orbiter daf0f74361 joined anomic.net.URL, plasmaURL and url hash computation:
search profiling showed, that a major amount of time is wasted by computing url hashes. The computation does an intranet-check, which needs a DNS lookup. This caused that each urlhash computation needed 100-200 milliseconds, which caused remote searches to delay at least 1 second more that necessary. The solution to this problem is to attach a URL hash to the URL data structure, because that means that the url hash value can be filled after retrieval of the URL from the database. The redesign of the url/urlhash management caused a major redesign of many parts of the software. Since some parts had been decided to be given up they had been removed during this change to avoid unnecessary maintenance of unused code.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4074 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2007-09-05 09:01:35 +00:00

1060 lines
52 KiB

package de.anomic.kelondro;
// a collectionIndex is an index to kelondroRowCollection objects
// such a collection ist defined by the following parameters
// - chunksize
// - chunkcount
// each of such a collection is stored in a byte[] which may or may not have space for more chunks
// than already exists in such an array. To store these arrays, we reserve entries in kelondroArray
// database files. There will be a set of array files for different sizes of the collection arrays.
// the 1st file has space for <loadfactor> chunks, the 2nd file for <loadfactor> * <loadfactor> chunks,
// the 3rd file for <loadfactor>^^3 chunks, and the n-th file for <loadfactor>^^n chunks.
// if the loadfactor is 4, then we have the following capacities:
// file 0: 4
// file 1: 16
// file 2: 64
// file 3: 256
// file 4: 1024
// file 5: 4096
// file 6:16384
// file 7:65536
// the maximum number of such files is called the partitions number.
// we don't want that these files grow too big, an kelondroOutOfLimitsException is throws if they
// are oversized.
// the collection arrays may be migration to another size during run-time, which means that not only the
// partitions as mentioned above are maintained, but also a set of "shadow-partitions", that represent old
// partitions and where data is read only and slowly migrated to the default partitions.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import de.anomic.index.indexContainer;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
private static final int serialNumber = 0;
private kelondroIndex index;
private int keylength;
private File path;
private String filenameStub;
private File commonsPath;
private int loadfactor;
private Map arrays; // Map of (partitionNumber"-"chunksize)/kelondroFixedWidthArray - Objects
private kelondroRow payloadrow; // definition of the payload (chunks inside the collections)
private int maxPartitions; // this is the maxmimum number of array files; yet not used
private static final int idx_col_key = 0; // the index
private static final int idx_col_chunksize = 1; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option)
private static final int idx_col_chunkcount = 2; // chunkcount (number of chunks in this collection)
private static final int idx_col_clusteridx = 3; // selector for right cluster file, must be >= arrayIndex(chunkcount)
private static final int idx_col_flags = 4; // flags (for future use)
private static final int idx_col_indexpos = 5; // indexpos (position in array file)
private static final int idx_col_lastread = 6; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_lastwrote = 7; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static kelondroRow indexRow(int keylength, kelondroOrder payloadOrder) {
return new kelondroRow(
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"int chunksize-4 {b256}," +
"int chunkcount-4 {b256}," +
"byte clusteridx-1 {b256}," +
"byte flags-1 {b256}," +
"int indexpos-4 {b256}," +
"short lastread-2 {b256}, " +
"short lastwrote-2 {b256}",
payloadOrder, 0
public kelondroRow payloadRow() {
return this.payloadrow;
private static String fillZ(String s, int len) {
while (s.length() < len) s = "0" + s;
return s;
private static File arrayFile(File path, String filenameStub, int loadfactor, int chunksize, int partitionNumber, int serialNumber) {
String lf = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(loadfactor).toUpperCase(), 2);
String cs = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(chunksize).toUpperCase(), 4);
String pn = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(partitionNumber).toUpperCase(), 2);
String sn = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(serialNumber).toUpperCase(), 2);
return new File(path, filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + "." + pn + "." + sn + ".kca"); // kelondro collection array
private static File propertyFile(File path, String filenameStub, int loadfactor, int chunksize) {
String lf = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(loadfactor).toUpperCase(), 2);
String cs = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(chunksize).toUpperCase(), 4);
return new File(path, filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + ".properties");
public kelondroCollectionIndex(File path, String filenameStub, int keyLength, kelondroOrder indexOrder,
long preloadTime, int loadfactor, int maxpartitions, kelondroRow rowdef) throws IOException {
// the buffersize is number of bytes that are only used if the kelondroFlexTable is backed up with a kelondroTree
this.path = path;
this.filenameStub = filenameStub;
this.keylength = keyLength;
this.payloadrow = rowdef;
this.loadfactor = loadfactor;
this.maxPartitions = maxpartitions;
this.commonsPath = new File(path, filenameStub + "." + fillZ(Integer.toHexString(rowdef.objectsize).toUpperCase(), 4) + ".commons");
boolean ramIndexGeneration = false;
boolean fileIndexGeneration = !(new File(path, filenameStub + ".index").exists());
if (ramIndexGeneration) index = new kelondroRowSet(indexRow(keyLength, indexOrder), 0);
if (fileIndexGeneration) index = new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", preloadTime, indexRow(keyLength, indexOrder), true);
// open array files
this.arrays = new HashMap(); // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
if (((fileIndexGeneration) || (ramIndexGeneration))) {
openAllArrayFiles(((fileIndexGeneration) || (ramIndexGeneration)), indexOrder);
// open/create index table
if (index == null) index = openIndexFile(path, filenameStub, indexOrder, preloadTime, loadfactor, rowdef);
private void openAllArrayFiles(boolean indexGeneration, kelondroOrder indexOrder) throws IOException {
String[] list = this.path.list();
kelondroFixedWidthArray array;
kelondroRow irow = indexRow(keylength, indexOrder);
int t = kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (list[i].endsWith(".kca")) {
// open array
int pos = list[i].indexOf('.');
if (pos < 0) continue;
int chunksize = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 4, pos + 8), 16);
int partitionNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 9, pos + 11), 16);
int serialNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 12, pos + 14), 16);
try {
array = openArrayFile(partitionNumber, serialNumber, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
// remember that we opened the array
arrays.put(partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize, array);
if ((index != null) && (indexGeneration)) {
// loop over all elements in array and create index entry for each row
kelondroRow.EntryIndex aentry;
kelondroRow.Entry ientry;
Iterator ei = array.contentRows(-1);
byte[] key;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastlog = start;
int count = 0;
while (ei.hasNext()) {
aentry = (kelondroRow.EntryIndex) ei.next();
key = aentry.getColBytes(0);
assert (key != null);
if (key == null) continue; // skip deleted entries
ientry = irow.newEntry();
ientry.setCol(idx_col_key, key);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, chunksize);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, kelondroRowCollection.sizeOfExportedCollectionRows(aentry, 1));
ientry.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, aentry.index());
ientry.setCol(idx_col_lastread, t);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, t);
index.addUnique(ientry); // FIXME: this should avoid doubles
// write a log
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastlog > 30000) {
serverLog.logFine("STARTUP", "created " + count + " RWI index entries. " + (((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) * (array.size() + array.free() - count) / count) / 60000) + " minutes remaining for this array");
lastlog = System.currentTimeMillis();
private kelondroIndex openIndexFile(File path, String filenameStub, kelondroOrder indexOrder,
long preloadTime, int loadfactor, kelondroRow rowdef) throws IOException {
// open/create index table
kelondroIndex theindex = new kelondroCache(new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", preloadTime, indexRow(keylength, indexOrder), true), true, false);
//kelondroIndex theindex = new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", preloadTime, indexRow(keylength, indexOrder), true);
// save/check property file for this array
File propfile = propertyFile(path, filenameStub, loadfactor, rowdef.objectsize());
Map props = new HashMap();
if (propfile.exists()) {
props = serverFileUtils.loadHashMap(propfile);
String stored_rowdef = (String) props.get("rowdef");
if ((stored_rowdef == null) || (!(rowdef.subsumes(new kelondroRow(stored_rowdef, rowdef.objectOrder, 0))))) {
System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: stored rowdef '" + stored_rowdef + "' does not match with new rowdef '" +
rowdef + "' for array cluster '" + path + "/" + filenameStub + "'");
props.put("rowdef", rowdef.toString());
serverFileUtils.saveMap(propfile, props, "CollectionIndex properties");
return theindex;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray openArrayFile(int partitionNumber, int serialNumber, boolean create) throws IOException {
File f = arrayFile(path, filenameStub, loadfactor, payloadrow.objectsize(), partitionNumber, serialNumber);
int load = arrayCapacity(partitionNumber);
kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow(
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"byte[] collection-" + (kelondroRowCollection.exportOverheadSize + load * this.payloadrow.objectsize()),
if ((!(f.exists())) && (!create)) return null;
kelondroFixedWidthArray a = new kelondroFixedWidthArray(f, rowdef, 0);
serverLog.logFine("STARTUP", "opened array file " + f + " with " + a.size() + " RWIs");
return a;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray getArray(int partitionNumber, int serialNumber, int chunksize) {
String accessKey = partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = (kelondroFixedWidthArray) arrays.get(accessKey);
if (array != null) return array;
try {
array = openArrayFile(partitionNumber, serialNumber, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
arrays.put(accessKey, array);
return array;
private int arrayCapacity(int arrayCounter) {
if (arrayCounter < 0) return 0;
int load = this.loadfactor;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayCounter; i++) load = load * this.loadfactor;
return load;
private int arrayIndex(int requestedCapacity) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException{
// the requestedCapacity is the number of wanted chunks
int load = 1, i = 0;
while (true) {
load = load * this.loadfactor;
if (load >= requestedCapacity) return i;
public int size() {
return index.size();
public int minMem() {
// calculate a minimum amount of memory that is necessary to use the collection
// during runtime (after the index was initialized)
// caclculate an upper limit (not the correct size) of the maximum number of indexes for a wordHash
// this is computed by the size of the biggest used collection
// this must be multiplied with the payload size
// and doubled for necessary memory transformation during sort operation
return (int) (arrayCapacity(arrays.size() - 1) * this.payloadrow.objectsize * kelondroRowSet.growfactor);
private void array_remove(
int oldPartitionNumber, int serialNumber, int chunkSize,
int oldRownumber) throws IOException {
// we need a new slot, that means we must first delete the old entry
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, chunkSize);
// delete old entry
private kelondroRow.Entry array_new(
byte[] key, kelondroRowCollection collection) throws IOException {
// the collection is new
int partitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.row().newEntry();
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize());
// define row
kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// write a new entry in this array
int newRowNumber = array.add(arrayEntry);
// store the new row number in the index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_key, key);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, this.payloadrow.objectsize());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, (long) newRowNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastread, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be an index.addUnique(indexrow);
return indexrow;
private void array_add(
byte[] key, kelondroRowCollection collection, kelondroRow.Entry indexrow,
int partitionNumber, int serialNumber, int chunkSize) throws IOException {
// write a new entry in the other array
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, chunkSize);
// define new row
kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// write a new entry in this array
int rowNumber = array.add(arrayEntry);
// store the new row number in the index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, (long) rowNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be a index.put(indexrow);
private ArrayList array_add_multiple(TreeMap array_add_map, int serialNumber, int chunkSize) throws IOException {
// returns a List of kelondroRow.Entry entries for indexrow storage
Map.Entry entry;
Iterator i = array_add_map.entrySet().iterator();
Iterator j;
ArrayList actionList;
int partitionNumber;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array;
Object[] objs;
byte[] key;
kelondroRowCollection collection;
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow;
ArrayList indexrows = new ArrayList();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
actionList = (ArrayList) entry.getValue();
partitionNumber = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue();
array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, chunkSize);
j = actionList.iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
objs = (Object[]) j.next();
key = (byte[]) objs[0];
collection = (kelondroRowCollection) objs[1];
indexrow = (kelondroRow.Entry) objs[2];
// define new row
kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// write a new entry in this array
int rowNumber = array.add(arrayEntry);
// store the new row number in the index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, (long) rowNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be a index.put(indexrow);
return indexrows;
private void array_replace(
byte[] key, kelondroRowCollection collection, kelondroRow.Entry indexrow,
int partitionNumber, int serialNumber, int chunkSize,
int rowNumber) throws IOException {
// we don't need a new slot, just write collection into the old one
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, chunkSize);
// define new row
kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// overwrite entry in this array
array.set(rowNumber, arrayEntry);
// update the index entry
final int collectionsize = collection.size(); // extra variable for easier debugging
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collectionsize);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be a index.put(indexrow);
private ArrayList array_replace_multiple(TreeMap array_replace_map, int serialNumber, int chunkSize) throws IOException {
Map.Entry entry, e;
Iterator i = array_replace_map.entrySet().iterator();
Iterator j;
TreeMap actionMap;
int partitionNumber;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array;
ArrayList indexrows = new ArrayList();
Object[] objs;
int rowNumber;
byte[] key;
kelondroRowCollection collection;
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
actionMap = (TreeMap) entry.getValue();
partitionNumber = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue();
array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, chunkSize);
j = actionMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
e = (Map.Entry) j.next();
rowNumber = ((Integer) e.getKey()).intValue();
objs = (Object[]) e.getValue();
key = (byte[]) objs[0];
collection = (kelondroRowCollection) objs[1];
indexrow = (kelondroRow.Entry) objs[2];
// define new row
kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// overwrite entry in this array
array.set(rowNumber, arrayEntry);
// update the index entry
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there mus be a index.put(indexrow);
return indexrows;
public synchronized void put(byte[] key, kelondroRowCollection collection) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
assert (key != null);
assert (collection != null);
assert (collection.size() != 0);
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) {
// create new row and index entry
if ((collection != null) && (collection.size() > 0)) {
indexrow = array_new(key, collection); // modifies indexrow
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
//int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
int oldPartitionNumber = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount));
int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, collection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
key, collection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize()); // modifies indexrow
if ((int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount) != collection.size())
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex", "UPDATE (put) ERROR: array has different chunkcount than index after merge: index = " + (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount) + ", collection.size() = " + collection.size());
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
public synchronized void mergeMultiple(List /* of indexContainer */ containerList) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
// merge a bulk of index containers
// this method should be used to optimize the R/W head path length
// separate the list in two halves:
// - containers that do not exist yet in the collection
// - containers that do exist in the collection and must be merged
Iterator i = containerList.iterator();
indexContainer container;
byte[] key;
ArrayList newContainer = new ArrayList();
TreeMap existingContainer = new TreeMap(); // a mapping from Integer (partition) to a TreeMap (mapping from index to object triple)
TreeMap containerMap; // temporary map; mapping from index position to object triple with {key, container, indexrow}
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow;
int oldrownumber1; // index of the entry in array
int oldPartitionNumber1; // points to array file
while (i.hasNext()) {
container = (indexContainer) i.next();
if ((container == null) || (container.size() == 0)) continue;
key = container.getWordHash().getBytes();
// first find an old entry, if one exists
indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) {
newContainer.add(new Object[]{key, container});
} else {
oldrownumber1 = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos);
oldPartitionNumber1 = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx);
containerMap = (TreeMap) existingContainer.get(new Integer(oldPartitionNumber1));
if (containerMap == null) containerMap = new TreeMap();
containerMap.put(new Integer(oldrownumber1), new Object[]{key, container, indexrow});
existingContainer.put(new Integer(oldPartitionNumber1), containerMap);
// now iterate through the container lists and execute merges
// this is done in such a way, that there is a optimized path for the R/W head
// merge existing containers
Map.Entry tripleEntry;
Object[] record;
ArrayList indexrows_existing = new ArrayList();
kelondroRowCollection collection;
TreeMap array_replace_map = new TreeMap();
TreeMap array_add_map = new TreeMap();
ArrayList actionList;
TreeMap actionMap;
boolean madegc = false;
//System.out.println("DEBUG existingContainer: " + existingContainer.toString());
while (existingContainer.size() > 0) {
oldPartitionNumber1 = ((Integer) existingContainer.lastKey()).intValue();
containerMap = (TreeMap) existingContainer.remove(new Integer(oldPartitionNumber1));
Iterator j = containerMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (j.hasNext()) {
tripleEntry = (Map.Entry) j.next();
oldrownumber1 = ((Integer) tripleEntry.getKey()).intValue();
record = (Object[]) tripleEntry.getValue(); // {byte[], indexContainer, kelondroRow.Entry}
// merge with the old collection
key = (byte[]) record[0];
collection = (kelondroRowCollection) record[1];
indexrow = (kelondroRow.Entry) record[2];
// read old information
int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
int oldPartitionNumber = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert oldPartitionNumber1 == oldPartitionNumber : "oldPartitionNumber1 = " + oldPartitionNumber1 + ", oldPartitionNumber = " + oldPartitionNumber + ", containerMap = " + containerMap + ", existingContainer: " + existingContainer.toString();
assert oldrownumber1 == oldrownumber : "oldrownumber1 = " + oldrownumber1 + ", oldrownumber = " + oldrownumber + ", containerMap = " + containerMap + ", existingContainer: " + existingContainer.toString();
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount));
int oldSerialNumber = 0;
// load the old collection and join it
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getwithparams(indexrow, oldchunksize, oldchunkcount, oldPartitionNumber, oldrownumber, oldSerialNumber, false);
// join with new collection
oldcollection.uniq(-1); // FIXME: not clear if it would be better to insert the collection with put to avoid double-entries
// check for size of collection:
// if necessary shrink the collection and dump a part of that collection
// to avoid that this grows too big
int newPartitionNumber;
while ((newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(oldcollection.size())) > maxPartitions) {
kelondroRowSet newcollection = shrinkCollection(key, oldcollection, arrayCapacity(maxPartitions));
saveCommons(key, oldcollection);
oldcollection = newcollection;
// work on with oldcollection
collection = oldcollection;
newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
actionMap = (TreeMap) array_replace_map.get(new Integer(oldPartitionNumber));
if (actionMap == null) actionMap = new TreeMap();
actionMap.put(new Integer(oldrownumber), new Object[]{key, collection, indexrow});
array_replace_map.put(new Integer(oldPartitionNumber), actionMap);
key, collection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
indexrows_existing.add(indexrow); // indexrows are collected and written later as block
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
actionList = (ArrayList) array_add_map.get(new Integer(newPartitionNumber));
if (actionList == null) actionList = new ArrayList();
actionList.add(new Object[]{key, collection, indexrow});
array_add_map.put(new Integer(newPartitionNumber), actionList);
key, collection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize()); // modifies indexrow
indexrows_existing.add(indexrow); // indexrows are collected and written later as block
// memory protection: flush collected collections
if (serverMemory.available() < minMem()) {
// emergency flush
indexrows_existing.addAll(array_replace_multiple(array_replace_map, 0, this.payloadrow.objectsize()));
array_replace_map = new TreeMap(); // delete references
indexrows_existing.addAll(array_add_multiple(array_add_map, 0, this.payloadrow.objectsize()));
array_add_map = new TreeMap(); // delete references
if (!madegc) {
// prevent that this flush is made again even when there is enough memory
// prevent that this gc happens more than one time
madegc = true;
// finallly flush the collected collections
indexrows_existing.addAll(array_replace_multiple(array_replace_map, 0, this.payloadrow.objectsize()));
array_replace_map = new TreeMap(); // delete references
indexrows_existing.addAll(array_add_multiple(array_add_map, 0, this.payloadrow.objectsize()));
array_add_map = new TreeMap(); // delete references
// write new containers
i = newContainer.iterator();
ArrayList indexrows_new = new ArrayList();
while (i.hasNext()) {
record = (Object[]) i.next(); // {byte[], indexContainer}
key = (byte[]) record[0];
collection = (indexContainer) record[1];
indexrow = array_new(key, collection); // modifies indexrow
indexrows_new.add(indexrow); // collect new index rows
// write index entries
index.putMultiple(indexrows_existing); // write modified indexrows in optimized manner
index.addUniqueMultiple(indexrows_new); // write new indexrows in optimized manner
public synchronized void merge(indexContainer container) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
if ((container == null) || (container.size() == 0)) return;
byte[] key = container.getWordHash().getBytes();
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) {
indexrow = array_new(key, container); // modifies indexrow
index.addUnique(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
} else {
// merge with the old collection
// attention! this modifies the indexrow entry which must be written with index.put(indexrow) afterwards!
kelondroRowCollection collection = (kelondroRowCollection) container;
// read old information
int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
int oldPartitionNumber = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount)) : "oldPartitionNumber = " + oldPartitionNumber + ", arrayIndex(oldchunkcount) = " + arrayIndex(oldchunkcount);
int oldSerialNumber = 0;
// load the old collection and join it
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getwithparams(indexrow, oldchunksize, oldchunkcount, oldPartitionNumber, oldrownumber, oldSerialNumber, false);
// join with new collection
oldcollection.uniq(-1); // FIXME: not clear if it would be better to insert the collection with put to avoid double-entries
collection = oldcollection;
// check for size of collection:
// if necessary shrink the collection and dump a part of that collection
// to avoid that this grows too big
int newPartitionNumber;
while ((newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(oldcollection.size())) > maxPartitions) {
kelondroRowSet newcollection = shrinkCollection(key, oldcollection, arrayCapacity(maxPartitions));
saveCommons(key, oldcollection);
oldcollection = newcollection;
// work on with oldcollection
collection = oldcollection;
newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, collection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
key, collection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize()); // modifies indexrow
final int collectionsize = collection.size(); // extra variable for easier debugging
final int indexrowcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
if (indexrowcount != collectionsize)
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex", "UPDATE (merge) ERROR: array has different chunkcount than index after merge: index = " + indexrowcount + ", collection.size() = " + collectionsize);
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
private kelondroRowSet shrinkCollection(byte[] key, kelondroRowSet collection, int targetSize) {
// removes entries from collection
// the removed entries are stored in a 'commons' dump file
// check if the collection is already small enough
int oldsize = collection.size();
kelondroRowSet survival = new kelondroRowSet(collection.rowdef, 0);
if (oldsize <= targetSize) return survival;
// delete some entries, which are bad rated
Iterator i = collection.rows();
kelondroRow.Entry entry;
byte[] ref;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (kelondroRow.Entry) i.next();
ref = entry.getColBytes(0);
if ((ref.length == 12) && (yacyURL.probablyRootURL(new String(ref)))) {
int firstSurvival = survival.size();
// check if we shrinked enough
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
while (survival.size() > targetSize) {
// now delete randomly more entries from the survival collection
i = survival.rows();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = (kelondroRow.Entry) i.next();
ref = entry.getColBytes(0);
if (rand.nextInt() % 4 != 0) {
serverLog.logInfo("kelondroCollectionIndex", "shrinked common word " + new String(key) + "; old size = " + oldsize + ", new size = " + collection.size() + ", maximum size = " + targetSize + ", survival size = " + survival.size() + ", first survival = " + firstSurvival);
return survival;
private void saveCommons(byte[] key, kelondroRowSet collection) {
if (key.length != 12) return;
TimeZone GMTTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
Calendar gregorian = new GregorianCalendar(GMTTimeZone);
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
String filename = serverCodings.encodeHex(kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decode(new String(key))) + "_" + formatter.format(gregorian.getTime()) + ".collection";
File storagePath = new File(commonsPath, filename.substring(0, 2)); // make a subpath
File file = new File(storagePath, filename);
try {
serverLog.logInfo("kelondroCollectionIndex", "dumped common word " + new String(key) + " to " + file.toString() + "; size = " + collection.size());
} catch (IOException e) {
serverLog.logWarning("kelondroCollectionIndex", "failed to dump common word " + new String(key) + " to " + file.toString() + "; size = " + collection.size());
public synchronized int remove(byte[] key, Set removekeys) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
if ((removekeys == null) || (removekeys.size() == 0)) return 0;
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return 0;
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
int oldPartitionNumber = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount));
int removed = 0;
assert (removekeys != null);
// load the old collection and remove keys
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getwithparams(indexrow, oldchunksize, oldchunkcount, oldPartitionNumber, oldrownumber, serialNumber, false);
// remove the keys from the set
Iterator i = removekeys.iterator();
Object k;
while (i.hasNext()) {
k = i.next();
if ((k instanceof byte[]) && (oldcollection.remove((byte[]) k) != null)) removed++;
if ((k instanceof String) && (oldcollection.remove(((String) k).getBytes()) != null)) removed++;
/* in case that the new array size is zero we dont delete the array, just allocate a minimal chunk
if (oldcollection.size() == 0) {
// delete the index entry and the array
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, oldchunksize);
array.remove(oldrownumber, false);
return removed;
int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(oldcollection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, oldcollection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize(),
key, oldcollection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize()); // modifies indexrow
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
return removed;
public synchronized int indexSize(byte[] key) throws IOException {
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return 0;
return (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
public synchronized boolean has(byte[] key) throws IOException {
return index.has(key);
public synchronized kelondroRowSet get(byte[] key) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
kelondroRowSet col = getdelete(indexrow, false);
assert (col != null);
return col;
public synchronized kelondroRowSet delete(byte[] key) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.remove(key);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
kelondroRowSet removedCollection = getdelete(indexrow, true);
assert (removedCollection != null);
return removedCollection;
protected kelondroRowSet getdelete(kelondroRow.Entry indexrow, boolean remove) throws IOException {
// call this only within a synchronized(index) environment
// read values
int chunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize);
int chunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
int rownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos);
int partitionnumber = (int) indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx);
assert(partitionnumber >= arrayIndex(chunkcount)) : "partitionnumber = " + partitionnumber + ", arrayIndex(chunkcount) = " + arrayIndex(chunkcount);
int serialnumber = 0;
return getwithparams(indexrow, chunksize, chunkcount, partitionnumber, rownumber, serialnumber, remove);
private synchronized kelondroRowSet getwithparams(kelondroRow.Entry indexrow, int chunksize, int chunkcount, int clusteridx, int rownumber, int serialnumber, boolean remove) throws IOException {
// open array entry
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(clusteridx, serialnumber, chunksize);
kelondroRow.Entry arrayrow = array.get(rownumber);
if (arrayrow == null) throw new kelondroException(arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, clusteridx, serialnumber).toString(), "array does not contain expected row");
// read the row and define a collection
byte[] indexkey = indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key);
byte[] arraykey = arrayrow.getColBytes(0);
if (!(index.row().objectOrder.wellformed(arraykey))) {
// cleanup for a bad bug that corrupted the database
index.remove(indexkey); // the RowCollection must be considered lost
array.remove(rownumber); // loose the RowCollection (we don't know how much is lost)
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "lost a RowCollection because of a bad arraykey");
return new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, 0);
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, arrayrow, 1); // FIXME: this does not yet work with different rowdef in case of several rowdef.objectsize()
if ((!(index.row().objectOrder.wellformed(indexkey))) || (index.row().objectOrder.compare(arraykey, indexkey) != 0)) {
// check if we got the right row; this row is wrong. Fix it:
index.remove(indexkey); // the wrong row cannot be fixed
// store the row number in the index; this may be a double-entry, but better than nothing
kelondroRow.Entry indexEntry = index.row().newEntry();
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_key, arrayrow.getColBytes(0));
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, this.payloadrow.objectsize());
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) clusteridx);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, (long) rownumber);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastread, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "array contains wrong row '" + new String(arrayrow.getColBytes(0)) + "', expected is '" + new String(indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key)) + "', the row has been fixed");
int chunkcountInArray = collection.size();
if (chunkcountInArray != chunkcount) {
// fix the entry in index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, chunkcountInArray);
array.logFailure("INCONSISTENCY (get) in " + arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, clusteridx, serialnumber).toString() + ": array has different chunkcount than index: index = " + chunkcount + ", array = " + chunkcountInArray + "; the index has been auto-fixed");
if (remove) array.remove(rownumber); // index is removed in calling method
return collection;
public synchronized Iterator keycollections(byte[] startKey, byte[] secondKey, boolean rot) {
// returns an iteration of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
try {
return new keycollectionIterator(startKey, secondKey, rot);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public class keycollectionIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator indexRowIterator;
public keycollectionIterator(byte[] startKey, byte[] secondKey, boolean rot) throws IOException {
// iterator of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
kelondroCloneableIterator i = index.rows(true, startKey);
indexRowIterator = (rot) ? new kelondroRotateIterator(i, secondKey) : i;
public boolean hasNext() {
return indexRowIterator.hasNext();
public Object next() {
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = (kelondroRow.Entry) indexRowIterator.next();
assert (indexrow != null);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
try {
return new Object[]{indexrow.getColBytes(0), getdelete(indexrow, false)};
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void remove() {
public synchronized void close() {
Iterator i = arrays.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
((kelondroFixedWidthArray) i.next()).close();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// define payload structure
kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow("byte[] a-10, byte[] b-80", kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, 0);
File path = new File(args[0]);
String filenameStub = args[1];
long preloadTime = 10000;
try {
// initialize collection index
kelondroCollectionIndex collectionIndex = new kelondroCollectionIndex(
path, filenameStub, 9 /*keyLength*/,
kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, preloadTime,
4 /*loadfactor*/, 7, rowdef);
// fill index with values
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{"abc".getBytes(), "efg".getBytes()}));
collectionIndex.put("erstes".getBytes(), collection);
for (int i = 1; i <= 170; i++) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{("abc" + j).getBytes(), "xxx".getBytes()}));
System.out.println("put key-" + i + ": " + collection.toString());
collectionIndex.put(("key-" + i).getBytes(), collection);
// extend collections with more values
for (int i = 0; i <= 170; i++) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{("def" + j).getBytes(), "xxx".getBytes()}));
collectionIndex.merge(new indexContainer("key-" + i, collection));
// printout of index
kelondroFlexTable index = new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", preloadTime, kelondroCollectionIndex.indexRow(9, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder), true);
} catch (IOException e) {