orbiter ce1adf9955 serialized all logging using concurrency:
high-performance search query situations as seen in yacy-metager integration showed deadlock situation caused by synchronization effects inside of sun.java code. It appears that the logger is not completely safe against deadlock situations in concurrent calls of the logger. One possible solution would be a outside-synchronization with 'synchronized' statements, but that would further apply blocking on all high-efficient methods that call the logger. It is much better to do a non-blocking hand-over of logging lines and work off log entries with a concurrent log writer. This also disconnects IO operations from logging, which can also cause IO operation when a log is written to a file. This commit not only moves the logger from kelondro to yacy.logging, it also inserts the concurrency methods to realize non-blocking logging.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6078 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2009-06-15 21:19:54 +00:00

470 lines
18 KiB

// indexContainerCache.java
// (C) 2008 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 30.03.2008 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.kelondro.text;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import de.anomic.kelondro.blob.HeapReader;
import de.anomic.kelondro.blob.HeapWriter;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.ByteOrder;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.ByteArray;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.Row;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.RowSet;
import de.anomic.yacy.logging.Log;
public final class ReferenceContainerCache<ReferenceType extends Reference> extends AbstractIndex<ReferenceType> implements Index<ReferenceType>, IndexReader<ReferenceType>, Iterable<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> {
private final Row payloadrow;
private final ByteOrder termOrder;
private Map<ByteArray, ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> cache;
* opens an existing heap file in undefined mode
* after this a initialization should be made to use the heap:
* either a read-only or read/write mode initialization
* @param payloadrow
* @param log
public ReferenceContainerCache(final ReferenceFactory<ReferenceType> factory, final Row payloadrow, ByteOrder termOrder) {
this.payloadrow = payloadrow;
this.termOrder = termOrder;
this.cache = null;
public Row rowdef() {
return this.payloadrow;
public void clear() {
if (cache != null) cache.clear();
public void close() {
this.cache = null;
* initializes the heap in read/write mode without reading of a dump first
* another dump reading afterwards is not possible
public void initWriteMode() {
this.cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<ByteArray, ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>>();
public void dump(final File heapFile, int writeBuffer) {
assert this.cache != null;
Log.logInfo("indexContainerRAMHeap", "creating rwi heap dump '" + heapFile.getName() + "', " + cache.size() + " rwi's");
if (heapFile.exists()) FileUtils.deletedelete(heapFile);
File tmpFile = new File(heapFile.getParentFile(), heapFile.getName() + ".prt");
HeapWriter dump;
try {
dump = new HeapWriter(tmpFile, heapFile, payloadrow.primaryKeyLength, Base64Order.enhancedCoder, writeBuffer);
} catch (IOException e1) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// sort the map
SortedMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> cachecopy = sortedClone();
// write wCache
long wordcount = 0, urlcount = 0;
byte[] wordHash = null, lwh;
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> container;
for (final Map.Entry<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> entry: cachecopy.entrySet()) {
// get entries
lwh = wordHash;
wordHash = entry.getKey();
container = entry.getValue();
// check consistency: entries must be ordered
assert (lwh == null || this.ordering().compare(wordHash, lwh) > 0);
// put entries on heap
if (container != null && wordHash.length == payloadrow.primaryKeyLength) {
//System.out.println("Dump: " + wordHash);
try {
dump.add(wordHash, container.exportCollection());
} catch (IOException e) {
urlcount += container.size();
try {
Log.logInfo("indexContainerRAMHeap", "finished rwi heap dump: " + wordcount + " words, " + urlcount + " word/URL relations in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " milliseconds");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.logInfo("indexContainerRAMHeap", "failed rwi heap dump: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
dump = null;
public SortedMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> sortedClone() {
SortedMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> cachecopy;
synchronized (cache) {
cachecopy = new TreeMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>>(this.termOrder);
for (final Map.Entry<ByteArray, ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> entry: cache.entrySet()) {
cachecopy.put(entry.getKey().asBytes(), entry.getValue());
return cachecopy;
public int size() {
return (this.cache == null) ? 0 : this.cache.size();
* static iterator of BLOBHeap files: is used to import heap dumps into a write-enabled index heap
public static class blobFileEntries <ReferenceType extends Reference> implements CloneableIterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>>, Iterable<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> {
HeapReader.entries blobs;
Row payloadrow;
File blobFile;
ReferenceFactory<ReferenceType> factory;
public blobFileEntries(final File blobFile, ReferenceFactory<ReferenceType> factory, final Row payloadrow) throws IOException {
this.blobs = new HeapReader.entries(blobFile, payloadrow.primaryKeyLength);
this.payloadrow = payloadrow;
this.blobFile = blobFile;
this.factory = factory;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (blobs == null) return false;
if (blobs.hasNext()) return true;
return false;
* return an index container
* because they may get very large, it is wise to deallocate some memory before calling next()
public ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> next() {
Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry = blobs.next();
byte[] payload = entry.getValue();
return new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, entry.getKey().getBytes(), RowSet.importRowSet(payload, payloadrow));
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("heap dumps are read-only");
public Iterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> iterator() {
return this;
public void close() {
if (blobs != null) this.blobs.close();
blobs = null;
protected void finalize() {
public CloneableIterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> clone(Object modifier) {
if (blobs != null) this.blobs.close();
blobs = null;
try {
return new blobFileEntries<ReferenceType>(this.blobFile, factory, this.payloadrow);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public int maxReferences() {
// iterate to find the max score
int max = 0;
for (ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> container : cache.values()) {
if (container.size() > max) max = container.size();
return max;
* return an iterator object that creates top-level-clones of the indexContainers
* in the cache, so that manipulations of the iterated objects do not change
* objects in the cache.
public synchronized CloneableIterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> references(final byte[] startWordHash, final boolean rot) {
return new heapCacheIterator(startWordHash, rot);
public Iterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> iterator() {
return references(null, false);
* cache iterator: iterates objects within the heap cache. This can only be used
* for write-enabled heaps, read-only heaps do not have a heap cache
public class heapCacheIterator implements CloneableIterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>>, Iterable<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> {
// this class exists, because the wCache cannot be iterated with rotation
// and because every indexContainer Object that is iterated must be returned as top-level-clone
// so this class simulates wCache.tailMap(startWordHash).values().iterator()
// plus the mentioned features
private final boolean rot;
private Iterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> iterator;
private byte[] latestTermHash;
public heapCacheIterator(byte[] startWordHash, final boolean rot) {
this.rot = rot;
if (startWordHash != null && startWordHash.length == 0) startWordHash = null;
SortedMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> cachecopy = sortedClone();
this.iterator = (startWordHash == null) ? cachecopy.values().iterator() : cachecopy.tailMap(startWordHash).values().iterator();
this.latestTermHash = null;
// The collection's iterator will return the values in the order that their corresponding keys appear in the tree.
public heapCacheIterator clone(final Object secondWordHash) {
return new heapCacheIterator((byte[]) secondWordHash, rot);
public boolean hasNext() {
if (rot) return true;
return iterator.hasNext();
public ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> next() {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = iterator.next();
this.latestTermHash = c.getTermHash();
return c.topLevelClone();
// rotation iteration
if (!rot) {
return null;
iterator = cache.values().iterator();
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = iterator.next();
this.latestTermHash = c.getTermHash();
return c.topLevelClone();
public void remove() {
cache.remove(new ByteArray(this.latestTermHash));
public Iterator<ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>> iterator() {
return this;
* test if a given key is in the heap
* this works with heaps in write- and read-mode
* @param key
* @return true, if the key is used in the heap; false othervise
public boolean has(final byte[] key) {
return this.cache.containsKey(new ByteArray(key));
* get a indexContainer from a heap
* @param key
* @return the indexContainer if one exist, null otherwise
public ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> get(final byte[] key, Set<String> urlselection) {
if (urlselection == null) return this.cache.get(new ByteArray(key));
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = this.cache.get(new ByteArray(key));
if (c == null) return null;
// because this is all in RAM, we must clone the entries (flat)
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c1 = new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, c.getTermHash(), c.row(), c.size());
Iterator<ReferenceType> e = c.entries();
ReferenceType ee;
while (e.hasNext()) {
ee = e.next();
if (urlselection.contains(ee.metadataHash())) c1.add(ee);
return c1;
* return the size of the container with corresponding key
* @param key
* @return
public int count(final byte[] key) {
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = this.cache.get(new ByteArray(key));
if (c == null) return 0;
return c.size();
* delete a indexContainer from the heap cache. This can only be used for write-enabled heaps
* @param wordHash
* @return the indexContainer if the cache contained the container, null othervise
public ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> delete(final byte[] termHash) {
// returns the index that had been deleted
assert this.cache != null;
return cache.remove(new ByteArray(termHash));
public boolean remove(final byte[] termHash, final String urlHash) {
assert this.cache != null;
ByteArray tha = new ByteArray(termHash);
synchronized (cache) {
final ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = cache.get(tha);
if ((c != null) && (c.remove(urlHash) != null)) {
// removal successful
if (c.size() == 0) {
} else {
cache.put(tha, c);
return true;
return false;
public int remove(final byte[] termHash, final Set<String> urlHashes) {
assert this.cache != null;
if (urlHashes.size() == 0) return 0;
ByteArray tha = new ByteArray(termHash);
int count;
synchronized (cache) {
final ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> c = cache.get(tha);
if ((c != null) && ((count = c.removeEntries(urlHashes)) > 0)) {
// removal successful
if (c.size() == 0) {
} else {
cache.put(tha, c);
return count;
return 0;
public void add(final ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> container) {
// this puts the entries into the cache
assert this.cache != null;
if (this.cache == null || container == null || container.size() == 0) return;
// put new words into cache
ByteArray tha = new ByteArray(container.getTermHash());
int added = 0;
synchronized (cache) {
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> entries = cache.get(tha); // null pointer exception? wordhash != null! must be cache==null
if (entries == null) {
entries = container.topLevelClone();
added = entries.size();
} else {
added = entries.putAllRecent(container);
if (added > 0) {
cache.put(tha, entries);
entries = null;
public void add(final byte[] termHash, final ReferenceType newEntry) {
assert this.cache != null;
ByteArray tha = new ByteArray(termHash);
// first access the cache without synchronization
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> container = cache.remove(tha);
if (container == null) container = new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, termHash, this.payloadrow, 1);
// synchronization: check if the entry is still empty and set new value
synchronized (cache) {
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> containerNew = cache.put(tha, container);
if (containerNew == null) return;
cache.put(tha, container);
public void add(final byte[] termHash, final ReferenceType newEntry) {
assert this.cache != null;
ByteArray tha = new ByteArray(termHash);
// first access the cache without synchronization
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> container = cache.remove(tha);
if (container == null) container = new ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType>(factory, termHash, this.payloadrow, 1);
// then try to replace the entry that should be empty,
// but it can be possible that another thread has written something in between
ReferenceContainer<ReferenceType> containerNew = cache.put(tha, container);
if (containerNew == null) return;
container = containerNew;
// finally use synchronization: ensure that the entry is written exclusively
synchronized (cache) {
containerNew = cache.get(tha);
if (containerNew != null) container.putAllRecent(containerNew);
cache.put(tha, container);
public int minMem() {
return 0;
public ByteOrder ordering() {
return this.termOrder;