orbiter ce1adf9955 serialized all logging using concurrency:
high-performance search query situations as seen in yacy-metager integration showed deadlock situation caused by synchronization effects inside of sun.java code. It appears that the logger is not completely safe against deadlock situations in concurrent calls of the logger. One possible solution would be a outside-synchronization with 'synchronized' statements, but that would further apply blocking on all high-efficient methods that call the logger. It is much better to do a non-blocking hand-over of logging lines and work off log entries with a concurrent log writer. This also disconnects IO operations from logging, which can also cause IO operation when a log is written to a file. This commit not only moves the logger from kelondro to yacy.logging, it also inserts the concurrency methods to realize non-blocking logging.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6078 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2009-06-15 21:19:54 +00:00

397 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

// Dispatcher.java
// ------------------------------
// part of YaCy
// (C) 2009 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://yacy.net
// Frankfurt, Germany, 28.01.2009
// $LastChangedDate: 2009-01-23 16:32:27 +0100 (Fr, 23 Jan 2009) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 5514 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.yacy.dht;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.BufferedIndex;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.ReferenceContainer;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.MetadataRepository;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.Segment;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.referencePrototype.WordReference;
import de.anomic.kelondro.text.referencePrototype.WordReferenceRow;
import de.anomic.server.serverProcessor;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
import de.anomic.yacy.logging.Log;
public class Dispatcher {
* the dispatcher class accumulates indexContainerCache objects before they are transfered
* to other peers. A dispatcher holds several of such caches to enhance the transmission process.
* Before a RWI is sent, the following process is applied:
* - (1) a number of RWIs are selected and accumulated.
* When they are selected, they are removed from the index
* - (2) the RWI collection is splitted into a number of partitions according to the vertical DHT.
* - (3) the splitted RWIs are enqueued as Entry object in the entry 'cloud' of the dispatcher
* - (4) more entries may be enqueued to the dispatcher and entries with the same primary target
* are accumulated.
* - (5) the largest entries are selected from the dispatcher cloud and enqueued to the 'next' array
* which means that they are ready for transmission
* - (6) the dispatcher takes some of the entries in the next queue and initiates
* transmission to other peers concurrently. As much transmissions are initiated concurrently
* as the redundancy factor.
* - (7) a transmission thread executes the entry transmission.
* - (8) the transmission thread initiates another transmission in case that it fails
* - (9) when the wanted number of redundant peers have received the entries,
* they are removed from the next queue
* Concurrency in this process:
* 1-3 follow directly and should be synchronous because of the database operation that are used
* 4 is a repeated action of 1-3 and should be done in a busyThread
* 5&6 is a repeated action as (4), but must be executed multiple times of (4) in a busyThread,
* which idle is shorter than the idle time of (4)
* 7&8 this is done concurrently with other transmission threads for the same entry and other entries
* for example, if the redundancy factor is 3 and 2 entries are in the 'next' queue, then 6
* transmissions are running concurrently
* 9 concurrency ends for the transmission, if the wanted number of redundant peers received the entry,
* or the target queue runs out of entries. If the target queue is empty, the transmission is
* called failed. In case of a fail, the RWI fragment is put back into the backend index structure
// a cloud is a cache for the objects that wait to be transmitted
// the String-key is the primary target as contained in the Entry
private TreeMap<byte[], Transmission.Chunk> transmissionCloud;
// the backend is used to store the remaining indexContainers in case that the object is closed
private BufferedIndex<WordReference> backend;
// the seed database
private yacySeedDB seeds;
// the log
private Log log;
// transmission process
private serverProcessor<Transmission.Chunk> indexingTransmissionProcessor;
// transmission object
private Transmission transmission;
public Dispatcher(
final BufferedIndex<WordReference> backend,
final MetadataRepository repository,
final yacySeedDB seeds,
final boolean gzipBody,
final int timeout
) {
this.transmissionCloud = new TreeMap<byte[], Transmission.Chunk>(Base64Order.enhancedCoder);
this.backend = backend;
this.seeds = seeds;
this.log = new Log("INDEX-TRANSFER-DISPATCHER");
this.transmission = new Transmission(
//this.selectedContainerCache = null;
//this.splittedContainerCache = null;
int concurrentSender = Math.min(25, Math.max(10, serverProcessor.useCPU * 2 + 1));
indexingTransmissionProcessor = new serverProcessor<Transmission.Chunk>(
"This is the RWI transmission process",
new String[]{"RWI/Cache/Collections"},
this, "storeDocumentIndex", concurrentSender * 2, null, concurrentSender);
public int cloudSize() {
return (this.transmissionCloud == null) ? 0 : this.transmissionCloud.size();
public int transmissionSize() {
return (this.indexingTransmissionProcessor == null) ? 0 : this.indexingTransmissionProcessor.queueSize();
* select a number of index containers from the backend index.
* Selected containers are removed from the backend.
* @param hash
* @param limitHash
* @param maxContainerCount
* @param maxtime
* @return
* @throws IOException
private ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> selectContainers(
final byte[] hash,
final byte[] limitHash,
final int maxContainerCount,
final int maxReferenceCount,
final int maxtime) throws IOException {
// prefer file
ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> containers = selectContainers(hash, limitHash, maxContainerCount, maxReferenceCount, maxtime, false);
// if ram does not provide any result, take from file
//if (containers.size() == 0) containers = selectContainers(hash, limitHash, maxContainerCount, maxtime, false);
return containers;
private ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> selectContainers(
final byte[] hash,
final byte[] limitHash,
final int maxContainerCount,
final int maxReferenceCount,
final int maxtime,
final boolean ram) throws IOException {
final ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> containers = new ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>(maxContainerCount);
final Iterator<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> indexContainerIterator = this.backend.references(hash, true, ram);
ReferenceContainer<WordReference> container;
int refcount = 0;
// first select the container
final long timeout = (maxtime < 0) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : System.currentTimeMillis() + maxtime;
while (
(containers.size() < maxContainerCount) &&
(refcount < maxReferenceCount) &&
(indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) &&
(System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout) &&
((container = indexContainerIterator.next()) != null) &&
((containers.size() == 0) ||
(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.compare(container.getTermHash(), limitHash) < 0))
) {
if (container.size() == 0) continue;
refcount += container.size();
// then remove the container from the backend
HashSet<String> urlHashes = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<WordReference> it;
for (ReferenceContainer<WordReference> c: containers) {
it = c.entries();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("selected " + urlHashes.size() + " urls for word '" + c.getTermHashAsString() + "'");
if (urlHashes.size() > 0) this.backend.remove(c.getTermHash(), urlHashes);
// finished. The caller must take care of the containers and must put them back if not needed
return containers;
* split a list of containers into partitions according to the vertical distribution scheme
* @param containers
* @param scheme
* @return
private ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[] splitContainers(ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> containers) {
// init the result vector
int partitionCount = this.seeds.scheme.verticalPartitions();
ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[] partitions = (ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[]) new ArrayList[partitionCount];
for (int i = 0; i < partitions.length; i++) partitions[i] = new ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>();
// check all entries and split them to the partitions
ReferenceContainer<WordReference>[] partitionBuffer = new ReferenceContainer[partitionCount];
WordReferenceRow re;
for (ReferenceContainer container: containers) {
// init the new partitions
for (int j = 0; j < partitionBuffer.length; j++) {
partitionBuffer[j] = new ReferenceContainer(Segment.wordReferenceFactory, container.getTermHash(), container.row(), container.size() / partitionCount);
// split the container
Iterator<WordReferenceRow> i = container.entries();
while (i.hasNext()) {
re = i.next();
if (re == null) continue;
// add the containers to the result vector
for (int j = 0; j < partitionBuffer.length; j++) {
return partitions;
* put containers into cloud. This needs information about the network,
* because the possible targets are assigned here as well. The indexRepositoryReference
* is the database of references which is needed here because this is the place where
* finally is checked if the reference exists. If the entry does not exist for specific
* entries in the indexContainer, then it is discarded. If it exists, then the entry is
* stored in a cache of the Entry for later transmission to the targets, which means that
* then no additional IO is necessary.
private void enqueueContainersToCloud(final ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[] containers) {
if (transmissionCloud == null) return;
ReferenceContainer<WordReference> lastContainer;
byte[] primaryTarget;
Transmission.Chunk entry;
for (int vertical = 0; vertical < containers.length; vertical++) {
// the 'new' primary target is the word hash of the last container
lastContainer = containers[vertical].get(containers[vertical].size() - 1);
primaryTarget = FlatWordPartitionScheme.positionToHash(this.seeds.scheme.dhtPosition(lastContainer.getTermHash(), vertical));
assert primaryTarget[2] != '@';
// get or make a entry object
entry = this.transmissionCloud.get(primaryTarget); // if this is not null, the entry is extended here
ArrayList<yacySeed> targets = PeerSelection.getAcceptRemoteIndexSeedsList(
seeds.redundancy() * 3,
this.log.logInfo("enqueueContainers: selected " + targets.size() + " targets for primary target key " + new String(primaryTarget) + "/" + vertical + " with " + containers[vertical].size() + " index containers.");
if (entry == null) entry = transmission.newChunk(primaryTarget, targets, lastContainer.row());
// fill the entry with the containers
for (ReferenceContainer<WordReference> c: containers[vertical]) {
// put the entry into the cloud
if (entry.containersSize() > 0) this.transmissionCloud.put(primaryTarget, entry);
public synchronized boolean selectContainersEnqueueToCloud(
final byte[] hash,
final byte[] limitHash,
final int maxContainerCount,
final int maxReferenceCount,
final int maxtime) throws IOException {
if (this.transmissionCloud == null) return false;
ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> selectedContainerCache = selectContainers(hash, limitHash, maxContainerCount, maxReferenceCount, maxtime);
this.log.logInfo("selectContainersToCache: selectedContainerCache was filled with " + selectedContainerCache.size() + " entries");
if (selectedContainerCache == null || selectedContainerCache.size() == 0) {
this.log.logInfo("splitContainersFromCache: selectedContainerCache is empty, cannot do anything here.");
return false;
ArrayList<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[] splittedContainerCache = splitContainers(selectedContainerCache);
selectedContainerCache = null;
if (splittedContainerCache == null) {
this.log.logInfo("enqueueContainersFromCache: splittedContainerCache is empty, cannot do anything here.");
return false;
this.log.logInfo("splitContainersFromCache: splittedContainerCache filled with " + splittedContainerCache.length + " partitions, deleting selectedContainerCache");
if (splittedContainerCache.length != this.seeds.scheme.verticalPartitions()) {
this.log.logWarning("enqueueContainersFromCache: splittedContainerCache has wrong length.");
return false;
splittedContainerCache = null;
this.log.logInfo("enqueueContainersFromCache: splittedContainerCache enqueued to cloud array which has now " + this.transmissionCloud.size() + " entries.");
return true;
* take the largest container from the cloud and put it into the 'next' array,
* where it waits to be processed.
* This method returns true if a container was dequeued, false if not
public boolean dequeueContainer() {
if (transmissionCloud == null) return false;
if (this.indexingTransmissionProcessor.queueSize() > indexingTransmissionProcessor.concurrency()) return false;
byte[] maxtarget = null;
int maxsize = -1;
for (Map.Entry<byte[], Transmission.Chunk> chunk: this.transmissionCloud.entrySet()) {
if (chunk.getValue().containersSize() > maxsize) {
maxsize = chunk.getValue().containersSize();
maxtarget = chunk.getKey();
if (maxsize < 0) return false;
Transmission.Chunk chunk = this.transmissionCloud.remove(maxtarget);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
public Transmission.Chunk storeDocumentIndex(Transmission.Chunk chunk) {
// do the transmission
boolean success = chunk.transmit();
if (success && chunk.isFinished()) {
// finished with this queue!
this.log.logInfo("STORE: Chunk " + new String(chunk.primaryTarget()) + " has FINISHED all transmissions!");
return chunk;
if (!success) this.log.logInfo("STORE: Chunk " + new String(chunk.primaryTarget()) + " has failed to transmit index; marked peer as busy");
if (chunk.canFinish()) {
try {
if (this.indexingTransmissionProcessor != null) this.indexingTransmissionProcessor.enQueue(chunk);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return null;
return chunk;
} else {
this.log.logInfo("STORE: Chunk " + new String(chunk.primaryTarget()) + " has not enough targets left. This transmission has failed, putting back index to backend");
return null;
public void close() {
// removes all entries from the dispatcher and puts them back to a RAMRI
if (indexingTransmissionProcessor != null) this.indexingTransmissionProcessor.announceShutdown();
if (this.transmissionCloud != null) {
for (Map.Entry<byte[], Transmission.Chunk> e : this.transmissionCloud.entrySet()) {
for (ReferenceContainer<WordReference> i : e.getValue()) try {this.backend.add(i);} catch (IOException e1) {}
this.transmissionCloud = null;
if (indexingTransmissionProcessor != null) {
this.indexingTransmissionProcessor = null;