orbiter 7bcfa033c9 more abstraction of the htcache when using the LoaderDispatcher:
a cache access shall not made directly to the cache any more, all loading attempts shall use the LoaderDispatcher.
To control the usage of the cache, a enum instance from CrawlProfile.CacheStrategy shall be used.
Some direct loading methods without the usage of a cache strategy have been removed. This affects also the verify-option
of the yacysearch servlet. If there is a 'verify=false' now after this commit this does not necessarily mean that no snippets
are generated. Instead, all snippets that can be retrieved using the cache only are presented. This still means that the search hit was not verified because the snippet was generated using the cache. If a cache-based generation of snippets is not possible, then the verify=false causes that the link is not rejected.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@6936 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2010-06-21 14:54:54 +00:00

415 lines
22 KiB

// search.java
// (C) 2004 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// You must compile this file with
// javac -classpath .:../../Classes search.java
// if the shell's current path is htroot/yacy
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSFeed;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSMessage;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceRow;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.HandleSet;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Bitfield;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.ReferenceContainer;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.EventTracker;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.SortStack;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.ISO639;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile;
import de.anomic.http.server.HeaderFramework;
import de.anomic.http.server.RequestHeader;
import de.anomic.net.natLib;
import de.anomic.search.ContentDomain;
import de.anomic.search.Navigator;
import de.anomic.search.QueryParams;
import de.anomic.search.RankingProfile;
import de.anomic.search.SearchEvent;
import de.anomic.search.SearchEventCache;
import de.anomic.search.Segment;
import de.anomic.search.Segments;
import de.anomic.search.Switchboard;
import de.anomic.search.ResultEntry;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
import de.anomic.tools.crypt;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNetwork;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.graphics.ProfilingGraph;
public final class search {
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
// return variable that accumulates replacements
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
sb.remoteSearchLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis();
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
if ((post == null) || (env == null)) return prop;
if (!yacyNetwork.authentifyRequest(post, env)) return prop;
final String client = header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP);
//System.out.println("yacy: search received request = " + post.toString());
final String oseed = post.get("myseed", ""); // complete seed of the requesting peer
// final String youare = post.get("youare", ""); // seed hash of the target peer, used for testing network stability
final String key = post.get("key", ""); // transmission key for response
final String query = post.get("query", ""); // a string of word hashes that shall be searched and combined
final String exclude= post.get("exclude", "");// a string of word hashes that shall not be within the search result
final String urls = post.get("urls", ""); // a string of url hashes that are preselected for the search: no other may be returned
final String abstracts = post.get("abstracts", ""); // a string of word hashes for abstracts that shall be generated, or 'auto' (for maxcount-word), or '' (for none)
// final String fwdep = post.get("fwdep", ""); // forward depth. if "0" then peer may NOT ask another peer for more results
// final String fwden = post.get("fwden", ""); // forward deny, a list of seed hashes. They may NOT be target of forward hopping
final int count = Math.min(100, post.getInt("count", 10)); // maximum number of wanted results
final int maxdist= post.getInt("maxdist", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final String prefer = post.get("prefer", "");
final String contentdom = post.get("contentdom", "text");
final String filter = post.get("filter", ".*");
String sitehash = post.get("sitehash", ""); if (sitehash.length() == 0) sitehash = null;
String authorhash = post.get("authorhash", ""); if (authorhash.length() == 0) authorhash = null;
String language = post.get("language", "");
if (language == null || language.length() == 0 || !ISO639.exists(language)) {
// take language from the user agent
String agent = header.get("User-Agent");
if (agent == null) agent = System.getProperty("user.language");
language = (agent == null) ? "en" : ISO639.userAgentLanguageDetection(agent);
if (language == null) language = "en";
final int partitions = post.getInt("partitions", 30);
String profile = post.get("profile", ""); // remote profile hand-over
if (profile.length() > 0) profile = crypt.simpleDecode(profile, null);
//final boolean includesnippet = post.get("includesnippet", "false").equals("true");
Bitfield constraint = ((post.containsKey("constraint")) && (post.get("constraint", "").length() > 0)) ? new Bitfield(4, post.get("constraint", "______")) : null;
if (constraint != null) {
// check bad handover parameter from older versions
boolean allon = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (!constraint.get(i)) {allon = false; break;}
if (allon) constraint = null;
// final boolean global = ((String) post.get("resource", "global")).equals("global"); // if true, then result may consist of answers from other peers
// Date remoteTime = yacyCore.parseUniversalDate((String) post.get(yacySeed.MYTIME)); // read remote time
// test:
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=4galTpdpDM5Q (search for linux)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=gh8DKIhGKXws (search for book)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=UEhMGfGv2vOE (search for kernel)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=ZX-LjaYo74PP (search for help)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=uDqIalxDfM2a (search for mail)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=4galTpdpDM5Qgh8DKIhGKXws&abstracts=auto (search for linux and book, generate abstract automatically)
// http://localhost:8080/yacy/search.html?query=&abstracts=4galTpdpDM5Q (only abstracts for linux)
if ((sb.isRobinsonMode()) &&
(!((sb.isPublicRobinson()) ||
(sb.isInMyCluster(header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP)))))) {
// if we are a robinson cluster, answer only if this client is known by our network definition
prop.put("links", "");
prop.put("linkcount", "0");
prop.put("references", "");
return prop;
// check the search tracker
TreeSet<Long> trackerHandles = sb.remoteSearchTracker.get(client);
if (trackerHandles == null) trackerHandles = new TreeSet<Long>();
boolean block = false;
synchronized (trackerHandles) {
if (trackerHandles.tailSet(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - 3000)).size() > 1) {
block = true;
if (trackerHandles.tailSet(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000)).size() > 12) {
block = true;
if (trackerHandles.tailSet(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - 600000)).size() > 36) {
block = true;
if (block) {
prop.put("links", "");
prop.put("linkcount", "0");
prop.put("references", "");
return prop;
// tell all threads to do nothing for a specific time
final HandleSet abstractSet = ((abstracts.length() == 0) || (abstracts.equals("auto"))) ? null : QueryParams.hashes2Set(abstracts);
// store accessing peer
final yacySeed remoteSeed = yacySeed.genRemoteSeed(oseed, key, false);
if (sb.peers == null) {
yacyCore.log.logSevere("yacy.search: seed cache not initialized");
} else {
sb.peers.peerActions.peerArrival(remoteSeed, true);
// prepare search
final HandleSet queryhashes = QueryParams.hashes2Set(query);
final HandleSet excludehashes = (exclude.length() == 0) ? new HandleSet(WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.primaryKeyLength, WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.objectOrder, 0) : QueryParams.hashes2Set(exclude);
final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
// prepare a search profile
final RankingProfile rankingProfile = (profile.length() == 0) ? new RankingProfile(ContentDomain.contentdomParser(contentdom)) : new RankingProfile("", profile);
// prepare an abstract result
final StringBuilder indexabstract = new StringBuilder(6000);
int indexabstractContainercount = 0;
int joincount = 0;
QueryParams theQuery = null;
SearchEvent theSearch = null;
ArrayList<SortStack<ResultEntry>.stackElement> accu = null;
if ((query.length() == 0) && (abstractSet != null)) {
// this is _not_ a normal search, only a request for index abstracts
Segment indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
theQuery = new QueryParams(
new HandleSet(WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.primaryKeyLength, WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.objectOrder, 0),
"", // no navigation
yacyCore.log.logInfo("INIT HASH SEARCH (abstracts only): " + QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.queryHashes) + " - " + theQuery.displayResults() + " links");
final long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
//final Map<byte[], ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>[] containers = sb.indexSegment.index().searchTerm(theQuery.queryHashes, theQuery.excludeHashes, plasmaSearchQuery.hashes2StringSet(urls));
final TreeMap<byte[], ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> incc = indexSegment.termIndex().searchConjunction(theQuery.queryHashes, QueryParams.hashes2Handles(urls));
EventTracker.update("SEARCH", new ProfilingGraph.searchEvent(theQuery.id(true), SearchEvent.COLLECTION, incc.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timer), false, 30000, ProfilingGraph.maxTime);
if (incc != null) {
final Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], ReferenceContainer<WordReference>>> ci = incc.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<byte[], ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> entry;
byte[] wordhash;
while (ci.hasNext()) {
entry = ci.next();
wordhash = entry.getKey();
final ReferenceContainer<WordReference> container = entry.getValue();
indexabstractContainercount += container.size();
indexabstract.append("indexabstract." + new String(wordhash) + "=").append(ReferenceContainer.compressIndex(container, null, 1000).toString()).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
prop.put("indexcount", "");
prop.put("joincount", "0");
prop.put("references", "");
} else {
// retrieve index containers from search request
theQuery = new QueryParams(
"", // no navigation
yacyCore.log.logInfo("INIT HASH SEARCH (query-" + abstracts + "): " + QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.queryHashes) + " - " + theQuery.displayResults() + " links");
RSSFeed.channels(RSSFeed.REMOTESEARCH).addMessage(new RSSMessage("Remote Search Request from " + ((remoteSeed == null) ? "unknown" : remoteSeed.getName()), QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.queryHashes), ""));
// make event
theSearch = SearchEventCache.getEvent(theQuery, sb.peers, sb.crawlResults, null, true, sb.loader);
// set statistic details of search result and find best result index set
if (theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount() == 0) {
prop.put("indexcount", "");
prop.put("joincount", "0");
} else {
// attach information about index abstracts
final StringBuilder indexcount = new StringBuilder(6000);
Map.Entry<byte[], Integer> entry;
final Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], Integer>> i = theSearch.abstractsCount();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = i.next();
indexcount.append("indexcount.").append(new String(entry.getKey())).append('=').append((entry.getValue()).toString()).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
if (abstractSet != null) {
// if a specific index-abstract is demanded, attach it here
final Iterator<byte[]> j = abstractSet.iterator();
byte[] wordhash;
while (j.hasNext()) {
wordhash = j.next();
indexabstractContainercount += theSearch.abstractsCount(wordhash);
indexabstract.append("indexabstract." + new String(wordhash) + "=").append(theSearch.abstractsString(wordhash)).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
prop.put("indexcount", indexcount.toString());
if (theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount() == 0) {
joincount = 0;
prop.put("joincount", "0");
} else {
joincount = theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount();
prop.put("joincount", Integer.toString(joincount));
accu = theSearch.result().completeResults(3000);
// generate compressed index for maxcounthash
// this is not needed if the search is restricted to specific
// urls, because it is a re-search
if ((theSearch.getAbstractsMaxCountHash() == null) || (urls.length() != 0) || (queryhashes.size() <= 1) || (abstracts.length() == 0)) {
prop.put("indexabstract", "");
} else if (abstracts.equals("auto")) {
// automatically attach the index abstract for the index that has the most references. This should be our target dht position
indexabstractContainercount += theSearch.abstractsCount(theSearch.getAbstractsMaxCountHash());
indexabstract.append("indexabstract." + new String(theSearch.getAbstractsMaxCountHash()) + "=").append(theSearch.abstractsString(theSearch.getAbstractsMaxCountHash())).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
if ((theSearch.getAbstractsNearDHTHash() != null) && (!(new String(theSearch.getAbstractsNearDHTHash()).equals(new String(theSearch.getAbstractsMaxCountHash()))))) {
// in case that the neardhthash is different from the maxcounthash attach also the neardhthash-container
indexabstractContainercount += theSearch.abstractsCount(theSearch.getAbstractsNearDHTHash());
indexabstract.append("indexabstract." + new String(theSearch.getAbstractsNearDHTHash()) + "=").append(theSearch.abstractsString(theSearch.getAbstractsNearDHTHash())).append(serverCore.CRLF_STRING);
//System.out.println("DEBUG-ABSTRACTGENERATION: maxcounthash = " + maxcounthash);
//System.out.println("DEBUG-ABSTRACTGENERATION: neardhthash = "+ neardhthash);
//yacyCore.log.logFine("DEBUG HASH SEARCH: " + indexabstract);
if (partitions > 0) sb.searchQueriesGlobal += 1d / partitions; // increase query counter
// prepare reference hints
final long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
final List<Navigator.Item> ws = theSearch.getTopicNavigator(10);
final StringBuilder refstr = new StringBuilder(6000);
for (Navigator.Item e: ws) {
prop.put("references", (refstr.length() > 0) ? refstr.substring(1) : refstr.toString());
EventTracker.update("SEARCH", new ProfilingGraph.searchEvent(theQuery.id(true), "reference collection", ws.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timer), false, 30000, ProfilingGraph.maxTime);
prop.put("indexabstract", indexabstract.toString());
// prepare result
if ((joincount == 0) || (accu == null)) {
// no results
prop.put("links", "");
prop.put("linkcount", "0");
prop.put("references", "");
} else {
// result is a List of urlEntry elements
final long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
final StringBuilder links = new StringBuilder(6000);
String resource = null;
SortStack<ResultEntry>.stackElement entry;
for (int i = 0; i < accu.size(); i++) {
entry = accu.get(i);
resource = entry.element.resource();
if (resource != null) {
prop.put("links", links.toString());
prop.put("linkcount", accu.size());
EventTracker.update("SEARCH", new ProfilingGraph.searchEvent(theQuery.id(true), "result list preparation", accu.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - timer), false, 30000, ProfilingGraph.maxTime);
// add information about forward peers
prop.put("fwhop", ""); // hops (depth) of forwards that had been performed to construct this result
prop.put("fwsrc", ""); // peers that helped to construct this result
prop.put("fwrec", ""); // peers that would have helped to construct this result (recommendations)
// prepare search statistics
theQuery.remotepeer = sb.peers.lookupByIP(natLib.getInetAddress(client), true, false, false);
theQuery.resultcount = (theSearch == null) ? 0 : theSearch.getRankingResult().getLocalIndexCount() + theSearch.getRankingResult().getRemoteResourceSize();
theQuery.searchtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp;
theQuery.urlretrievaltime = (theSearch == null) ? 0 : theSearch.result().getURLRetrievalTime();
theQuery.snippetcomputationtime = (theSearch == null) ? 0 : theSearch.result().getSnippetComputationTime();
// update the search tracker
synchronized (trackerHandles) {
trackerHandles.add(theQuery.handle); // thats the time when the handle was created
// we don't need too much entries in the list; remove superfluous
while (trackerHandles.size() > 36) if (!trackerHandles.remove(trackerHandles.first())) break;
sb.remoteSearchTracker.put(client, trackerHandles);
// log
yacyCore.log.logInfo("EXIT HASH SEARCH: " +
QueryParams.anonymizedQueryHashes(theQuery.queryHashes) + " - " + joincount + " links found, " +
prop.get("linkcount", "?") + " links selected, " +
indexabstractContainercount + " index abstracts, " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " milliseconds");
prop.put("searchtime", System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp);
final int links = Integer.parseInt(prop.get("linkcount","0"));
return prop;