Michael Peter Christen d6b82840f8 added a feature to find similarities in documents.
This uses an enhanced version of the Nutch/Solr TextProfileSignatue.
As a result, a signature of the document is written to the solr search
index. Additionally for each time when a signature is written, it is
checked if the singature exists already in the index. If the signature
does not exist, the document is marked as unique. The unique attribute
can now be used to sort document lists and bring duplicates to the end
of a result list.
To enable this, a large portion of the search api to Solr had to be
changed. This affected mainly caching of 'exists' searches to enhance
the check for existing signatures and do this without actually doing a
solr query.
Because here the first time a long number is used as value in the Solr
store, also the value naming in the YaCySchema had to be adopted and
normalized. This caused that many files had to be changed.
2012-11-21 18:46:49 +01:00

887 lines
36 KiB

// Fulltext.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2006 as part of 'plasmaCrawlLURL.java' on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.search.index;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter;
import net.yacy.cora.date.ISO8601Formatter;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.YaCySchema;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.AbstractSolrConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.EmbeddedSolrConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.MirrorSolrConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.connector.SolrConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.order.CloneableIterator;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ConcurrentScoreMap;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ScoreMap;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ZIPReader;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ZIPWriter;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.CharacterCoding;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataRow;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Cache;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Index;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
import net.yacy.kelondro.table.SplitTable;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MergeIterator;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
public final class Fulltext implements Iterable<byte[]> {
private static final String SOLR_PATH = "solr_40"; // the number should be identical to the number in the property luceneMatchVersion in solrconfig.xml
private static final String SOLR_OLD_PATH[] = new String[]{"solr_36"};
private static final long forcedCommitTimeout = 3000; // wait this time until a next forced commit is executed
// class objects
private final File location;
private Index urlIndexFile;
private Export exportthread; // will have a export thread assigned if exporter is running
private String tablename;
private ArrayList<HostStat> statsDump;
private final MirrorSolrConnector solr;
private final SolrConfiguration solrScheme;
private long forcedCommitTime;
protected Fulltext(final File path, final SolrConfiguration solrScheme) {
this.location = path;
this.tablename = null;
this.urlIndexFile = null;
this.exportthread = null; // will have a export thread assigned if exporter is running
this.statsDump = null;
this.solr = new MirrorSolrConnector(10000, 10000, 100);
this.solrScheme = solrScheme;
this.forcedCommitTime = 0;
protected void connectUrlDb(final String tablename, final boolean useTailCache, final boolean exceed134217727) {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) return;
this.tablename = tablename;
this.urlIndexFile = new SplitTable(this.location, tablename, URIMetadataRow.rowdef, useTailCache, exceed134217727);
public void disconnectUrlDb() {
if (this.urlIndexFile == null) return;
this.urlIndexFile = null;
public SolrConfiguration getSolrScheme() {
return this.solrScheme;
public boolean connectedLocalSolr() {
return this.solr.isConnected0();
public void connectLocalSolr(final int commitWithin) throws IOException {
File baseLocation = this.location;
if (baseLocation.getName().equals("default")) baseLocation = baseLocation.getParentFile();
File solrLocation = new File(baseLocation, SOLR_PATH);
// migrate old solr to new
for (String oldVersion: SOLR_OLD_PATH) {
File oldLocation = new File(baseLocation, oldVersion);
if (oldLocation.exists()) oldLocation.renameTo(solrLocation);
EmbeddedSolrConnector esc = new EmbeddedSolrConnector(solrLocation, new File(new File(Switchboard.getSwitchboard().appPath, "defaults"), "solr"));
Version luceneVersion = esc.getConfig().getLuceneVersion("luceneMatchVersion");
String lvn = luceneVersion.name();
int p = lvn.indexOf('_');
assert SOLR_PATH.endsWith(lvn.substring(p)) : "luceneVersion = " + lvn + ", solrPath = " + SOLR_PATH + ", p = " + p + ", check defaults/solr/solrconfig.xml";
Log.logInfo("MetadataRepository", "connected solr in " + solrLocation.toString() + ", lucene version " + lvn);
public void disconnectLocalSolr() {
public boolean connectedRemoteSolr() {
return this.solr.isConnected1();
public void connectRemoteSolr(final SolrConnector rs) {
public void disconnectRemoteSolr() {
public SolrConnector getLocalSolr() {
return this.solr.getSolr0();
public SolrConnector getRemoteSolr() {
return this.solr.getSolr1();
public SolrConnector getSolr() {
return this.solr;
public void clearCache() {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null && this.urlIndexFile instanceof Cache) ((Cache) this.urlIndexFile).clearCache();
if (this.statsDump != null) this.statsDump.clear();
this.statsDump = null;
public void clear() throws IOException {
if (this.exportthread != null) this.exportthread.interrupt();
if (this.urlIndexFile == null) {
SplitTable.delete(this.location, this.tablename);
} else {
// the remote solr is not cleared here because that shall be done separately
this.statsDump = null;
public int size() {
int size = 0;
size += this.urlIndexFile == null ? 0 : this.urlIndexFile.size();
size += this.solr.getSize();
return size;
public void close() {
this.statsDump = null;
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) {
this.urlIndexFile = null;
public int getCommitWithinMs() {
return this.solr.getCommitWithinMs();
public void commit() {
if (this.forcedCommitTime + forcedCommitTimeout > System.currentTimeMillis()) return;
this.forcedCommitTime = Long.MAX_VALUE - forcedCommitTimeout; // set the time high to prevent that other processes get to this point meanwhile
this.forcedCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // set the exact time
public Date getLoadDate(final String urlHash) {
if (urlHash == null) return null;
SolrDocument doc;
try {
doc = this.solr.getById(urlHash, YaCySchema.load_date_dt.getSolrFieldName());
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (doc == null) return null;
Date x = (Date) doc.getFieldValue(YaCySchema.load_date_dt.getSolrFieldName());
if (x == null) return new Date(0);
Date now = new Date();
return x.after(now) ? now : x;
* generates an plasmaLURLEntry using the url hash
* if the url cannot be found, this returns null
* @param obrwi
* @return
public URIMetadataNode getMetadata(WordReference wre, long weight) {
if (wre == null) return null; // all time was already wasted in takeRWI to get another element
return getMetadata(wre.urlhash(), wre, weight);
public URIMetadataNode getMetadata(final byte[] urlHash) {
if (urlHash == null) return null;
return getMetadata(urlHash, null, 0);
private URIMetadataNode getMetadata(final byte[] urlHash, WordReference wre, long weight) {
// get the metadata from Solr
try {
SolrDocument doc = this.solr.getById(ASCII.String(urlHash));
if (doc != null) {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) this.urlIndexFile.remove(urlHash);
return new URIMetadataNode(doc, wre, weight);
} catch (IOException e) {
// get the metadata from the old metadata index
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) try {
// slow migration to solr
final Row.Entry entry = this.urlIndexFile.remove(urlHash);
if (entry == null) return null;
URIMetadataRow row = new URIMetadataRow(entry, wre);
SolrInputDocument solrInput = this.solrScheme.metadata2solr(row);
return new URIMetadataNode(solrInput, wre, weight);
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
public void putDocument(final SolrInputDocument doc) throws IOException {
String id = (String) doc.getFieldValue(YaCySchema.id.getSolrFieldName());
byte[] idb = ASCII.getBytes(id);
try {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) this.urlIndexFile.remove(idb);
SolrDocument sd = this.solr.getById(id, YaCySchema.last_modified.getSolrFieldName());
Date now = new Date();
Date sdDate = sd == null ? null : URIMetadataNode.getDate(sd, YaCySchema.last_modified);
if (sdDate == null || sdDate.after(now)) sdDate = now;
Date docDate = SolrConfiguration.getDate(doc, YaCySchema.last_modified);
if (docDate.after(now)) docDate = now;
if (sd == null || sdDate.before(docDate)) {
if (this.solrScheme.contains(YaCySchema.ip_s)) {
// ip_s needs a dns lookup which causes blockings during search here
} else synchronized (this.solr) {
} catch (SolrException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
this.statsDump = null;
if (MemoryControl.shortStatus()) clearCache();
public void putMetadata(final URIMetadataRow entry) throws IOException {
URIMetadataRow row = entry;
byte[] idb = row.hash();
String id = ASCII.String(idb);
try {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) this.urlIndexFile.remove(idb);
SolrDocument sd = this.solr.getById(id);
if (sd == null || (new URIMetadataNode(sd)).isOlder(row)) {
if (this.solrScheme.contains(YaCySchema.ip_s)) {
// ip_s needs a dns lookup which causes blockings during search here
} else synchronized (this.solr) {
} catch (SolrException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
this.statsDump = null;
if (MemoryControl.shortStatus()) clearCache();
* using a fragment of the url hash (6 bytes: bytes 6 to 11) it is possible to address all urls from a specific domain
* here such a fragment can be used to delete all these domains at once
* @param hosthash the hash of the host to be deleted
* @param freshdate either NULL or a date in the past which is the limit for deletion. Only documents older than this date are deleted
* @return number of deleted domains
* @throws IOException
public int deleteDomain(final String hosthash, Date freshdate, boolean concurrent) {
// first collect all url hashes that belong to the domain
assert hosthash.length() == 6;
final String q = YaCySchema.host_id_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":\"" + hosthash + "\"" +
((freshdate != null && freshdate.before(new Date())) ? (" AND " + YaCySchema.load_date_dt.getSolrFieldName() + ":[* TO " + ISO8601Formatter.FORMATTER.format(freshdate) + "]") : "");
final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// delete in solr
synchronized (Fulltext.this.solr) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {}
// delete in old metadata structure
if (Fulltext.this.urlIndexFile != null) {
final ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
synchronized (this) {
CloneableIterator<byte[]> i;
try {
i = Fulltext.this.urlIndexFile.keys(true, null);
String hash;
while (i != null && i.hasNext()) {
hash = ASCII.String(i.next());
if (hosthash.equals(hash.substring(6))) l.add(hash);
// then delete the urls using this list
for (final String h: l) Fulltext.this.urlIndexFile.delete(ASCII.getBytes(h));
} catch (IOException e) {}
// finally remove the line with statistics
if (Fulltext.this.statsDump != null) {
final Iterator<HostStat> hsi = Fulltext.this.statsDump.iterator();
HostStat hs;
while (hsi.hasNext()) {
hs = hsi.next();
if (hs.hosthash.equals(hosthash)) {
if (concurrent) t.start(); else t.run();
return count.get();
* remove a full subpath from the index
* @param subpath the left path of the url; at least until the end of the host
* @param freshdate either NULL or a date in the past which is the limit for deletion. Only documents older than this date are deleted
* @param concurrently if true, then the method returnes immediately and runs concurrently
public int remove(String subpath, Date freshdate, final boolean concurrently) {
int p = subpath.substring(0, subpath.length() - 1).lastIndexOf('/');
final String path = p > 8 ? subpath.substring(0, p + 1) : subpath;
DigestURI uri;
try {uri = new DigestURI(path);} catch (MalformedURLException e) {return 0;}
final String host = uri.getHost();
final String q = YaCySchema.host_s.getSolrFieldName() + ":" + host +
((freshdate != null && freshdate.before(new Date())) ? (" AND " + YaCySchema.load_date_dt.getSolrFieldName() + ":[* TO " + ISO8601Formatter.FORMATTER.format(freshdate) + "]") : "");
final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
Thread t = new Thread(){
public void run() {
final BlockingQueue<SolrDocument> docs = getSolr().concurrentQuery(q, 0, 1000000, 600000, -1, YaCySchema.id.getSolrFieldName(), YaCySchema.sku.getSolrFieldName());
try {
SolrDocument doc;
while ((doc = docs.take()) != AbstractSolrConnector.POISON_DOCUMENT) {
String u = (String) doc.getFieldValue(YaCySchema.sku.getSolrFieldName());
if (u.startsWith(path)) {
remove(ASCII.getBytes((String) doc.getFieldValue(YaCySchema.id.getSolrFieldName())));
if (count.get() > 0) Fulltext.this.solr.commit();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
if (concurrently) t.start(); else t.run();
return count.get();
* remove a list of id's from the index
* @param deleteIDs a list of urlhashes; each denoting a document
* @param concurrently if true, then the method returnes immediately and runs concurrently
public void remove(final List<byte[]> deleteIDs, final boolean concurrently) {
if (deleteIDs == null || deleteIDs.size() == 0) return;
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
synchronized (Fulltext.this.solr) {
for (byte[] urlHash: deleteIDs) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
if (Fulltext.this.urlIndexFile != null) try {
for (byte[] urlHash: deleteIDs) {
final Row.Entry r = Fulltext.this.urlIndexFile.remove(urlHash);
if (r != null) Fulltext.this.statsDump = null;
} catch (final IOException e) {}
if (concurrently) t.start(); else t.run();
public boolean remove(final byte[] urlHash) {
if (urlHash == null) return false;
try {
synchronized (this.solr) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) try {
final Row.Entry r = this.urlIndexFile.remove(urlHash);
if (r != null) this.statsDump = null;
return r != null;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return false;
return false;
public boolean exists(final byte[] urlHash) {
if (urlHash == null) return false;
if (this.urlIndexFile != null && this.urlIndexFile.has(urlHash)) return true;
try {
if (this.solr.exists(YaCySchema.id.getSolrFieldName(), ASCII.String(urlHash))) return true;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
return false;
public String failReason(final String urlHash) throws IOException {
if (urlHash == null) return null;
SolrDocument doc = this.solr.getById(urlHash, YaCySchema.failreason_t.getSolrFieldName());
if (doc == null) return null;
String reason = (String) doc.getFieldValue(YaCySchema.failreason_t.getSolrFieldName());
return reason == null ? null : reason.length() == 0 ? null : reason;
public Iterator<byte[]> iterator() {
CloneableIterator<byte[]> a = null;
if (this.urlIndexFile != null) try {a = this.urlIndexFile.keys(true, null);} catch (IOException e) {}
final Iterator<String> idi = this.solr.iterator();
CloneableIterator<byte[]> b = new CloneableIterator<byte[]>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return idi.hasNext();
public byte[] next() {
String s = idi.next();
return s == null ? null : ASCII.getBytes(s);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public CloneableIterator<byte[]> clone(Object modifier) {
return this;
public void close() {
if (a == null) return b;
return new MergeIterator<byte[]>(a, b,
public CloneableIterator<URIMetadataNode> entries() {
// enumerates entry elements
final Iterator<byte[]> ids = iterator();
return new CloneableIterator<URIMetadataNode>() {
public CloneableIterator<URIMetadataNode> clone(final Object secondHash) {
return this;
public final boolean hasNext() {
return ids.hasNext();
public final URIMetadataNode next() {
byte[] id = ids.next();
if (id == null) return null;
return getMetadata(id);
public final void remove() {
public void close() {
public List<File> dumpFiles() {
EmbeddedSolrConnector esc = (EmbeddedSolrConnector) this.solr.getSolr0();
ArrayList<File> zips = new ArrayList<File>();
if (esc == null) {
Log.logWarning("Fulltext", "HOT DUMP selected solr0 == NULL, no dump list!");
return zips;
if (esc.getStoragePath() == null) {
Log.logWarning("Fulltext", "HOT DUMP selected solr0.getStoragePath() == NULL, no dump list!");
return zips;
File storagePath = esc.getStoragePath().getParentFile();
if (storagePath == null) {
Log.logWarning("Fulltext", "HOT DUMP selected esc.getStoragePath().getParentFile() == NULL, no dump list!");
return zips;
Log.logInfo("Fulltext", "HOT DUMP dump path = " + storagePath.toString());
for (String p: storagePath.list()) {
if (p.endsWith("zip")) zips.add(new File(storagePath, p));
return zips;
* create a dump file from the current solr directory
* @return
public File dumpSolr() {
EmbeddedSolrConnector esc = (EmbeddedSolrConnector) this.solr.getSolr0();
int commitWithin = esc.getCommitWithinMs();
File storagePath = esc.getStoragePath();
File zipOut = new File(storagePath.toString() + "_" + GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.format() + ".zip");
synchronized (this.solr) {
try {
ZIPWriter.zip(storagePath, zipOut);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return zipOut;
* restore a solr dump to the current solr directory
* @param solrDumpZipFile
public void restoreSolr(File solrDumpZipFile) {
EmbeddedSolrConnector esc = (EmbeddedSolrConnector) this.solr.getSolr0();
int commitWithin = esc.getCommitWithinMs();
File storagePath = esc.getStoragePath();
synchronized (this.solr) {
try {
ZIPReader.unzip(solrDumpZipFile, storagePath);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// export methods
public Export export(final File f, final String filter, final HandleSet set, final int format, final boolean dom) {
if ((this.exportthread != null) && (this.exportthread.isAlive())) {
Log.logWarning("LURL-EXPORT", "cannot start another export thread, already one running");
return this.exportthread;
this.exportthread = new Export(f, filter, set, format, dom);
return this.exportthread;
public Export export() {
return this.exportthread;
public class Export extends Thread {
private final File f;
private final String filter;
private int count;
private String failure;
private final int format;
private final boolean dom;
private final HandleSet set;
private Export(final File f, final String filter, final HandleSet set, final int format, boolean dom) {
// format: 0=text, 1=html, 2=rss/xml
this.f = f;
this.filter = filter;
this.count = 0;
this.failure = null;
this.format = format;
this.dom = dom;
this.set = set;
if ((dom) && (format == 2)) dom = false;
public void run() {
try {
final File parentf = this.f.getParentFile();
if (parentf != null) parentf.mkdirs();
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(this.f)));
if (this.format == 1) {
if (this.format == 2) {
pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
pw.println("<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='/yacysearch.xsl' version='1.0'?>");
pw.println("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:yacy=\"http://www.yacy.net/\" xmlns:opensearch=\"http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/\" xmlns:atom=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">");
pw.println("<title>YaCy Peer-to-Peer - Web-Search LURL Export</title>");
if (this.dom) {
final TreeSet<String> set = domainNameCollector(-1, domainSampleCollector());
for (final String host: set) {
if (!host.matches(this.filter)) continue;
if (this.format == 0) pw.println(host);
if (this.format == 1) pw.println("<a href=\"http://" + host + "\">" + host + "</a><br>");
} else {
final Iterator<URIMetadataNode> i = entries(); // iterates indexURLEntry objects
URIMetadataNode entry;
String url;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = i.next();
if (this.set != null && !this.set.has(entry.hash())) continue;
url = entry.url().toNormalform(true);
if (!url.matches(this.filter)) continue;
if (this.format == 0) {
if (this.format == 1) {
pw.println("<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + CharacterCoding.unicode2xml(entry.dc_title(), true) + "</a><br>");
if (this.format == 2) {
pw.println("<title>" + CharacterCoding.unicode2xml(entry.dc_title(), true) + "</title>");
pw.println("<link>" + MultiProtocolURI.escape(url) + "</link>");
if (!entry.dc_creator().isEmpty()) pw.println("<author>" + CharacterCoding.unicode2xml(entry.dc_creator(), true) + "</author>");
if (!entry.dc_subject().isEmpty()) pw.println("<description>" + CharacterCoding.unicode2xml(entry.dc_subject(), true) + "</description>");
pw.println("<pubDate>" + entry.moddate().toString() + "</pubDate>");
pw.println("<yacy:size>" + entry.size() + "</yacy:size>");
pw.println("<guid isPermaLink=\"false\">" + ASCII.String(entry.hash()) + "</guid>");
if (this.format == 1) {
if (this.format == 2) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
this.failure = e.getMessage();
} catch (final Exception e) {
this.failure = e.getMessage();
// terminate process
public File file() {
return this.f;
public String failed() {
return this.failure;
public int count() {
return this.count;
* collect domain samples: all url hashes from the metadata database is listed and the domain part
* of the url hashes is used to count how many of these domain hashes appear
* @return a map from domain hashes to hash statistics
* @throws IOException
public Map<String, URLHashCounter> domainSampleCollector() throws IOException {
final Map<String, URLHashCounter> map = new HashMap<String, URLHashCounter>();
// first collect all domains and calculate statistics about it
synchronized (this) {
final Iterator<byte[]> i = this.iterator();
String hosthash;
byte[] urlhashb;
URLHashCounter ds;
if (i != null) while (i.hasNext()) {
urlhashb = i.next();
hosthash = ASCII.String(urlhashb, 6, 6);
ds = map.get(hosthash);
if (ds == null) {
ds = new URLHashCounter(urlhashb);
map.put(hosthash, ds);
} else {
return map;
* create a list of domain names in this database
* @param count number of entries or -1 for all
* @param domainSamples a map from domain hashes to hash statistics
* @return a set of domain names, ordered by name of the domains
private TreeSet<String> domainNameCollector(int count, final Map<String, URLHashCounter> domainSamples) {
// collect hashes from all domains
// fetch urls from the database to determine the host in clear text
URIMetadataNode urlref;
if (count < 0 || count > domainSamples.size()) count = domainSamples.size();
this.statsDump = new ArrayList<HostStat>();
final TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
for (final URLHashCounter hs: domainSamples.values()) {
if (hs == null) continue;
urlref = this.getMetadata(hs.urlhashb);
if (urlref == null || urlref.url() == null || urlref.url().getHost() == null) continue;
if (count == 0) break;
return set;
* calculate a score map for url hash samples: each sample is a single url hash
* that stands for all entries for the corresponding domain. The map counts the number
* of occurrences of the domain
* @param domainSamples a map from domain hashes to hash statistics
* @return a map from url hash samples to counters
public ScoreMap<String> urlSampleScores(final Map<String, URLHashCounter> domainSamples) {
final ScoreMap<String> urlSampleScore = new ConcurrentScoreMap<String>();
for (final Map.Entry<String, URLHashCounter> e: domainSamples.entrySet()) {
urlSampleScore.inc(ASCII.String(e.getValue().urlhashb), e.getValue().count);
return urlSampleScore;
* calculate all domain names for all domain hashes
* @param domainSamples a map from domain hashes to hash statistics
* @return a map from domain hashes to host stats including domain names
public Map<String, HostStat> domainHashResolver(final Map<String, URLHashCounter> domainSamples) {
final HashMap<String, HostStat> hostMap = new HashMap<String, HostStat>();
URIMetadataNode urlref;
final ScoreMap<String> hosthashScore = new ConcurrentScoreMap<String>();
for (final Map.Entry<String, URLHashCounter> e: domainSamples.entrySet()) {
hosthashScore.inc(ASCII.String(e.getValue().urlhashb, 6, 6), e.getValue().count);
DigestURI url;
for (final Map.Entry<String, URLHashCounter> e: domainSamples.entrySet()) {
urlref = this.getMetadata(e.getValue().urlhashb);
url = urlref.url();
hostMap.put(e.getKey(), new HostStat(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), e.getKey(), hosthashScore.get(e.getKey())));
return hostMap;
public Iterator<HostStat> statistics(int count, final ScoreMap<String> domainScore) {
// prevent too heavy IO.
if (this.statsDump != null && count <= this.statsDump.size()) return this.statsDump.iterator();
// fetch urls from the database to determine the host in clear text
final Iterator<String> j = domainScore.keys(false); // iterate urlhash-examples in reverse order (biggest first)
URIMetadataNode urlref;
String urlhash;
count += 10; // make some more to prevent that we have to do this again after deletions too soon.
if (count < 0 || domainScore.sizeSmaller(count)) count = domainScore.size();
this.statsDump = new ArrayList<HostStat>();
DigestURI url;
while (j.hasNext()) {
urlhash = j.next();
if (urlhash == null) continue;
urlref = this.getMetadata(ASCII.getBytes(urlhash));
if (urlref == null || urlref.url() == null || urlref.url().getHost() == null) continue;
if (this.statsDump == null) return new ArrayList<HostStat>().iterator(); // some other operation has destroyed the object
url = urlref.url();
this.statsDump.add(new HostStat(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), urlhash.substring(6), domainScore.get(urlhash)));
if (count == 0) break;
// finally return an iterator for the result array
return (this.statsDump == null) ? new ArrayList<HostStat>().iterator() : this.statsDump.iterator();
private static class URLHashCounter {
public byte[] urlhashb;
public int count;
public URLHashCounter(final byte[] urlhashb) {
this.urlhashb = urlhashb;
this.count = 1;
public static class HostStat {
public String hostname, hosthash;
public int port;
public int count;
private HostStat(final String host, final int port, final String urlhashfragment, final int count) {
assert urlhashfragment.length() == 6;
this.hostname = host;
this.port = port;
this.hosthash = urlhashfragment;
this.count = count;