orbiter 0edec2b760 FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html.
The old process used a not really efficient way to detect html encoding strings in texts.
All calling methods had been adoped to call the new class in an enhanced way with less parameters.

Many classes in interfaces used a XML encoding only (instead of full html conversion from unicode to html); this behavior was not changed with this commit but should be controlled again since it points out possible XSS leaks

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5295 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-10-22 18:59:04 +00:00

820 lines
38 KiB

// wikiCode.java
// -------------------------------------
// part of YACY
// (C) 2005, 2006 by Alexander Schier
// Marc Nause, Franz Brausze
// last change: $LastChangedDate: $ by $LastChangedBy: $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contains contributions from Alexander Schier [AS]
// Franz Brausze [FB] and Marc Nause [MN]
package de.anomic.data;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import de.anomic.data.wiki.abstractWikiParser;
import de.anomic.data.wiki.wikiParser;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterCharacterCoding;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
/** This class provides methods to handle texts that have been posted in the yacyWiki or other
* parts of YaCy that use this class, like the blog or the profile.
public class wikiCode extends abstractWikiParser implements wikiParser {
/* Table properties */
private static final String[] tps = { "rowspan", "colspan", "vspace", "hspace", "cellspacing", "cellpadding", "border" };
private static final HashMap/* <String,String[]> */<String, String[]> ps = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
static {
String[] array;
Arrays.sort(array = new String[] { "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box", "border" });
ps.put("frame", array);
Arrays.sort(array = new String[] { "none", "groups", "rows", "cols", "all" });
ps.put("rules", array);
Arrays.sort(array = new String[] { "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline" });
ps.put("valign", array);
Arrays.sort(array = new String[] { "left", "right", "center" });
ps.put("align", array);
private String numListLevel="";
private String ListLevel="";
private String defListLevel="";
private boolean cellprocessing=false; //needed for prevention of double-execution of replaceHTML
private boolean defList = false; //needed for definition lists
private boolean escape = false; //needed for escape
private boolean escaped = false; //needed for <pre> not getting in the way
private boolean escapeSpan = false; //needed for escape symbols [= and =] spanning over several lines
private boolean newrowstart=false; //needed for the first row not to be empty
private boolean nolist = false; //needed for handling of [= and <pre> in lists
private boolean preformatted = false; //needed for preformatted text
private boolean preformattedSpan = false; //needed for <pre> and </pre> spanning over several lines
private boolean replacedHTML = false; //indicates if method replaceHTML has been used with line already
private boolean table = false; //needed for tables, because they reach over several lines
private int preindented = 0; //needed for indented <pre>s
private int escindented = 0; //needed for indented [=s
private int headlines = 0; //number of headlines in page
private final ArrayList<String> dirElements = new ArrayList<String>(); //list of headlines used to create diectory of page
/** Constructor of the class wikiCode */
public wikiCode(final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){
protected String transform(
final BufferedReader reader,
final int length,
final String publicAddress,
final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) throws IOException {
final StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(length);
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
out.append(transformLine(line, publicAddress, switchboard)).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
return out.insert(0, directory()).toString();
/** This method processes tables in the wiki code.
* @param a string that might contain parts of a table
* @return a string with wiki code of parts of table replaced by HTML code for table
//[FB], changes by [MN]
private String processTable(String result, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){
//some variables that make it easier to change codes for the table
String line = "";
final String tableStart = "&#123;&#124;"; // {|
final String newLine = "&#124;-"; // |-
final String cellDivider = "&#124;&#124;"; // ||
final String tableEnd = "&#124;&#125;"; // |}
final String attribDivider = "&#124;"; // |
final int lenTableStart = tableStart.length();
final int lenCellDivider = cellDivider.length();
final int lenTableEnd = tableEnd.length();
final int lenAttribDivider = attribDivider.length();
if ((result.startsWith(tableStart)) && (!table)) {
if (result.trim().length()>lenTableStart) {
else if (result.startsWith(newLine) && (table)) { // new row
if (!newrowstart) {
} else {
else if ((result.startsWith(cellDivider)) && (table)) {
final int cellEnd=(result.indexOf(cellDivider,lenCellDivider)>0)?(result.indexOf(cellDivider,lenCellDivider)):(result.length());
int propEnd = result.indexOf(attribDivider,lenCellDivider);
final int occImage = result.indexOf("[[Image:",lenCellDivider);
final int occEscape = result.indexOf("[=",lenCellDivider);
//If resultOf("[[Image:") is less than propEnd, that means that there is no
//property for this cell, only an image. Without this, YaCy could get confused
//by a | in [[Image:picture.png|alt-text]] or [[Image:picture.png|alt-text]]
//Same for [= (part of [= =])
if((propEnd > lenCellDivider)
&&((occImage > propEnd)||( occImage < 0))
&&((occEscape> propEnd)||( occEscape < 0))
propEnd = result.indexOf(attribDivider,lenCellDivider)+lenAttribDivider;
else {
propEnd = cellEnd;
// both point at same place => new line
if (propEnd==cellEnd) {
else {
// quick&dirty fix [MN]
if(propEnd > cellEnd){
propEnd = lenCellDivider;
table=false; cellprocessing=true;
line+=">"+processTable(result.substring(propEnd,cellEnd).trim(), switchboard)+"</td>";
table=true; cellprocessing=false;
if (cellEnd<result.length()) {
line+="\n"+processTable(result.substring(cellEnd), switchboard);
else if (result.startsWith(tableEnd) && (table)) { // Table end
return result;
// contributed by [MN], changes by [FB]
/** This method takes possible table properties and tests if they are valid.
* Valid in this case means if they are a property for the table, tr or td
* tag as stated in the HTML Pocket Reference by Jennifer Niederst (1st edition)
* The method is important to avoid XSS attacks on the wiki via table properties.
* @param properties A string that may contain several table properties and/or junk.
* @return A string that only contains table properties.
private static StringBuffer parseTableProperties(final String properties) {
final String[] values = properties.replaceAll("&quot;", "").split("[= ]"); //splitting the string at = and blanks
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(properties.length());
String key, value;
String[] posVals;
final int numberofvalues = values.length;
for (int i=0; i<numberofvalues; i++) {
key = values[i].trim();
if (key.equals("nowrap")) {
addPair("nowrap", "nowrap", sb);
} else if (i + 1 < numberofvalues) {
value = values[++i].trim();
if (
(key.equals("summary")) ||
(key.equals("bgcolor") && value.matches("#{0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}|[a-zA-Z]{3,}")) ||
((key.equals("width") || key.equals("height")) && value.matches("\\d+%{0,1}")) ||
((posVals = ps.get(key)) != null && Arrays.binarySearch(posVals, value) >= 0) ||
(Arrays.binarySearch(tps, key) >= 0 && value.matches("\\d+"))
) {
addPair(key, value, sb);
return sb;
private static StringBuffer addPair(final String key, final String value, final StringBuffer sb) {
return sb.append(" ").append(key).append("=\"").append(value).append("\"");
/** This method processes ordered lists.
private String orderedList(String result){
if(!nolist){ //lists only get processed if not forbidden (see code for [= and <pre>). [MN]
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
//# sorted Lists contributed by [AS]
//## Sublist
if(result.startsWith(numListLevel + "#")){ //more #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ol>" + serverCore.CRLF_STRING +
"<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
numListLevel += "#";
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(numListLevel)){ //equal number of #
p0 = result.indexOf(numListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(numListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(numListLevel.length() > 0){ //less #
int i = numListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(numListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</ol>";
numListLevel = numListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = numListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(numListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
// end contrib [AS]
return result;
/** This method processes unordered lists.
//contributed by [AS] put into it's own method by [MN]
private String unorderedList(String result){
if(!nolist){ //lists only get processed if not forbidden (see code for [= and <pre>). [MN]
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
//contributed by [AS]
if(result.startsWith(ListLevel + "*")){ //more stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<ul>" + serverCore.CRLF_STRING +
"<li>" +
result.substring(ListLevel.length() + 1, p1) +
ListLevel += "*";
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(ListLevel)){ //equal number of stars
p0 = result.indexOf(ListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
result = "<li>" +
result.substring(ListLevel.length(), p1) +
}else if(ListLevel.length() > 0){ //less stars
int i = ListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(ListLevel.substring(0,i))){
tmp += "</ul>";
ListLevel = ListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = ListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(ListLevel.length() > 0){
result = tmp +
"<li>" +
result.substring(p0, p1) +
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
//end contrib [AS]
return result;
/** This method processes definition lists.
//contributed by [MN] based on unordered list code by [AS]
private String definitionList(String result){
if(!nolist){ //lists only get processed if not forbidden (see code for [= and <pre>). [MN]
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
if(result.startsWith(defListLevel + ";")){ //more semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
final String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length() + 1, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dl>" + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
defListLevel += ";";
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0 && result.startsWith(defListLevel)){ //equal number of semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
p0 = result.indexOf(defListLevel);
p1 = result.length();
final String resultCopy = result.substring(defListLevel.length(), p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
}else if(defListLevel.length() > 0){ //less semicolons
String dt = "";
String dd = "";
int i = defListLevel.length();
String tmp = "";
while(! result.startsWith(defListLevel.substring(0,i)) ){
tmp += "</dd></dl>";
defListLevel = defListLevel.substring(0,i);
p0 = defListLevel.length();
p1 = result.length();
if(defListLevel.length() > 0){
final String resultCopy = result.substring(p0, p1);
if((p0 = resultCopy.indexOf(":")) > 0){
dt = resultCopy.substring(0,p0);
dd = resultCopy.substring(p0+1);
result = tmp + "<dt>" + dt + "</dt>" + "<dd>" + dd;
defList = true;
result = tmp + result.substring(p0, p1);
return result;
/** This method processes links and images.
//contributed by [AS] except where stated otherwise
private String linksAndImages(String result, final String publicAddress, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) {
// create links
String kl, kv, alt, align;
int p;
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
// internal links and images
while ((p0 = result.indexOf("[[")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("]]", p0 + 2);
if (p1 <= p0) break;
kl = result.substring(p0 + 2, p1);
// this is the part of the code that's responsible for images
// contributed by [MN]
if (kl.startsWith("Image:")) {
alt = "";
align = "";
kv = "";
kl = kl.substring(6);
// are there any arguments for the image?
if ((p = kl.indexOf("&#124;")) > 0) {
kv = kl.substring(p + 6);
kl = kl.substring(0, p);
// if there are 2 arguments, write them into ALIGN and ALT
if ((p = kv.indexOf("&#124;")) > 0) {
align = kv.substring(0, p);
//checking validity of value for align. Only non browser specific
//values get supported. Not supported: absmiddle, baseline, texttop
if ((align.equals("bottom"))||
align = " align=\"" + align + "\"";
else align = "";
alt = " alt=\"" + kv.substring(p + 6) + "\"";
// if there is just one, put it into ALT
alt = " alt=\"" + kv + "\"";
// replace incomplete URLs and make them point to http://peerip:port/...
// with this feature you can access an image in DATA/HTDOCS/share/yacy.gif
// using the wikicode [[Image:share/yacy.gif]]
// or an image DATA/HTDOCS/grafics/kaskelix.jpg with [[Image:grafics/kaskelix.jpg]]
// you are free to use other sub-paths of DATA/HTDOCS
if (kl.indexOf("://")<1) {
kl = "http://" + publicAddress.trim() + "/" + kl;
result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<img src=\"" + kl + "\"" + align + alt + ">" + result.substring(p1 + 2);
// end contrib [MN]
// if it's no image, it might be an internal link
else {
if ((p = kl.indexOf("&#124;")) > 0) {
kv = kl.substring(p + 6);
kl = kl.substring(0, p);
} else {
kv = kl;
if (switchboard != null && switchboard.wikiDB.read(kl) != null) {
result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<a class=\"known\" href=\"Wiki.html?page=" + kl + "\">" + kv + "</a>" + result.substring(p1 + 2);
} else {
result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<a class=\"unknown\" href=\"Wiki.html?page=" + kl + "&edit=Edit\">" + kv + "</a>" + result.substring(p1 + 2);
// external links
while ((p0 = result.indexOf("[")) >= 0) {
p1 = result.indexOf("]", p0 + 1);
if (p1 <= p0) break;
kl = result.substring(p0 + 1, p1);
if ((p = kl.indexOf(" ")) > 0) {
kv = kl.substring(p + 1);
kl = kl.substring(0, p);
// No text for the link? -> <a href="http://www.url.com/">http://www.url.com/</a>
else {
kv = kl;
// replace incomplete URLs and make them point to http://peerip:port/...
// with this feature you can access a file at DATA/HTDOCS/share/page.html
// using the wikicode [share/page.html]
// or a file DATA/HTDOCS/www/page.html with [www/page.html]
// you are free to use other sub-paths of DATA/HTDOCS
if (kl.indexOf("://") < 1) {
kl = "http://" + publicAddress.trim() + "/" + kl;
result = result.substring(0, p0) + "<a class=\"extern\" href=\"" + kl + "\">" + kv + "</a>" + result.substring(p1 + 1);
return result;
/** This method handles the escape tags [= =] */
//contributed by [MN]
private String escapeTag(String result, final String publicAddress, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
//both [= and =] in the same line
if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&((p1 = result.indexOf("=]"))>0)&&(!(preformatted))){
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2,p1);
escapeText = escapeText.replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!");
result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!")+"!esc!txt!"+result.substring(p1+2).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!"), publicAddress, switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!!", "!esc!");
//handles cases like [=[= =]=] [= =] that would cause an exception otherwise
escape = true;
final String temp1 = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0-1).replaceAll("!tmp!","!tmp!!")+"!tmp!txt!", publicAddress, switchboard);
nolist = true;
final String temp2 = transformLine(result.substring(p0), publicAddress, switchboard);
nolist = false;
result = temp1.replaceAll("!tmp!txt!",temp2);
result = result.replaceAll("!tmp!!", "!tmp!");
escape = false;
//start [=
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("[="))>=0)&&(!escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escape = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
escaped = true; //prevents <pre> being parsed
String bq = ""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result.substring(p0+2);
escapeText = escapeText.replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!");
//taking care of indented lines
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
result = transformLine(result.substring(escindented,p0).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!")+"!esc!txt!", publicAddress, switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!!", "!esc!");
escape = false;
escapeSpan = true;
//end =]
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)&&(escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
escapeSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String escapeText = result.substring(0,p0);
escapeText = escapeText.replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!");
//taking care of indented lines
while(escindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
result = transformLine("!esc!txt!"+result.substring(p0+2).replaceAll("!esc!", "!esc!!"), publicAddress, switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!txt!", escapeText) + bq;
result = result.replaceAll("!esc!!", "!esc!");
escaped = false;
//Getting rid of surplus =]
else if (((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0)&&(!escapeSpan)&&(!preformatted)){
while((p0 = result.indexOf("=]"))>=0){
result = result.substring(0,p0)+result.substring(p0+2);
result = transformLine(result, publicAddress, switchboard);
return result;
/** This method handles the preformatted tags <pre> </pre> */
//contributed by [MN]
private String preformattedTag(String result, final String publicAddress, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard){
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
//implementation very similar to escape code (see above)
//both <pre> and </pre> in the same line
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">"+result.substring(p0+11,p1)+"</pre>";
preformattedText = preformattedText.replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!");
result = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!")+"!pre!txt!"+result.substring(p1+12).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!"), publicAddress, switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
//handles cases like <pre><pre> </pre></pre> <pre> </pre> that would cause an exception otherwise
preformatted = true;
final String temp1 = transformLine(result.substring(0,p0-1).replaceAll("!tmp!","!tmp!!")+"!tmp!txt!", publicAddress, switchboard);
nolist = true;
final String temp2 = transformLine(result.substring(p0), publicAddress, switchboard);
nolist = false;
result = temp1.replaceAll("!tmp!txt!",temp2);
result = result.replaceAll("!tmp!!", "!tmp!");
preformatted = false;
//start <pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("&lt;pre&gt;"))>=0)&&(!preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformatted = true; //prevent surplus line breaks
String bq =""; //gets filled with <blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = "<pre style=\"border:dotted;border-width:thin\">"+result.substring(p0+11);
preformattedText = preformattedText.replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!");
//taking care of indented lines
bq = bq + "<blockquote>";
result = transformLine(result.substring(preindented,p0).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!")+"!pre!txt!", publicAddress, switchboard);
result = bq + result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformattedSpan = true;
//end </pre>
else if(((p0 = result.indexOf("&lt;/pre&gt;"))>=0)&&(preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
preformattedSpan = false;
String bq = ""; //gets filled with </blockquote>s as needed
String preformattedText = result.substring(0,p0)+"</pre>";
preformattedText = preformattedText.replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!");
//taking care of indented lines
while (preindented > 0){
bq = bq + "</blockquote>";
result = transformLine("!pre!txt!"+result.substring(p0+12).replaceAll("!pre!", "!pre!!"), publicAddress, switchboard);
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!txt!", preformattedText) + bq;
result = result.replaceAll("!pre!!", "!pre!");
preformatted = false;
//Getting rid of surplus </pre>
else if (((p0 = result.indexOf("&lt;/pre&gt;"))>=0)&&(!preformattedSpan)&&(!escaped)){
while((p0 = result.indexOf("&lt;/pre&gt;"))>=0){
result = result.substring(0,p0)+result.substring(p0+12);
result = transformLine(result, publicAddress, switchboard);
return result;
/** This method creates a directory for a wiki page.
* @return directory of the wiki
//method contributed by [MN]
private String directory(){
String directory = "";
String element;
int s = 0;
int level = 1;
int level1 = 0;
int level2 = 0;
int level3 = 0;
int doubles = 0;
String anchorext = "";
for(int i=0;i<s;i++){
element = dirElements.get(i);
//counting double headlines
doubles = 0;
for(int j=0;j<i;j++){
if(dirElements.get(j).substring(1).replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","").equals(element.substring(1).replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]",""))){
//if there are doubles, create anchorextension
anchorext = "_" + (doubles+1);
if (element.startsWith("3")){
level = 3;
level3 = 0;
final String temp = element.substring(1);
element=level1+"."+level2+"."+level3+" "+temp;
directory = directory + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"#"+temp.replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","")+anchorext+"\" class=\"WikiTOC\">"+element+"</a><br />\n";
else if (element.startsWith("2")){
level2 = 0;
level = 2;
level = 2;
final String temp = element.substring(1);
element=level1+"."+level2+" "+temp;
directory = directory + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"#"+temp.replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","")+anchorext+"\" class=\"WikiTOC\">"+element+"</a><br />\n";
else if (element.startsWith("1")) {
if (level>1) {
level = 1;
level2 = 0;
level3 = 0;
final String temp = element.substring(1);
element=level1+". "+temp;
directory = directory + "<a href=\"#"+temp.replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]","")+anchorext+"\" class=\"WikiTOC\">"+element+"</a><br />\n";
directory = "<table><tr><td><div class=\"WikiTOCBox\">\n" + directory + "</div></td></tr></table>\n";
// [MN]
headlines = 0;
return directory;
/** Replaces two occurences of a substring in a string by a pair of strings if
* that substring occurs twice in the string. This method is not greedy! You'll
* have to run it in a loop if you want to replace all occurences of the substring.
* This method provides special treatment for headlines.
* @param input the string that something is to be replaced in
* @param pat substring to be replaced
* @param repl1 string substring gets replaced by on uneven occurences
* @param repl2 string substring gets replaced by on even occurences
private String pairReplace(String input, final String pat, final String repl1, final String repl2){
String direlem = ""; //string to keep headlines until they get added to List dirElements
int p0 = 0;
int p1 = 0;
final int l = pat.length();
//replace pattern if a pair of the pattern can be found in the line
if( ((p0 = input.indexOf(pat)) >= 0) && ((p1 = input.indexOf(pat, p0 + l)) >= 0) ) {
//extra treatment for headlines
//add anchor and create headline
direlem = input.substring(p0 + l, p1);
//counting double headlines
int doubles = 0;
for(int i=0;i<headlines;i++){
String anchor = direlem.replaceAll(" ","_").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]",""); //replace blanks with underscores and delete everything thats not a regular character, a number or _
//if there are doubles, add underscore and number of doubles plus one
anchor = anchor + "_" + (doubles+1);
input = input.substring(0, p0) + "<a name=\""+anchor+"\"></a>" + repl1 +
direlem + repl2 + input.substring(p1 + l);
//add headlines to list of headlines (so TOC can be created)
if(pat.equals("====")) dirElements.add("3"+direlem);
else if(pat.equals("===")) dirElements.add("2"+direlem);
else if(pat.equals("==")) dirElements.add("1"+direlem);
input = input.substring(0, p0) + repl1 +
(/*direlem =*/ input.substring(p0 + l, p1)) + repl2 +
input.substring(p1 + l);
//recursion if a pair of the pattern can still be found in the line
if( ((p0 = input.indexOf(pat)) >= 0) && (input.indexOf(pat,p0 + l) >= 0) ){
input = pairReplace(input, pat, repl1, repl2);
return input;
/** Replaces wiki tags with HTML tags.
* @param result a line of text
* @param switchboard
* @return the line of text with HTML tags instead of wiki tags
public String transformLine(String result, final String publicAddress, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) {
//If HTML has not bee replaced yet (can happen if method gets called in recursion), replace now!
if (!replacedHTML || preformattedSpan){
result = htmlFilterCharacterCoding.unicode2html(result, true);
replacedHTML = true;
//check if line contains escape symbols([= =]) or if we are in an escape sequence already.
if ((result.indexOf("[=")>=0)||(result.indexOf("=]")>=0)||(escapeSpan)){
result = escapeTag(result, publicAddress, switchboard);
//check if line contains preformatted symbols or if we are in a preformatted sequence already.
else if ((result.indexOf("&lt;pre&gt;")>=0)||(result.indexOf("&lt;/pre&gt;")>=0)||(preformattedSpan)){
result = preformattedTag(result, publicAddress, switchboard);
//transform page as usual
else {
//tables first -> wiki-tags in cells can be treated after that
result = processTable(result, switchboard);
// format lines
if (result.startsWith(" ")) result = "<tt>" + result.substring(1) + "</tt>";
if (result.startsWith("----")) result = "<hr />";
// citings contributed by [MN]
String head = "";
String tail = "";
head = head + "<blockquote>";
tail = tail + "</blockquote>";
result = result.substring(1);
result = head + result + tail;
// end contrib [MN]
// format headers
result = pairReplace(result,"====","<h4>","</h4>");
result = pairReplace(result,"===","<h3>","</h3>");
result = pairReplace(result,"==","<h2>","</h2>");
result = pairReplace(result,"'''''","<b><i>","</i></b>");
result = pairReplace(result,"'''","<b>","</b>");
result = pairReplace(result,"''","<i>","</i>");
result = unorderedList(result);
result = orderedList(result);
result = definitionList(result);
result = linksAndImages(result, publicAddress, switchboard);
if (!preformatted) replacedHTML = false;
if ((result.endsWith("</li>"))||(defList)||(escape)||(preformatted)||(table)||(cellprocessing)) return result;
return result + "<br />";