Michael Peter Christen de58043205 Added image license generation for solr image search results when
results are generated within yjson result writer. This makes it possible
to view images in yacyinteractive from solr.
2013-02-13 00:33:53 +01:00

247 lines
12 KiB

function xmlhttpPost() {
var searchform = document.forms['searchform'];
var rsslink = document.getElementById("rsslink");
if (rsslink != null) rsslink.href="yacysearch.rss?query=" + searchform.query.value;
search(searchform.query.value, searchform.maximumRecords.value, searchform.startRecord.value);
// static variables
var start = new Date();
var query = "";
var maximumRecords = "1000";
var startRecord = "0";
var searchresult;
var totalResults = 0;
var filetypes;
var topics;
var script = "";
var modifier = "";
var modifiertype = "";
function search(search, count, offset) {
var navhtml = document.getElementById("searchnavigation");
if (navhtml != null) navhtml.innerHTML = "<div>loading from local index...</div>";
query = search;
maximumRecords = count;
if (count == "") maximumRecords = 100;
startRecord = offset;
if (offset == "") startRecord = 0;
start = new Date();
if (query == null || query == "") {
var self = this;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari
self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
//self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "yacysearch.json?verify=false&resource=local&nav=all&contentdom=all&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&query=" + query, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "/solr/select?hl=false&wt=yjson&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&start=" + startRecord + "&rows=" + maximumRecords + "&query=" + query, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
function navget(list, name) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].facetname == name) return list[i];
function preparepage(str) {
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>parsing result...</div>";
var raw = document.getElementById("raw");
if (raw != null) raw.innerHTML = str;
var rsp = eval("(" + str + ")");
var firstChannel = rsp.channels[0];
searchresult = firstChannel.items;
totalResults = firstChannel.totalResults.replace(/[,.]/,"");
topics = navget(firstChannel.navigation, "topics");
filetypefacet = navget(firstChannel.navigation, "filetypes");
filetypes = {};
if (filetypefacet) {
var elements = filetypefacet.elements;
for (var fc = 0; fc < elements.length; fc++) {
filetypes[elements[fc].name] = elements[fc].count;
script = "";
if (query.length >= 13 && query.substring(query.length - 13, query.length - 3) == " filetype:") {
modifier = query.substring(query.length - 12);
if (modifier != "") modifiertype = modifier.substring(modifier.length - 3)
if (modifiertype == "png" || modifiertype == "gif" || modifiertype == "jpg" || modifiertype == "PNG" || modifiertype == "GIF" || modifiertype == "JPG") {
var tt = resultImages();
document.getElementById("searchresults").innerHTML = tt;
} else {
var tt = resultList();
document.getElementById("searchresults").innerHTML = tt;
var tt = resultNavigation();
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = tt;
document.getElementById("serverlist").innerHTML = "";
function makeDownloadScript() {
document.getElementById("downloadscript").innerHTML = "<div><pre>" + script + "</pre><br/></div>";
document.getElementById("downloadbutton").innerHTML = "<input id=\"downloadbutton\" type=\"button\" value=\"hide the download script\" onClick=\"hideDownloadScript();\"/>";
function hideDownloadScript() {
document.getElementById("downloadscript").innerHTML = "";
var dlb = document.getElementById("downloadbutton");
if (dlb) dlb.innerHTML = "<input type=\"button\" value=\"create a download script\" onClick=\"makeDownloadScript();\"/>";
function resultNavigation() {
var html = "";
if (searchresult.length > totalResults) totalResults = searchresult.length;
if (totalResults > 0) {
html += "<div>" + searchresult.length + " results from a total of " + totalResults + " docs in index; search time: " + ((new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime()) + " milliseconds.&nbsp;";
html += "<div style=\"clear:left\">";
html += "<div style=\"display:inline\" id=\"downloadbutton\"></div>";
if (maximumRecords != 10 && totalResults >= 10) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"10 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=10'\"/>";
if (maximumRecords != 100 && totalResults >= 100) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"100 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=100'\"/>";
if (maximumRecords != 1000 && totalResults >= 1000) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"1000 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=1000'\"/>";
if (totalResults <= 10000 && maximumRecords < totalResults) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"all results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + Math.max(100,totalResults) + "'\"/>";
html += "</div>"; // for inline
html += "</div>"; // for result statistic wrapper
} else {
if (query == "") {
html += "please enter some search words<br\>or use the following predefined search queries:<br\>";
html += "find images: ";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=png+filetype:png&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">png</a>),";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=gif+filetype:gif&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">gif</a>),";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=jpg+filetype:jpg&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">jpg</a>)<br>";
html += "list: ";
html += "<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=pdf+/date+filetype:pdf&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">recent pdf</a><br>";
//html += "<iframe src=\"rssTerminal.html?set=LOCALINDEXING&amp;width=600px&amp;height=180px&amp;maxlines=20&amp;maxwidth=120\" ";
//html += "style=\"width:600px;height:180px;margin:0px;\" scrolling=\"no\" name=\"newsframe\"></iframe>";
} else {
html += "no results";
// add extension navigation
var extnav = "";
for (var key in filetypes) {
if (filetypes[key] > 0) {
extnav += "<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "+filetype:" + key + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">" + key + "</a>(" + filetypes[key] + ")&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (extnav.length > 0) {
html += "<div style=\"display:block\">apply a <b>filter</b> by filetype:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + extnav + "</div>";
} else {
// check if there is a filetype constraint and offer a removal
if (modifier != "") {
html += "<span style=\"display:block\"><a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query.substring(0, query.length - 13) + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">remove the filter '" + modifier + "'</a></span>";
return html;
function resultList() {
var html = "";
if (searchresult.length > 0) {
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>found " + searchresult.length + " documents, preparing table...</div>";
html += "<table class=\"sortable\" id=\"sortable\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"99%\">";
html += "<tr class=\"TableHeader\" valign=\"bottom\"><td width=\"10\">Count</td><td width=\"40\">Protocol</td><td width=\"60\">Host</td><td width=\"140\">Path</td><td width=\"360\">URL</td><td width=\"60\">Size</td><td width=\"120\">Date</td></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < searchresult.length; i++) { html += resultLine("row", searchresult[i], i + 1); }
html += "</table>";
return html;
function resultImages() {
var html = "";
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>found " + searchresult.length + " images, preparing...</div>";
for (var i = 0; i < searchresult.length; i++) { html += resultLine("image", searchresult[i]); }
return html;
function resultLine(type, item, linenumber) {
// evaluate item
if (item == null) return "";
if (item.link == null) return "";
protocol = "";
host = "";
path = item.link;
file = "";
p = item.link.indexOf("//");
if (p > 0) {
protocol = item.link.substring(0, p - 1);
q = item.link.indexOf("/", p + 2);
if (q > 0) {
host = item.link.substring(p + 2, q);
path = item.link.substring(q);
} else {
host = item.link.substring(p + 2);
path = "/";
title = item.title;
q = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if (q > 0) {
file = path.substring(q + 1);
path = path.substring(0, q + 1);
} else {
file = path;
path = "/";
path = unescape(path);
if (path.length >= 40) path = path.substring(0, 18) + "..." + path.substring(path.length - 19);
if (title == "") title = path;
if (title.length >= 60) title = title.substring(0, 28) + "..." + title.substring(title.length - 29);
pd = item.pubDate;
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 6) == " +0000") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 6);
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 9) == " 00:00:00") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 9);
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 5) == " 2010") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 5);
// update navigation
for (var key in filetypes) {
if (query.indexOf("filetype:" + key) >= 0) delete filetypes[key];
// update download script
if (item.link.indexOf("smb://") >= 0) script += "smbget -n -a -r \"" + item.link + "\"\n"; else script += "curl -OL \"" + item.link + "\"\n";
// make table row
var html = "";
if (type == "row") {
html += "<tr class=\"TableCellDark\">";
html += "<td align=\"left\">" + linenumber + "</td>"; // Count
html += "<td align=\"left\">" + protocol + "</td>"; // Protocol
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/" + "\">" + host + "</a></td>"; // Host
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + path + "\">" + path + "</a></td>"; // Path
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + item.link + "</a></td>"; // URL
if (item.sizename == "-1 bytes") html += "<td></td>"; else html += "<td align=\"right\">" + item.sizename + "</td>"; // Size
html += "<td align=\"right\">" + pd + "</td>"; // Date
html += "</tr>";
if (type == "image") {
html += "<div style=\"float:left\">";
html += "<a href=\"" + item.link + "\" class=\"thumblink\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">";
html += "<img src=\"/ViewImage.png?maxwidth=96&amp;maxheight=96&amp;code=" + item.guid + "\" alt=\"" + title + "\" />";
//html += "<img src=\"" + item.link + "\" width=\"96\" height=\"96\" alt=\"" + title + "\" />";
html += "</a>";
var name = title;
while ((p = name.indexOf("/")) >= 0) { name = name.substring(p + 1); }
html += "<div class=\"highslide-caption\"><a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + name + "</a><br /><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/" + "\">" + host + "</a></div>";
html += "</div>";
// return entry
return html;