orbiter 826ca79735 refactoring and new architecture to store the files of the web cache:
- files are not stored any more as individual files
- a new database structure using BLOBHeap files stores many cache entries in common files
- all file-writing procedures had been migrated to generate byte[] objects which are written with the new database methods

this is only an intermediate step to the final architecture, where cached files are written together with their metadata in one single database structure.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5276 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2008-10-16 21:24:09 +00:00

2874 lines
96 KiB

// ftpc.java
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2002, 2004, 2006
// main implementation finished: 28.05.2002
// last major change: 06.05.2004
// added html generation for directories: 5.9.2006
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.net;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import de.anomic.server.serverDomains;
public class ftpc {
private static final String vDATE = "20040506";
private static final String logPrefix = "FTPC: ";
private final InputStream in;
private final PrintStream out;
private final PrintStream err;
private boolean glob = true; // glob = false -> filenames are taken
// literally for mget, ..
// transfer type
private static final char transferType = 'i'; // transfer binary
// block size [1K by default]
private static final int blockSize = 1024;
// client socket for commands
private Socket ControlSocket = null;
// socket timeout
private static final int ControlSocketTimeout = 300000;
// data socket timeout
private int DataSocketTimeout = 0; // in seconds (default infinite)
// minimal data rate (to calculate timeout with max. filesize)
private static final int DataSocketRate = 100;// Byte/s
// socket for data transactions
private ServerSocket DataSocketActive = null;
private Socket DataSocketPassive = null;
private boolean DataSocketPassiveMode = true;
// output and input streams for client control connection
private BufferedReader clientInput = null;
private DataOutputStream clientOutput = null;
// client prompt
private String prompt = "ftp [local]>";
String[] cmd;
// session parameters
File currentLocalPath;
String account, password, host, remotemessage, remotegreeting, remotesystem;
int port;
// entry info cache
private final Map<String, entryInfo> infoCache = new HashMap<String, entryInfo>();
// date-format in LIST (english month names)
private static final SimpleDateFormat lsDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d y H:m", new Locale("en"));
// TODO: implement RFC 2640 Internationalization
public ftpc() {
this(System.in, System.out, System.err);
public ftpc(final java.io.InputStream ins, final java.io.PrintStream outs, final java.io.PrintStream errs) {
// try {
// System.setSecurityManager(new sm());
// } catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {
// }
in = ins;
out = outs;
err = errs;
currentLocalPath = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
try {
currentLocalPath = new File(currentLocalPath.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (final IOException e) {
account = null;
password = null;
host = null;
port = -1;
remotemessage = null;
remotegreeting = null;
remotesystem = null;
public void shell(final String server) {
String command;
java.io.PrintWriter pw = null;
if (out != null) {
pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(out);
try {
final java.io.BufferedReader stdin = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(in));
if (server != null) {
exec("open " + server, true);
while (true) {
// prompt
if (pw != null) {
// read a line
while ((command = stdin.readLine()) == null) {
if (pw != null) {
// execute
if (!exec(command, false)) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
errPrintln("Error - ftp exception: " + e);
private void errPrintln(final String msg) {
if (err != null) {
err.println(logPrefix + "---- " + msg);
private void outPrintln(final String msg) {
if (out != null) {
out.println(logPrefix + msg);
public boolean exec(String command, final boolean promptIt) {
if ((command == null) || (command.length() == 0)) {
return true;
int pos;
String com;
boolean ret = true;
while (command.length() > 0) {
pos = command.indexOf(";");
if (pos < 0) {
pos = command.indexOf("\n");
if (pos < 0) {
com = command;
command = "";
} else {
com = command.substring(0, pos);
command = command.substring(pos + 1);
if (promptIt) {
outPrintln(prompt + com);
cmd = line2args(com);
try {
ret = (((Boolean) getClass().getMethod(cmd[0].toUpperCase(), new Class[0]).invoke(this, new Object[0]))
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null) {
if (notConnected()) {
// the error was probably caused because there is no
// connection
errPrintln("not connected. no effect.");
} else {
errPrintln("ftp internal exception: target exception " + e);
return ret;
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
errPrintln("ftp internal exception: wrong access " + e);
return ret;
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
// consider first that the user attempted to execute a java
// command from
// the current path; either local or remote
if (notConnected()) {
// try a local exec
try {
} catch (final Exception ee) {
errPrintln("Command '" + cmd[0] + "' not supported. Try 'HELP'.");
} else {
// try a remote exec
exec("java " + com, false);
return ret;
return ret;
private String[] line2args(final String line) {
// parse the command line
if ((line == null) || (line.length() == 0)) {
return null;
// pre-parse
String line1 = "";
boolean quoted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) {
if (quoted) {
if (line.charAt(i) == '"') {
quoted = false;
} else {
line1 = line1 + line.charAt(i);
} else {
if (line.charAt(i) == '"') {
quoted = true;
} else if (line.charAt(i) == ' ') {
line1 = line1 + '|';
} else {
line1 = line1 + line.charAt(i);
return line1.split("\\|");
static class cl extends ClassLoader {
public cl() {
public synchronized Class<?> loadClass(final String classname, final boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> c = findLoadedClass(classname);
if (c == null) {
try {
// second try: ask the system
c = findSystemClass(classname);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
// third try: load myself
final File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), classname + ".class");
final int length = (int) f.length();
final byte[] classbytes = new byte[length];
try {
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
c = defineClass(classname, classbytes, 0, classbytes.length);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException ee) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException();
} catch (final IOException ee) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException();
if (resolve) {
return c;
private void javaexec(final String[] inArgs) {
final String obj = inArgs[0];
final String[] args = new String[inArgs.length - 1];
// remove the object name from the array of arguments
System.arraycopy(inArgs, 1, args, 0, inArgs.length - 1);
// Build the argument list for invoke() method.
final Object[] argList = new Object[1];
argList[0] = args;
final Properties pr = System.getProperties();
final String origPath = (String) pr.get("java.class.path");
try {
// set the user.dir to the actual local path
pr.put("user.dir", currentLocalPath.toString());
// add the current path to the classpath
// pr.put("java.class.path", "" + pr.get("user.dir") +
// pr.get("path.separator") + origPath);
// errPrintln(logPrefix + "System Properties: " + pr.toString());
// locate object
final Class<?> c = (new cl()).loadClass(obj);
// Class c = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(obj);
// locate public static main(String[]) method
Class<?>[] parameterType = new Class[1];
parameterType[0] = Class.forName("[Ljava.lang.String;");
Method m = c.getMethod("main", parameterType);
// invoke object.main()
final Object result = m.invoke(null, argList);
//parameterType = null;
m = null;
// handle result
if (result != null) {
outPrintln("returns " + result);
// set the local path to the user.dir (which may have changed)
currentLocalPath = new File((String) pr.get("user.dir"));
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
// errPrintln("cannot find class file " + obj +
// ".class");
// class file does not exist, go silently over it to not show
// everybody that the
// system attempted to load a class file
errPrintln("Command '" + obj + "' not supported. Try 'HELP'.");
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) {
errPrintln("no \"public static main(String args[])\" in " + obj);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
final Throwable orig = e.getTargetException();
if (orig.getMessage() != null) {
errPrintln("Exception from " + obj + ": " + orig.getMessage());
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
errPrintln("Illegal access for " + obj + ": class is probably not declared as public");
} catch (final NullPointerException e) {
errPrintln("main(String args[]) is not defined as static for " + obj);
* } catch (IOException e) { // class file does not exist, go
* silently over it to not show everybody that the // system
* attempted to load a class file errPrintln("Command '" + obj + "'
* not supported. Try 'HELP'.");
} catch (final Exception e) {
errPrintln("Exception caught: " + e);
// set the classpath to its original definition
pr.put("java.class.path", origPath);
// FTP CLIENT COMMANDS ------------------------------------
public boolean ASCII() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: ASCII (no parameter)");
return true;
try {
literal("TYPE A");
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: ASCII transfer type not supported by server.");
return true;
public boolean BINARY() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: BINARY (no parameter)");
return true;
try {
literal("TYPE I");
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: BINARY transfer type not supported by server.");
return true;
public boolean BYE() {
return QUIT();
public boolean CD() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: CD <path>");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LCD();
try {
// send cwd command
send("CWD " + cmd[1]);
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: change of working directory to path " + cmd[1] + " failed.");
return true;
public boolean CLOSE() {
return DISCONNECT();
private void rmForced(final String path) throws IOException {
// first try: send DELE command (to delete a file)
send("DELE " + path);
// read reply
final String reply1 = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply1)) {
// second try: send a RMD command (to delete a directory)
send("RMD " + path);
// read reply
final String reply2 = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply2)) {
// third try: test if this thing is a directory or file and send
// appropriate error message
if (isFolder(path)) {
throw new IOException(reply2);
} else {
throw new IOException(reply1);
* @param path
* @return date of entry on ftp-server or now if date can not be obtained
public Date entryDate(final String path) {
final entryInfo info = fileInfo(path);
Date date = null;
if (info != null) {
date = info.date;
return date;
public boolean DEL() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: DEL <file>");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LDEL();
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: deletion of file " + cmd[1] + " failed.");
return true;
public boolean RM() {
return DEL();
public boolean DIR() {
if (cmd.length > 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: DIR [<path>|<file>]");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LDIR();
try {
List<String> l;
if (cmd.length == 2) {
l = list(cmd[1], false);
} else {
l = list(".", false);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: remote list not available");
return true;
public boolean DISCONNECT() {
try {
outPrintln("---- Connection closed.");
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Connection to server lost.");
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
ControlSocket = null;
DataSocketActive = null;
DataSocketPassive = null;
clientInput = null;
clientOutput = null;
prompt = "ftp [local]>";
return true;
private String quit() throws IOException {
// read status reply
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
return reply;
public boolean EXIT() {
return QUIT();
public boolean GET() {
if ((cmd.length < 2) || (cmd.length > 3)) {
errPrintln("Syntax: GET <remote-file> [<local-file>]");
return true;
final String remote = cmd[1]; // (new File(cmd[1])).getName();
final boolean withoutLocalFile = cmd.length == 2;
final String localFilename = (withoutLocalFile) ? remote : cmd[2];
final File local = absoluteLocalFile(localFilename);
if (local.exists()) {
errPrintln("Error: local file " + local.toString() + " already exists.\n" + " File " + remote
+ " not retrieved. Local file unchanged.");
} else {
if (withoutLocalFile) {
retrieveFilesRecursively(remote, false);
} else {
try {
get(local.getAbsolutePath(), remote);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: retrieving file " + remote + " failed. (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return true;
* @param localFilename
* @return
private File absoluteLocalFile(final String localFilename) {
File local;
final File l = new File(localFilename);
if (l.isAbsolute()) {
local = l;
} else {
local = new File(currentLocalPath, localFilename);
return local;
private void retrieveFilesRecursively(final String remote, final boolean delete) {
final File local = absoluteLocalFile(remote);
try {
get(local.getAbsolutePath(), remote);
try {
if (delete) {
} catch (final IOException eee) {
errPrintln("Warning: remote file or path " + remote + " cannot be removed.");
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (e.getMessage().startsWith("550")) {
// maybe it's a "not a plain file" error message", then it can
// be a folder
// test if this exists (then it should be a folder)
if (isFolder(remote)) {
// copy the whole directory
exec("cd \"" + remote + "\";lmkdir \"" + remote + "\";lcd \"" + remote + "\"", true);
// exec("mget *",true);
try {
for (final String element : list(".", false)) {
retrieveFilesRecursively(element, delete);
} catch (final IOException ee) {
exec("cd ..;lcd ..", true);
try {
if (delete) {
} catch (final IOException eee) {
errPrintln("Warning: remote file or path " + remote + " cannot be removed.");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: remote file or path " + remote + " does not exist.");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: retrieving file " + remote + " failed. (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
* checks if path is a folder
* @param path
* @return true if ftp-server changes to path
public boolean isFolder(final String path) {
try {
// /// try to parse LIST output (1 command)
final entryInfo info = fileInfo(path);
if (info != null) {
return info.isDir;
// /// try to change to folder (4 commands)
// current folder
final String currentFolder = pwd();
// check if we can change to folder
send("CWD " + path);
String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// check if we actually changed into the folder
final String changedPath = pwd();
if (!(changedPath.equals(path) || changedPath.equals(currentFolder
+ (currentFolder.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + path))) {
throw new IOException("folder is '" + changedPath + "' should be '" + path + "'");
// return to last folder
send("CWD " + currentFolder);
/*reply =*/ receive();
return true;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return false;
public boolean GLOB() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: GLOB (no parameter)");
return true;
glob = !glob;
outPrintln("---- globbing is now turned " + ((glob) ? "ON" : "OFF"));
return true;
public boolean HASH() {
errPrintln("no games implemented");
return true;
* private static String[] shift(String args[]) { if ((args == null) ||
* (args.length == 0)) return args; else { String[] newArgs = new
* String[args.length-1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0,
* args.length-1); return newArgs; } } public boolean JAR() { //Sun
* proprietary API may be removed in a future Java release
* sun.tools.jar.Main.main(shift(cmd)); return true; }
public boolean JJENCODE() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: JJENCODE <path>");
return true;
final String path = cmd[1];
final File dir = new File(path);
final File newPath = dir.isAbsolute() ? dir : new File(currentLocalPath, path);
if (newPath.exists()) {
if (newPath.isDirectory()) {
// exec("cd \"" + remote + "\";lmkdir \"" + remote + "\";lcd \""
// + remote + "\"",true);
* if not exist %1\nul goto :error cd %1 c:\jdk1.2.2\bin\jar
* -cfM0 ..\%1.jar *.* cd .. c:\jdk1.2.2\bin\jar -cfM %1.jj
* %1.jar del %1.jar
String s = "";
final String[] l = newPath.list();
for (final String element : l) {
s = s + " \"" + element + "\"";
exec("cd \"" + path + "\";jar -cfM0 ../\"" + path + ".jar\"" + s, true);
exec("cd ..;jar -cfM \"" + path + ".jj\" \"" + path + ".jar\"", true);
exec("rm \"" + path + ".jar\"", true);
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " denotes not to a directory.");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " does not exist.");
return true;
public boolean JJDECODE() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: JJENCODE <path>");
return true;
final String path = cmd[1];
final File dir = new File(path);
final File newPath = dir.isAbsolute() ? dir : new File(currentLocalPath, path);
final File newFolder = new File(newPath.toString() + ".dir");
if (newPath.exists()) {
if (!newPath.isDirectory()) {
if (!newFolder.mkdir()) {
* if not exist %1.jj goto :error mkdir %1.dir copy %1.jj
* %1.dir\ > %1.dummy && del %1.dummy cd %1.dir
* c:\jdk1.2.2\bin\jar -xf %1.jj del %1.jj
* c:\jdk1.2.2\bin\jar -xf %1.jar del %1.jar cd ..
exec("mkdir \"" + path + ".dir\"", true);
} else {
errPrintln("Error: target dir " + newFolder.toString() + " cannot be created");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " must denote to jar/jar file");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " does not exist.");
return true;
private static String[] argList2StringArray(final String argList) {
return argList.split("\\s");
public boolean JOIN(String[] args) {
// make sure the specified dest file does not exist
final String dest_name = args[1];
final File dest_file = new File(dest_name);
if (dest_file.exists()) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "join: destination file " + dest_name + " already exists");
return true;
// prepare or search file names of the input files to be joined
String source_name;
File source_file;
int pc = -1;
// create new string array with file names
// scan first for the files
pc = 0;
source_name = dest_name + ".000";
String argString = "";
source_file = new File(source_name);
while ((source_file.exists()) && (source_file.isFile()) && (source_file.canRead())) {
argString = argString + " " + source_name;
source_name = dest_name + (pc < 10 ? ".00" + pc : (pc < 100 ? ".0" + pc : "." + pc));
source_file = new File(source_name);
args = argList2StringArray(argString.substring(1));
// do the join
FileOutputStream dest = null;
FileInputStream source = null;
byte[] buffer;
int bytes_read = 0;
try {
// open output file
dest = new FileOutputStream(dest_file);
buffer = new byte[1024];
// append all source files
for (pc = 0; pc < args.length; pc++) {
// open the source file
source_name = args[pc];
source_file = new File(source_name);
source = new FileInputStream(source_file);
// start with the copy of one source file
while (true) {
bytes_read = source.read(buffer);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
dest.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read);
// copy finished. close source file
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// close the output file
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// if we come to this point then everything went fine
// if the user wanted to delete the source it is save to do so now
for (pc = 0; pc < args.length; pc++) {
try {
if (!(new File(args[pc])).delete()) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "join: unable to delete file " + args[pc]);
} catch (final SecurityException e) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "join: no permission to delete file " + args[pc]);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// clean up
finally {
// close any opened streams
if (dest != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (source != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// print appropriate message
errPrintln(logPrefix + "join created output from " + args.length + " source files");
return true;
public boolean COPY(final String[] args) {
final File dest_file = new File(args[2]);
if (dest_file.exists()) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "copy: destination file " + args[2] + " already exists");
return true;
int bytes_read = 0;
FileOutputStream dest = null;
FileInputStream source = null;
try {
// open output file
dest = new FileOutputStream(dest_file);
final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
// open the source file
final File source_file = new File(args[1]);
source = new FileInputStream(source_file);
// start with the copy of one source file
while (true) {
bytes_read = source.read(buffer);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
dest.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
} finally {
// copy finished. close source file
if (source != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// close the output file
if (dest != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
return true;
public boolean JAVA() {
String s = "JAVA";
for (int i = 1; i < cmd.length; i++) {
s = s + " " + cmd[i];
try {
/* String reply = */receive();
} catch (final IOException e) {
return true;
public boolean LCD() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LCD <path>");
return true;
final String path = cmd[1];
final File dir = new File(path);
File newPath = dir.isAbsolute() ? dir : new File(currentLocalPath, path);
try {
newPath = new File(newPath.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (newPath.exists()) {
if (newPath.isDirectory()) {
currentLocalPath = newPath;
outPrintln("---- New local path: " + currentLocalPath.toString());
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " denotes not a directory.");
} else {
errPrintln("Error: local path " + newPath.toString() + " does not exist.");
return true;
public boolean LDEL() {
return LRM();
public boolean LDIR() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LDIR (no parameter)");
return true;
final String[] name = currentLocalPath.list();
for (int n = 0; n < name.length; ++n) {
outPrintln(ls(new File(currentLocalPath, name[n])));
return true;
* parse LIST of file
* @param path
* on ftp-server
* @return null if info cannot be determined or error occures
public entryInfo fileInfo(final String path) {
if (infoCache.containsKey(path)) {
return infoCache.get(path);
try {
* RFC959 page 33f: If the argument is a pathname, the command is
* analogous to the "list" command except that data shall be
* transferred over the control connection.
send("STAT \"path\"");
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// check if reply is correct multi-line reply
final String[] lines = reply.split("\\r\\n");
if (lines.length < 3) {
throw new IOException(reply);
final int startCode = getStatusCode(lines[0]);
final int endCode = getStatusCode(lines[lines.length - 1]);
if (startCode != endCode) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// first line which gives a result is taken (should be only one)
entryInfo info = null;
final int endFor = lines.length - 1;
for (int i = 1; i < endFor; i++) {
info = parseListData(lines[i]);
if (info != null) {
infoCache.put(path, info);
return info;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
* returns status of reply
* 1 Positive Preliminary reply 2 Positive Completion reply 3 Positive
* Intermediate reply 4 Transient Negative Completion reply 5 Permanent
* Negative Completion reply
* @param reply
* @return first digit of the reply code
private int getStatus(final String reply) {
return Integer.parseInt(reply.substring(0, 1));
* gives reply code
* @param reply
* @return
private int getStatusCode(final String reply) {
return Integer.parseInt(reply.substring(0, 3));
* checks if status code is in group 2 ("2xx message")
* @param reply
* @return
private boolean isNotPositiveCompletion(final String reply) {
return getStatus(reply) != 2;
* parses output of LIST from ftp-server currently UNIX ls-style only, ie:
* -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 512 Apr
* 8 1994 etc
* @param line
* @return null if not parseable
private entryInfo parseListData(final String line) {
final Pattern lsStyle = Pattern
// groups: 1: rights, 2: size, 3: month, 4: day, 5: time or year, 6:
// name
final Matcher tokens = lsStyle.matcher(line);
if (tokens.matches()) {
final boolean isDir = tokens.group(1).startsWith("d");
int size = -1;
try {
size = Integer.parseInt(tokens.group(2));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
errPrintln("Error: not a number in list-entry: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
String time;
String year;
if (tokens.group(5).contains(":")) {
time = tokens.group(5);
year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)); // current
// year
} else {
time = "00:00";
year = tokens.group(5);
// construct date string
// this has to be done, because the list-entry may have multiple
// spaces, tabs or so
Date date;
final String dateString = tokens.group(3) + " " + tokens.group(4) + " " + year + " " + time;
try {
synchronized(lsDateFormat) {
date = lsDateFormat.parse(dateString);
} catch (final ParseException e) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "---- Error: not ls date-format '" + dateString + "': " + e.getMessage());
date = new Date();
return new entryInfo(isDir, size, date, tokens.group(6));
return null;
* parameter class
* @author danielr
* @since 2008-03-13 r4558
private static class entryInfo {
* is this a directory?
public final boolean isDir;
* size in bytes
public final int size;
* date of file
public final Date date;
* name of entry
public final String name;
* constructor
* @param isDir
* @param size
* bytes
* @param date
* @param name
public entryInfo(final boolean isDir, final int size, final Date date, final String name) {
this.isDir = isDir;
this.size = size;
this.date = date;
this.name = name;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(100);
info.append(" (isDir=");
info.append(", size=");
info.append(", ");
return info.toString();
private String ls(final File inode) {
if ((inode == null) || (!inode.exists())) {
return "";
String s = "";
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
s = s + "d";
} else if (inode.isFile()) {
s = s + "-";
} else {
s = s + "?";
if (inode.canRead()) {
s = s + "r";
} else {
s = s + "-";
if (inode.canWrite()) {
s = s + "w";
} else {
s = s + "-";
s = s + " " + lenformatted(Long.toString(inode.length()), 9);
final DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
s = s + " " + df.format(new Date(inode.lastModified()));
s = s + " " + inode.getName();
if (inode.isDirectory()) {
s = s + "/";
return s;
private String lenformatted(String s, int l) {
l = l - s.length();
while (l > 0) {
s = " " + s;
return s;
public boolean LITERAL() {
if (cmd.length == 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LITERAL <ftp-command> [<command-argument>] (see RFC959)");
return true;
String s = "";
for (int i = 1; i < cmd.length; i++) {
s = s + " " + cmd[i];
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: Syntax of FTP-command wrong. See RFC959 for details.");
return true;
public boolean LLS() {
return LDIR();
public boolean LMD() {
return LMKDIR();
public boolean LMKDIR() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LMKDIR <folder-name>");
return true;
final File f = new File(currentLocalPath, cmd[1]);
if (f.exists()) {
errPrintln("Error: local file/folder " + cmd[1] + " already exists");
} else {
if (!f.mkdir()) {
errPrintln("Error: creation of local folder " + cmd[1] + " failed");
return true;
public boolean LMV() {
if (cmd.length != 3) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LMV <from> <to>");
return true;
final File from = new File(cmd[1]);
final File to = new File(cmd[2]);
if (!to.exists()) {
if (from.renameTo(to)) {
outPrintln("---- \"" + from.toString() + "\" renamed to \"" + to.toString() + "\"");
} else {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "rename failed");
} else {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "\"" + to.toString() + "\" already exists");
return true;
public boolean LPWD() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LPWD (no parameter)");
return true;
outPrintln("---- Local path: " + currentLocalPath.toString());
return true;
public boolean LRD() {
return LMKDIR();
public boolean LRMDIR() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LRMDIR <folder-name>");
return true;
final File f = new File(currentLocalPath, cmd[1]);
if (!f.exists()) {
errPrintln("Error: local folder " + cmd[1] + " does not exist");
} else {
if (!f.delete()) {
errPrintln("Error: deletion of local folder " + cmd[1] + " failed");
return true;
public boolean LRM() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LRM <file-name>");
return true;
final File f = new File(currentLocalPath, cmd[1]);
if (!f.exists()) {
errPrintln("Error: local file " + cmd[1] + " does not exist");
} else {
if (!f.delete()) {
errPrintln("Error: deletion of file " + cmd[1] + " failed");
return true;
public boolean LS() {
if (cmd.length > 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: LS [<path>|<file>]");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LLS();
try {
List<String> l;
if (cmd.length == 2) {
l = list(cmd[1], true);
} else {
l = list(".", true);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: remote list not available");
return true;
* @param list
private void printElements(final List<String> list) {
outPrintln("---- v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v---v");
for (final String element : list) {
outPrintln("---- ^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^---^");
private List<String> list(final String path, final boolean extended) throws IOException {
// send command to the control port
if (extended) {
send("LIST " + path);
} else {
send("NLST " + path);
// read status of the command from the control port
String reply = receive();
// get status code
final int status = getStatus(reply);
if (status != 1) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// starting data transaction
final Socket data = getDataSocket();
final BufferedReader ClientStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(data.getInputStream()));
// read file system data
String line;
final ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>();
while ((line = ClientStream.readLine()) != null) {
if (!line.startsWith("total ")) {
// after stream is empty we should get control completion echo
/*reply =*/ receive();
// boolean success = !isNotPositiveCompletion(reply);
// shutdown connection
ClientStream.close(); // Closing the returned InputStream will
closeDataSocket(); // close the associated socket.
// if (!success) throw new IOException(reply);
return files;
public boolean MDIR() {
return MKDIR();
public boolean MKDIR() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: MKDIR <folder-name>");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LMKDIR();
try {
// send mkdir command
send("MKD " + cmd[1]);
// read reply
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: creation of folder " + cmd[1] + " failed");
return true;
public boolean MGET() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: MGET <file-pattern>");
return true;
try {
mget(cmd[1], false);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: mget failed (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return true;
private void mget(final String pattern, final boolean remove) throws IOException {
final List<String> l = list(".", false);
File local;
for (final String remote : l) {
if (matches(remote, pattern)) {
local = new File(currentLocalPath, remote);
if (local.exists()) {
errPrintln("Warning: local file " + local.toString() + " overwritten.");
errPrintln("Warning: local file " + local.toString() + " could not be deleted.");
retrieveFilesRecursively(remote, remove);
public boolean MOVEDOWN() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: MOVEDOWN <file-pattern>");
return true;
try {
mget(cmd[1], true);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: movedown failed (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
return true;
* public boolean MOVEUP() { }
* @return
public boolean MV() {
if (cmd.length != 3) {
errPrintln("Syntax: MV <from> <to>");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LMV();
try {
// send rename commands
send("RNFR " + cmd[1]);
// read reply
String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
send("RNTO " + cmd[2]);
// read reply
reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: rename of " + cmd[1] + " to " + cmd[2] + " failed.");
return true;
public boolean NOOP() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: NOOP (no parameter)");
return true;
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: server does not know how to do nothing");
return true;
public boolean OPEN() {
if ((cmd.length < 2) || (cmd.length > 3)) {
errPrintln("Syntax: OPEN <host> [<port>]");
return true;
int port = 21;
if (cmd.length == 3) {
try {
port = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(cmd[2]);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
port = 21;
if (cmd[1].indexOf(":") > 0) {
// port is given
port = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(cmd[1].substring(cmd[1].indexOf(":") + 1));
cmd[1] = cmd[1].substring(0, cmd[1].indexOf(":"));
try {
open(cmd[1], port);
outPrintln("---- Connection to " + cmd[1] + " established.");
prompt = "ftp [" + cmd[1] + "]>";
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: connecting " + cmd[1] + " on port " + port + " failed: " + e.getMessage());
return true;
private void open(final String host, final int port) throws IOException {
if (ControlSocket != null) {
exec("close", false); // close any existing connections first
try {
ControlSocket = new Socket(host, port);
ControlSocket.setTcpNoDelay(true); // no accumulation until buffer is full
ControlSocket.setSoLinger(false, getTimeout()); // !wait for all data being written on close()
ControlSocket.setSendBufferSize(1440); // read http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/38.shtml
ControlSocket.setReceiveBufferSize(1440); // read http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/38.shtml
clientInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ControlSocket.getInputStream()));
clientOutput = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ControlSocket.getOutputStream()));
// read and return server message
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
remotemessage = receive();
if ((remotemessage != null) && (remotemessage.length() > 3)) {
remotemessage = remotemessage.substring(4);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// if a connection was opened, it should not be used
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
* @return
public boolean notConnected() {
return ControlSocket == null;
* close all sockets
* @throws IOException
private void closeConnection() throws IOException {
// cleanup
if (ControlSocket != null) {
ControlSocket = null;
if (DataSocketActive != null) {
DataSocketActive = null;
if (DataSocketPassive != null) {
DataSocketPassive = null; // "Once a socket has been closed, it is
// not available for further networking
// use"
public boolean PROMPT() {
errPrintln("prompt is always off");
return true;
public boolean PUT() {
if ((cmd.length < 2) || (cmd.length > 3)) {
errPrintln("Syntax: PUT <local-file> [<remote-file>]");
return true;
final File local = new File(currentLocalPath, cmd[1]);
final String remote = (cmd.length == 2) ? local.getName() : cmd[2];
if (!local.exists()) {
errPrintln("Error: local file " + local.toString() + " does not exist.");
errPrintln(logPrefix + " Remote file " + remote + " not overwritten.");
} else {
try {
put(local.getAbsolutePath(), remote);
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: transmitting file " + local.toString() + " failed.");
return true;
public boolean PWD() {
if (cmd.length > 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: PWD (no parameter)");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LPWD();
try {
outPrintln("---- Current remote path is: " + pwd());
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: remote path not available");
return true;
private String pwd() throws IOException {
// send pwd command
// read current directory
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// parse directory name out of the reply
return reply.substring(5, reply.lastIndexOf('"'));
public boolean REMOTEHELP() {
if (cmd.length != 1) {
errPrintln("Syntax: REMOTEHELP (no parameter)");
return true;
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: remote help not supported by server.");
return true;
public boolean RMDIR() {
if (cmd.length != 2) {
errPrintln("Syntax: RMDIR <folder-name>");
return true;
if (notConnected()) {
return LRMDIR();
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: deletion of folder " + cmd[1] + " failed.");
return true;
public boolean QUIT() {
if (!notConnected()) {
exec("close", false);
return false;
public boolean RECV() {
return GET();
* size of file on ftp-server (maybe size of directory-entry is possible)
* @param path
* @return size in bytes or -1 if size cannot be determinied
public int fileSize(final String path) {
int size = -1;
try {
// extended FTP
size = size(path);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// else with LIST-data
final entryInfo info = fileInfo(path);
if (info != null) {
size = info.size;
return size;
public int size(final String path) throws IOException {
// get the size of a file. If the given path targets to a directory, a
// -1 is returned
// this function is not supported by standard rfc 959. The method is
// descibed in RFC 3659 Extensions to FTP
// if the method is not supported by the target server, this throws an
// IOException with the
// server response as exception message
// send command to the control port
send("SIZE " + path);
// read status of the command from the control port
final String reply = receive();
if (getStatusCode(reply) != 213) {
throw new IOException(reply);
try {
return Integer.parseInt(reply.substring(4));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IOException(reply);
public boolean USER() {
if (cmd.length != 3) {
errPrintln("Syntax: USER <user-name> <password>");
return true;
try {
login(cmd[1], cmd[2]);
outPrintln("---- Granted access for user " + cmd[1] + ".");
} catch (final IOException e) {
errPrintln("Error: authorization of user " + cmd[1] + " failed: " + e.getMessage());
return true;
public boolean APPEND() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean HELP() {
outPrintln("---- ftp HELP ----");
outPrintln("This ftp client shell can act as command shell for the local host as well for the");
outPrintln("remote host. Commands that point to the local host are preceded by 'L'.");
outPrintln("Supported Commands:");
outPrintln(" switch remote server to ASCII transfer mode");
outPrintln(" switch remote server to BINARY transfer mode");
outPrintln(" quit the command shell (same as EXIT)");
outPrintln("CD <path>");
outPrintln(" change remote path");
outPrintln(" close connection to remote host (same as DISCONNECT)");
outPrintln("DEL <file>");
outPrintln(" delete file on remote server (same as RM)");
outPrintln("RM <file>");
outPrintln(" remove file from remote server (same as DEL)");
outPrintln("DIR [<path>|<file>] ");
outPrintln(" print file information for remote directory or file");
outPrintln(" disconnect from remote server (same as CLOSE)");
outPrintln(" quit the command shell (same as BYE)");
outPrintln("GET <remote-file> [<local-file>]");
outPrintln(" load <remote-file> from remote server and store it locally,");
outPrintln(" optionally to <local-file>. if the <remote-file> is a directory,");
outPrintln(" then all files in that directory are retrieved,");
outPrintln(" including recursively all subdirectories.");
outPrintln(" toggles globbing: matching with wild cards or not");
outPrintln(" copies local files");
outPrintln("LCD <path>");
outPrintln(" local directory change");
outPrintln("LDEL <file>");
outPrintln(" local file delete");
outPrintln(" shows local directory content");
outPrintln("LITERAL <ftp-command> [<command-argument>]");
outPrintln(" Sends FTP commands as documented in RFC959");
outPrintln(" as LDIR");
outPrintln(" as LMKDIR");
outPrintln("LMV <local-from> <local-to>");
outPrintln(" copies local files");
outPrintln(" prints local path");
outPrintln(" as LMKDIR");
outPrintln("LRMD <folder-name>");
outPrintln(" deletes local directory <folder-name>");
outPrintln("LRM <file-name>");
outPrintln(" deletes local file <file-name>");
outPrintln("LS [<path>|<file>]");
outPrintln(" prints list of remote directory <path> or information of file <file>");
outPrintln(" as MKDIR");
outPrintln("MGET <file-pattern>");
outPrintln(" copies files from remote server that fits into the");
outPrintln(" pattern <file-pattern> to the local path.");
outPrintln("MOVEDOWN <file-pattern>");
outPrintln(" copies files from remote server as with MGET");
outPrintln(" and deletes them afterwards on the remote server");
outPrintln("MV <from> <to>");
outPrintln(" moves or renames files on the local host");
outPrintln(" sends the NOOP command to the remote server (which does nothing)");
outPrintln(" This command is usually used to measure the speed of the remote server.");
outPrintln("OPEN <host[':'port]> [<port>]");
outPrintln(" connects the ftp shell to the remote server <host>. Optionally,");
outPrintln(" a port number can be given, the default port number is 21.");
outPrintln(" Example: OPEN localhost:2121 or OPEN 2121");
outPrintln(" compatibility command, that usually toggles beween prompting on or off.");
outPrintln(" ftp has prompting switched off by default and cannot switched on.");
outPrintln("PUT <local-file> [<remote-file>]");
outPrintln(" copies the <local-file> to the remote server to the current remote path or");
outPrintln(" optionally to the given <remote-file> path.");
outPrintln(" prints current path on the remote server.");
outPrintln(" asks the remote server to print the help text of the remote server");
outPrintln("RMDIR <folder-name>");
outPrintln(" removes the directory <folder-name> on the remote server");
outPrintln(" exits the ftp application");
outPrintln(" as GET");
outPrintln("USER <user-name> <password>");
outPrintln(" logs into the remote server with the user <user-name>");
outPrintln(" and the password <password>");
outPrintln("a standard sessions looks like this");
outPrintln(">user anonymous bob");
return true;
public boolean QUOTE() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean BELL() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean MDELETE() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean SEND() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean DEBUG() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean MLS() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean TRACE() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean MPUT() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean TYPE() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
public boolean CREATE() {
errPrintln("not yet supported");
return true;
// helper functions
private boolean matches(final String name, final String pattern) {
// checks whether the string name matches with the pattern
// the pattern may contain characters '*' as wildcard for several
// characters (also none) and '?' to match exactly one characters
// outPrintln("MATCH " + name + " " + pattern);
if (!glob) {
return name.equals(pattern);
if (pattern.equals("*")) {
return true;
if ((pattern.startsWith("*")) && (pattern.endsWith("*"))) {
return // avoid recursion deadlock
((matches(name, pattern.substring(1))) || (matches(name, pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1))));
try {
int i = pattern.indexOf("?");
if (i >= 0) {
if (!(matches(name.substring(0, i), pattern.substring(0, i)))) {
return false;
return (matches(name.substring(i + 1), pattern.substring(i + 1)));
i = pattern.indexOf("*");
if (i >= 0) {
if (!(name.substring(0, i).equals(pattern.substring(0, i)))) {
return false;
if (pattern.length() == i + 1) {
return true; // pattern would be '*'
return (matches(reverse(name.substring(i)), reverse(pattern.substring(i + 1)) + "*"));
return name.equals(pattern);
} catch (final java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// this is normal. it's a lazy implementation
return false;
private String reverse(final String s) {
if (s.length() < 2) {
return s;
return reverse(s.substring(1)) + s.charAt(0);
// protocoll socket commands
private void send(final String buf) throws IOException {
if (buf.startsWith("PASS")) {
outPrintln("> PASS ********");
} else {
outPrintln("> " + buf);
private String receive() throws IOException {
// last reply starts with 3 digit number followed by space
String reply;
while (true) {
reply = clientInput.readLine();
// sanity check
if (reply == null) {
throw new IOException("Server has presumably shut down the connection.");
outPrintln("< " + reply);
// serverResponse.addElement(reply);
if (reply.length() >= 4 && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(0)) && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(1))
&& Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(2)) && (reply.charAt(3) == ' ')) {
break; // end of reply
// return last reply line
return reply;
private void sendTransferType(final char type) throws IOException {
send("TYPE " + type);
final String reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
* @return
* @throws IOException
private Socket getDataSocket() throws IOException {
Socket data;
if (isPassive()) {
if (DataSocketPassive == null) {
data = DataSocketPassive;
} else {
if (DataSocketActive == null) {
data = DataSocketActive.accept();
return data;
* create data channel
* @throws IOException
private void createDataSocket() throws IOException {
if (isPassive()) {
} else {
* use passive ftp?
* @return
private boolean isPassive() {
return DataSocketPassiveMode;
private void createActiveDataPort() throws IOException {
// create data socket and bind it to free port available
DataSocketActive = new ServerSocket(0);
DataSocketActive.setReceiveBufferSize(1440); // read http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/38.shtml
// get port socket has been bound to
final int DataPort = DataSocketActive.getLocalPort();
// client ip
// InetAddress LocalIp = serverCore.publicIP();
// InetAddress LocalIp =
// DataSocketActive.getInetAddress().getLocalHost();
// save ip address in high byte order
// byte[] Bytes = LocalIp.getAddress();
final byte[] Bytes = serverDomains.myPublicIP().getBytes();
// bytes greater than 127 should not be printed as negative
final short[] Shorts = new short[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Shorts[i] = Bytes[i];
if (Shorts[i] < 0) {
Shorts[i] += 256;
// send port command via control socket:
// four ip address shorts encoded and two port shorts encoded
send("PORT "
// "127,0,0,1," +
Shorts[0] + "," + Shorts[1] + "," + Shorts[2] + "," + Shorts[3] + "," + ((DataPort & 0xff00) >> 8)
+ "," + (DataPort & 0x00ff));
// read status of the command from the control port
final String reply = receive();
// check status code
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
DataSocketPassiveMode = false;
private void createPassiveDataPort() throws IOException {
// send port command via control socket:
// four ip address shorts encoded and two port shorts encoded
// read status of the command from the control port
String reply = receive();
// check status code
if (getStatusCode(reply) != 227) {
throw new IOException(reply);
// parse the status return: address should start at the first number
int pos = 4;
while ((pos < reply.length()) && ((reply.charAt(pos) < '0') || (reply.charAt(pos) > '9'))) {
if (pos >= reply.length()) {
throw new IOException(reply + " [could not parse return code]");
reply = reply.substring(pos);
pos = reply.length() - 1;
while ((pos >= 0) && ((reply.charAt(pos) < '0') || (reply.charAt(pos) > '9'))) {
if (pos < 0) {
throw new IOException("[could not parse return code: no numbers]");
reply = reply.substring(0, pos + 1);
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(reply, ",");
if (st.countTokens() != 6) {
throw new IOException("[could not parse return code: wrong number of numbers]");
// set the data host and port
final int a = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
final int b = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
final int c = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
final int d = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
final InetAddress datahost = InetAddress.getByName(a + "." + b + "." + c + "." + d);
final int high = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
final int low = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
if (high < 0 || high > 255 || low < 0 || low > 255) {
throw new IOException("[could not parse return code: syntax error]");
final int dataport = (high << 8) + low;
DataSocketPassive = new Socket(datahost, dataport);
DataSocketPassiveMode = true;
* closes data connection
* @throws IOException
private void closeDataSocket() throws IOException {
if (isPassive()) {
if (DataSocketPassive != null) {
DataSocketPassive = null;
} else {
if (DataSocketActive != null) {
DataSocketActive = null;
* sets the timeout for the socket
* @throws SocketException
private void applyDataSocketTimeout() throws SocketException {
if (isPassive()) {
if (DataSocketPassive != null) {
DataSocketPassive.setSoTimeout(DataSocketTimeout * 1000);
} else {
if (DataSocketActive != null) {
private void get(final String fileDest, final String fileName) throws IOException {
// store time for statistics
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// set type of the transfer
// send command to the control port
send("RETR " + fileName);
// read status of the command from the control port
String reply = receive();
// get status code
final int status = getStatus(reply);
// starting data transaction
if (status == 1) {
Socket data = null;
InputStream ClientStream = null;
RandomAccessFile outFile = null;
int length = 0;
try {
data = getDataSocket();
ClientStream = data.getInputStream();
// create local file
if (fileDest == null) {
outFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw");
} else {
outFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileDest, "rw");
// write remote file to local file
final byte[] block = new byte[blockSize];
int numRead;
while ((numRead = ClientStream.read(block)) != -1) {
outFile.write(block, 0, numRead);
length = length + numRead;
// after stream is empty we should get control completion echo
/*reply =*/ receive();
// boolean success = !isNotPositiveCompletion(reply);
} finally {
// shutdown connection
if(outFile != null) {
if(ClientStream != null) {
// if (!success) throw new IOException(reply);
// write statistics
final long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ " ---- downloaded "
+ ((length < 2048) ? length + " bytes" : (length / 1024) + " kbytes")
+ " in "
+ (((stop - start) < 2000) ? (stop - start) + " milliseconds"
: (((int) ((stop - start) / 100)) / 10) + " seconds"));
if (start == stop) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + "");
} else {
outPrintln(" (" + (length * 1000 / 1024 / (stop - start)) + " kbytes/second)");
} else {
throw new IOException(reply);
public byte[] get(final String fileName) throws IOException {
// set type of the transfer
// send command to the control port
send("RETR " + fileName);
// read status of the command from the control port
String reply = receive();
// get status code
final int status = getStatus(reply);
// starting data transaction
if (status == 1) {
Socket data = null;
InputStream ClientStream = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int length = 0;
try {
data = getDataSocket();
ClientStream = data.getInputStream();
// write remote file to local file
final byte[] block = new byte[blockSize];
int numRead;
while ((numRead = ClientStream.read(block)) != -1) {
os.write(block, 0, numRead);
length = length + numRead;
// after stream is empty we should get control completion echo
/*reply =*/ receive();
// boolean success = !isNotPositiveCompletion(reply);
} finally {
// shutdown connection
if(ClientStream != null) {
return os.toByteArray();
} else {
throw new IOException(reply);
private void put(final String fileName, final String fileDest) throws IOException {
// set type of the transfer
// send command to the control port
if (fileDest == null) {
send("STOR " + fileName);
} else {
send("STOR " + fileDest);
// read status of the command from the control port
String reply = receive();
// starting data transaction
if (getStatus(reply) == 1) {
final Socket data = getDataSocket();
final OutputStream ClientStream = data.getOutputStream();
// read from local file
final RandomAccessFile inFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r");
// write remote file to local file
final byte[] block = new byte[blockSize];
int numRead;
while ((numRead = inFile.read(block)) >= 0) {
ClientStream.write(block, 0, numRead);
// shutdown and cleanup
// after stream is empty we should get control completion echo
reply = receive();
final boolean success = (getStatus(reply) == 2);
// shutdown remote client connection
if (!success) {
throw new IOException(reply);
} else {
throw new IOException(reply);
* Login to server
* @param account
* @param password
* @throws IOException
private void login(final String account, final String password) throws IOException {
// send user name
send("USER " + account);
String reply = receive();
switch (getStatus(reply)) {
case 2:
// User logged in, proceed.
case 5:// 530 Not logged in.
case 4:
case 1:// in RFC959 an error (page 57, diagram for the Login
// sequence)
throw new IOException(reply);
// send password
send("PASS " + password);
reply = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException(reply);
setLoginData(account, password, reply);
* we are authorized to use the server
* @return
public boolean isLoggedIn() {
return (account != null && password != null && remotegreeting != null);
* remember username and password which were used to login
* @param account
* @param password
* @param reply
* remoteGreeting
private void setLoginData(final String account, final String password, final String reply) {
this.account = account;
this.password = password;
remotegreeting = reply;
private void unsetLoginData() {
account = null;
password = null;
remotegreeting = null;
public void sys() throws IOException {
// send system command
// check completion
final String systemType = receive();
if (isNotPositiveCompletion(systemType)) {
throw new IOException(systemType);
// exclude status code from reply
remotesystem = systemType.substring(4);
private void literal(final String commandLine) throws IOException {
// send the complete line
// read reply
final String reply = receive();
if (getStatus(reply) == 5) {
throw new IOException(reply);
* control socket timeout
* @return
public int getTimeout() {
return ControlSocketTimeout;
* set timeout for data connections calculated for a minimum data rate
* @param maxFilesize
* @return timeout in seconds
public void setDataTimeoutByMaxFilesize(final int maxFilesize) {
int timeout = 0;
if (DataSocketRate > 0) {
// calculate by minDataRate and MaxFTPFileSize
timeout = maxFilesize / DataSocketRate;
* after this time the data connection is closed
* @param timeout
* in seconds, 0 = infinite
public void setDataSocketTimeout(final int timeout) {
DataSocketTimeout = timeout;
try {
} catch (final SocketException e) {
errPrintln(logPrefix + " setDataSocketTimeout: " + e.getMessage());
public static List<String> dir(final String host, final String remotePath, final String account,
final String password, final boolean extended) {
try {
final ftpc c = new ftpc();
c.cmd = new String[] { "open", host };
c.cmd = new String[] { "user", account, password };
c.cmd = new String[] { "ls" };
final List<String> v = c.list(remotePath, extended);
c.cmd = new String[] { "close" };
c.cmd = new String[] { "exit" };
return v;
} catch (final java.security.AccessControlException e) {
return null;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
public static void dir(final String host, final String remotePath, final String account, final String password) {
try {
final ftpc c = new ftpc();
c.exec("open " + host, false);
c.exec("user " + account + " " + password, false);
c.exec("cd " + remotePath, false);
c.exec("ls", true);
c.exec("close", false);
c.exec("exit", false);
} catch (final java.security.AccessControlException e) {
public StringBuilder dirhtml(String remotePath) {
// returns a directory listing using an existing connection
try {
if(isFolder(remotePath) && '/' != remotePath.charAt(remotePath.length()-1)) {
remotePath += '/';
final List<String> list = list(remotePath, true);
if (remotesystem == null) {
final String base = "ftp://" + ((account.equals("anonymous")) ? "" : (account + ":" + password + "@"))
+ host + ((port == 21) ? "" : (":" + port)) + ((remotePath.charAt(0) == '/') ? "" : pwd() + "/")
+ remotePath;
return dirhtml(base, remotemessage, remotegreeting, remotesystem, list);
} catch (final java.security.AccessControlException e) {
return null;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
public static StringBuilder dirhtml(final String host, final int port, final String remotePath,
final String account, final String password) {
// opens a new connection and returns a directory listing as html
try {
final ftpc c = new ftpc(System.in, null, System.err);
c.open(host, port);
c.login(account, password);
final StringBuilder page = c.dirhtml(remotePath);
return page;
} catch (final java.security.AccessControlException e) {
return null;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
public StringBuilder dirhtml(final String base, final String servermessage, final String greeting,
final String system, final List<String> list) {
// this creates the html output from collected strings
final StringBuilder page = new StringBuilder(1024);
final String title = "Index of " + base;
page.append("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n");
page.append(" <title>" + title + "</title>\n");
page.append(" <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"YaCy ftpc dirlisting\">\n");
page.append(" <base href=\"" + base + "\">\n");
page.append(" <h1>" + title + "</h1>\n");
page.append(" <p><pre>Server \"" + servermessage + "\" responded:\n");
page.append(" \n");
page.append(" </pre></p>\n");
page.append(" <hr>\n");
page.append(" <pre>\n");
int nameStart, nameEnd;
entryInfo info;
for (final String line : list) {
info = parseListData(line);
if(info != null) {
// with link
nameStart = line.indexOf(info.name);
page.append(line.substring(0, nameStart));
page.append("<a href=\"" + base + info.name + ((info.isDir) ? "/" : "") + "\">" + info.name + "</a>");
nameEnd = nameStart + info.name.length();
if(line.length() > nameEnd) {
} else {
// raw
page.append(" </pre>\n");
page.append(" <hr>\n");
page.append(" <pre>System info: \"" + system + "\"</pre>\n");
return page;
public static void dirAnonymous(final String host, final String remotePath) {
dir(host, remotePath, "anonymous", "anomic");
public static void dirAnonymousHtml(final String host, final int port, final String remotePath,
final String htmloutfile) {
final StringBuilder page = dirhtml(host, port, remotePath, "anonymous", "anomic");
final File file = new File(htmloutfile);
FileOutputStream fos;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
public static String put(final String host, File localFile, String remotePath, final String remoteName,
final String account, final String password) throws IOException {
// returns the log
try {
final ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final PrintStream out = new PrintStream(bout);
final ByteArrayOutputStream berr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final PrintStream err = new PrintStream(berr);
final ftpc c = new ftpc(System.in, out, err);
c.exec("open " + host, false);
c.exec("user " + account + " " + password, false);
if (remotePath != null) {
remotePath = remotePath.replace('\\', '/');
c.exec("cd " + remotePath, false);
c.exec("binary", false);
if (localFile.isAbsolute()) {
c.exec("lcd \"" + localFile.getParent() + "\"", false);
localFile = new File(localFile.getName());
c.exec("put " + localFile.toString() + ((remoteName.length() == 0) ? "" : (" " + remoteName)), false);
c.exec("close", false);
c.exec("exit", false);
final String outLog = bout.toString();
final String errLog = berr.toString();
if (errLog.length() > 0) {
throw new IOException("Ftp put failed:\n" + errLog);
return outLog;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw e;
public static void get(final String host, String remoteFile, final File localPath, final String account,
final String password) {
try {
final ftpc c = new ftpc();
if (remoteFile.length() == 0) {
remoteFile = "/";
c.exec("open " + host, false);
c.exec("user " + account + " " + password, false);
c.exec("lcd " + localPath.getAbsolutePath(), false);
c.exec("binary", false);
c.exec("get " + remoteFile + " " + localPath.getAbsoluteFile().toString(), false);
c.exec("close", false);
c.exec("exit", false);
} catch (final java.security.AccessControlException e) {
public static void getAnonymous(final String host, final String remoteFile, final File localPath) {
get(host, remoteFile, localPath, "anonymous", "anomic");
* class that puts a file on a ftp-server can be used as a thread
static class pt implements Runnable {
String host;
File localFile;
String remotePath;
String remoteName;
String account;
String password;
public pt(final String h, final File l, final String rp, final String rn, final String a, final String p) {
host = h;
localFile = l;
remotePath = rp;
remoteName = rn;
account = a;
password = p;
public final void run() {
try {
put(host, localFile, remotePath, remoteName, account, password);
} catch (final IOException e) {
public static Thread putAsync(final String host, final File localFile, final String remotePath,
final String remoteName, final String account, final String password) {
final Thread t = new Thread(new pt(host, localFile, remotePath, remoteName, account, password));
return t; // return value can be used to determine status of transfer
// with isAlive() or join()
private static void printHelp() {
System.out.println(logPrefix + "ftp help");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "----------");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "The following commands are supported");
+ "java ftp -- (without arguments) starts the shell. Thy 'help' then for shell commands.");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "java ftp <host>[':'<port>] -- starts shell and connects to specified host");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "java ftp -h -- prints this help");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "java ftp -dir <host>[':'<port>] <path> [<account> <password>]");
+ "java ftp -get <host>[':'<port>] <remoteFile> <localPath> [<account> <password>]");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "java ftp -put <host>[':'<port>] <localFile> <remotePath> <account> <password>");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "");
public static void main(final String[] args) {
System.out.println(logPrefix + "WELCOME TO THE ANOMIC FTP CLIENT v" + vDATE);
System.out.println(logPrefix + "Visit http://www.anomic.de and support shareware!");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "try -h for command line options");
System.out.println(logPrefix + "");
if (args.length == 0) {
(new ftpc()).shell(null);
} else if (args.length == 1) {
if (args[0].equals("-h")) {
} else {
(new ftpc()).shell(args[0]);
} else if (args.length == 2) {
} else if (args.length == 3) {
if (args[0].equals("-dir")) {
dirAnonymous(args[1], args[2]);
} else if (args[0].equals("-htmldir")) {
dirAnonymousHtml(args[1], 21, args[2], "dirindex.html");
} else {
} else if (args.length == 4) {
if (args[0].equals("-get")) {
getAnonymous(args[1], args[2], new File(args[3]));
} else {
} else if (args.length == 5) {
if (args[0].equals("-dir")) {
dir(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
} else {
} else if (args.length == 6) {
if (args[0].equals("-get")) {
get(args[1], args[2], new File(args[3]), args[4], args[5]);
} else if (args[0].equals("-put")) {
try {
put(args[1], new File(args[2]), args[3], "", args[4], args[5]);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} else {
} else {