orbiter 826ca79735 refactoring and new architecture to store the files of the web cache:
- files are not stored any more as individual files
- a new database structure using BLOBHeap files stores many cache entries in common files
- all file-writing procedures had been migrated to generate byte[] objects which are written with the new database methods

this is only an intermediate step to the final architecture, where cached files are written together with their metadata in one single database structure.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5276 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-10-16 21:24:09 +00:00

633 lines
26 KiB

// IndexingStack.java
// (C) 2005 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://yacy.net
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.crawler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import de.anomic.http.httpResponseHeader;
import de.anomic.index.indexURLReference;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBase64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroNaturalOrder;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRow;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroStack;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaHTCache;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboardConstants;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaWordIndex;
import de.anomic.server.serverDate;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public class IndexingStack {
kelondroStack sbQueueStack;
CrawlProfile profiles;
plasmaWordIndex wordIndex;
private final File sbQueueStackPath;
ConcurrentHashMap<String, QueueEntry> queueInProcess;
public IndexingStack(final plasmaWordIndex wordIndex, final File sbQueueStackPath, final CrawlProfile profiles) {
this.sbQueueStackPath = sbQueueStackPath;
this.profiles = profiles;
this.wordIndex = wordIndex;
this.queueInProcess = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, QueueEntry>();
public static final kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow(
"String url-256, " + // the url
"String refhash-" + yacySeedDB.commonHashLength + ", " + // the url's referrer hash
"Cardinal modifiedsince-11 {b64e}, " + // from ifModifiedSince
"byte[] flags-1, " + // flags
"String initiator-" + yacySeedDB.commonHashLength + ", " + // the crawling initiator
"Cardinal depth-2 {b64e}, " + // the prefetch depth so far, starts at 0
"String profile-" + yacySeedDB.commonHashLength + ", " + // the name of the prefetch profile handle
"String urldescr-80",
private void initQueueStack() {
sbQueueStack = kelondroStack.open(sbQueueStackPath, rowdef);
private void resetQueueStack() {
try {sbQueueStack.close();} catch (Exception e) {}
if (sbQueueStackPath.exists()) sbQueueStackPath.delete();
public int size() {
return (sbQueueStack == null) ? 0 : sbQueueStack.size();
public synchronized void push(final QueueEntry entry) throws IOException {
if (entry == null) return;
if (sbQueueStack == null) return; // may occur during shutdown
sbQueueStack.push(sbQueueStack.row().newEntry(new byte[][]{
(entry.referrerHash == null) ? "".getBytes() : entry.referrerHash.getBytes(),
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong((entry.ifModifiedSince == null) ? 0 : entry.ifModifiedSince.getTime(), 11).getBytes(),
new byte[]{entry.flags},
(entry.initiator == null) ? "".getBytes() : entry.initiator.getBytes(),
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(entry.depth, rowdef.width(5)).getBytes(),
(entry.profileHandle == null) ? "".getBytes() : entry.profileHandle.getBytes(),
(entry.anchorName == null) ? "-".getBytes("UTF-8") : entry.anchorName.getBytes("UTF-8")
public synchronized QueueEntry pop() throws IOException {
if (sbQueueStack.size() == 0) return null;
final kelondroRow.Entry b = sbQueueStack.pot();
if (b == null) return null;
return new QueueEntry(b);
public synchronized QueueEntry remove(final String urlHash) {
final Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = sbQueueStack.stackIterator(true);
kelondroRow.Entry rowentry;
QueueEntry entry;
while (i.hasNext()) {
rowentry = i.next();
entry = new QueueEntry(rowentry);
if (entry.urlHash().equals(urlHash)) {
return entry;
return null;
public void clear() {
sbQueueStack = kelondroStack.reset(sbQueueStack);
public void close() {
if (sbQueueStack != null) {
sbQueueStack = null;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IOException("plasmaSwitchboardQueue.finalize()" + e.getMessage());
public Iterator<QueueEntry> entryIterator(final boolean up) {
// iterates the elements in an ordered way.
// returns plasmaSwitchboardQueue.Entry - type Objects
return new entryIterator(up);
public class entryIterator implements Iterator<QueueEntry> {
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> rows;
public entryIterator(final boolean up) {
rows = sbQueueStack.stackIterator(up);
public boolean hasNext() {
return rows.hasNext();
public QueueEntry next() {
return new QueueEntry(rows.next());
public void remove() {
public QueueEntry newEntry(final yacyURL url, final String referrer, final Date ifModifiedSince, final boolean requestWithCookie,
final String initiator, final int depth, final String profilehandle, final String anchorName) {
return new QueueEntry(url, referrer, ifModifiedSince, requestWithCookie, initiator, depth, profilehandle, anchorName);
public void enQueueToActive(final QueueEntry entry) {
queueInProcess.put(entry.urlHash(), entry);
public QueueEntry getActiveEntry(final String urlhash) {
// show one entry from the queue
return this.queueInProcess.get(urlhash);
public int getActiveQueueSize() {
return this.queueInProcess.size();
public Collection<QueueEntry> getActiveQueueEntries() {
// todo: check dead entries?
return this.queueInProcess.values();
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_FRESH = 0;
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_PARSING = 1;
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_CONDENSING = 2;
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_STRUCTUREANALYSIS = 3;
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_INDEXSTORAGE = 4;
public static final int QUEUE_STATE_FINISHED = 5;
public class QueueEntry {
yacyURL url; // plasmaURL.urlStringLength
String referrerHash; // plasmaURL.urlHashLength
Date ifModifiedSince; // 6
byte flags; // 1
String initiator; // yacySeedDB.commonHashLength
int depth; // plasmaURL.urlCrawlDepthLength
String profileHandle; // plasmaURL.urlCrawlProfileHandleLength
String anchorName; // plasmaURL.urlDescrLength
int status;
// computed values
private CrawlProfile.entry profileEntry;
private httpResponseHeader responseHeader;
private yacyURL referrerURL;
public QueueEntry(final yacyURL url, final String referrer, final Date ifModifiedSince, final boolean requestWithCookie,
final String initiator, final int depth, final String profileHandle, final String anchorName) {
this.url = url;
this.referrerHash = referrer;
this.ifModifiedSince = ifModifiedSince;
this.flags = (requestWithCookie) ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
this.initiator = initiator;
this.depth = depth;
this.profileHandle = profileHandle;
this.anchorName = (anchorName==null)?"":anchorName.trim();
this.profileEntry = null;
this.responseHeader = null;
this.referrerURL = null;
this.status = QUEUE_STATE_FRESH;
public QueueEntry(final kelondroRow.Entry row) {
final long ims = row.getColLong(2);
final byte flags = row.getColByte(3);
try {
this.url = new yacyURL(row.getColString(0, "UTF-8"), null);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
this.url = null;
this.referrerHash = row.getColString(1, "UTF-8");
this.ifModifiedSince = (ims == 0) ? null : new Date(ims);
this.flags = ((flags & 1) == 1) ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
this.initiator = row.getColString(4, "UTF-8");
this.depth = (int) row.getColLong(5);
this.profileHandle = row.getColString(6, "UTF-8");
this.anchorName = row.getColString(7, "UTF-8");
this.profileEntry = null;
this.responseHeader = null;
this.referrerURL = null;
this.status = QUEUE_STATE_FRESH;
public QueueEntry(final byte[][] row) throws IOException {
final long ims = (row[2] == null) ? 0 : kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeLong(new String(row[2], "UTF-8"));
final byte flags = (row[3] == null) ? 0 : row[3][0];
try {
this.url = new yacyURL(new String(row[0], "UTF-8"), null);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
this.url = null;
this.referrerHash = (row[1] == null) ? null : new String(row[1], "UTF-8");
this.ifModifiedSince = (ims == 0) ? null : new Date(ims);
this.flags = ((flags & 1) == 1) ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
this.initiator = (row[4] == null) ? null : new String(row[4], "UTF-8");
this.depth = (int) kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeLong(new String(row[5], "UTF-8"));
this.profileHandle = new String(row[6], "UTF-8");
this.anchorName = (row[7] == null) ? null : (new String(row[7], "UTF-8")).trim();
this.profileEntry = null;
this.responseHeader = null;
this.referrerURL = null;
this.status = QUEUE_STATE_FRESH;
public void updateStatus(final int newStatus) {
this.status = newStatus;
public void close() {
protected void finalize() {
public yacyURL url() {
return url;
public String urlHash() {
return url.hash();
public boolean requestedWithCookie() {
return (flags & 1) == 1;
public boolean proxy() {
// FIXME the equals seems to be incorrect: String.equals(boolean)
return (initiator == null) || (initiator.equals(initiator.length() == 0));
public String initiator() {
return (initiator == null) ? "------------" : initiator; // TODO: this may cause problems for methods that check if the initiator is the proxy
public yacySeed initiatorPeer() {
if ((initiator == null) || (initiator.length() == 0)) return null;
if (initiator.equals(wordIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash)) {
// normal crawling
return null;
// this was done for remote peer (a global crawl)
return wordIndex.seedDB.getConnected(initiator);
public int depth() {
return depth;
public long size() {
return plasmaHTCache.getResourceContentLength(this.url);
public CrawlProfile.entry profile() {
if (profileEntry == null) profileEntry = profiles.getEntry(profileHandle);
return profileEntry;
private void getResponseHeader() {
if (this.responseHeader == null) try {
this.responseHeader = plasmaHTCache.loadResponseHeader(this.url);
} catch (final Exception e) {
serverLog.logSevere("PLASMA", "responseHeader: failed to get header", e);
public String getMimeType() {
return (responseHeader == null) ? null : responseHeader.mime();
public String getCharacterEncoding() {
return (responseHeader == null) ? null : responseHeader.getCharacterEncoding();
public Date getModificationDate() {
return (responseHeader == null) ? new Date() : responseHeader.lastModified();
public yacyURL referrerURL() {
if (referrerURL == null) {
// FIXME the equals seems to be incorrect: String.equals(boolean)
if ((referrerHash == null) || ((initiator != null) && (referrerHash.equals(initiator.length() == 0)))) return null;
final indexURLReference entry = wordIndex.getURL(referrerHash, null, 0);
if (entry == null) referrerURL = null; else referrerURL = entry.comp().url();
return referrerURL;
public String referrerHash() {
return (referrerHash == null) ? "" : referrerHash;
public String anchorName() {
return anchorName;
public int processCase() {
// we must distinguish the following cases: resource-load was initiated by
// 1) global crawling: the index is extern, not here (not possible here)
// 2) result of search queries, some indexes are here (not possible here)
// 3) result of index transfer, some of them are here (not possible here)
// 4) proxy-load (initiator is "------------")
// 5) local prefetch/crawling (initiator is own seedHash)
// 6) local fetching for global crawling (other known or unknwon initiator)
int processCase = plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_0_UNKNOWN;
// FIXME the equals seems to be incorrect: String.equals(boolean)
if ((initiator == null) || initiator.length() == 0 || initiator.equals("------------")) {
// proxy-load
processCase = plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD;
} else if (initiator.equals(wordIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash)) {
// normal crawling
processCase = plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_5_LOCAL_CRAWLING;
} else {
// this was done for remote peer (a global crawl)
processCase = plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_6_GLOBAL_CRAWLING;
return processCase;
* decide upon header information if a specific file should be indexed
* this method returns null if the answer is 'YES'!
* if the answer is 'NO' (do not index), it returns a string with the reason
* to reject the crawling demand in clear text
* This function is used by plasmaSwitchboard#processResourceStack
public final String shallIndexCacheForProxy() {
if (profile() == null) {
return "shallIndexCacheForProxy: profile() is null !";
// check profile
if (!profile().indexText() && !profile().indexMedia()) {
return "Indexing_Not_Allowed";
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
if (!profile().crawlingQ()) {
if (url.isPOST()) {
return "Dynamic_(POST)";
if (url.isCGI()) {
return "Dynamic_(CGI)";
// -authorization cases in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// -ranges in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// a picture cannot be indexed
if (plasmaHTCache.noIndexingURL(url)) {
return "Media_Content_(forbidden)";
// -cookies in request
// unfortunately, we cannot index pages which have been requested with a cookie
// because the returned content may be special for the client
if (requestedWithCookie()) {
// System.out.println("***not indexed because cookie");
return "Dynamic_(Requested_With_Cookie)";
if (responseHeader != null) {
// -set-cookie in response
// the set-cookie from the server does not indicate that the content is special
// thus we do not care about it here for indexing
// a picture cannot be indexed
final String mimeType = responseHeader.mime();
if (plasmaHTCache.isPicture(mimeType)) {
return "Media_Content_(Picture)";
if (!plasmaHTCache.isText(mimeType)) {
return "Media_Content_(not_text)";
// -if-modified-since in request
// if the page is fresh at the very moment we can index it
final Date ifModifiedSince = getModificationDate();
if ((ifModifiedSince != null) && (responseHeader.containsKey(httpResponseHeader.LAST_MODIFIED))) {
// parse date
Date d = responseHeader.lastModified();
if (d == null) {
d = new Date(serverDate.correctedUTCTime());
// finally, we shall treat the cache as stale if the modification time is after the if-.. time
if (d.after(ifModifiedSince)) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because if-modified-since");
return "Stale_(Last-Modified>Modified-Since)";
// -pragma in cached response
if (responseHeader.containsKey(httpResponseHeader.PRAGMA) &&
(responseHeader.get(httpResponseHeader.PRAGMA)).toUpperCase().equals("NO-CACHE")) {
return "Denied_(pragma_no_cache)";
// see for documentation also:
// http://www.web-caching.com/cacheability.html
// look for freshnes information
// -expires in cached response
// the expires value gives us a very easy hint when the cache is stale
// sometimes, the expires date is set to the past to prevent that a page is cached
// we use that information to see if we should index it
final Date expires = responseHeader.expires();
if (expires != null && expires.before(new Date(serverDate.correctedUTCTime()))) {
return "Stale_(Expired)";
// -lastModified in cached response
// this information is too weak to use it to prevent indexing
// even if we can apply a TTL heuristic for cache usage
// -cache-control in cached response
// the cache-control has many value options.
String cacheControl = responseHeader.get(httpResponseHeader.CACHE_CONTROL);
if (cacheControl != null) {
cacheControl = cacheControl.trim().toUpperCase();
/* we have the following cases for cache-control:
"public" -- can be indexed
"private", "no-cache", "no-store" -- cannot be indexed
"max-age=<delta-seconds>" -- stale/fresh dependent on date
if (cacheControl.startsWith("PRIVATE") ||
cacheControl.startsWith("NO-CACHE") ||
cacheControl.startsWith("NO-STORE")) {
// easy case
return "Stale_(denied_by_cache-control=" + cacheControl + ")";
// } else if (cacheControl.startsWith("PUBLIC")) {
// // ok, do nothing
} else if (cacheControl.startsWith("MAX-AGE=")) {
// we need also the load date
final Date date = responseHeader.date();
if (date == null) {
return "Stale_(no_date_given_in_response)";
try {
final long ttl = 1000 * Long.parseLong(cacheControl.substring(8)); // milliseconds to live
if (serverDate.correctedUTCTime() - date.getTime() > ttl) {
//System.out.println("***not indexed because cache-control");
return "Stale_(expired_by_cache-control)";
} catch (final Exception e) {
return "Error_(" + e.getMessage() + ")";
return null;
* decide upon header information if a specific file should be indexed
* this method returns null if the answer is 'YES'!
* if the answer is 'NO' (do not index), it returns a string with the reason
* to reject the crawling demand in clear text
* This function is used by plasmaSwitchboard#processResourceStack
public final String shallIndexCacheForCrawler() {
if (profile() == null) {
return "shallIndexCacheForCrawler: profile() is null !";
// check profile
if (!profile().indexText() && !profile().indexMedia()) {
return "Indexing_Not_Allowed";
// -CGI access in request
// CGI access makes the page very individual, and therefore not usable in caches
if (!profile().crawlingQ()) {
if (url().isPOST()) { return "Dynamic_(POST)"; }
if (url().isCGI()) { return "Dynamic_(CGI)"; }
// -authorization cases in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// -ranges in request
// we checked that in shallStoreCache
// a picture cannot be indexed
if (responseHeader != null) {
final String mimeType = responseHeader.mime();
if (plasmaHTCache.isPicture(mimeType)) { return "Media_Content_(Picture)"; }
if (!plasmaHTCache.isText(mimeType)) { return "Media_Content_(not_text)"; }
if (plasmaHTCache.noIndexingURL(url())) { return "Media_Content_(forbidden)"; }
// -if-modified-since in request
// if the page is fresh at the very moment we can index it
// -> this does not apply for the crawler
// -cookies in request
// unfortunately, we cannot index pages which have been requested with a cookie
// because the returned content may be special for the client
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -set-cookie in response
// the set-cookie from the server does not indicate that the content is special
// thus we do not care about it here for indexing
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -pragma in cached response
// -> in the crawler we ignore this
// look for freshnes information
// -expires in cached response
// the expires value gives us a very easy hint when the cache is stale
// sometimes, the expires date is set to the past to prevent that a page is cached
// we use that information to see if we should index it
// -> this does not apply for a crawler
// -lastModified in cached response
// this information is too weak to use it to prevent indexing
// even if we can apply a TTL heuristic for cache usage
// -cache-control in cached response
// the cache-control has many value options.
// -> in the crawler we ignore this
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return "QueueEntry of "+ url.toString() + ", ref="+referrerHash +", initiator="+initiator +", flags="+ flags +", anchor="+ anchorName;
} // class Entry