luccioman 8e732d437c Enable HTTP Digest authentication for non admin users.
Also ensure authentication is not lost by Digest timeout when navigating
between index.html and search results page.

This way, running searches with extended features on a remote peer or a
password protected peer works with a regular user (with "Extended
search" rights). 
When authenticating on the search page with a user without "Extended
search" rights, it appears as authenticated, but has just its usual
access to the public search features.
2017-10-26 07:51:18 +02:00

342 lines
13 KiB

// Blog.java
// -----------------------
// part of YACY
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// This File is contributed by Jan Sandbrink
// Contains contributions from Marc Nause [MN]
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// You must compile this file with
// javac -classpath .:../classes Blog.java
// if the shell's current path is HTROOT
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.UTF8;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.data.BlogBoard;
import net.yacy.data.UserDB;
import net.yacy.http.servlets.YaCyDefaultServlet;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
public class Blog {
private static final String DEFAULT_PAGE = "blog_default";
private static DateFormat SimpleFormatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT,DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale.getDefault());
* print localized date/time "yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss"
* @param date
* @return
public static String dateString(final Date date) {
return SimpleFormatter.format(date);
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
BlogBoard.BlogEntry page = null;
boolean hasRights = sb.verifyAuthentication(header);
//final int display = (hasRights || post == null) ? 1 : post.getInt("display", 0);
//prop.put("display", display);
prop.put("display", 1); // Fixed to 1
final boolean xml = header.getPathInfo().endsWith(".xml");
/* Peer URL base : used to generate absolute URLs in Blog.rss */
final String context = YaCyDefaultServlet.getContext(header, sb);
prop.put("mode_admin", hasRights ? "1" : "0");
if (post == null) {
prop.putHTML("peername", sb.peers.mySeed().getName());
prop.put("context", context);
return putBlogDefault(prop, sb, context, 0, 10, hasRights, xml);
final int start = post.getInt("start",0); //indicates from where entries should be shown
final int num = post.getInt("num",10); //indicates how many entries should be shown
if (!hasRights) {
final UserDB.Entry userentry = sb.userDB.proxyAuth(header);
if (userentry != null && userentry.hasRight(UserDB.AccessRight.BLOG_RIGHT)) {
} else if (post.containsKey("login")) {
//opens login window if login link is clicked
String pagename = post.get("page", DEFAULT_PAGE);
final String ip = header.getRemoteAddr();
String strAuthor = post.get("author", "anonymous");
if ("anonymous".equals(strAuthor)) {
strAuthor = sb.blogDB.guessAuthor(ip);
if (strAuthor == null || strAuthor.isEmpty()) {
if (sb.peers.mySeed() == null) {
strAuthor = "anonymous";
} else {
strAuthor = sb.peers.mySeed().get(Seed.NAME, "anonymous");
byte[] author;
author = UTF8.getBytes(strAuthor);
if (hasRights && post.containsKey("delete") && "sure".equals(post.get("delete"))) {
page = sb.blogDB.readBlogEntry(pagename);
for (final String comment : page.getComments()) {
pagename = DEFAULT_PAGE;
if (post.containsKey("discard")) {
pagename = DEFAULT_PAGE;
if (post.containsKey("submit") && hasRights) {
// store a new/edited blog-entry
byte[] content;
content = UTF8.getBytes(post.get("content", ""));
final Date date;
List<String> comments = null;
//set name for new entry or date for old entry
if (DEFAULT_PAGE.equals(pagename)) {
pagename = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
date = null;
} else {
page = sb.blogDB.readBlogEntry(pagename);
comments = page.getComments();
date = page.getDate();
final String commentMode = post.get("commentMode", "2");
final String StrSubject = post.get("subject", "");
byte[] subject;
subject = UTF8.getBytes(StrSubject);
sb.blogDB.writeBlogEntry(sb.blogDB.newEntry(pagename, subject, author, ip, date, content, comments, commentMode));
// create a news message
if (!sb.isRobinsonMode()) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("page", pagename);
map.put("subject", StrSubject.replace(',', ' '));
map.put("author", strAuthor.replace(',', ' '));
sb.peers.newsPool.publishMyNews(sb.peers.mySeed(), NewsPool.CATEGORY_BLOG_ADD, map);
page = sb.blogDB.readBlogEntry(pagename); //maybe "if(page == null)"
if (post.containsKey("edit")) {
//edit an entry
if(hasRights) {
prop.put("mode", "1"); //edit
prop.put("mode_commentMode", page.getCommentMode());
prop.putHTML("mode_author", UTF8.String(page.getAuthor()));
prop.put("mode_pageid", page.getKey());
prop.putHTML("mode_subject", UTF8.String(page.getSubject()));
prop.put("mode_page-code", UTF8.String(page.getPage()));
else {
prop.put("mode", "3"); //access denied (no rights)
} else if(post.containsKey("preview")) {
//preview the page
if(hasRights) {
prop.put("mode", "2");//preview
prop.put("mode_commentMode", post.getInt("commentMode", 2));
prop.putHTML("mode_pageid", pagename);
prop.putHTML("mode_author", UTF8.String(author));
prop.putHTML("mode_subject", post.get("subject",""));
prop.put("mode_date", dateString(new Date()));
prop.putWiki("mode_page", post.get("content", ""));
prop.putHTML("mode_page-code", post.get("content", ""));
else {
prop.put("mode", "3"); //access denied (no rights)
else if("try".equals(post.get("delete", ""))) {
if(hasRights) {
prop.put("mode", "4");
prop.putHTML("mode_pageid", pagename);
else prop.put("mode", "3"); //access denied (no rights)
else if (post.containsKey("import")) {
prop.put("mode", "5");
prop.put("mode_state", "0");
else if (post.containsKey("xmlfile")) {
prop.put("mode", "5");
if(sb.blogDB.importXML(post.get("xmlfile$file"))) {
prop.put("mode_state", "1");
else {
prop.put("mode_state", "2");
else {
// show blog-entry/entries
prop.put("mode", "0"); //viewing
if(DEFAULT_PAGE.equals(pagename)) {
// XXX: where are "peername" and "address" used in the template?
// XXX: "clientname" is already set to the peername, no need for a new setting
prop.putHTML("peername", sb.peers.mySeed().getName());
prop.put("context", context);
//index all entries
putBlogDefault(prop, sb, context, start, num, hasRights, xml);
else {
//only show 1 entry
prop.put("mode_entries", "1");
putBlogEntry(prop, page, context, 0, hasRights, xml);
// return rewrite properties
return prop;
private static serverObjects putBlogDefault(
final serverObjects prop,
final Switchboard switchboard,
final String context,
int start,
int num,
final boolean hasRights,
final boolean xml)
final Iterator<String> i = switchboard.blogDB.getBlogIterator(false);
int count = 0; //counts how many entries are shown to the user
if (xml) {
num = 0;
final int nextstart = start+num; //indicates the starting offset for next results
int prevstart = start-num; //indicates the starting offset for previous results
while (i.hasNext() && (num == 0 || num > count)) {
if(0 < start--) continue;
prop.put("mode_entries", count);
if (i.hasNext()) {
prop.put("mode_moreentries", "1"); //more entries are availible
prop.put("mode_moreentries_start", nextstart);
prop.put("mode_moreentries_num", num);
} else {
prop.put("moreentries", "0");
if (start > 0) {
prop.put("mode_preventries", "1");
if (prevstart < 0) {
prevstart = 0;
prop.put("mode_preventries_start", prevstart);
prop.put("mode_preventries_num", num);
} else prop.put("mode_preventries", "0");
return prop;
private static serverObjects putBlogEntry(
final serverObjects prop,
final BlogBoard.BlogEntry entry,
final String context,
final int number,
final boolean hasRights,
final boolean xml)
prop.putHTML("mode_entries_" + number + "_subject", UTF8.String(entry.getSubject()));
prop.putHTML("mode_entries_" + number + "_author", UTF8.String(entry.getAuthor()));
// comments
if (entry.getCommentMode() == 0) {
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_commentsactive", "0");
} else {
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_commentsactive", "1");
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_commentsactive_pageid", entry.getKey());
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_commentsactive_context", context);
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_commentsactive_comments", entry.getCommentsSize());
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_date", dateString(entry.getDate()));
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_rfc822date", HeaderFramework.formatRFC1123(entry.getDate()));
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_pageid", entry.getKey());
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_context", context);
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_ip", entry.getIp());
if (xml) {
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_page", entry.getPage());
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_timestamp", entry.getTimestamp());
} else {
prop.putWiki("mode_entries_" + number + "_page", entry.getPage());
if (hasRights) {
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_admin", "1");
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_admin_pageid",entry.getKey());
} else {
prop.put("mode_entries_" + number + "_admin", "0");
return prop;