Michael Peter Christen 765943a4b7 Redesign of crawler identification and robots steering. A non-p2p user
in intranets and the internet can now choose to appear as Googlebot.
This is an essential necessity to be able to compete in the field of
commercial search appliances, since most web pages are these days
optimized only for Google and no other search platform any more. All
commercial search engine providers have a built-in fake-Google User
Agent to be able to get the same search index as Google can do. Without
the resistance against obeying to robots.txt in this case, no
competition is possible any more. YaCy will always obey the robots.txt
when it is used for crawling the web in a peer-to-peer network, but to
establish a Search Appliance (like a Google Search Appliance, GSA) it is
necessary to be able to behave exactly like a Google crawler.
With this change, you will be able to switch the user agent when portal
or intranet mode is selected on per-crawl-start basis. Every crawl start
can have a different user agent.
2013-08-22 14:23:47 +02:00

455 lines
22 KiB

// LoaderDispatcher.java
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 24.10.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.repository;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.UTF8;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ResponseHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Cache;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlProfile;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ZURL.FailCategory;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.FTPLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.FileLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.HTTPLoader;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.SMBLoader;
import net.yacy.document.Document;
import net.yacy.document.Parser;
import net.yacy.document.TextParser;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import net.yacy.repository.Blacklist.BlacklistType;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
public final class LoaderDispatcher {
private final static int accessTimeMaxsize = 1000;
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long> accessTime = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); // to protect targets from DDoS
private final Switchboard sb;
private final HashSet<String> supportedProtocols;
private final HTTPLoader httpLoader;
private final FTPLoader ftpLoader;
private final SMBLoader smbLoader;
private final FileLoader fileLoader;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DigestURI, Semaphore> loaderSteering; // a map that delivers a 'finish' semaphore for urls
private final ConcurrentLog log;
public LoaderDispatcher(final Switchboard sb) {
this.sb = sb;
this.supportedProtocols = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"http","https","ftp","smb","file"}));
// initiate loader objects
this.log = new ConcurrentLog("LOADER");
this.httpLoader = new HTTPLoader(sb, this.log);
this.ftpLoader = new FTPLoader(sb, this.log);
this.smbLoader = new SMBLoader(sb, this.log);
this.fileLoader = new FileLoader(sb, this.log);
this.loaderSteering = new ConcurrentHashMap<DigestURI, Semaphore>();
public boolean isSupportedProtocol(final String protocol) {
if ((protocol == null) || (protocol.isEmpty())) return false;
return this.supportedProtocols.contains(protocol.trim().toLowerCase());
public HashSet<String> getSupportedProtocols() {
return (HashSet<String>) this.supportedProtocols.clone();
* generate a request object
* @param url the target url
* @param forText shows that this was a for-text crawling request
* @param global shows that this was a global crawling request
* @return the request object
public Request request(
final DigestURI url,
final boolean forText,
final boolean global
) {
return new Request(
new Date(),
(forText) ?
((global) ?
this.sb.crawler.defaultTextSnippetGlobalProfile.handle() :
((global) ?
this.sb.crawler.defaultMediaSnippetGlobalProfile.handle() :
this.sb.crawler.defaultMediaSnippetLocalProfile.handle()), // crawl profile
public void load(final DigestURI url, final CacheStrategy cacheStratgy, final int maxFileSize, final File targetFile, BlacklistType blacklistType, ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
final byte[] b = load(request(url, false, true), cacheStratgy, maxFileSize, blacklistType, agent).getContent();
if (b == null) throw new IOException("load == null");
final File tmp = new File(targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp");
// transaction-safe writing
final File parent = targetFile.getParentFile();
if (!parent.exists()) parent.mkdirs();
FileUtils.copy(b, tmp);
public Response load(final Request request, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, final BlacklistType blacklistType, ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
return load(request, cacheStrategy, protocolMaxFileSize(request.url()), blacklistType, agent);
public Response load(final Request request, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, final int maxFileSize, final BlacklistType blacklistType, ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
Semaphore check = this.loaderSteering.get(request.url());
if (check != null) {
// a loading process may be going on for that url
try { check.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
// now the process may have terminated and we run a normal loading
// which may be successful faster because of a cache hit
this.loaderSteering.put(request.url(), new Semaphore(0));
try {
final Response response = loadInternal(request, cacheStrategy, maxFileSize, blacklistType, agent);
check = this.loaderSteering.remove(request.url());
if (check != null) check.release(1000);
return response;
} catch (final IOException e) {
// release the semaphore anyway
check = this.loaderSteering.remove(request.url());
if (check != null) check.release(1000);
// Very noisy: ConcurrentLog.logException(e);
throw new IOException(e);
* load a resource from the web, from ftp, from smb or a file
* @param request the request essentials
* @param cacheStratgy strategy according to NOCACHE, IFFRESH, IFEXIST, CACHEONLY
* @return the loaded entity in a Response object
* @throws IOException
private Response loadInternal(final Request request, CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, final int maxFileSize, final BlacklistType blacklistType, ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
// get the protocol of the next URL
final DigestURI url = request.url();
if (url.isFile() || url.isSMB()) cacheStrategy = CacheStrategy.NOCACHE; // load just from the file system
final String protocol = url.getProtocol();
final String host = url.getHost();
final CrawlProfile crawlProfile = request.profileHandle() == null ? null : this.sb.crawler.getActive(UTF8.getBytes(request.profileHandle()));
// check if url is in blacklist
if (blacklistType != null && host != null && Switchboard.urlBlacklist.isListed(blacklistType, host.toLowerCase(), url.getFile())) {
this.sb.crawlQueues.errorURL.push(request, crawlProfile, this.sb.peers.mySeed().hash.getBytes(), new Date(), 1, FailCategory.FINAL_LOAD_CONTEXT, "url in blacklist", -1);
throw new IOException("DISPATCHER Rejecting URL '" + request.url().toString() + "'. URL is in blacklist.");
// check if we have the page in the cache
if (cacheStrategy != CacheStrategy.NOCACHE && crawlProfile != null) {
// we have passed a first test if caching is allowed
// now see if there is a cache entry
final ResponseHeader cachedResponse = (url.isLocal()) ? null : Cache.getResponseHeader(url.hash());
if (cachedResponse != null && Cache.hasContent(url.hash())) {
// yes we have the content
// create request header values and a response object because we need that
// in case that we want to return the cached content in the next step
final RequestHeader requestHeader = new RequestHeader();
requestHeader.put(HeaderFramework.USER_AGENT, agent.userAgent);
DigestURI refererURL = null;
if (request.referrerhash() != null) refererURL = this.sb.getURL(request.referrerhash());
if (refererURL != null) requestHeader.put(RequestHeader.REFERER, refererURL.toNormalform(true));
final Response response = new Response(
// check which caching strategy shall be used
if (cacheStrategy == CacheStrategy.IFEXIST || cacheStrategy == CacheStrategy.CACHEONLY) {
// well, just take the cache and don't care about freshness of the content
final byte[] content = Cache.getContent(url.hash());
if (content != null) {
this.log.info("cache hit/useall for: " + url.toNormalform(true));
return response;
// now the cacheStrategy must be CACHE_STRATEGY_IFFRESH, that means we should do a proxy freshness test
//assert cacheStrategy == CacheStrategy.IFFRESH : "cacheStrategy = " + cacheStrategy;
if (response.isFreshForProxy()) {
final byte[] content = Cache.getContent(url.hash());
if (content != null) {
this.log.info("cache hit/fresh for: " + url.toNormalform(true));
return response;
this.log.info("cache hit/stale for: " + url.toNormalform(true));
} else if (cachedResponse != null) {
this.log.warn("HTCACHE contained response header, but not content for url " + url.toNormalform(true));
// check case where we want results from the cache exclusively, and never from the internet (offline mode)
if (cacheStrategy == CacheStrategy.CACHEONLY) {
// we had a chance to get the content from the cache .. its over. We don't have it.
throw new IOException("cache only strategy");
// now forget about the cache, nothing there. Try to load the content from the internet
// check access time: this is a double-check (we checked possibly already in the balancer)
// to make sure that we don't DoS the target by mistake
if (!url.isLocal()) {
final Long lastAccess = accessTime.get(host);
long wait = 0;
if (lastAccess != null) wait = Math.max(0, agent.minimumDelta + lastAccess.longValue() - System.currentTimeMillis());
if (wait > 0) {
// force a sleep here. Instead just sleep we clean up the accessTime map
final long untilTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + wait;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() < untilTime) {
long frcdslp = untilTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
this.log.info("Forcing sleep of " + frcdslp + " ms for host " + host);
try {Thread.sleep(frcdslp);} catch (final InterruptedException ee) {}
// now it's for sure that we will access the target. Remember the access time
if (host != null) {
if (accessTime.size() > accessTimeMaxsize) accessTime.clear(); // prevent a memory leak here
accessTime.put(host, System.currentTimeMillis());
// load resource from the internet
Response response = null;
if (protocol.equals("http") || protocol.equals("https")) {
response = this.httpLoader.load(request, crawlProfile, maxFileSize, blacklistType, agent);
} else if (protocol.equals("ftp")) {
response = this.ftpLoader.load(request, true);
} else if (protocol.equals("smb")) {
response = this.smbLoader.load(request, true);
} else if (protocol.equals("file")) {
response = this.fileLoader.load(request, true);
} else {
throw new IOException("Unsupported protocol '" + protocol + "' in url " + url);
if (response == null) {
throw new IOException("no response (NULL) for url " + url);
if (response.getContent() == null) {
throw new IOException("empty response (code " + response.getStatus() + ") for url " + url);
// we got something. Now check if we want to store that to the cache
// first check looks if we want to store the content to the cache
if (crawlProfile == null || !crawlProfile.storeHTCache()) {
// no caching wanted. Thats ok, do not write any message
return response;
// second check tells us if the protocoll tells us something about caching
final String storeError = response.shallStoreCacheForCrawler();
if (storeError == null) {
try {
Cache.store(url, response.getResponseHeader(), response.getContent());
} catch (final IOException e) {
this.log.warn("cannot write " + response.url() + " to Cache (3): " + e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
this.log.warn("cannot write " + response.url() + " to Cache (4): " + storeError);
return response;
private int protocolMaxFileSize(final DigestURI url) {
if (url.isHTTP() || url.isHTTPS())
return this.sb.getConfigInt("crawler.http.maxFileSize", HTTPLoader.DEFAULT_MAXFILESIZE);
if (url.isFTP())
return this.sb.getConfigInt("crawler.ftp.maxFileSize", (int) FTPLoader.DEFAULT_MAXFILESIZE);
if (url.isSMB())
return this.sb.getConfigInt("crawler.smb.maxFileSize", (int) SMBLoader.DEFAULT_MAXFILESIZE);
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* load the url as byte[] content from the web or the cache
* @param request
* @param cacheStrategy
* @param timeout
* @return the content as {@link byte[]}
* @throws IOException
public byte[] loadContent(final Request request, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
// try to download the resource using the loader
final Response entry = load(request, cacheStrategy, blacklistType, agent);
if (entry == null) return null; // not found in web
// read resource body (if it is there)
return entry.getContent();
public Document[] loadDocuments(final Request request, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, final int maxFileSize, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException, Parser.Failure {
// load resource
final Response response = load(request, cacheStrategy, maxFileSize, blacklistType, agent);
final DigestURI url = request.url();
if (response == null) throw new IOException("no Response for url " + url);
// if it is still not available, report an error
if (response.getContent() == null || response.getResponseHeader() == null) throw new IOException("no Content available for url " + url);
// parse resource
return response.parse();
public Document loadDocument(final DigestURI location, final CacheStrategy cachePolicy, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
// load resource
Request request = request(location, true, false);
final Response response = this.load(request, cachePolicy, blacklistType, agent);
final DigestURI url = request.url();
if (response == null) throw new IOException("no Response for url " + url);
// if it is still not available, report an error
if (response.getContent() == null || response.getResponseHeader() == null) throw new IOException("no Content available for url " + url);
// parse resource
try {
Document[] documents = response.parse();
return Document.mergeDocuments(location, response.getMimeType(), documents);
} catch(final Parser.Failure e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
* load all links from a resource
* @param url the url that shall be loaded
* @param cacheStrategy the cache strategy
* @return a map from URLs to the anchor texts of the urls
* @throws IOException
public final Map<DigestURI, String> loadLinks(final DigestURI url, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) throws IOException {
final Response response = load(request(url, true, false), cacheStrategy, Integer.MAX_VALUE, blacklistType, agent);
if (response == null) throw new IOException("response == null");
final ResponseHeader responseHeader = response.getResponseHeader();
if (response.getContent() == null) throw new IOException("resource == null");
if (responseHeader == null) throw new IOException("responseHeader == null");
Document[] documents = null;
final String supportError = TextParser.supports(url, responseHeader.mime());
if (supportError != null) throw new IOException("no parser support: " + supportError);
try {
documents = TextParser.parseSource(url, responseHeader.mime(), responseHeader.getCharacterEncoding(), response.getContent());
if (documents == null) throw new IOException("document == null");
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IOException("parser error: " + e.getMessage());
return Document.getHyperlinks(documents);
public synchronized static void cleanupAccessTimeTable(final long timeout) {
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Long>> i = accessTime.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Long> e;
while (i.hasNext()) {
e = i.next();
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeout) break;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - e.getValue().longValue() > 1000) i.remove();
public void loadIfNotExistBackground(final DigestURI url, final File cache, final int maxFileSize, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) {
new Loader(url, cache, maxFileSize, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST, blacklistType, agent).start();
public void loadIfNotExistBackground(final DigestURI url, final int maxFileSize, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) {
new Loader(url, null, maxFileSize, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST, blacklistType, agent).start();
private class Loader extends Thread {
private final DigestURI url;
private final File cache;
private final int maxFileSize;
private final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy;
private final BlacklistType blacklistType;
private final ClientIdentification.Agent agent;
public Loader(final DigestURI url, final File cache, final int maxFileSize, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, BlacklistType blacklistType, final ClientIdentification.Agent agent) {
this.url = url;
this.cache = cache;
this.maxFileSize = maxFileSize;
this.cacheStrategy = cacheStrategy;
this.blacklistType = blacklistType;
this.agent = agent;
public void run() {
if (this.cache != null && this.cache.exists()) return;
try {
// load from the net
final Response response = load(request(this.url, false, true), this.cacheStrategy, this.maxFileSize, this.blacklistType, this.agent);
final byte[] b = response.getContent();
if (this.cache != null) FileUtils.copy(b, this.cache);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {} catch (final IOException e) {}