orbiter 0edec2b760 FULL redesign of algorithms in htmlTools to encode/decode strings from/to unicode and html.
The old process used a not really efficient way to detect html encoding strings in texts.
All calling methods had been adoped to call the new class in an enhanced way with less parameters.

Many classes in interfaces used a XML encoding only (instead of full html conversion from unicode to html); this behavior was not changed with this commit but should be controlled again since it points out possible XSS leaks

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5295 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-10-22 18:59:04 +00:00

342 lines
19 KiB

//part of YaCy
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
//first published on http://www.anomic.de
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005
//last major change: 16.02.2005
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//You must compile this file with
//javac -classpath .:../classes Network.java
//if the shell's current path is HTROOT
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import de.anomic.http.httpRequestHeader;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboardConstants;
import de.anomic.server.serverBusyThread;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
import de.anomic.server.serverThread;
import de.anomic.tools.yFormatter;
public class PerformanceQueues_p {
* list of pre-defined settings: filename -> description
private final static Map<String, String> performanceProfiles = new HashMap<String, String>(4, 0.9f);
static {
// no sorted output!
performanceProfiles.put("defaults/yacy.init", "default (crawl)");
performanceProfiles.put("defaults/performance_dht.profile", "prefer DHT");
public static serverObjects respond(final httpRequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch<?> sb) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard = (plasmaSwitchboard) sb;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
File defaultSettingsFile = new File(switchboard.getRootPath(), "defaults/yacy.init");
if(post != null && post.containsKey("defaultFile")) {
// TODO check file-path!
final File value = new File(switchboard.getRootPath(), post.get("defaultFile", "defaults/yacy.init"));
// check if value is readable file
if(value.exists() && value.isFile() && value.canRead()) {
defaultSettingsFile = value;
final Map<String, String> defaultSettings = ((post == null) || (!(post.containsKey("submitdefault")))) ? null : serverFileUtils.loadHashMap(defaultSettingsFile);
Iterator<String> threads = switchboard.threadNames();
String threadName;
serverBusyThread thread;
final boolean xml = (header.get("PATH")).endsWith(".xml");
prop.put("enableSimpleConfig", sb.getConfigBool("enableSimpleConfig", true) ? "1" : "0");
// calculate totals
long blocktime_total = 0, sleeptime_total = 0, exectime_total = 0;
while (threads.hasNext()) {
threadName = threads.next();
thread = switchboard.getThread(threadName);
blocktime_total += thread.getBlockTime();
sleeptime_total += thread.getSleepTime();
exectime_total += thread.getExecTime();
if (blocktime_total == 0) blocktime_total = 1;
if (sleeptime_total == 0) sleeptime_total = 1;
if (exectime_total == 0) exectime_total = 1;
// set templates for latest news from the threads
long blocktime, sleeptime, exectime;
long idlesleep, busysleep, memuse, memprereq;
int queuesize;
threads = switchboard.threadNames();
int c = 0;
long idleCycles, busyCycles, memshortageCycles;
// set profile?
final double multiplier = (post != null) && post.containsKey("profileSpeed") ? 100.0 / post.getDouble("profileSpeed", 100.0) : 1.0;
final boolean setProfile = (post != null && post.containsKey("submitdefault"));
final boolean setDelay = (post != null) && (post.containsKey("submitdelay"));
// save used settings file to config
if (setProfile && post != null){
switchboard.setConfig("performanceProfile", post.get("defaultFile", "defaults/yacy.init"));
switchboard.setConfig("performanceSpeed", post.getInt("profileSpeed", 100));
while (threads.hasNext()) {
threadName = threads.next();
thread = switchboard.getThread(threadName);
// set values to templates
prop.put("table_" + c + "_threadname", threadName);
prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_hasurl_shortdescr", thread.getShortDescription());
if(thread.getMonitorURL() == null) {
prop.put("table_"+c+"_hasurl", "0");
prop.put("table_"+c+"_hasurl", "1");
prop.put("table_" + c + "_hasurl_url", thread.getMonitorURL());
prop.putHTML("table_" + c + "_longdescr", thread.getLongDescription());
queuesize = thread.getJobCount();
prop.put("table_" + c + "_queuesize", (queuesize == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? "unlimited" : yFormatter.number(queuesize, !xml));
blocktime = thread.getBlockTime();
sleeptime = thread.getSleepTime();
exectime = thread.getExecTime();
memuse = thread.getMemoryUse();
idleCycles = thread.getIdleCycles();
busyCycles = thread.getBusyCycles();
memshortageCycles = thread.getOutOfMemoryCycles();
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blocktime", blocktime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_blockpercent", 100 * blocktime / blocktime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeptime", sleeptime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercent", 100 * sleeptime / sleeptime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_exectime", exectime / 1000);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercent", 100 * exectime / exectime_total);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_totalcycles", idleCycles + busyCycles + memshortageCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_idlecycles", idleCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_busycycles", busyCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memscycles", memshortageCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_sleeppercycle", ((idleCycles + busyCycles) == 0) ? -1 : sleeptime / (idleCycles + busyCycles));
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_execpercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : exectime / busyCycles);
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_memusepercycle", (busyCycles == 0) ? -1 : memuse / busyCycles / 1024);
// load with old values
idlesleep = switchboard.getConfigLong(threadName + "_idlesleep" , 1000);
busysleep = switchboard.getConfigLong(threadName + "_busysleep", 100);
memprereq = switchboard.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
if (setDelay && post != null) {
// load with new values
idlesleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
busysleep = post.getLong(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
memprereq = post.getLong(threadName + "_memprereq", memprereq) * 1024;
if (memprereq == 0) memprereq = switchboard.getConfigLong(threadName + "_memprereq", 0);
// check values to prevent short-cut loops
if (idlesleep < 1000) idlesleep = 1000;
if (threadName.equals("10_httpd")) { idlesleep = 0; busysleep = 0; memprereq = 0; }
onTheFlyReconfiguration(switchboard, threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq);
} if (setProfile) {
if (threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING)
|| threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD)
|| threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP)
|| threadName.equals("autoReCrawl")
) { /* do not change any values */ }
else if (threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER)
|| threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL)) {
switchboard.setRemotecrawlPPM(Math.max(1, (int) (switchboard.getConfigLong("network.unit.remotecrawl.speed", 60) / multiplier)));
else {
// load with new values
idlesleep = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_idlesleep"), String.valueOf(idlesleep))) * multiplier);
busysleep = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_busysleep"), String.valueOf(busysleep))) * multiplier);
//memprereq = (long) (Long.parseLong(d(defaultSettings.get(threadName + "_memprereq"), String.valueOf(memprereq))) * multiplier);
// check values to prevent short-cut loops
if (idlesleep < 1000) idlesleep = 1000;
if (threadName.equals("10_httpd")) { idlesleep = 0; busysleep = 0; memprereq = 0; }
if (threadName.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL) && (busysleep < 50)) busysleep = 50;
onTheFlyReconfiguration(switchboard, threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_busysleep", busysleep);
prop.put("table_" + c + "_memprereq", memprereq / 1024);
// disallow setting of memprereq for indexer to prevent db from throwing OOMs
prop.put("table_" + c + "_disabled", /*(threadName.endsWith("_indexing")) ? 1 :*/ "0");
prop.put("table_" + c + "_recommendation", threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? "1" : "0");
prop.putNum("table_" + c + "_recommendation_value", threadName.endsWith("_indexing") ? (switchboard.webIndex.minMem() / 1024) : 0);
prop.put("table", c);
// performance profiles
c = 0;
final String usedfile = switchboard.getConfig("performanceProfile", "defaults/yacy.init");
for(final String filename: performanceProfiles.keySet()) {
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_filename", filename);
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_description", performanceProfiles.get(filename));
prop.put("profile_" + c + "_used", usedfile.equalsIgnoreCase(filename) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("profile", c);
c = 0;
final int[] speedValues = {200,150,100,50,25,10};
final int usedspeed = Integer.parseInt(switchboard.getConfig("performanceSpeed", "100"));
for(final int speed: speedValues){
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_value", speed);
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_label", speed + " %");
prop.put("speed_" + c + "_used", (speed == usedspeed) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("speed", c);
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("cacheSizeSubmit"))) {
final int wordCacheMaxCount = post.getInt("wordCacheMaxCount", 20000);
switchboard.setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, Integer.toString(wordCacheMaxCount));
final int wordCacheInitCount = post.getInt(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_INIT_COUNT, 30000);
switchboard.setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_INIT_COUNT, Integer.toString(wordCacheInitCount));
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("poolConfig"))) {
* configuring the crawler pool
// getting the current crawler pool configuration
int maxBusy = Integer.parseInt(post.get("Crawler Pool_maxActive","8"));
// storing the new values into configfile
* configuring the http pool
final serverThread httpd = switchboard.getThread("10_httpd");
try {
maxBusy = Integer.parseInt(post.get("httpd Session Pool_maxActive","8"));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
maxBusy = 8;
// storing the new values into configfile
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("PrioritySubmit"))) {
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("onlineCautionSubmit"))) {
switchboard.setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseProxy", 30000)));
switchboard.setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseLocalsearch", 30000)));
switchboard.setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, Integer.toString(post.getInt("crawlPauseRemotesearch", 30000)));
if ((post != null) && (post.containsKey("minimumDeltaSubmit"))) {
final long minimumLocalDelta = post.getLong("minimumLocalDelta", switchboard.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumLocalDelta());
final long minimumGlobalDelta = post.getLong("minimumGlobalDelta", switchboard.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumGlobalDelta());
switchboard.setConfig("minimumLocalDelta", minimumLocalDelta);
switchboard.setConfig("minimumGlobalDelta", minimumGlobalDelta);
switchboard.crawlQueues.noticeURL.setMinimumDelta(minimumLocalDelta, minimumGlobalDelta);
// delta settings
prop.put("minimumLocalDelta", switchboard.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumLocalDelta());
prop.put("minimumGlobalDelta", switchboard.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumGlobalDelta());
// table cache settings
prop.putNum("urlCacheSize", switchboard.webIndex.getURLwriteCacheSize());
prop.putNum("wordCacheWSize", switchboard.webIndex.dhtOutCacheSize());
prop.putNum("wordCacheKSize", switchboard.webIndex.dhtInCacheSize());
prop.putNum("wordCacheWSizeKBytes", switchboard.webIndex.dhtCacheSizeBytes(false)/1024);
prop.putNum("wordCacheKSizeKBytes", switchboard.webIndex.dhtCacheSizeBytes(true)/1024);
prop.putNum("maxURLinWCache", switchboard.webIndex.maxURLinDHTOutCache());
prop.putNum("maxURLinKCache", switchboard.webIndex.maxURLinDHTInCache());
prop.putNum("maxAgeOfWCache", switchboard.webIndex.maxAgeOfDHTOutCache() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("maxAgeOfKCache", switchboard.webIndex.maxAgeOfDHTInCache() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("minAgeOfWCache", switchboard.webIndex.minAgeOfDHTOutCache() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("minAgeOfKCache", switchboard.webIndex.minAgeOfDHTInCache() / 1000 / 60); // minutes
prop.putNum("maxWaitingWordFlush", switchboard.getConfigLong("maxWaitingWordFlush", 180));
prop.put("wordCacheMaxCount", switchboard.getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 20000));
prop.put("wordCacheInitCount", switchboard.getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_INIT_COUNT, 30000));
prop.put("crawlPauseProxy", switchboard.getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.put("crawlPauseLocalsearch", switchboard.getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.put("crawlPauseRemotesearch", switchboard.getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, 30000));
prop.putNum("crawlPauseProxyCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - switchboard.proxyLastAccess) / 1000);
prop.putNum("crawlPauseLocalsearchCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - switchboard.localSearchLastAccess) / 1000);
prop.putNum("crawlPauseRemotesearchCurrent", (System.currentTimeMillis() - switchboard.remoteSearchLastAccess) / 1000);
// table thread pool settings
prop.put("pool_0_name","Crawler Pool");
prop.put("pool_0_maxActive", switchboard.getConfigLong("crawler.MaxActiveThreads", 0));
final serverThread httpd = switchboard.getThread("10_httpd");
prop.put("pool_1_name", "httpd Session Pool");
prop.put("pool_1_maxActive", ((serverCore)httpd).getMaxSessionCount());
prop.put("pool_1_numActive", ((serverCore)httpd).getJobCount());
prop.put("pool", "2");
final long curr_prio = switchboard.getConfigLong("javastart_priority",0);
prop.put("priority_normal",(curr_prio==0) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("priority_below",(curr_prio==10) ? "1" : "0");
prop.put("priority_low",(curr_prio==20) ? "1" : "0");
// return rewrite values for templates
return prop;
* @param switchboard
* @param threadName
* @param idlesleep
* @param busysleep
* @param memprereq
private static void onTheFlyReconfiguration(final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard, final String threadName, final long idlesleep,
final long busysleep, final long memprereq) {
// on-the-fly re-configuration
switchboard.setThreadPerformance(threadName, idlesleep, busysleep, memprereq);
switchboard.setConfig(threadName + "_idlesleep", idlesleep);
switchboard.setConfig(threadName + "_busysleep", busysleep);
switchboard.setConfig(threadName + "_memprereq", memprereq);
private static String d(final String a, final String b) {
return (a == null) ? b : a;