Michael Peter Christen 342ba1049b - callback fix
- memory allocation problem in RowCollection: if memory is too low, do
not to try to increase by 1 because this leads to very long execution
time and at the end to the same OOM as if we allocate the memory at the
moment we need it even if the resource observer states that this memory
is not there. To compensate this, the increase size is reduced.
2013-03-19 10:32:01 +01:00

465 lines
16 KiB

* YaCy Portalsearch
* @author Stefan Förster (apfelmaennchen) <sof@gmx.de>
* @version 1.2
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Date: 10-Nov-2011
function statuscheck() {
if(load_status < 5) {
} else {
$(document).ready(function() {
ynavigators = new Array();
timeout: 5000,
cache: true
// apply default properties
ycurr = '';
startRecord = 0;
maximumRecords = 10;
submit = false;
yconf = $.extend({
url : '',
'global' : false,
theme : 'start',
title : 'YaCy Search Widget',
logo : yconf.url + '/yacy/ui/img/yacy-logo.png',
link : 'http://yacy.net',
width : 640,
height : 640,
position : [150,50],
modal : false,
resizable: true,
show : '',
hide : '',
load_js : true,
load_css : true
}, yconf);
$('<div id="ypopup" class="classic"></div>').appendTo("#yacylivesearch");
if(yconf.load_css) {
var style1 = yconf.url + '/portalsearch/yacy-portalsearch.css';
var style2 = yconf.url + '/jquery/themes/'+yconf.theme+'/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css';
var style3 = yconf.url + '/jquery/css/jquery-ui-combobox.css';
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
.attr({type:'text/css', href: style1, rel:'stylesheet', media:'screen'})
.attr({type:'text/css', href: style2, rel:'stylesheet', media:'screen'})
.attr({type:'text/css', href: style3, rel:'stylesheet', media:'screen'})
load_status = 0;
loading = window.setInterval("statuscheck()", 200);
if(yconf.load_js) {
var script1 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery.query-2.1.7.js';
var script2 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery.form-2.73.js';
var script3 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery.field-0.9.2.min.js';
var script4 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js';
var script5 = yconf.url + '/jquery/js/jquery-ui-combobox.js';
$.getScript(script1, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script2, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script3, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script4, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script5, function(){ load_status++; });
} else {
function yrun() {
maximumRecords = parseInt($("#ysearch input[name='maximumRecords']").getValue());
global = yconf.global;
autoOpen: false,
height: yconf.height,
width: yconf.width,
minWidth: yconf.width,
position: yconf.position,
modal: yconf.modal,
resizable: yconf.resizable,
title: yconf.title,
show: yconf.show,
hide: yconf.hide,
drag: function(event, ui) {
var position = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").position();
var left = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").width()+5+position.left;
$("#yside").dialog('option', 'position', [left,position.top+32]);
dragStop: function(event, ui) {
var position = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").position();
var left = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").width()+5+position.left;
$("#yside").dialog('option', 'position', [left,position.top+32]);
resizeStop: function(event, ui) {
var position = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").position();
var height = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").height()-55;
var left = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").width()+5+position.left;
$("#yside").dialog('option', 'height', height);
$("#yside").dialog('option', 'position', [left,position.top+32]);
close: function(event, ui) {
open: function(event, ui) {
$('<div id="yside" style="padding:0px;"></div>').insertAfter("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog-content");
var position = $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").position();
title: 'Navigation',
autoOpen: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
width: 220,
height: $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").height()-55,
minHeight: $("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").height()-55,
show: 'slide',
hide: 'slide',
position : [position.left+$("#ypopup").parent(".ui-dialog").width()+5,position.top+32],
open: function(event, ui) {
$('#ypopup').dialog( 'moveToTop' );
$('div[aria-labelledby="ui-dialog-title-yside"] div.ui-dialog-titlebar').remove();
$("#ypopup").bind("scroll", function(e){
p1 = $("#ypopup h3 :last").position().top;
if(p1-$("#ypopup").dialog( "option", "height" ) < 0) {
startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
$('#ysearch').keyup(function(e) { // React to keyboard input
if(e.which == 27) { // Close popup on ESC
if(e.which == 18) { // Global search on ALT
global = true;
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
if(ycurr == $("#yquery").getValue()) { // Do nothing if search term hasn't changed
return false;
global = yconf.global; // As this is a new search, revert to default resource
if ($("#yquery").getValue() == '') { // If search term is empty reset to default resource and close popup
} else { // Else fire up a search request and remeber the current search term
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
return false;
$('#ysearch').submit(function() { // Submit a search request
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
if (!$("#ypopup").dialog('isOpen'))
if ($("#yside").dialog('isOpen'))
return false;
function yacysearch(clear) {
var url = yconf.url + '/yacysearch.json?callback=?' // JSONP (cross domain) request URL
//var url = yconf.url + '/solr/select?wt=yjson&callback=?' // JSONP (cross domain) request URL
if(clear) {
var loading = "<div class='yloading'><h3 class='linktitle'><em>Loading: "+yconf.url+"</em><br/>";
var loadimg = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img/loading2.gif' align='absmiddle'/></h3></div>";
if (!$("#ypopup").dialog('isOpen'))
if ($("#yside").dialog('isOpen'))
var param = []; // Generate search request parameters from HTML form
$("#ysearch input").each(function(i){
var item = { name : $(this).attr('name'), value : $(this).attr('value') };
if(item.name == 'resource') { // Set parameter for resource according to global
item.value = 'global';
else {
item.value = 'local'
if(item.name == 'query' || item.name == 'search') {
item.value = $.trim(item.value); // remove heading and trailing white spaces from querey
if(item.value != ycurr) // in case of fast typing ycurr needs to be updated
ycurr = item.value;
param[i] = item;
param[param.length] = { name : 'startRecord', value : startRecord };
timeout: 10000,
error: function(x,e,ex) {
var err = 'Unknow Error: '+x.responseText;
if(x.status==0) {
err = 'Unknown Network Error! I try to reload...';
} else if(x.status==404) {
err = x.status + ' - Requested URL not found.';
} else if(x.status==500) {
err = x.status + ' - Internel Server Error.';
} else if(e=='parsererror') {
err = 'Parsing JSON Request failed:' + ex;
} else if(e=='timeout') {
err = 'Request Time out.';
if (clear) $('#ypopup').empty();
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img-2/stop.png' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+" "+err+"</h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href=''>Current search terms: "+ycurr+"</a></p>"
$.getJSON(url, param,
function(json, status) {
if (json[0]) data = json[0];
else data = json;
var searchTerms = "";
searchTerms = data.channels[0].searchTerms;
if($.trim(ycurr.replace(/ /g,"+")) != searchTerms) {
return false;
if(clear) {
var total = data.channels[0].totalResults;
if(global) var result = 'global';
else var result = 'local';
var count = 0;
$.each (
function(i,item) {
if (item) {
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/ViewImage.png?width=16&amp;height=16&amp;code="+item.faviconCode+"' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+"<a href='"+item.link+"' target='_blank'>"+item.title+"</a></h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href='"+item.link+"' target='_blank'>"+item.link+"</a></p>"
var desc = "<p class='desc'>"+item.description+"</p>";
var date = "<p class='date'>"+item.pubDate.substring(0,16);
var size = " | "+item.sizename+"</p>";
if(count == 0) {
if (clear) $('#ypopup').empty();
var favicon = "<img src='"+yconf.url+"/yacy/ui/img-2/stop.png' class='favicon'/>";
var title = "<h3 class='linktitle'>"+favicon+"No search results!</h3>";
var url = "<p class='url'><a href=''>Current search terms: "+searchTerms+"</a></p>"
var desc = "<p class='desc'>You could restate your search, release some navigators or switch to global search...</p>";
if(clear) {
var ylogo = "<a href='"+yconf.link+"' target='_blank'><img style='padding-left: 24px;' src='"+yconf.logo+"' alt='"+yconf.logo+"' title='"+yconf.logo+"' /></a>";
var ymsg= "Total "+result+" results: "+total;
$("<div class='ymsg'><table><tr><td width='55px'>"+ylogo+"</td><td id='yresult'>"+ymsg+"</td></tr></div").appendTo('#yside');
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
var selected = 'selected="selected">';
var select1 = '<select class="selector" id="yglobal"><option value="local"';
var select2 = 'local</option><option value="global"';
var select3 = 'global</option></select>';
if(global) {
select = select1 + '>' + select2 + selected + select3;
} else {
select = select1 + selected + select2 + '>' + select3;
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav"><label for="yglobal">Get local/global results:</label><br />'+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
selected: function(event, ui) {
if(ui.item.value == "global") {
global = true;
} else {
global = false;
select1 = '<select class="selector" id="yrecent"><option value="relevance"';
select2 = 'Relevance</option><option value="date"';
select3 = 'Date</option></select>';
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue());
if(query.indexOf("/date") != -1) {
select = select1 + '>' + select2 + selected + select3;
} else {
select = select1 + selected + select2 + '>' + select3;
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav"><label for="yrecent">Sort result by:</label><br />'+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
selected: function(event, ui) {
if(ui.item.value == "date") {
query = query + " /date";
} else {
query = query.replace(/\s\/date/g,"");
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
$("<p class='ytxt'>You can narrow down your search by selecting one of the below navigators:</p>").appendTo('#yside');
var label = '<label for="ylang">Language:</label><br />';
var select = '<select class="selector" id="ylang"><option value="">Select one...</option><option value="en" >en-English</option><option value="fr" >fr-French</option><option value="es" >es-Spanish</option><option value="de" >de-German</option><option value="zh" >zh-Chinese</option></select>';
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav">'+label+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
selected: function(event, ui) {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue() + " /language/" +ui.item.value);
$.each ( // Loop through all available navigators and include comboboxes in sidebar
function(i,facet) {
if (facet) {
var id = "#y"+facet.facetname;
var label = '<label for="y' +facet.facetname+ '">' +facet.displayname+ ': </label><br />';
var select = '<select id="y' +facet.facetname+ '"><option value="">Select one...</option></select>';
$('<div class="ui-widget ynav">'+label+select+'</div>').appendTo('#yside');
$.each (
function(j,element) {
var mod = '<option value="'+element.modifier +'">'+element.name+ ' (' +element.count+ ')</option>';
selected: function(event, ui) {
var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue() + " " +ui.item.value);
$('<hr />').appendTo("#yside");
if(ynavigators.length > 0) {
$("<p class='ytxt'>Uncheck to release navigators:</p>").appendTo('#yside');
cancelNavigators(ynavigators, "#yside");
if($("#ypopup .yloading").length == 0) {
$(".ynav-cancel").bind("change", function(event) {
var query = $("#yquery").getValue();
var str = $(event.target).val();
var idx = ynavigators.indexOf($.trim(str));
if(idx!=-1) ynavigators.splice(idx, 1);
var regexp = new RegExp(' '+str.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&")); // properly escape string for regexp
startRecord = 0;
if ($("#ypopup").dialog('isOpen')) {
// If you got maximumRecords results, but still have display space, load more results
if($("#ypopup h3 :last").position().top < $("#ypopup").dialog( "option", "height" ) && count == maximumRecords) {
startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
function autoOpenSidebar() {
window.setTimeout(function() { // The delay prevents the sidebar to open on every intermediate search results
if($("#ypopup .yloading").length == 0) { // Check again wether a search result is still loading
if( $("#yquery").getValue() == ycurr) { // Open side bar only if result matches current search term
} , 1000);
function cancelNavigators(ynavigators, appendTo) { // Include checkboxes to release navigators
var arLen=ynavigators.length;
var query = $("#yquery").getValue();
for ( var i=0, len=arLen; i<len; ++i ){
if(query.indexOf(ynavigators[i]) != -1) // Check wether search term still contains the navigator
$(' <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" class="ynav-cancel" name="ynav'+i+'" value="'+ynavigators[i]+'"><span class="ytxt">'+ynavigators[i]+'</span><br>').appendTo(appendTo);
ynavigators.splice(i, 1); // Remove navigator from array as it has been removed manually from search term