Michael Peter Christen b5fc2b63ea removed exist() retrieval functions from error cache and replaced it
with metadata retrieval from connectors directly. This should cause
better usage of the cache. Automatically increase the metadata cache if
more memory is available.
2014-07-11 19:52:25 +02:00

635 lines
37 KiB

* HostBrowser
* Copyright 2012 by Michael Peter Christen, mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* First released 27.09.2012 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.FailType;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.AbstractSolrConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ClusteredScoreMap;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ReversibleScoreMap;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.crawler.HarvestProcess;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlProfile;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.NoticedURL.StackType;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.WebStructureGraph.StructureEntry;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.index.Fulltext;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment.ReferenceReport;
import net.yacy.search.index.Segment.ReferenceReportCache;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams;
import net.yacy.search.schema.CollectionSchema;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
public class HostBrowser {
final static long TIMEOUT = 10000L;
public static enum StoreType {
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
Fulltext fulltext = sb.index.fulltext();
final boolean authorized = sb.verifyAuthentication(header);
final boolean autoload = authorized && sb.getConfigBool("browser.autoload", true);
final boolean load4everyone = sb.getConfigBool("browser.load4everyone", false);
final boolean loadRight = autoload || load4everyone; // add config later
final boolean searchAllowed = sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.PUBLIC_SEARCHPAGE, true) || authorized;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
// set default values
prop.put("path", "");
prop.put("result", "");
prop.put("hosts", 0);
prop.put("files", 0);
prop.put("admin", "false");
boolean admin = false;
String referer = header.get("Referer", "");
if ((post != null && post.getBoolean("admin")) || referer.contains("HostBrowser.html?admin=true")) {
prop.put("topmenu", 2);
prop.put("admin", "true");
admin = true;
} else if (authorized) { // show top nav to admins
prop.put("topmenu", 1);
} else { // for other respect setting in Search Design Configuration
prop.put("topmenu", sb.getConfigBool("publicTopmenu", true) ? 1 : 0);
final String promoteSearchPageGreeting =
(env.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.GREETING_NETWORK_NAME, false)) ?
env.getConfig("network.unit.description", "") :
env.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.GREETING, "");
prop.put("topmenu_promoteSearchPageGreeting", promoteSearchPageGreeting);
if (!searchAllowed) {
prop.put("result", "You are not allowed to use this page. Please ask an administrator for permission.");
prop.putNum("ucount", 0);
return prop;
String path = post == null ? "" : post.get("path", "").trim();
if (authorized) sb.index.fulltext().commit(true);
if (post == null || env == null) {
prop.putNum("ucount", fulltext.collectionSize());
return prop;
int p = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (p < 0 && path.length() > 0) path = path + "/"; else if (p > 7) path = path.substring(0, p + 1); // the search path shall always end with "/"
if (path.length() > 0 && (
!path.startsWith("http://") &&
!path.startsWith("https://") &&
!path.startsWith("ftp://") &&
!path.startsWith("smb://") &&
!path.startsWith("file://"))) { path = "http://" + path; }
prop.putHTML("path", path);
prop.put("delete", authorized && path.length() > 0 ? 1 : 0);
DigestURL pathURI = null;
try {pathURI = new DigestURL(path);} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {}
String load = post.get("load", "");
boolean wait = false;
if (loadRight && autoload && path.length() != 0 && pathURI != null && load.length() == 0 && sb.index.getLoadTime(ASCII.String(pathURI.hash())) < 0) {
// in case that the url does not exist and loading is wanted turn this request into a loading request
load = path;
wait = true;
if (load.length() > 0 && loadRight) {
// stack URL
DigestURL url;
if (sb.crawlStacker.size() > 2) wait = false;
try {
url = new DigestURL(load);
String reasonString = sb.crawlStacker.stackCrawl(new Request(
url, null, load, new Date(),
0, 0, 0
prop.putHTML("result", reasonString == null ? ("added url to indexer: " + load) : ("not indexed url '" + load + "': " + reasonString));
if (wait) for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if (sb.index.getLoadTime(ASCII.String(url.hash())) >= 0) break;
try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
prop.putHTML("result", "bad url '" + load + "'");
if (authorized && post.containsKey("deleteLoadErrors")) {
try {
fulltext.getDefaultConnector().deleteByQuery("-" + CollectionSchema.httpstatus_i.getSolrFieldName() + ":200 AND "
+ CollectionSchema.httpstatus_i.getSolrFieldName() + AbstractSolrConnector.CATCHALL_DTERM); // make sure field exists
ConcurrentLog.info ("HostBrowser:", "delete documents with httpstatus_i <> 200");
fulltext.getDefaultConnector().deleteByQuery(CollectionSchema.failtype_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":\"" + FailType.fail.name() + "\"" );
ConcurrentLog.info ("HostBrowser:", "delete documents with failtype_s = fail");
fulltext.getDefaultConnector().deleteByQuery(CollectionSchema.failtype_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":\"" + FailType.excl.name() + "\"" );
ConcurrentLog.info ("HostBrowser:", "delete documents with failtype_s = excl");
prop.putNum("ucount", fulltext.collectionSize());
return prop;
} catch (final IOException ex) {
if (post.containsKey("hosts")) {
// generate host list
try {
boolean onlyCrawling = "crawling".equals(post.get("hosts", ""));
boolean onlyErrors = "error".equals(post.get("hosts", ""));
int maxcount = authorized ? 2 * 3 * 2 * 5 * 7 * 2 * 3 : 360; // which makes nice matrixes for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 rows/colums
// collect hosts from index
ReversibleScoreMap<String> hostscore = fulltext.getDefaultConnector().getFacets(AbstractSolrConnector.CATCHALL_QUERY, maxcount, CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()).get(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
if (hostscore == null) hostscore = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>();
// collect hosts from crawler
final Map<String, Integer[]> crawler = (authorized) ? sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getDomainStackHosts(StackType.LOCAL, sb.robots) : new HashMap<String, Integer[]>();
// collect the errorurls
Map<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>> exclfacets = authorized ? fulltext.getDefaultConnector().getFacets(CollectionSchema.failtype_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":" + FailType.excl.name(), maxcount, CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()) : null;
ReversibleScoreMap<String> exclscore = exclfacets == null ? new ClusteredScoreMap<String>() : exclfacets.get(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
Map<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>> failfacets = authorized ? fulltext.getDefaultConnector().getFacets(CollectionSchema.failtype_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":" + FailType.fail.name(), maxcount, CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName()) : null;
ReversibleScoreMap<String> failscore = failfacets == null ? new ClusteredScoreMap<String>() : failfacets.get(CollectionSchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName());
int c = 0;
Iterator<String> i = hostscore.keys(false);
String host;
while (i.hasNext() && c < maxcount) {
host = i.next();
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
prop.putHTML("hosts_list_" + c + "_host", host);
boolean inCrawler = crawler.containsKey(host);
int exclcount = exclscore.get(host);
int failcount = failscore.get(host);
int errors = exclcount + failcount;
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_count", hostscore.get(host) - errors);
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_crawler", inCrawler ? 1 : 0);
if (inCrawler) prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_crawler_pending", crawler.get(host)[0]);
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_errors", errors > 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (errors > 0) {
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_errors_exclcount", exclcount);
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_errors_failcount", failcount);
prop.put("hosts_list_" + c + "_type", inCrawler ? 2 : errors > 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (onlyCrawling) {
if (inCrawler) c++;
} else if (onlyErrors) {
if (errors > 0) c++;
} else {
prop.put("hosts_list", c);
prop.put("hosts", 1);
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (path.length() > 0) {
boolean delete = false;
boolean reload404 = false;
if (authorized && post.containsKey("delete")) {
// delete the complete path!! That includes everything that matches with this prefix.
delete = true;
if (authorized && post.containsKey("reload404")) {
// try to re-load all urls that have load errors and matches with this prefix.
reload404 = true;
int facetcount=post.getInt("facetcount", 0);
boolean complete = post.getBoolean("complete");
if (complete) { // we want only root paths for complete lists
p = path.indexOf('/', 10);
if (p > 0) path = path.substring(0, p + 1);
prop.put("files_complete", complete ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("files_complete_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
prop.putHTML("files_complete_path", path);
p = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1).lastIndexOf('/');
if (p < 8) {
prop.put("files_root", 1);
} else {
prop.put("files_root", 0);
prop.putHTML("files_root_path", path.substring(0, p + 1));
prop.put("files_root_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
try {
// generate file list from path
DigestURL uri = new DigestURL(path);
String host = uri.getHost();
prop.putHTML("outbound_host", host);
if (authorized) prop.putHTML("outbound_admin_host", host); //used for WebStructurePicture_p link
prop.putHTML("inbound_host", host);
String hosthash = ASCII.String(uri.hash(), 6, 6);
String[] pathparts = uri.getPaths();
// get all files for a specific host from the index
StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder();
if (pathparts.length > 0 && pathparts[0].length() > 0) {
for (String pe: pathparts) {
if (pe.length() > 0) q.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.url_paths_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(":\"").append(pe).append('\"');
} else {
if (facetcount > 1000 || post.containsKey("nepr")) {
q.append(" AND ").append(CollectionSchema.url_paths_sxt.getSolrFieldName()).append(AbstractSolrConnector.CATCHALL_DTERM);
BlockingQueue<SolrDocument> docs = fulltext.getDefaultConnector().concurrentDocumentsByQuery(q.toString(), CollectionSchema.url_chars_i.getSolrFieldName() + " asc", 0, 100000, TIMEOUT, 100, 1,
SolrDocument doc;
Set<String> storedDocs = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, FailType> errorDocs = new HashMap<String, FailType>();
Set<String> inboundLinks = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>> outboundHosts = new HashMap<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>>();
Map<String, InfoCacheEntry> infoCache = new HashMap<String, InfoCacheEntry>();
int hostsize = 0;
final List<String> deleteIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
final Collection<String> reloadURLs = new ArrayList<String>();
final Set<String> reloadURLCollection = new HashSet<String>();
long timeoutList = System.currentTimeMillis() + TIMEOUT;
long timeoutReferences = System.currentTimeMillis() + 6000;
ReferenceReportCache rrCache = sb.index.getReferenceReportCache();
while ((doc = docs.take()) != AbstractSolrConnector.POISON_DOCUMENT) {
String u = (String) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.sku.getSolrFieldName());
String errortype = (String) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.failtype_s.getSolrFieldName());
FailType error = errortype == null ? null : FailType.valueOf(errortype);
String ids = (String) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.id.getSolrFieldName());
infoCache.put(ids, new InfoCacheEntry(sb.index.fulltext(), rrCache, doc, ids, System.currentTimeMillis() < timeoutReferences));
if (u.startsWith(path)) {
if (delete) {
} else {
if (error == null) storedDocs.add(u); else {
if (reload404 && error == FailType.fail) {
ArrayList<String> collections = (ArrayList<String>) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.collection_sxt.getSolrFieldName());
if (collections != null) reloadURLCollection.addAll(collections);
if (authorized) errorDocs.put(u, error);
} else if (complete) {
if (error == null) storedDocs.add(u); else {
if (authorized) errorDocs.put(u, error);
if ((complete || u.startsWith(path)) && !storedDocs.contains(u)) inboundLinks.add(u); // add the current link
if (error == null) {
// collect inboundlinks to browse the host
Iterator<String> links = URIMetadataNode.getLinks(doc, true);
while (links.hasNext()) {
u = links.next();
if ((complete || u.startsWith(path)) && !storedDocs.contains(u)) inboundLinks.add(u);
// collect referrer links
links = URIMetadataNode.getLinks(doc, false);
while (links.hasNext()) {
u = links.next();
try {
MultiProtocolURL mu = new MultiProtocolURL(u);
if (mu.getHost() != null) {
ReversibleScoreMap<String> lks = outboundHosts.get(mu.getHost());
if (lks == null) {
lks = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>(UTF8.insensitiveUTF8Comparator);
outboundHosts.put(mu.getHost(), lks);
lks.set(u, u.length());
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {}
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeoutList) break;
if (deleteIDs.size() > 0) sb.remove(deleteIDs);
if (reloadURLs.size() > 0) {
final Map<String, Pattern> cm = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pattern>();
for (String collection: reloadURLCollection) cm.put(collection, QueryParams.catchall_pattern);
sb.reload(reloadURLs, cm.size() > 0 ? cm : CrawlProfile.collectionParser("user"), false);
// collect from crawler
List<Request> domainStackReferences = (authorized) ? sb.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getDomainStackReferences(StackType.LOCAL, host, 1000, 3000) : new ArrayList<Request>(0);
Set<String> loadingLinks = new HashSet<String>();
for (Request crawlEntry: domainStackReferences) loadingLinks.add(crawlEntry.url().toNormalform(true));
// now combine all lists into one
Map<String, StoreType> files = new HashMap<String, StoreType>();
for (String u: storedDocs) files.put(u, StoreType.INDEX);
for (Map.Entry<String, FailType> e: errorDocs.entrySet()) files.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue() == FailType.fail ? StoreType.FAILED : StoreType.EXCLUDED);
for (String u: inboundLinks) if (!files.containsKey(u)) files.put(u, StoreType.LINK);
for (String u: loadingLinks) if (u.startsWith(path) && !files.containsKey(u)) files.put(u, StoreType.LINK);
ConcurrentLog.info("HostBrowser", "collected " + files.size() + " urls for path " + path);
// distinguish files and folders
Map<String, Object> list = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); // a directory list; if object is boolean, its a file; if its a int[], then its a folder
int pl = path.length();
String file;
for (Map.Entry<String, StoreType> entry: files.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().length() < pl) continue; // this is not inside the path
if (!entry.getKey().startsWith(path)) continue;
file = entry.getKey().substring(pl);
StoreType type = entry.getValue();
p = file.indexOf('/');
if (p < 0) {
// this is a file
list.put(entry.getKey(), type); // StoreType value: this is a file; true -> file is in index; false -> not in index, maybe in crawler
} else {
// this is a directory path or a file in a subdirectory
String remainingPath = file.substring(0, p + 1);
if (complete && remainingPath.indexOf('.') > 0) {
list.put(entry.getKey(), type); // StoreType value: this is a file
} else {
String dir = path + remainingPath;
Object c = list.get(dir);
if (c == null) {
int[] linkedStoredIncrawlerError = new int[]{0,0,0,0,0};
if (type == StoreType.LINK) linkedStoredIncrawlerError[0]++;
if (type == StoreType.INDEX) linkedStoredIncrawlerError[1]++;
if (loadingLinks.contains(entry.getKey())) linkedStoredIncrawlerError[2]++;
if (errorDocs.containsKey(entry.getKey())) linkedStoredIncrawlerError[errorDocs.get(entry.getKey()) == FailType.excl ? 3 : 4]++;
list.put(dir, linkedStoredIncrawlerError);
} else if (c instanceof int[]) {
if (type == StoreType.LINK) ((int[]) c)[0]++;
if (type == StoreType.INDEX) ((int[]) c)[1]++;
if (loadingLinks.contains(entry.getKey())) ((int[]) c)[2]++;
if (errorDocs.containsKey(entry.getKey())) ((int[]) c)[errorDocs.get(entry.getKey()) == FailType.excl ? 3 : 4]++;
int maxcount = 1000;
int c = 0;
// first list only folders
int filecounter = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: list.entrySet()) {
if ((entry.getValue() instanceof StoreType)) {
} else {
// this is a folder
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type", 1);
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_url", entry.getKey());
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
int linked = ((int[]) entry.getValue())[0];
int stored = ((int[]) entry.getValue())[1];
int crawler = ((int[]) entry.getValue())[2];
int excl = ((int[]) entry.getValue())[3];
int error = ((int[]) entry.getValue())[4];
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored", stored);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_linked", linked);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_pendingVisible", crawler > 0 ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_pending", crawler);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_excludedVisible", excl > 0 ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_excluded", excl);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_failedVisible", error > 0 ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_failed", error);
if (++c >= maxcount) break;
// then list files
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: list.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof StoreType) {
// this is a file
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type", 0);
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_url", entry.getKey());
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
StoreType type = (StoreType) entry.getValue();
try {uri = new DigestURL(entry.getKey());} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {uri = null;}
HarvestProcess process = uri == null ? null : sb.crawlQueues.exists(uri.hash()); // todo: cannot identify errors
boolean loading = load.equals(entry.getKey()) || (process != null && process != HarvestProcess.ERRORS);
boolean error = process == HarvestProcess.ERRORS || type == StoreType.EXCLUDED || type == StoreType.FAILED;
boolean dc = type != StoreType.INDEX && !error && !loading && list.containsKey(entry.getKey() + "/");
if (!dc) {
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored", type == StoreType.INDEX ? 1 : error ? 3 : loading ? 2 : 0 /*linked*/);
if (type == StoreType.INDEX) {
String ids = ASCII.String(uri.hash());
InfoCacheEntry ice = infoCache.get(ids);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_comment", ice == null ? "" : ice.toString()); // ice.toString() contains html, therefore do not use putHTML here
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_load", loadRight ? 1 : 0);
if (error) {
FailType failType = errorDocs.get(entry.getKey());
if (failType == null) {
// maybe this is only in the errorURL
//Metadata faildoc = sb.index.fulltext().getDefaultConnector().getMetadata(ASCII.String(uri.hash()));
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_error", "unknown error");
} else {
String ids = ASCII.String(uri.hash());
InfoCacheEntry ice = infoCache.get(ids);
prop.put("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_error", failType == FailType.excl ? "excluded from indexing" : "load fail" + (ice == null ? "" : "; " + ice.toString()));
if (loadRight) {
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_load_url", entry.getKey());
prop.putHTML("files_list_" + c + "_type_stored_load_path", path);
if (++c >= maxcount) break;
prop.put("files_list", c);
prop.putHTML("files_path", path);
prop.put("files_hostsize", hostsize);
prop.put("files_subpathloadsize", storedDocs.size());
prop.put("files_subpathdetectedsize", filecounter - storedDocs.size());
prop.put("files", 1);
uri = new DigestURL(path);
prop.put("files_linkgraph", uri.getPath().length() <= 1 && hostsize > 0);
prop.put("files_linkgraph_host", uri.getHost());
// generate inbound-links table
StructureEntry struct = sb.webStructure.incomingReferences(hosthash);
if (struct != null && struct.references.size() > 0) {
maxcount = 200;
ReversibleScoreMap<String> score = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>(UTF8.insensitiveUTF8Comparator);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry: struct.references.entrySet()) score.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
c = 0;
Iterator<String> i = score.keys(false);
while (i.hasNext() && c < maxcount) {
host = i.next();
prop.put("inbound_list_" + c + "_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
prop.putHTML("inbound_list_" + c + "_host", sb.webStructure.hostHash2hostName(host));
prop.put("inbound_list_" + c + "_count", score.get(host));
prop.put("inbound_list", c);
prop.put("inbound", 1);
} else {
prop.put("inbound", 0);
// generate outbound-links table
if (outboundHosts.size() > 0) {
maxcount = 200;
ReversibleScoreMap<String> score = new ClusteredScoreMap<String>(UTF8.insensitiveUTF8Comparator);
for (Map.Entry<String, ReversibleScoreMap<String>> entry: outboundHosts.entrySet()) score.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().size());
c = 0;
Iterator<String> i = score.keys(false);
while (i.hasNext() && c < maxcount) {
host = i.next();
prop.putHTML("outbound_list_" + c + "_host", host);
prop.put("outbound_list_" + c + "_count", score.get(host));
prop.put("outbound_list_" + c + "_link", outboundHosts.get(host).getMinKey());
prop.put("outbound_list_" + c + "_admin", admin ? "true" : "false");
prop.put("outbound_list", c);
prop.put("outbound", 1);
} else {
prop.put("outbound", 0);
} catch (final Throwable e) {
// return rewrite properties
prop.putNum("ucount", fulltext.collectionSize());
return prop;
public static final class InfoCacheEntry {
public Integer cr_n;
public Double cr_c;
public int crawldepth, references, references_internal, references_external, references_exthosts;
public List<String> references_internal_urls, references_external_urls;
public InfoCacheEntry(final Fulltext fulltext, final ReferenceReportCache rrCache, final SolrDocument doc, final String urlhash, boolean fetchReferences) {
this.cr_c = (Double) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.cr_host_chance_d.getSolrFieldName());
this.cr_n = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.cr_host_norm_i.getSolrFieldName());
Integer cr = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.crawldepth_i.getSolrFieldName());
Integer rc = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.references_i.getSolrFieldName());
Integer rc_internal = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.references_internal_i.getSolrFieldName());
Integer rc_external = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.references_external_i.getSolrFieldName());
Integer rc_exthosts = (Integer) doc.getFieldValue(CollectionSchema.references_exthosts_i.getSolrFieldName());
this.crawldepth = (cr == null || cr.intValue() < 0) ? 0 : cr.intValue(); // for lazy value storage; non-existent means: stored as '0'
this.references = (rc == null || rc.intValue() <= 0) ? 0 : rc.intValue();
this.references_internal = (rc_internal == null || rc_internal.intValue() <= 0) ? 0 : rc_internal.intValue();
// calculate the url reference list
this.references_internal_urls = new ArrayList<String>();
this.references_external_urls = new ArrayList<String>();
if (fetchReferences) {
// get the references from the citation index
try {
ReferenceReport rr = rrCache.getReferenceReport(urlhash, false);
List<String> internalIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> externalIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
HandleSet iids = rr.getInternallIDs();
for (byte[] b: iids) internalIDs.add(ASCII.String(b));
HandleSet eids = rr.getExternalIDs();
for (byte[] b: eids) externalIDs.add(ASCII.String(b));
// get all urls from the index and store them here
for (String id: internalIDs) {
if (id.equals(urlhash)) continue; // no self-references
DigestURL u = fulltext.getURL(id);
if (u != null) references_internal_urls.add(u.toNormalform(true));
for (String id: externalIDs) {
if (id.equals(urlhash)) continue; // no self-references
DigestURL u = fulltext.getURL(id);
if (u != null) references_external_urls.add(u.toNormalform(true));
} catch (final IOException e) {
this.references_external = (rc_external == null || rc_external.intValue() <= 0) ? 0 : rc_external.intValue();
this.references_exthosts = (rc_exthosts == null || rc_exthosts.intValue() <= 0) ? 0 : rc_exthosts.intValue();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbi = new StringBuilder();
int c = 0;
for (String s: references_internal_urls) {
sbi.append("<a href='").append(s).append("' target='_blank'><img src='env/grafics/i16.gif' alt='info' title='" + s + "' width='12' height='12'/></a>");
if (c % 80 == 0) sbi.append("<br/>");
if (sbi.length() > 0) sbi.insert(0, "<br/>internal referrer:</br>");
StringBuilder sbe = new StringBuilder();
c = 0;
for (String s: references_external_urls) {
sbe.append("<a href='").append(s).append("' target='_blank'><img src='env/grafics/i16.gif' alt='info' title='" + s + "' width='12' height='12'/></a>");
if (c % 80 == 0) sbe.append("<br/>");
if (sbe.length() > 0) sbe.insert(0, "<br/>external referrer:</br>");
(this.crawldepth == 998 ? "unknown crawldepth" : this.crawldepth >= 0 ? "crawldepth: " + this.crawldepth : "") +
(this.cr_c != null ? ", cr=" + (Math.round(this.cr_c * 1000.0d) / 1000.0d) : "") +
(this.cr_n != null ? ", crn=" + this.cr_n : "") +
(this.references >= 0 ? ", refs: " + this.references_exthosts + " hosts, " + this.references_external + " ext, " + this.references_internal + " int" + sbi.toString() + sbe.toString() : "");