue();
return getColLong(col.encoder, clstrt, col.cellwidth);
public final long getColLong(int column) {
// uses the column definition to choose the right encoding
return getColLong(row[column].encoder, colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth);
protected final long getColLong(int encoder, int clstrt, int length) {
switch (encoder) {
case kelondroColumn.encoder_none:
throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong has celltype none, no encoder given");
case kelondroColumn.encoder_b64e:
// start - fix for badly stored parameters
if ((length >= 3) && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt] == '[') && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt + 1] == 'B') && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt + 2] == '@')) return 0;
if ((length == 2) && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt] == '[') && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt + 1] == 'B')) return 0;
if ((length == 1) && (rowinstance[offset + clstrt] == '[')) return 0;
boolean maxvalue = true;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (rowinstance[offset + clstrt + i] != '_') {maxvalue = false; break;}
if (maxvalue) return 0;
// stop - fix for badly stored parameters
return kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeLong(rowinstance, offset + clstrt, length);
case kelondroColumn.encoder_b256:
return kelondroNaturalOrder.decodeLong(rowinstance, offset + clstrt, length);
case kelondroColumn.encoder_bytes:
throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong of celltype bytes not applicable");
throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong did not find appropriate encoding");
public final byte getColByte(String nickname, byte dflt) {
if (nickref == null) genNickRef();
Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname);
if (ref == null) return dflt;
return rowinstance[offset + ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue()];
public final byte getColByte(int column) {
return rowinstance[offset + colstart[column]];
public final byte[] getPrimaryKeyBytes() {
byte[] c = new byte[primaryKeyLength];
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset + ((primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : colstart[primaryKeyIndex]), c, 0, primaryKeyLength);
return c;
public final byte[] getColBytes(int column) {
assert offset + colstart[column] + row[column].cellwidth <= rowinstance.length :
"column = " + column + ", offset = " + offset + ", colstart[column] = " + colstart[column] + ", row[column].cellwidth() = " + row[column].cellwidth + ", rowinstance.length = " + rowinstance.length;
int w = row[column].cellwidth;
byte[] c = new byte[w];
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset + colstart[column], c, 0, w);
return c;
public final char[] getColChars(int column) {
int w = row[column].cellwidth;
char[] c = new char[w];
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset + colstart[column], c, 0, w);
return c;
public final void writeToArray(int column, byte[] target, int targetOffset) {
// this method shall replace the getColBytes where possible, bacause it may reduce the number of new byte[] allocations
assert (targetOffset + row[column].cellwidth <= target.length) : "targetOffset = " + targetOffset + ", target.length = " + target.length + ", row[column].cellwidth() = " + row[column].cellwidth;
System.arraycopy(rowinstance, offset + colstart[column], target, targetOffset, row[column].cellwidth);
public final String toPropertyForm(boolean includeBraces, boolean decimalCardinal, boolean longname) {
serverByteBuffer bb = new serverByteBuffer();
if (includeBraces) bb.append('{');
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
bb.append((longname) ? row[i].description : row[i].nickname);
if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_cardinal)) {
} else if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_bitfield)) {
bb.append((new kelondroBitfield(getColBytes(i))).exportB64());
} else if ((decimalCardinal) && (row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_binary)) {
assert row[i].cellwidth == 1;
bb.append(Integer.toString((0xff & getColByte(i))));
} else {
bb.append(rowinstance, offset + colstart[i], row[i].cellwidth);
if (i < row.length - 1) {
if (longname) bb.append(' ');
if (includeBraces) bb.append('}');
//System.out.println("DEBUG-ROW " + bb.toString());
return bb.toString();
public final String toString() {
return toPropertyForm(true, false, false);
public final class EntryIndex extends Entry {
private int index;
public EntryIndex(byte[] row, int i) {
super(row, false);
this.index = i;
public int index() {
return index;
public final static void long2bytes(long x, byte[] b, int offset, int length) {
for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
b[offset + i] = (byte) (x & 0XFF);
x >>= 8;
public final static long bytes2long(byte[] b, int offset, int length) {
if (b == null) return 0;
long x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) x = (x << 8) | (0xff & b[offset + i]);
return x;
public final boolean subsumes(kelondroRow otherRow) {
// returns true, if this row has at least all columns as the other row
// and possibly some more
if (this.objectsize < otherRow.objectsize) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < otherRow.row.length; i++) {
if ((this.row[i].cellwidth == otherRow.row[i].cellwidth) &&
(this.row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_bitfield) &&
(otherRow.row[i].celltype == kelondroColumn.celltype_binary)) continue;
if (!(this.row[i].equals(otherRow.row[i]))) return false;
return true;
public final boolean equals(kelondroRow otherRow) {
if (this.objectsize != otherRow.objectsize) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < otherRow.row.length; i++) {
if (!(this.row[i].equals(otherRow.row[i]))) return false;
return true;