Michael Peter Christen 765943a4b7 Redesign of crawler identification and robots steering. A non-p2p user
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
2013-08-22 14:23:47 +02:00

508 lines
30 KiB

// Network.java
// -----------------------
// part of YaCy
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// You must compile this file with
// javac -classpath .:../classes Network.java
// if the shell's current path is HTROOT
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ResponseHeader;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MapTools;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsDB;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool;
import net.yacy.peers.PeerActions;
import net.yacy.peers.Protocol;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed;
import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyVersion;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
import net.yacy.server.servletProperties;
public class Network {
private static final String STR_TABLE_LIST = "table_list_";
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader requestHeader, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch switchboard) {
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) switchboard;
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final servletProperties prop = new servletProperties();
prop.put("menu", post == null ? 2 : (post.get("menu", "").equals("embed")) ? 0 : (post.get("menu","").equals("simple")) ? 1 : 2);
if (sb.peers.mySeed() != null) prop.put("menu_newpeer_peerhash", sb.peers.mySeed().hash);
prop.putHTML("page_networkTitle", sb.getConfig("network.unit.description", "unspecified"));
prop.putHTML("page_networkName", sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.NETWORK_NAME, "unspecified"));
final boolean overview = (post == null) || (post.get("page", "0").equals("0"));
final String mySeedType = sb.peers.mySeed().get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN);
final boolean iAmActive = (mySeedType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) || mySeedType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL));
if (overview) {
long accActLinks = sb.peers.countActiveURL();
long accActWords = sb.peers.countActiveRWI();
final long accPassLinks = sb.peers.countPassiveURL();
final long accPassWords = sb.peers.countPassiveRWI();
long accPotLinks = sb.peers.countPotentialURL();
long accPotWords = sb.peers.countPotentialRWI();
int conCount = sb.peers.sizeConnected();
final int disconCount = sb.peers.sizeDisconnected();
int potCount = sb.peers.sizePotential();
// final boolean complete = ((post == null) ? false : post.get("links", "false").equals("true"));
final long otherppm = sb.peers.countActivePPM();
final double otherqpm = sb.peers.countActiveQPM();
long myppm = 0;
double myqph = 0d;
// create own peer info
final Seed seed = sb.peers.mySeed();
if (sb.peers.mySeed() != null){ //our Peer
// update seed info
final long LCount = seed.getLinkCount();
final long ICount = seed.getWordCount();
final long RCount = seed.getLong(Seed.RCOUNT, 0L);
// my-info
prop.putHTML("table_my-name", seed.get(Seed.NAME, "-") );
prop.put("table_my-hash", seed.hash );
prop.put("table_my-ssl", sb.peers.mySeed().getFlagSSLAvailable() ? 1 : 0);
if (sb.peers.mySeed().isVirgin()) {
prop.put("table_my-info", 0);
} else if(sb.peers.mySeed().isJunior()) {
prop.put("table_my-info", 1);
accPotLinks += LCount;
accPotWords += ICount;
} else if(sb.peers.mySeed().isSenior()) {
prop.put("table_my-info", 2);
accActLinks += LCount;
accActWords += ICount;
} else if(sb.peers.mySeed().isPrincipal()) {
prop.put("table_my-info", 3);
accActLinks += LCount;
accActWords += ICount;
prop.put("table_my-acceptcrawl", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl() ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("table_my-dhtreceive", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("table_my-nodestate", seed.getFlagRootNode() ? 1 : 0);
myppm = Switchboard.currentPPM();
myqph = 60d * sb.averageQPM();
prop.put("table_my-version", seed.get(Seed.VERSION, "-"));
prop.put("table_my-utc", seed.get(Seed.UTC, "-"));
prop.put("table_my-uptime", PeerActions.formatInterval(60000 * seed.getLong(Seed.UPTIME, 0)));
prop.putNum("table_my-LCount", LCount);
prop.putNum("table_my-ICount", ICount);
prop.putNum("table_my-RCount", RCount);
prop.putNum("table_my-sI", seed.getLong(Seed.INDEX_OUT, 0L));
prop.putNum("table_my-sU", seed.getLong(Seed.URL_OUT, 0L));
prop.putNum("table_my-rI", seed.getLong(Seed.INDEX_IN, 0L));
prop.putNum("table_my-rU", seed.getLong(Seed.URL_IN, 0L));
prop.putNum("table_my-ppm", myppm);
prop.putNum("table_my-qph", Math.round(100d * myqph) / 100d);
prop.putNum("table_my-qph-publocal", Math.round(6000d * sb.averageQPMPublicLocal()) / 100d);
prop.putNum("table_my-qph-pubremote", Math.round(6000d * sb.averageQPMGlobal()) / 100d);
prop.putNum("table_my-seeds", seed.getLong(Seed.SCOUNT, 0L));
prop.putNum("table_my-connects", seed.getFloat(Seed.CCOUNT, 0F));
prop.put("table_my-url", seed.get(Seed.SEEDLISTURL, ""));
// generating the location string
prop.putHTML("table_my-location", ClientIdentification.generateLocation());
// overall results: Network statistics
if (iAmActive) conCount++; else if (mySeedType.equals(Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR)) potCount++;
final int activeLastMonth = sb.peers.sizeActiveSince(30 * 1440);
final int activeLastWeek = sb.peers.sizeActiveSince(7 * 1440);
final int activeLastDay = sb.peers.sizeActiveSince(1440);
final int activeLastHour = sb.peers.sizeActiveSince(60);
final int activeSwitch =
(activeLastHour <= conCount) ? 0 :
(activeLastDay <= activeLastHour) ? 1 :
(activeLastWeek <= activeLastDay) ? 2 :
(activeLastMonth <= activeLastWeek) ? 3 : 4;
prop.putNum("table_active-switch", activeSwitch);
prop.putNum("table_active-switch_last-month", activeLastMonth);
prop.putNum("table_active-switch_last-week", activeLastWeek);
prop.putNum("table_active-switch_last-day", activeLastDay);
prop.putNum("table_active-switch_last-hour", activeLastHour);
prop.putNum("table_active-count", conCount);
prop.putNum("table_active-links", accActLinks);
prop.putNum("table_active-words", accActWords);
prop.putNum("table_passive-count", disconCount);
prop.putNum("table_passive-links", accPassLinks);
prop.putNum("table_passive-words", accPassWords);
prop.putNum("table_potential-count", potCount);
prop.putNum("table_potential-links", accPotLinks);
prop.putNum("table_potential-words", accPotWords);
prop.putNum("table_all-count", conCount + disconCount + potCount);
prop.putNum("table_all-links", accActLinks + accPassLinks + accPotLinks);
prop.putNum("table_all-words", accActWords + accPassWords + accPotWords);
prop.putNum("table_gppm", otherppm + ((iAmActive) ? myppm : 0));
prop.putNum("table_gqph", Math.round(6000d * otherqpm + 100d * ((iAmActive) ? myqph : 0d)) / 100d);
prop.put("table", 2); // triggers overview
prop.put("page", 0);
} else if (post != null && post.getInt("page", 1) == 4) {
prop.put("table", 4); // triggers overview
prop.put("page", 4);
if (sb.peers.mySeed() != null) {
prop.put("table_my-hash", sb.peers.mySeed().hash );
prop.put("table_my-ip", sb.peers.mySeed().getIP() );
prop.put("table_my-port", sb.peers.mySeed().getPort() );
if (post.containsKey("addPeer")) {
if (!requestHeader.containsKey(RequestHeader.AUTHORIZATION)) {
return prop;
final ConcurrentMap<String, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
map.put(Seed.IP, post.get("peerIP"));
map.put(Seed.PORT, post.get("peerPort"));
Seed peer = new Seed(post.get("peerHash"), map);
final int added = Protocol.hello(sb.peers.mySeed(), sb.peers.peerActions, peer.getPublicAddress(), peer.hash, peer.getName());
if (added <= 0) {
prop.putHTML("table_comment_status","publish: disconnected peer '" + peer.getName() + "/" + post.get("peerHash") + "' from " + peer.getPublicAddress());
} else {
peer = sb.peers.getConnected(peer.hash);
if (peer == null) {
prop.putHTML("table_comment_status","publish: disconnected peer 'UNKNOWN/" + post.get("peerHash") + "' from UNKNOWN");
} else {
prop.putHTML("table_comment_status","publish: handshaked " + peer.get(Seed.PEERTYPE, Seed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) + " peer '" + peer.getName() + "' at " + peer.getPublicAddress());
} else {
} else {
// generate table
final int page = (post == null ? 1 : post.getInt("page", 1));
final int maxCount = (post == null ? 9000 : post.getInt("maxCount", 9000));
int conCount = 0;
if (sb.peers == null) {
prop.put("table", 0);//no remote senior/principal proxies known"
} else {
int size = 0;
switch (page) {
case 1 : size = sb.peers.sizeConnected(); break;
case 2 : size = sb.peers.sizeDisconnected(); break;
case 3 : size = sb.peers.sizePotential(); break;
default: break;
if (size == 0) {
prop.put("table", 0);//no remote senior/principal proxies known"
} else {
// add temporary the own seed to the database
if (iAmActive) {
// find updated Information using YaCyNews
final HashSet<String> updatedProfile = new HashSet<String>();
final HashMap<String, Map<String, String>> updatedWiki = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
final HashMap<String, Map<String, String>> updatedBlog = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
final HashMap<String, String> isCrawling = new HashMap<String, String>();
NewsDB.Record record;
final Iterator<NewsDB.Record> recordIterator = sb.peers.newsPool.recordIterator(NewsPool.INCOMING_DB);
while (recordIterator.hasNext()) {
record = recordIterator.next();
if (record == null) {
} else if (record.category().equals(NewsPool.CATEGORY_PROFILE_UPDATE)) {
} else if (record.category().equals(NewsPool.CATEGORY_WIKI_UPDATE)) {
updatedWiki.put(record.originator(), record.attributes());
} else if (record.category().equals(NewsPool.CATEGORY_BLOG_ADD)) {
updatedBlog.put(record.originator(), record.attributes());
} else if (record.category().equals(NewsPool.CATEGORY_CRAWL_START)) {
isCrawling.put(record.originator(), record.attributes().get("startURL"));
boolean dark = true;
Seed seed;
final boolean complete = (post != null && post.containsKey("ip"));
final boolean onlyIncomingDHT = (post != null && post.containsKey("onlydhtin"));
final boolean onlyNode = (post != null && post.containsKey("onlynode"));
final long onlyAgeOverDays = post == null ? 0 : post.getLong("onlyageoverdays", 0);
final long onlySizeLessDocs = post == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : post.getLong("onlysizelessdocs", Long.MAX_VALUE);
Iterator<Seed> e = null;
final boolean order = (post != null && post.get("order", "down").equals("up"));
final String sort = (post == null ? null : post.get("sort", null));
switch (page) {
case 1 : e = sb.peers.seedsSortedConnected(order, (sort == null ? Seed.LCOUNT : sort)); break;
case 2 : e = sb.peers.seedsSortedDisconnected(order, (sort == null ? Seed.LASTSEEN : sort)); break;
case 3 : e = sb.peers.seedsSortedPotential(order, (sort == null ? Seed.LASTSEEN : sort)); break;
default: break;
String startURL;
Map<String, String> wikiMap;
Map<String, String> blogMap;
String userAgent, location;
int PPM;
double QPM;
Pattern peerSearchPattern = null;
prop.put("regexerror", 0);
prop.put("regexerror_wrongregex", (String)null);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("search")) {
try {
peerSearchPattern = Pattern.compile(post.get("match", ""), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
} catch (final PatternSyntaxException pse){
prop.put("regexerror", 1);
prop.putHTML("regexerror_wrongregex", pse.getPattern());
if (e != null) {
while (e.hasNext() && conCount < maxCount) {
seed = e.next();
assert seed != null;
if (seed != null) {
if (onlyIncomingDHT && !seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) continue;
if (onlyNode && !seed.getFlagRootNode()) continue;
if (seed.getAge() < onlyAgeOverDays) continue;
if (seed.getLinkCount() > onlySizeLessDocs) continue;
if((post != null && post.containsKey("search")) && peerSearchPattern != null /*(wrongregex == null)*/) {
boolean abort = true;
Matcher m = peerSearchPattern.matcher (seed.getName());
if (m.find ()) {
abort = false;
m = peerSearchPattern.matcher (seed.hash);
if (m.find ()) {
abort = false;
if (abort) continue;
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile", 0);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWikiPage", 0);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 0);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling", 0);
if (conCount >= maxCount) { break; }
if (sb.peers != null && sb.peers.mySeed() != null && seed.hash != null && seed.hash.equals(sb.peers.mySeed().hash)) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dark", 2);
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dark", ((dark) ? 1 : 0) ); dark=!dark;
if (updatedProfile.contains(seed.hash)) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile", 1);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile_hash", seed.hash);
if ((wikiMap = updatedWiki.get(seed.hash)) == null) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki", 0);
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki", 1);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki_page", wikiMap.get("page"));
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki_address", seed.getPublicAddress());
if ((blogMap = updatedBlog.get(seed.hash)) == null) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 0);
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 1);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_page", blogMap.get("page"));
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_subject", blogMap.get("subject"));
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_address", seed.getPublicAddress());
PPM = seed.getPPM();
QPM = seed.getQPM();
if (((startURL = isCrawling.get(seed.hash)) != null) && (PPM >= 4)) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling", 1);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling_page", startURL);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_hash", seed.hash);
String shortname = seed.get(Seed.NAME, "deadlink");
if (shortname.length() > 20) {
shortname = shortname.substring(0, 20) + "...";
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_shortname", shortname);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_fullname", seed.get(Seed.NAME, "deadlink"));
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_special", (seed.getFlagRootNode() && !seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_ssl", (seed.getFlagSSLAvailable()) ? 1 : 0);
userAgent = null;
if (seed.hash != null && seed.hash.equals(sb.peers.mySeed().hash)) {
userAgent = ClientIdentification.yacyInternetCrawlerAgent.userAgent;
location = ClientIdentification.generateLocation();
} else {
userAgent = sb.peers.peerActions.getUserAgent(seed.getIP());
location = ClientIdentification.parseLocationInUserAgent(userAgent);
if (location.length() > 10) location = location.substring(0, 10);
if (location.length() == 0) {
Locale l = Domains.getLocale(seed.getIP());
if (l != null) location = l.toString();
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_location", location);
if (complete) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete", 1);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_ip", seed.getIP() );
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_port", seed.get(Seed.PORT, "-") );
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_hash", seed.hash);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_age", seed.getAge());
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_seeds", seed.getLong(Seed.SCOUNT, 0L));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_connects", seed.getFloat(Seed.CCOUNT, 0F));
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_userAgent", userAgent);
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete", 0);
if (seed.isJunior()) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 0);
} else if(seed.isSenior()){
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 1);
} else if(seed.isPrincipal()) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 2);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_url", seed.get(Seed.SEEDLISTURL, "http://nowhere/"));
final long lastseen = Math.abs((System.currentTimeMillis() - seed.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60);
if (page == 1 && lastseen > 720) {
if (page == 2 || (page == 1 && lastseen > 360)) { // Passive Peers should be passive, also Peers without contact greater than 6 hours
// principal/senior/junior: red/red=offline
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_direct", 2);
} else {
// principal/senior: green/green=direct or yellow/yellow=passive
// junior: red/green=direct or red/yellow=passive
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_direct", seed.getFlagDirectConnect() ? 1 : 0);
if (page == 1) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl() ? 1 : 0); // green=on or red=off
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() ? 1 : 0); // green=on or red=off
} else { // Passive, Potential Peers
if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl()) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", 2); // red/green: offline, was on
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", 0); // red/red; offline was off
if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", 2); // red/green: offline, was on
} else {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", 0); // red/red; offline was off
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_nodestate", seed.getFlagRootNode() ? 1 : 0);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_nodestate_ip", seed.getIP() );
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_nodestate_port", seed.get(Seed.PORT, "-") );
if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) {
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive_peertags", "");
} else {
final String peertags = MapTools.set2string(seed.getPeerTags(), ",", false);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive_peertags", ((peertags == null) || (peertags.isEmpty())) ? "no tags given" : ("tags = " + peertags));
String[] yv = yacyVersion.combined2prettyVersion(seed.get(Seed.VERSION, "0.1"), shortname);
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_version", yv[0] + "/" + yv[1]);
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_lastSeen", /*seed.getLastSeenString() + " " +*/ lastseen);
prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_utc", seed.get(Seed.UTC, "-"));
prop.putHTML(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_uptime", PeerActions.formatInterval(60000 * seed.getLong(Seed.UPTIME, 0)));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_LCount", seed.getLinkCount());
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_ICount", seed.getWordCount());
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_RCount", seed.getLong(Seed.RCOUNT, 0));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_sI", seed.getLong(Seed.INDEX_OUT, 0));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_sU", seed.getLong(Seed.URL_OUT, 0));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rI", seed.getLong(Seed.INDEX_IN, 0));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rU", seed.getLong(Seed.URL_IN, 0));
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_ppm", PPM);
prop.putNum(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_qph", Math.round(6000d * QPM) / 100d);
} // seed != null
} // while
if (iAmActive) { sb.peers.removeMySeed(); }
prop.put("table_list", conCount);
prop.put("table", 1);
prop.putNum("table_num", conCount);
prop.putNum("table_total", ((page == 1) && (iAmActive)) ? (size + 1) : size );
prop.put("table_complete", ((complete)? 1 : 0) );
prop.put("page", page);
prop.put("table_page", page);
prop.putHTML("table_searchpattern", (post == null ? "" : post.get("match", "")));
switch (page) {
case 1 : prop.putHTML("table_peertype", "senior/principal"); break;
case 2 : prop.putHTML("table_peertype", "senior/principal"); break;
case 3 : prop.putHTML("table_peertype", Seed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR); break;
default: break;
prop.putNum("table_rt", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
// Adding CORS Access header for Network.xml
final String path = requestHeader.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_PATH);
if(path != null && path.endsWith(".xml")) {
final ResponseHeader outgoingHeader = new ResponseHeader(200);
outgoingHeader.put(HeaderFramework.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*");
// return rewrite properties
return prop;