orbiter 99a7fe87f9 - removed old intranet scanner (the generic scanner now completely subsumes the old one)
- added information about granted access
- enhanced servlet design
- added submit-feedback (because it is a long-running task)

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@7372 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2010-12-14 01:14:15 +00:00

226 lines
9.8 KiB

* CrawlStartScanner_p
* Copyright 2010 by Michael Peter Christen, mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* First released 12.12.2010 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Scanner;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Scanner.Access;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.data.WorkTables;
import de.anomic.search.Switchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
public class CrawlStartScanner_p {
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard)env;
prop.put("selectiprange", 0);
prop.put("noserverdetected", 0);
prop.put("enterrange", 0);
prop.put("servertable", 0);
addSelectIPRange(sb, prop);
addScantable(sb, prop);
// case: no query part of the request; ask for input
if (post == null) {
prop.put("selectiprange", 1);
return prop;
// case: an IP range was given; scan the range for services and display result
if (post.containsKey("scanip") || post.containsKey("scanhost")) {
InetAddress ia;
try {
if (post.containsKey("scanip")) {
ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[]{(byte) post.getInt("ip4-0", 0), (byte) post.getInt("ip4-1", 0), (byte) post.getInt("ip4-2", 0), (byte) post.getInt("ip4-3", 0)});
} else {
ia = InetAddress.getByName(post.get("host", ""));
addSelectIPRange(ia, prop);
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(ia, 100, sb.isIntranetMode() ? 100 : 3000);
enlargeScancache(sb, scanner);
addScantable(sb, prop);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {}
if (post.containsKey("scanintranet")) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(Domains.myIntranetIPs(), 100, sb.isIntranetMode() ? 100 : 3000);
enlargeScancache(sb, scanner);
addScantable(sb, prop);
// check crawl request
if (post != null && post.containsKey("crawl")) {
// make a pk/url mapping
Map<byte[], DigestURI> pkmap = new TreeMap<byte[], DigestURI>(Base64Order.enhancedCoder);
for (MultiProtocolURI u: Scanner.scancache.keySet()) {
DigestURI uu = new DigestURI(u);
pkmap.put(uu.hash(), uu);
// search for crawl start requests in this mapping
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) {
byte [] pk = entry.getValue().substring(5).getBytes();
DigestURI url = pkmap.get(pk);
if (url != null) {
String path = "/Crawler_p.html?createBookmark=off&xsstopw=off&crawlingDomMaxPages=10000&intention=&range=domain&indexMedia=on&recrawl=nodoubles&xdstopw=off&storeHTCache=on&sitemapURL=&repeat_time=7&crawlingQ=on&cachePolicy=iffresh&indexText=on&crawlingMode=url&mustnotmatch=&crawlingDomFilterDepth=1&crawlingDomFilterCheck=off&crawlingstart=Start%20New%20Crawl&xpstopw=off&repeat_unit=seldays&crawlingDepth=99";
path += "&crawlingURL=" + url.toNormalform(true, false);
WorkTables.execAPICall("localhost", (int) sb.getConfigLong("port", 8080), sb.getConfig("adminAccountBase64MD5", ""), path, pk);
return prop;
private static void addSelectIPRange(Switchboard sb, serverObjects prop) {
InetAddress ip;
List<InetAddress> ips = Domains.myIntranetIPs();
prop.put("enterrange_intranethosts", ips.toString());
prop.put("enterrange_intranetHint", 0);
if (sb.isIntranetMode()) {
if (ips.size() > 0) ip = ips.get(0); else try {
ip = InetAddress.getByName("");
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
ip = null;
} else {
prop.put("enterrange_intranetHint", 1);
ip = Domains.myPublicLocalIP();
addSelectIPRange(ip, prop);
private static void addSelectIPRange(InetAddress ip, serverObjects prop) {
prop.put("enterrange", 1);
byte[] address = ip.getAddress();
prop.put("enterrange_host", "");
prop.put("enterrange_ip4-0", 0xff & address[0]);
prop.put("enterrange_ip4-1", 0xff & address[1]);
prop.put("enterrange_ip4-2", 0xff & address[2]);
private static void addScantable(Switchboard sb, serverObjects prop) {
if (Scanner.scancache.size() > 0) {
// show scancache table
prop.put("servertable", 1);
String urlString;
DigestURI u;
table: while (true) {
try {
int i = 0;
for (final Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURI, Scanner.Access> host: Scanner.scancache.entrySet()) {
u = new DigestURI(host.getKey());
urlString = u.toNormalform(true, false);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_pk", new String(u.hash()));
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_count", i);
prop.putHTML("servertable_list_" + i + "_protocol", u.getProtocol());
prop.putHTML("servertable_list_" + i + "_ip", Domains.dnsResolve(u.getHost()).getHostAddress());
prop.putHTML("servertable_list_" + i + "_url", urlString);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_accessUnknown", host.getValue() == Access.unknown ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_accessEmpty", host.getValue() == Access.empty ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_accessGranted", host.getValue() == Access.granted ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_accessDenied", host.getValue() == Access.denied ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_process", inIndex(sb, urlString) == null ? 0 : 1);
prop.put("servertable_list_" + i + "_preselected", interesting(sb, u, host.getValue()) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("servertable_list", i);
prop.put("servertable_num", i);
break table;
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
continue table;
private static void enlargeScancache(Switchboard sb, Scanner scanner) {
if (Scanner.scancache == null) {
Scanner.scancache = scanner.services();
Iterator<Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURI, Access>> i = Scanner.scancache.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURI, Access> entry;
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = i.next();
if (!interesting(sb, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) i.remove();
private static boolean interesting(Switchboard sb, MultiProtocolURI uri, Access access) {
return inIndex(sb, uri.toNormalform(true, false)) == null && access == Access.granted && (uri.getProtocol().equals("smb") || uri.getProtocol().equals("ftp"));
private static byte[] inIndex(Switchboard sb, String url) {
Iterator<Tables.Row> i;
try {
i = sb.tables.iterator(WorkTables.TABLE_API_NAME);
Tables.Row row;
String comment;
while (i.hasNext()) {
row = i.next();
comment = new String(row.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_COMMENT));
if (comment.contains(url)) return row.getPK();
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;