orbiter dc26d6262b - removed write buffer from kelondroCache (was never used because buggy; will now be replaced by new EcoBuffer)
- added new data structure 'eco' for an index file that should use only 50% of write-IO compared to kelondroFlex
The new eco index is not used yet, but already successfully tested with the collectionIndex
The main purpose is to replace the kelondroFlex at every point when enough RAM is available.
Othervise, the kelondroFlex stays as option in case of low memory (which then can even use a file-index)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4337 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-01-17 12:12:52 +00:00

846 lines
36 KiB

// kelondroRowCollection.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 12.01.2006 on http://www.anomic.de
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
public class kelondroRowCollection {
public static final double growfactor = 1.4;
private static final int isortlimit = 20;
protected byte[] chunkcache;
protected int chunkcount;
protected long lastTimeRead, lastTimeWrote;
protected kelondroRow rowdef;
protected int sortBound;
private static final int exp_chunkcount = 0;
private static final int exp_last_read = 1;
private static final int exp_last_wrote = 2;
private static final int exp_order_type = 3;
private static final int exp_order_col = 4;
private static final int exp_order_bound = 5;
private static final int exp_collection = 6;
private static int processors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRowCollection rc) {
this.rowdef = rc.rowdef;
this.chunkcache = rc.chunkcache;
this.chunkcount = rc.chunkcount;
this.sortBound = rc.sortBound;
this.lastTimeRead = rc.lastTimeRead;
this.lastTimeWrote = rc.lastTimeWrote;
public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, int objectCount) {
this.rowdef = rowdef;
this.chunkcache = new byte[objectCount * rowdef.objectsize];
this.chunkcount = 0;
this.sortBound = 0;
this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, int objectCount, byte[] cache, int sortBound) {
this.rowdef = rowdef;
this.chunkcache = cache;
this.chunkcount = objectCount;
this.sortBound = sortBound;
this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
public kelondroRowCollection(kelondroRow rowdef, kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, int columnInEnvironment) {
this.rowdef = rowdef;
int chunkcachelength = exportedCollectionRowEnvironment.cellwidth(columnInEnvironment) - exportOverheadSize;
kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollection = exportRow(chunkcachelength).newEntry(exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, columnInEnvironment);
this.chunkcount = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_chunkcount);
//assert (this.chunkcount <= chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize) : "chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize;
if ((this.chunkcount > chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize)) {
serverLog.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong chunkcount; chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcachelength = " + chunkcachelength + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize);
this.chunkcount = chunkcachelength / rowdef.objectsize; // patch problem
this.lastTimeRead = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_read) + 10957) * day;
this.lastTimeWrote = (exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_last_wrote) + 10957) * day;
String sortOrderKey = exportedCollection.getColString(exp_order_type, null);
kelondroByteOrder oldOrder = null;
if ((sortOrderKey == null) || (sortOrderKey.equals("__"))) {
oldOrder = null;
} else {
oldOrder = kelondroNaturalOrder.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
if (oldOrder == null) oldOrder = kelondroBase64Order.bySignature(sortOrderKey);
if ((rowdef.objectOrder != null) && (oldOrder != null) && (!(rowdef.objectOrder.signature().equals(oldOrder.signature()))))
throw new kelondroException("old collection order does not match with new order; objectOrder.signature = " + rowdef.objectOrder.signature() + ", oldOrder.signature = " + oldOrder.signature());
if (rowdef.primaryKeyIndex != (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_col))
throw new kelondroException("old collection primary key does not match with new primary key");
this.sortBound = (int) exportedCollection.getColLong(exp_order_bound);
//assert (sortBound <= chunkcount) : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
if (sortBound > chunkcount) {
serverLog.logWarning("RowCollection", "corrected wrong sortBound; sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount);
this.sortBound = chunkcount;
this.chunkcache = exportedCollection.getColBytes(exp_collection);
public void reset() {
this.chunkcache = new byte[0];
this.chunkcount = 0;
this.sortBound = 0;
private static final kelondroRow exportMeasureRow = exportRow(0 /* no relevance */);
protected static final int sizeOfExportedCollectionRows(kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, int columnInEnvironment) {
kelondroRow.Entry exportedCollectionEntry = exportMeasureRow.newEntry(exportedCollectionRowEnvironment, columnInEnvironment);
int chunkcount = (int) exportedCollectionEntry.getColLong(exp_chunkcount);
return chunkcount;
private static final long day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
public static int daysSince2000(long time) {
return (int) (time / day) - 10957;
private static kelondroRow exportRow(int chunkcachelength) {
// find out the size of this collection
return new kelondroRow(
"int size-4 {b256}," +
"short lastread-2 {b256}," + // as daysSince2000
"short lastwrote-2 {b256}," + // as daysSince2000
"byte[] orderkey-2," +
"short ordercol-2 {b256}," +
"short orderbound-2 {b256}," +
"byte[] collection-" + chunkcachelength,
kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, 0
public static final int exportOverheadSize = 14;
public synchronized byte[] exportCollection() {
// returns null if the collection is empty
kelondroRow row = exportRow(chunkcache.length);
kelondroRow.Entry entry = row.newEntry();
assert (sortBound <= chunkcount) : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert (this.chunkcount <= chunkcache.length / rowdef.objectsize) : "chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length + ", rowdef.objectsize = " + rowdef.objectsize;
entry.setCol(exp_chunkcount, this.chunkcount);
entry.setCol(exp_last_read, daysSince2000(this.lastTimeRead));
entry.setCol(exp_last_wrote, daysSince2000(this.lastTimeWrote));
entry.setCol(exp_order_type, (this.rowdef.objectOrder == null) ? "__".getBytes() :this.rowdef.objectOrder.signature().getBytes());
entry.setCol(exp_order_col, this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex);
entry.setCol(exp_order_bound, this.sortBound);
entry.setCol(exp_collection, this.chunkcache);
return entry.bytes();
public void saveCollection(File file) throws IOException {
serverFileUtils.write(exportCollection(), file);
public kelondroRow row() {
return this.rowdef;
private final void ensureSize(int elements) {
int needed = elements * rowdef.objectsize;
if (chunkcache.length >= needed) return;
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[(int) (needed * growfactor)]; // increase space
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, chunkcache.length);
chunkcache = newChunkcache;
newChunkcache = null;
public final long memoryNeededForGrow() {
return (long) ((((long) (chunkcount + 1)) * ((long) rowdef.objectsize)) * growfactor);
public synchronized void trim(boolean plusGrowFactor) {
if (chunkcache.length == 0) return;
int needed = chunkcount * rowdef.objectsize;
if (plusGrowFactor) needed = (int) (needed * growfactor);
if (needed >= chunkcache.length)
return; // in case that the growfactor causes that the cache would
// grow instead of shrink, simply ignore the growfactor
if (serverMemory.available() + 1000 < needed)
return; // if the swap buffer is not available, we must give up.
// This is not critical. Othervise we provoke a serious
// problem with OOM
byte[] newChunkcache = new byte[needed];
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, 0, newChunkcache, 0, Math.min(
chunkcache.length, newChunkcache.length));
chunkcache = newChunkcache;
newChunkcache = null;
public final long lastRead() {
return lastTimeRead;
public final long lastWrote() {
return lastTimeWrote;
public synchronized final byte[] getKey(int index) {
assert (index >= 0) : "get: access with index " + index + " is below zero";
assert (index < chunkcount) : "get: access with index " + index + " is above chunkcount " + chunkcount + "; sortBound = " + sortBound;
assert (index * rowdef.objectsize < chunkcache.length);
if ((chunkcache == null) || (rowdef == null)) return null; // case may appear during shutdown
if (index >= chunkcount) return null;
if (index * rowdef.objectsize >= chunkcache.length) return null;
this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] b = new byte[this.rowdef.width(0)];
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, index * rowdef.objectsize, b, 0, b.length);
return b;
public synchronized final kelondroRow.Entry get(int index) {
assert (index >= 0) : "get: access with index " + index + " is below zero";
assert (index < chunkcount) : "get: access with index " + index + " is above chunkcount " + chunkcount + "; sortBound = " + sortBound;
assert (index * rowdef.objectsize < chunkcache.length);
if ((chunkcache == null) || (rowdef == null)) return null; // case may appear during shutdown
if (index >= chunkcount) return null;
if (index * rowdef.objectsize >= chunkcache.length) return null;
this.lastTimeRead = System.currentTimeMillis();
return rowdef.newEntry(chunkcache, index * rowdef.objectsize, true);
public synchronized final void set(int index, kelondroRow.Entry a) {
assert (index >= 0) : "set: access with index " + index + " is below zero";
ensureSize(index + 1);
a.writeToArray(chunkcache, index * rowdef.objectsize);
if (index >= chunkcount) chunkcount = index + 1;
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
public final void insertUnique(int index, kelondroRow.Entry a) {
assert (a != null);
if (index < chunkcount) {
// make room
ensureSize(chunkcount + 1);
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize * index, chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize * (index + 1), (chunkcount - index) * rowdef.objectsize);
// insert entry into gap
set(index, a);
public synchronized void addUnique(kelondroRow.Entry row) {
byte[] r = row.bytes();
addUnique(r, 0, r.length);
public synchronized void addUniqueMultiple(List<kelondroRow.Entry> rows) {
assert this.sortBound == 0 : "sortBound = " + this.sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + this.chunkcount;
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = rows.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) addUnique(i.next());
public synchronized void add(byte[] a) {
addUnique(a, 0, a.length);
private final void addUnique(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
assert (a != null);
assert (astart >= 0) && (astart < a.length) : " astart = " + a;
assert (!(serverLog.allZero(a, astart, alength))) : "a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength);
assert (alength > 0);
assert (astart + alength <= a.length);
if (bugappearance(a, astart, alength)) {
System.out.println("*** DEBUG: patched wrong a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength));
return; // TODO: this is temporary; remote peers may still submit bad entries
assert (!(bugappearance(a, astart, alength))) : "a = " + serverLog.arrayList(a, astart, alength);
int l = Math.min(rowdef.objectsize, Math.min(alength, a.length - astart));
ensureSize(chunkcount + 1);
System.arraycopy(a, astart, chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize * chunkcount, l);
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
private static boolean bugappearance(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
// check strange appearances of '@[B', which is not a b64-value or any other hash fragment
if (astart + 3 > alength) return false;
loop: for (int i = astart; i <= alength - 3; i++) {
if (a[i ] != 64) continue loop;
if (a[i + 1] != 91) continue loop;
if (a[i + 2] != 66) continue loop;
return true;
return false;
public synchronized final void addAllUnique(kelondroRowCollection c) {
if (c == null) return;
assert(rowdef.objectsize == c.rowdef.objectsize);
ensureSize(chunkcount + c.size());
System.arraycopy(c.chunkcache, 0, chunkcache, rowdef.objectsize * chunkcount, rowdef.objectsize * c.size());
chunkcount += c.size();
* This method removes the entry at position p ensuring the order of the remaining
* entries if specified by keepOrder.
* Note: Keeping the order is expensive. If you want to remove more than one element in
* a batch with this method, it'd be better to do the removes without order keeping and doing
* the sort after all the removes are done.
* @param p element at this position will be removed
* @param keepOrder keep the order of remaining entries
protected synchronized final void removeRow(int p, boolean keepOrder) {
assert p >= 0 : "p = " + p;
assert p < chunkcount : "p = " + p + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert chunkcount > 0 : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert sortBound <= chunkcount : "sortBound = " + sortBound + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
if (keepOrder && (p < sortBound)) {
// remove by shift (quite expensive for big collections)
chunkcache, (p + 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize,
chunkcache, p * this.rowdef.objectsize,
(chunkcount - p - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize);
} else {
// remove by copying the top-element to the remove position
if (p != chunkcount - 1) {
chunkcache, (chunkcount - 1) * this.rowdef.objectsize,
chunkcache, p * this.rowdef.objectsize,
// we moved the last element to the remove position: (p+1)st element
// only the first p elements keep their order (element p is already outside the order)
if (sortBound >= p) sortBound = p;
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
public synchronized kelondroRow.Entry removeOne() {
// removes the last entry from the collection
if (chunkcount == 0) return null;
kelondroRow.Entry r = get(chunkcount - 1);
if (chunkcount == sortBound) sortBound--;
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
return r;
public synchronized void clear() {
if (this.chunkcache.length == 0) return;
this.chunkcache = new byte[0];
this.chunkcount = 0;
this.sortBound = 0;
this.lastTimeWrote = System.currentTimeMillis();
public int size() {
return chunkcount;
public synchronized Iterator<byte[]> keys() {
// iterates byte[] - type entries
return new keyIterator();
* Iterator for kelondroRowCollection.
* It supports remove() though it doesn't contain the order of the underlying
* collection during removes.
public class keyIterator implements Iterator<byte[]> {
private int p;
public keyIterator() {
p = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return p < chunkcount;
public byte[] next() {
return getKey(p++);
public void remove() {
removeRow(p, false);
public synchronized Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> rows() {
// iterates kelondroRow.Entry - type entries
return new rowIterator();
* Iterator for kelondroRowCollection.
* It supports remove() though it doesn't contain the order of the underlying
* collection during removes.
public class rowIterator implements Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> {
private int p;
public rowIterator() {
p = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return p < chunkcount;
public kelondroRow.Entry next() {
return get(p++);
public void remove() {
removeRow(p, false);
public synchronized void select(Set<String> keys) {
// removes all entries but the ones given by urlselection
if ((keys == null) || (keys.size() == 0)) return;
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = rows();
kelondroRow.Entry row;
while (i.hasNext()) {
row = (kelondroRow.Entry) i.next();
if (!(keys.contains(row.getColString(0, null)))) i.remove();
public synchronized final void sort() {
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
if (this.sortBound == this.chunkcount) return; // this is already sorted
if (this.chunkcount < isortlimit) {
isort(0, this.chunkcount, new byte[this.rowdef.objectsize]);
this.sortBound = this.chunkcount;
assert this.isSorted();
byte[] swapspace = new byte[this.rowdef.objectsize];
int p = partition(0, this.chunkcount, this.sortBound, swapspace);
if ((processors > 1) && (this.chunkcount >= 10000)) {
// sort this using multi-threading; use one second thread
qsortthread qs = new qsortthread(0, p, 0);
qsort(p, this.chunkcount, 0, swapspace);
try {qs.join();} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
} else {
qsort(0, p, 0, swapspace);
qsort(p, this.chunkcount, 0, swapspace);
this.sortBound = this.chunkcount;
//assert this.isSorted();
private class qsortthread extends Thread {
private int sl, sr, sb;
public qsortthread(int L, int R, int S) {
this.sl = L;
this.sr = R;
this.sb = S;
public void run() {
qsort(sl, sr, sb, new byte[rowdef.objectsize]);
private final void qsort(int L, int R, int S, byte[] swapspace) {
if (R - L < isortlimit) {
isort(L, R, swapspace);
int p = partition(L, R, S, swapspace);
qsort(L, p, 0, swapspace);
qsort(p, R, 0, swapspace);
private final int partition(int L, int R, int S, byte[] swapspace) {
// returns {partition-point, new-S}
assert (L < R - 1);
assert (R - L >= isortlimit);
int p = L;
int q = R - 1;
int pivot = (L + R - 1) / 2;
int oldpivot = -1;
byte[] compiledPivot = null;
if (this.rowdef.objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order) {
while (p <= q) {
// wenn pivot < S: pivot befindet sich in sortierter Sequenz von L bis S - 1
// d.h. alle Werte von L bis pivot sind kleiner als das pivot
// zu finden ist ein minimales p <= q so dass chunk[p] >= pivot
if (oldpivot != pivot) {
compiledPivot = compilePivot(pivot);
oldpivot = pivot;
if ((pivot < S) && (p < pivot)) {
//System.out.println("+++ saved " + (pivot - p) + " comparisments");
p = pivot;
S = 0;
} else {
while (comparePivot(compiledPivot, p) == 1) p++; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
// nun gilt chunkAt[p] >= pivot
while (comparePivot(compiledPivot, q) == -1) q--; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if (p <= q) {
oldpivot = pivot;
pivot = swap(p, q, pivot, swapspace);
} else {
while (p <= q) {
if ((pivot < S) && (p < pivot)) {
p = pivot;
S = 0;
} else {
while (compare(pivot, p) == 1) p++; // chunkAt[p] < pivot
while (compare(pivot, q) == -1) q--; // chunkAt[q] > pivot
if (p <= q) {
pivot = swap(p, q, pivot, swapspace);
return p;
private final void isort(int L, int R, byte[] swapspace) {
for (int i = L + 1; i < R; i++)
for (int j = i; j > L && compare(j - 1, j) > 0; j--)
swap(j, j - 1, 0, swapspace);
private final int swap(int i, int j, int p, byte[] swapspace) {
if (i == j) return p;
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize * i, swapspace, 0, this.rowdef.objectsize);
System.arraycopy(chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize * j, chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize * i, this.rowdef.objectsize);
System.arraycopy(swapspace, 0, chunkcache, this.rowdef.objectsize * j, this.rowdef.objectsize);
if (i == p) return j; else if (j == p) return i; else return p;
public synchronized void uniq() {
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
// removes double-occurrences of chunks
// this works only if the collection was ordered with sort before
// if the collection is large and the number of deletions is also large,
// then this method may run a long time with 100% CPU load which is caused
// by the large number of memory movements.
if (chunkcount < 2) return;
int i = chunkcount - 2;
long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); // for time-out
int d = 0;
boolean u = true;
try {
while (i >= 0) {
if (compare(i, i + 1) == 0) {
removeRow(i, false);
if (i < chunkcount - 2) u = false;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - t > 10000) {
throw new RuntimeException("uniq() time-out at " + i + " (backwards) from " + chunkcount + " elements after " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " milliseconds; " + d + " deletions so far");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
serverLog.logWarning("kelondroRowCollection", e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (!u) this.sort();
public synchronized boolean isSorted() {
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
if (chunkcount <= 1) return true;
if (chunkcount != this.sortBound) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < chunkcount - 1; i++) {
//System.out.println("*" + new String(get(i).getColBytes(0)));
if (compare(i, i + 1) > 0) {
System.out.println("?" + new String(get(i+1).getColBytes(0)));
return false;
return true;
public synchronized String toString() {
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = rows();
if (i.hasNext()) s.append(i.next().toString());
while (i.hasNext()) s.append(", " + ((kelondroRow.Entry) i.next()).toString());
return new String(s);
private final int compare(int i, int j) {
assert (chunkcount * this.rowdef.objectsize <= chunkcache.length) : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount + ", objsize = " + this.rowdef.objectsize + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length;
assert (i >= 0) && (i < chunkcount) : "i = " + i + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert (j >= 0) && (j < chunkcount) : "j = " + j + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
if (i == j) return 0;
assert (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex;
int colstart = (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : this.rowdef.colstart[this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex];
assert (!bugappearance(chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart, this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength));
assert (!bugappearance(chunkcache, j * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart, this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength));
int c = this.rowdef.objectOrder.compare(
i * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart,
j * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart,
return c;
protected final byte[] compilePivot(int i) {
assert (i >= 0) && (i < chunkcount) : "i = " + i + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order);
assert (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex;
int colstart = (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : this.rowdef.colstart[this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex];
assert (!bugappearance(chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart, this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength));
return ((kelondroBase64Order) this.rowdef.objectOrder).compilePivot(chunkcache, i * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart, this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength);
protected final byte[] compilePivot(byte[] a, int astart, int alength) {
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order);
assert (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex;
return ((kelondroBase64Order) this.rowdef.objectOrder).compilePivot(a, astart, alength);
protected final int comparePivot(byte[] compiledPivot, int j) {
assert (chunkcount * this.rowdef.objectsize <= chunkcache.length) : "chunkcount = " + chunkcount + ", objsize = " + this.rowdef.objectsize + ", chunkcache.length = " + chunkcache.length;
assert (j >= 0) && (j < chunkcount) : "j = " + j + ", chunkcount = " + chunkcount;
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder != null);
assert (this.rowdef.objectOrder instanceof kelondroBase64Order);
assert (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex == 0) : "this.sortColumn = " + this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex;
int colstart = (this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : this.rowdef.colstart[this.rowdef.primaryKeyIndex];
assert (!bugappearance(chunkcache, j * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart, this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength));
int c = ((kelondroBase64Order) this.rowdef.objectOrder).comparePivot(
j * this.rowdef.objectsize + colstart,
return c;
protected synchronized int compare(byte[] a, int astart, int alength, int chunknumber) {
assert (chunknumber < chunkcount);
int l = Math.min(this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, Math.min(a.length - astart, alength));
return rowdef.objectOrder.compare(a, astart, l, chunkcache, chunknumber * this.rowdef.objectsize + ((rowdef.primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : this.rowdef.colstart[rowdef.primaryKeyIndex]), this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength);
protected synchronized boolean match(byte[] a, int astart, int alength, int chunknumber) {
if (chunknumber >= chunkcount) return false;
int i = 0;
int p = chunknumber * this.rowdef.objectsize + ((rowdef.primaryKeyIndex < 0) ? 0 : this.rowdef.colstart[rowdef.primaryKeyIndex]);
final int len = Math.min(this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, Math.min(alength, a.length - astart));
while (i < len) if (a[astart + i++] != chunkcache[p++]) return false;
return ((len == this.rowdef.primaryKeyLength) || (chunkcache[len] == 0)) ;
public synchronized void close() {
chunkcache = null;
private static long d(long a, long b) {
if (b == 0) return a; else return a / b;
private static Random random;
private static String randomHash() {
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(random.nextLong(), 4) +
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(random.nextLong(), 4) +
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(random.nextLong(), 4);
public static void test(int testsize) {
kelondroRow r = new kelondroRow(new kelondroColumn[]{
new kelondroColumn("hash", kelondroColumn.celltype_string, kelondroColumn.encoder_bytes, yacySeedDB.commonHashLength, "hash")},
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder, 0);
kelondroRowCollection a = new kelondroRowCollection(r, testsize);
System.out.println("kelondroRowCollection test with size = " + testsize);
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
random = new Random(0);
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) a.add(randomHash().getBytes());
random = new Random(0);
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) a.add(randomHash().getBytes());
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("create a : " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t1 - t0)) + " entries/millisecond; a.size() = " + a.size());
kelondroRowCollection c = new kelondroRowCollection(r, testsize);
random = new Random(0);
t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("create c : " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t1 - t0)) + " entries/millisecond");
kelondroRowCollection d = new kelondroRowCollection(r, testsize);
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("copy c -> d: " + (t2 - t1) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t2 - t1)) + " entries/millisecond");
processors = 1;
long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("sort c (1) : " + (t3 - t2) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t3 - t2)) + " entries/millisecond");
processors = 2;
long t4 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("sort d (2) : " + (t4 - t3) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t4 - t3)) + " entries/millisecond");
long t5 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("uniq c : " + (t5 - t4) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t5 - t4)) + " entries/millisecond");
long t6 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("uniq d : " + (t6 - t5) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t6 - t5)) + " entries/millisecond");
random = new Random(0);
kelondroRowSet e = new kelondroRowSet(r, testsize);
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
long t7 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("create e : " + (t7 - t6) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t7 - t6)) + " entries/millisecond");
long t8 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("sort e (2) : " + (t8 - t7) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t8 - t7)) + " entries/millisecond");
long t9 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("uniq e : " + (t9 - t8) + " milliseconds, " + d(testsize, (t9 - t8)) + " entries/millisecond");
boolean cis = c.isSorted();
long t10 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("c isSorted = " + ((cis) ? "true" : "false") + ": " + (t10 - t9) + " milliseconds");
boolean dis = d.isSorted();
long t11 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("d isSorted = " + ((dis) ? "true" : "false") + ": " + (t11 - t10) + " milliseconds");
boolean eis = e.isSorted();
long t12 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("e isSorted = " + ((eis) ? "true" : "false") + ": " + (t12 - t11) + " milliseconds");
random = new Random(0);
boolean allfound = true;
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
if (e.get(randomHash().getBytes()) == null) {
allfound = false;
long t13 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("e allfound = " + ((allfound) ? "true" : "false") + ": " + (t13 - t12) + " milliseconds");
boolean noghosts = true;
for (int i = 0; i < testsize; i++) {
if (e.get(randomHash().getBytes()) != null) {
noghosts = false;
long t14 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("e noghosts = " + ((noghosts) ? "true" : "false") + ": " + (t14 - t13) + " milliseconds");
System.out.println("Result size: c = " + c.size() + ", d = " + d.size() + ", e = " + e.size());
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new java.util.Date(10957 * day));
System.out.println(new java.util.Date(0));
kelondroRowCollection test with size = 10000
create c : 134 milliseconds, 74 entries/millisecond
copy c -> d: 47 milliseconds, 212 entries/millisecond
sort c (1) : 66 milliseconds, 151 entries/millisecond
sort d (2) : 23 milliseconds, 434 entries/millisecond
uniq c : 3 milliseconds, 3333 entries/millisecond
uniq d : 2 milliseconds, 5000 entries/millisecond
create e : 528 milliseconds, 18 entries/millisecond
sort e (2) : 13 milliseconds, 769 entries/millisecond
uniq e : 2 milliseconds, 5000 entries/millisecond
c isSorted = true: 2 milliseconds
d isSorted = true: 3 milliseconds
e isSorted = true: 2 milliseconds
e allfound = true: 85 milliseconds
e noghosts = true: 75 milliseconds
Result size: c = 10000, d = 10000, e = 10000
kelondroRowCollection test with size = 100000
create c : 589 milliseconds, 169 entries/millisecond
copy c -> d: 141 milliseconds, 709 entries/millisecond
sort c (1) : 268 milliseconds, 373 entries/millisecond
sort d (2) : 187 milliseconds, 534 entries/millisecond
uniq c : 13 milliseconds, 7692 entries/millisecond
uniq d : 14 milliseconds, 7142 entries/millisecond
create e : 22068 milliseconds, 4 entries/millisecond
sort e (2) : 167 milliseconds, 598 entries/millisecond
uniq e : 14 milliseconds, 7142 entries/millisecond
c isSorted = true: 13 milliseconds
d isSorted = true: 14 milliseconds
e isSorted = true: 13 milliseconds
e allfound = true: 815 milliseconds
e noghosts = true: 787 milliseconds
Result size: c = 100000, d = 100000, e = 100000