allo 28f890ee3e Important SECURITY FIX!
The UserDB Passwordcheck was buggy since 1138, any password allows access with the rights of 
the user!

USE SVN or disable all Users(take away all Rights)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@1246 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2005-12-24 21:16:19 +00:00

528 lines
20 KiB

//part of YACY
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
//first published on http://www.anomic.de
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
//This file ist contributed by Martin Thelian
//last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$
//Revision: $LastChangedRevision$
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
//running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
//for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
//by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
//is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
//software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
//any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
//software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
//(are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
//software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
//the software.
//Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
//gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
//lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
//done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
//the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
//Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.data;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroDyn;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMap;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
public final class userDB {
public static final int USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH = 128;
public static final int USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH = 4;
kelondroMap userTable;
private final File userTableFile;
private final int bufferkb;
private final serverCodings codings = new serverCodings(true);
private HashMap ipUsers = new HashMap();
public userDB(File userTableFile, int bufferkb) {
this.userTableFile = userTableFile;
this.bufferkb = bufferkb;
if (userTableFile.exists()) {
try {
this.userTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(userTableFile, bufferkb * 1024));
} catch (kelondroException e) {
this.userTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(userTableFile, bufferkb * 1024, 128, 256, true));
} catch (IOException e) {
this.userTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(userTableFile, bufferkb * 1024, 128, 256, true));
} else {
this.userTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(userTableFile, bufferkb * 1024, 128, 256, true));
public int[] dbCacheChunkSize() {
return userTable.cacheChunkSize();
public int[] dbCacheFillStatus() {
return userTable.cacheFillStatus();
void resetDatabase() {
// deletes the database and creates a new one
if (userTable != null) try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
if (!(userTableFile.delete())) throw new RuntimeException("cannot delete user database");
userTable = new kelondroMap(new kelondroDyn(userTableFile, this.bufferkb, 256, 512, true));
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
public int size() {
return userTable.size();
public void removeEntry(String hostName) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
public Entry getEntry(String userName) {
try {
Map record = userTable.get(userName);
if (record == null) return null;
return new Entry(userName, record);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public Entry createEntry(String userName, HashMap userProps) {
Entry entry = new Entry(userName,userProps);
return entry;
public String addEntry(Entry entry) {
try {
return entry.userName;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* use a ProxyAuth String to authenticate a user
* @param auth a base64 Encoded String, which contains "username:pw".
public Entry proxyAuth(String auth) {
Entry entry=null;
}catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){} //no valid Base64
String[] tmp=auth.split(":");
if(tmp.length == 2){
if( entry != null && entry.getMD5EncodedUserPwd().equals(serverCodings.encodeMD5Hex(auth)) ){
entry.setProperty(Entry.LOGGED_OUT, "false");
}catch(IOException e){}
return null;
return entry;
entry=this.passwordAuth(tmp[0], tmp[1]);
if(entry != null){
//return entry;
}else{ //wrong/no auth, so auth is removed from browser
/*FIXME: This cannot work
entry.setProperty(Entry.LOGGED_OUT, "false");
}catch(IOException e){}*/
return entry;
return null;
* determinate, if a user has Adminrights from a authorisation http-headerfield
* it tests both userDB and oldstyle adminpw.
* @param auth the http-headerline for authorisation
public boolean hasAdminRight(String auth){
plasmaSwitchboard sb=plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
String adminAccountBase64MD5 = sb.getConfig("adminAccountBase64MD5", "");
userDB.Entry entry = sb.userDB.proxyAuth(auth);
if (adminAccountBase64MD5.equals(serverCodings.encodeMD5Hex(auth.trim().substring(6)))) {
return true;
} else if(entry != null && entry.hasAdminRight()){
return true;
return false;
* use a ProxyAuth String to authenticate a user and save the ip/username for ipAuth
* @param auth a base64 Encoded String, which contains "username:pw".
* @param ip an ip.
public Entry proxyAuth(String auth, String ip){
Entry entry=proxyAuth(auth);
if(entry == null){
return null;
this.ipUsers.put(ip, entry.getUserName());
return entry;
* authenticate a user by ip, if he had used proxyAuth in the last 10 Minutes
* @param ip the IP of the User
public Entry ipAuth(String ip) {
String user=(String)this.ipUsers.get(ip);
Entry entry=this.getEntry(user);
Long entryTimestamp=entry.getLastAccess();
if(entryTimestamp == null || (System.currentTimeMillis()-entryTimestamp.longValue()) > (1000*60*10) ){ //no timestamp or older than 10 Minutes
return null;
return entry; //All OK
return null;
public Entry passwordAuth(String user, String password){
Entry entry=this.getEntry(user);
if( entry != null && entry.getMD5EncodedUserPwd().equals(serverCodings.encodeMD5Hex(user+":"+password)) ){
entry.setProperty(Entry.LOGGED_OUT, "false");
}catch(IOException e){}
return null;
return entry;
return null;
public Entry md5Auth(String user, String md5){
Entry entry=this.getEntry(user);
if( entry != null && entry.getMD5EncodedUserPwd().equals(md5)){
entry.setProperty(Entry.LOGGED_OUT, "false");
}catch(IOException e){}
return null;
return entry;
public class Entry {
public static final String MD5ENCODED_USERPWD_STRING = "MD5_user:pwd";
public static final String AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = "auth_method";
public static final String LOGGED_OUT = "loggedOut";
public static final String USER_FIRSTNAME = "firstName";
public static final String USER_LASTNAME = "lastName";
public static final String USER_ADDRESS = "address";
public static final String LAST_ACCESS = "lastAccess";
public static final String TIME_USED = "timeUsed";
public static final String TIME_LIMIT = "timeLimit";
public static final String TRAFFIC_SIZE = "trafficSize";
public static final String TRAFFIC_LIMIT = "trafficLimit";
public static final String UPLOAD_RIGHT = "uploadRight";
public static final String DOWNLOAD_RIGHT = "downloadRight";
public static final String ADMIN_RIGHT = "adminRight";
public static final String PROXY_RIGHT = "proxyRight";
// this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a user
private Map mem;
private String userName;
private Calendar oldDate, newDate;
public Entry(String userName, Map mem) {
if ((userName == null) || (userName.length() == 0))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.userName = userName.trim();
if (this.userName.length() < USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username to short. Length should be >= " + USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH);
if (mem == null) this.mem = new HashMap();
else this.mem = mem;
if (!mem.containsKey(AUTHENTICATION_METHOD))this.mem.put(AUTHENTICATION_METHOD,"yacy");
public String getUserName() {
return this.userName;
public String getFirstName() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(USER_FIRSTNAME)?(String)this.mem.get(USER_FIRSTNAME):null);
public String getLastName() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(USER_LASTNAME)?(String)this.mem.get(USER_LASTNAME):null);
public String getAddress() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(USER_ADDRESS)?(String)this.mem.get(USER_ADDRESS):null);
public long getTimeUsed() {
if (this.mem.containsKey(TIME_USED)) {
return Long.valueOf((String)this.mem.get(TIME_USED)).longValue();
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
return 0;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return 0;
public Long getTimeLimit() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(TIME_LIMIT)?Long.valueOf((String)this.mem.get(TIME_LIMIT)):null);
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
return new Long(0);
public long getTrafficSize() {
if (this.mem.containsKey(TRAFFIC_SIZE)) {
return Long.valueOf((String)this.mem.get(TRAFFIC_SIZE)).longValue();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return 0;
public Long getTrafficLimit() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(TRAFFIC_LIMIT)?Long.valueOf((String)this.mem.get(TRAFFIC_LIMIT)):null);
public long updateTrafficSize(long responseSize) {
if (responseSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("responseSize must be greater or equal zero.");
long currentTrafficSize = getTrafficSize();
long newTrafficSize = currentTrafficSize + responseSize;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return newTrafficSize;
public Long getLastAccess() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(LAST_ACCESS)?Long.valueOf((String)this.mem.get(LAST_ACCESS)):null);
public boolean canSurf(){
//TODO: more returnvalues.
//Exception if false, or CONSTANTS
long timeUsed=this.updateLastAccess(true);
if(this.hasProxyRight() == false)
return false;
return ( this.getTimeLimit() == null ||
this.getTimeLimit().longValue() <= 0 ||
( timeUsed < this.getTimeLimit().longValue())
); //no timelimit or timelimit not reached
public long updateLastAccess(boolean incrementTimeUsed) {
return updateLastAccess(System.currentTimeMillis(), incrementTimeUsed);
public long updateLastAccess(long timeStamp, boolean incrementTimeUsed) {
if (timeStamp < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Long lastAccess = this.getLastAccess();
long oldTimeUsed = getTimeUsed();
long newTimeUsed = oldTimeUsed;
if (incrementTimeUsed) {
if ((lastAccess == null)||((lastAccess != null)&&(timeStamp-lastAccess.longValue()>=1000*60))) { //1 minute
//this.mem.put(TIME_USED,Long.toString(newTimeUsed = ++oldTimeUsed));
newTimeUsed = ++oldTimeUsed;
if(lastAccess != null){
this.oldDate.setTime(new Date(lastAccess.longValue()));
this.newDate.setTime(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
this.oldDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) != this.newDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) ||
this.oldDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) != this.newDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) ||
this.oldDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) != this.newDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)
){ //new Day, reset time
}else{ //no access so far
this.mem.put(LAST_ACCESS,Long.toString(timeStamp)); //update Timestamp
this.mem.put(LAST_ACCESS,Long.toString(timeStamp)); //update Timestamp
try {
userDB.this.userTable.set(getUserName(), this.mem);
} catch(Exception e){
return newTimeUsed;
public String getMD5EncodedUserPwd() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(MD5ENCODED_USERPWD_STRING)?(String)this.mem.get(MD5ENCODED_USERPWD_STRING):null);
public Map getProperties() {
return this.mem;
public void setProperty(String propName, String newValue) throws IOException {
this.mem.put(propName, newValue);
userDB.this.userTable.set(getUserName(), this.mem);
public String getProperty(String propName, String defaultValue) {
return (this.mem.containsKey(propName)?(String)this.mem.get(propName):defaultValue);
public boolean hasUploadRight() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(UPLOAD_RIGHT)?((String)this.mem.get(UPLOAD_RIGHT)).equals("true"):false);
public boolean hasDownloadRight() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(DOWNLOAD_RIGHT)?((String)this.mem.get(DOWNLOAD_RIGHT)).equals("true"):false);
public boolean hasProxyRight() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(PROXY_RIGHT)?((String)this.mem.get(PROXY_RIGHT)).equals("true"):false);
public boolean hasAdminRight() {
return (this.mem.containsKey(ADMIN_RIGHT)?((String)this.mem.get(ADMIN_RIGHT)).equals("true"):false);
public boolean isLoggedOut(){
return (this.mem.containsKey(LOGGED_OUT)?((String)this.mem.get(LOGGED_OUT)).equals("true"):false);
public void logout(String ip){
setProperty(LOGGED_OUT, "true");
}catch(IOException e){}
public void logout(){
public String toString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
.append(": ");
if (this.mem != null) {
return str.toString();
public Iterator iterator(boolean up) {
// enumerates users
try {
return new userIterator(up);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new HashSet().iterator();
public class userIterator implements Iterator {
// the iterator iterates all userNames
kelondroDyn.dynKeyIterator userIter;
userDB.Entry nextEntry;
public userIterator(boolean up) throws IOException {
this.userIter = userDB.this.userTable.keys(up, false);
this.nextEntry = null;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
return this.userIter.hasNext();
} catch (kelondroException e) {
return false;
public Object next() {
try {
return getEntry((String) this.userIter.next());
} catch (kelondroException e) {
return null;
public void remove() {
if (this.nextEntry != null) {
try {
Object userName = this.nextEntry.getUserName();
if (userName != null) removeEntry((String) userName);
} catch (kelondroException e) {