orbiter ce1adf9955 serialized all logging using concurrency:
high-performance search query situations as seen in yacy-metager integration showed deadlock situation caused by synchronization effects inside of sun.java code. It appears that the logger is not completely safe against deadlock situations in concurrent calls of the logger. One possible solution would be a outside-synchronization with 'synchronized' statements, but that would further apply blocking on all high-efficient methods that call the logger. It is much better to do a non-blocking hand-over of logging lines and work off log entries with a concurrent log writer. This also disconnects IO operations from logging, which can also cause IO operation when a log is written to a file. This commit not only moves the logger from kelondro to yacy.logging, it also inserts the concurrency methods to realize non-blocking logging.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6078 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2009-06-15 21:19:54 +00:00

277 lines
14 KiB

// CrawlSwitchboard.java
// (C) 2005, 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2005 on http://www.anomic.de
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2009-05-28 01:51:34 +0200 (Do, 28 Mai 2009) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 5988 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.crawler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile.entry;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.Word;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
import de.anomic.yacy.logging.Log;
public final class CrawlSwitchboard {
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY = "proxy";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_REMOTE = "remote";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT = "snippetLocalText";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT = "snippetGlobalText";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA = "snippetLocalMedia";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA = "snippetGlobalMedia";
public static final String CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE = "surrogates";
public static final String DBFILE_ACTIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES = "crawlProfilesActive.heap";
public static final String DBFILE_PASSIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES = "crawlProfilesPassive.heap";
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L;
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L * 30L;
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L * 30L;
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L * 30L;
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L * 30L;
public static final long CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE_RECRAWL_CYCLE = 60L * 24L * 30L;
private final Log log;
public IndexingStack queuePreStack;
public CrawlProfile profilesActiveCrawls, profilesPassiveCrawls;
public CrawlProfile.entry defaultProxyProfile;
public CrawlProfile.entry defaultRemoteProfile;
public CrawlProfile.entry defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile, defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile;
public CrawlProfile.entry defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile, defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile;
public CrawlProfile.entry defaultSurrogateProfile;
private final File queuesRoot;
public CrawlSwitchboard(
final yacySeedDB peers,
final String networkName,
final Log log,
final File queuesRoot) throws IOException {
log.logInfo("Initializing Word Index for the network '" + networkName + "', word hash cache size is " + Word.hashCacheSize + ".");
if (networkName == null || networkName.length() == 0) {
log.logSevere("no network name given - shutting down");
this.log = log;
// make crawl profiles database and default profiles
this.queuesRoot = queuesRoot;
this.log.logConfig("Initializing Crawl Profiles");
final File profilesActiveFile = new File(queuesRoot, DBFILE_ACTIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES);
if (!profilesActiveFile.exists()) {
// migrate old file
final File oldFile = new File(new File(queuesRoot.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(), "PLASMADB"), "crawlProfilesActive1.db");
if (oldFile.exists()) oldFile.renameTo(profilesActiveFile);
try {
this.profilesActiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesActiveFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
this.profilesActiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesActiveFile);
} catch (IOException e1) {
this.profilesActiveCrawls = null;
log.logInfo("Loaded active crawl profiles from file " + profilesActiveFile.getName() +
", " + this.profilesActiveCrawls.size() + " entries");
Iterator<entry> i = this.profilesActiveCrawls.profiles(true);
entry c;
while (i.hasNext()) {
c = i.next();
log.logInfo("active crawl: " + c.handle() + " - " + c.name());
final File profilesPassiveFile = new File(queuesRoot, DBFILE_PASSIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES);
if (!profilesPassiveFile.exists()) {
// migrate old file
final File oldFile = new File(new File(queuesRoot.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(), "PLASMADB"), "crawlProfilesPassive1.db");
if (oldFile.exists()) oldFile.renameTo(profilesPassiveFile);
try {
this.profilesPassiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesPassiveFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
this.profilesPassiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(profilesPassiveFile);
} catch (IOException e1) {
this.profilesPassiveCrawls = null;
log.logInfo("Loaded passive crawl profiles from file " + profilesPassiveFile.getName() +
", " + this.profilesPassiveCrawls.size() + " entries" +
", " + profilesPassiveFile.length()/1024);
// init queues
final File preStackFile = new File(queuesRoot, "urlNoticePreStack");
if (!preStackFile.exists()) {
// migrate old file
final File oldFile = new File(new File(queuesRoot.getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(), "PLASMADB"), "switchboardQueue.stack");
if (oldFile.exists()) oldFile.renameTo(preStackFile);
this.queuePreStack = new IndexingStack(peers, preStackFile, this.profilesActiveCrawls);
public void clear() {
private void initActiveCrawlProfiles() {
this.defaultProxyProfile = null;
this.defaultRemoteProfile = null;
this.defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile = null;
this.defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile = null;
this.defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile = null;
this.defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile = null;
this.defaultSurrogateProfile = null;
final Iterator<CrawlProfile.entry> i = this.profilesActiveCrawls.profiles(true);
CrawlProfile.entry profile;
String name;
try {
while (i.hasNext()) {
profile = i.next();
name = profile.name();
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY)) this.defaultProxyProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_REMOTE)) this.defaultRemoteProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT)) this.defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT)) this.defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA)) this.defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA)) this.defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile = profile;
if (name.equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE)) this.defaultSurrogateProfile = profile;
} catch (final Exception e) {
this.defaultProxyProfile = null;
this.defaultRemoteProfile = null;
this.defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile = null;
this.defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile = null;
this.defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile = null;
this.defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile = null;
this.defaultSurrogateProfile = null;
if (this.defaultProxyProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for proxy crawling
this.defaultProxyProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry("proxy", null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_PROXY, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER,
0 /*Integer.parseInt(getConfig(PROXY_PREFETCH_DEPTH, "0"))*/,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, false,
true /*getConfigBool(PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_TEXT, true)*/,
true /*getConfigBool(PROXY_INDEXING_LOCAL_MEDIA, true)*/,
true, true,
false /*getConfigBool(PROXY_INDEXING_REMOTE, false)*/, true, true, true);
if (this.defaultRemoteProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for remote crawling
defaultRemoteProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_REMOTE, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_REMOTE, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
-1, -1, -1, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, false);
if (this.defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for snippet fetch and optional crawling
defaultTextSnippetLocalProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_SNIPPET, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false);
if (this.defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for snippet fetch and optional crawling
defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_SNIPPET, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, false);
if (this.defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for snippet fetch and optional crawling
defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_SNIPPET, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false);
if (this.defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for snippet fetch and optional crawling
defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_SNIPPET, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, true, false, true, true, true, false, true, true, false);
if (this.defaultSurrogateProfile == null) {
// generate new default entry for surrogate parsing
defaultSurrogateProfile = this.profilesActiveCrawls.newEntry(CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE, null, CrawlProfile.KEYWORDS_SNIPPET, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER, 0,
this.profilesActiveCrawls.getRecrawlDate(CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE_RECRAWL_CYCLE), -1, -1, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, true, false);
private void resetProfiles() {
final File pdb = new File(this.queuesRoot, DBFILE_ACTIVE_CRAWL_PROFILES);
if (pdb.exists()) FileUtils.deletedelete(pdb);
try {
profilesActiveCrawls = new CrawlProfile(pdb);
} catch (IOException e) {
public boolean cleanProfiles() throws InterruptedException {
if (queuePreStack.size() > 0) return false;
final Iterator<CrawlProfile.entry> iter = profilesActiveCrawls.profiles(true);
CrawlProfile.entry entry;
boolean hasDoneSomething = false;
try {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// check for interruption
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException("Shutdown in progress");
// getting next profile
entry = iter.next();
if (!((entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_REMOTE)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_TEXT)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_LOCAL_MEDIA)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_MEDIA)) ||
(entry.name().equals(CRAWL_PROFILE_SURROGATE)))) {
hasDoneSomething = true;
} catch (final kelondroException e) {
hasDoneSomething = true;
return hasDoneSomething;
public void close() {