orbiter daf0f74361 joined anomic.net.URL, plasmaURL and url hash computation:
search profiling showed, that a major amount of time is wasted by computing url hashes. The computation does an intranet-check, which needs a DNS lookup. This caused that each urlhash computation needed 100-200 milliseconds, which caused remote searches to delay at least 1 second more that necessary. The solution to this problem is to attach a URL hash to the URL data structure, because that means that the url hash value can be filled after retrieval of the URL from the database. The redesign of the url/urlhash management caused a major redesign of many parts of the software. Since some parts had been decided to be given up they had been removed during this change to avoid unnecessary maintenance of unused code.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@4074 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2007-09-05 09:01:35 +00:00

647 lines
26 KiB

// plasmaWordIndex.java
// (C) 2005, 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2005 on http://www.anomic.de
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper;
import de.anomic.index.indexCollectionRI;
import de.anomic.index.indexContainer;
import de.anomic.index.indexContainerOrder;
import de.anomic.index.indexRAMRI;
import de.anomic.index.indexRI;
import de.anomic.index.indexRWIEntry;
import de.anomic.index.indexURLEntry;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBase64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroCloneableIterator;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMergeIterator;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroOrder;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRotateIterator;
import de.anomic.plasma.urlPattern.plasmaURLPattern;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyDHTAction;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeedDB;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public final class plasmaWordIndex implements indexRI {
// environment constants
public static final long wCacheMaxAge = 1000 * 60 * 30; // milliseconds; 30 minutes
public static final int wCacheMaxChunk = 1000; // number of references for each urlhash
public static final int lowcachedivisor = 200;
public static final int maxCollectionPartition = 7; // should be 7
private final kelondroOrder indexOrder = kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder;
private final indexRAMRI dhtOutCache, dhtInCache;
private final indexCollectionRI collections; // new database structure to replace AssortmentCluster and FileCluster
public boolean busyCacheFlush; // shows if a cache flush is currently performed
private int flushsize;
public final plasmaCrawlLURL loadedURL;
public plasmaWordIndex(File indexPrimaryRoot, File indexSecondaryRoot, long preloadTime, serverLog log) {
File textindexcache = new File(indexPrimaryRoot, "PUBLIC/TEXT/RICACHE");
if (!(textindexcache.exists())) textindexcache.mkdirs();
this.dhtOutCache = new indexRAMRI(textindexcache, indexRWIEntry.urlEntryRow, wCacheMaxChunk, wCacheMaxAge, "dump1.array", log);
this.dhtInCache = new indexRAMRI(textindexcache, indexRWIEntry.urlEntryRow, wCacheMaxChunk, wCacheMaxAge, "dump2.array", log);
// create collections storage path
File textindexcollections = new File(indexPrimaryRoot, "PUBLIC/TEXT/RICOLLECTION");
if (!(textindexcollections.exists())) textindexcollections.mkdirs();
this.collections = new indexCollectionRI(textindexcollections, "collection", preloadTime, maxCollectionPartition, indexRWIEntry.urlEntryRow);
// create LURL-db
loadedURL = new plasmaCrawlLURL(indexSecondaryRoot, preloadTime);
// performance settings
busyCacheFlush = false;
this.flushsize = 2000;
public int minMem() {
return 1024*1024 /* indexing overhead */ + dhtOutCache.minMem() + dhtInCache.minMem() + collections.minMem();
public int maxURLinDHTOutCache() {
return dhtOutCache.maxURLinCache();
public long minAgeOfDHTOutCache() {
return dhtOutCache.minAgeOfCache();
public long maxAgeOfDHTOutCache() {
return dhtOutCache.maxAgeOfCache();
public int maxURLinDHTInCache() {
return dhtInCache.maxURLinCache();
public long minAgeOfDHTInCache() {
return dhtInCache.minAgeOfCache();
public long maxAgeOfDHTInCache() {
return dhtInCache.maxAgeOfCache();
public int dhtOutCacheSize() {
return dhtOutCache.size();
public int dhtInCacheSize() {
return dhtInCache.size();
public void setMaxWordCount(int maxWords) {
public void setWordFlushSize(int flushsize) {
this.flushsize = flushsize;
public void dhtFlushControl(indexRAMRI theCache) {
// check for forced flush
synchronized (theCache) {
if ((theCache.getMaxWordCount() > wCacheMaxChunk ) ||
(theCache.size() > theCache.getMaxWordCount()) ||
(serverMemory.available() < collections.minMem())) {
flushCache(theCache, theCache.size() + flushsize - theCache.getMaxWordCount());
public long getUpdateTime(String wordHash) {
indexContainer entries = getContainer(wordHash, null);
if (entries == null) return 0;
return entries.updated();
public static indexContainer emptyContainer(String wordHash, int elementCount) {
return new indexContainer(wordHash, indexRWIEntry.urlEntryRow, elementCount);
public void addEntry(String wordHash, indexRWIEntry entry, long updateTime, boolean dhtInCase) {
// set dhtInCase depending on wordHash
if ((!dhtInCase) && (yacyDHTAction.shallBeOwnWord(wordHash))) dhtInCase = true;
// add the entry
if (dhtInCase) {
dhtInCache.addEntry(wordHash, entry, updateTime, true);
} else {
dhtOutCache.addEntry(wordHash, entry, updateTime, false);
public void addEntries(indexContainer entries, long updateTime, boolean dhtInCase) {
assert (entries.row().objectsize() == indexRWIEntry.urlEntryRow.objectsize());
// set dhtInCase depending on wordHash
if ((!dhtInCase) && (yacyDHTAction.shallBeOwnWord(entries.getWordHash()))) dhtInCase = true;
// add the entry
if (dhtInCase) {
dhtInCache.addEntries(entries, updateTime, true);
} else {
dhtOutCache.addEntries(entries, updateTime, false);
public void flushCacheSome() {
flushCache(dhtOutCache, (dhtOutCache.size() > 3 * flushsize) ? flushsize : Math.min(flushsize, Math.max(1, dhtOutCache.size() / lowcachedivisor)));
flushCache(dhtInCache, (dhtInCache.size() > 3 * flushsize) ? flushsize : Math.min(flushsize, Math.max(1, dhtInCache.size() / lowcachedivisor)));
private void flushCache(indexRAMRI ram, int count) {
if (ram.size() <= count) count = ram.size();
if (count <= 0) return;
if (count > 5000) count = 5000;
busyCacheFlush = true;
String wordHash;
ArrayList containerList = new ArrayList();
synchronized (ram) {
boolean collectMax = true;
indexContainer c;
while (collectMax) {
wordHash = ram.maxScoreWordHash();
c = ram.getContainer(wordHash, null);
if ((c != null) && (c.size() > wCacheMaxChunk)) {
if (serverMemory.available() < collections.minMem()) break; // protect memory during flush
} else {
collectMax = false;
count = count - containerList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // possible position of outOfMemoryError ?
if (ram.size() == 0) break;
if (serverMemory.available() < collections.minMem()) break; // protect memory during flush
// select one word to flush
wordHash = ram.bestFlushWordHash();
// move one container from ram to flush list
c = ram.deleteContainer(wordHash);
if (c != null) containerList.add(c);
// flush the containers
//System.out.println("DEBUG-Finished flush of " + count + " entries from RAM to DB in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " milliseconds");
busyCacheFlush = false;
private static final int hour = 3600000;
private static final int day = 86400000;
public static int microDateDays(Date modified) {
return microDateDays(modified.getTime());
public static int microDateDays(long modified) {
// this calculates a virtual age from a given date
// the purpose is to have an age in days of a given modified date
// from a fixed standpoint in the past
// one day has 60*60*24 seconds = 86400 seconds
// we take mod 64**3 = 262144, this is the mask of the storage
return (int) ((modified / day) % 262144);
public static String microDateHoursStr(long time) {
return kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(microDateHoursInt(time), 3);
public static int microDateHoursInt(long time) {
return (int) ((time / hour) % 262144);
public static int microDateHoursAge(String mdhs) {
return microDateHoursInt(System.currentTimeMillis()) - (int) kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeLong(mdhs);
public static long reverseMicroDateDays(int microDateDays) {
return ((long) microDateDays) * ((long) day);
public int addPageIndex(yacyURL url, Date urlModified, int size, plasmaParserDocument document, plasmaCondenser condenser, String language, char doctype, int outlinksSame, int outlinksOther) {
// this is called by the switchboard to put in a new page into the index
// use all the words in one condenser object to simultanous create index entries
int wordCount = 0;
int urlLength = url.toNormalform(true, true).length();
int urlComps = htmlFilterContentScraper.urlComps(url.toString()).length;
// iterate over all words of context text
Iterator i = condenser.words().entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry wentry;
String word;
indexRWIEntry ientry;
plasmaCondenser.wordStatProp wprop;
while (i.hasNext()) {
wentry = (Map.Entry) i.next();
word = (String) wentry.getKey();
wprop = (plasmaCondenser.wordStatProp) wentry.getValue();
assert (wprop.flags != null);
ientry = new indexRWIEntry(url.hash(),
urlLength, urlComps, (document == null) ? urlLength : document.getTitle().length(),
outlinksSame, outlinksOther,
addEntry(plasmaCondenser.word2hash(word), ientry, System.currentTimeMillis(), false);
return wordCount;
public boolean hasContainer(String wordHash) {
if (dhtOutCache.hasContainer(wordHash)) return true;
if (dhtInCache.hasContainer(wordHash)) return true;
if (collections.hasContainer(wordHash)) return true;
return false;
public indexContainer getContainer(String wordHash, Set urlselection) {
if ((wordHash == null) || (wordHash.length() != yacySeedDB.commonHashLength)) {
// wrong input
return null;
// get from cache
indexContainer container;
synchronized (dhtOutCache) {
container = dhtOutCache.getContainer(wordHash, urlselection);
synchronized (dhtInCache) {
if (container == null) {
container = dhtInCache.getContainer(wordHash, urlselection);
} else {
container.addAllUnique(dhtInCache.getContainer(wordHash, urlselection));
// get from collection index
synchronized (this) {
if (container == null) {
container = collections.getContainer(wordHash, urlselection);
} else {
container.addAllUnique(collections.getContainer(wordHash, urlselection));
return container;
public Map getContainers(Set wordHashes, Set urlselection, boolean deleteIfEmpty, boolean interruptIfEmpty) {
// return map of wordhash:indexContainer
// retrieve entities that belong to the hashes
HashMap containers = new HashMap();
String singleHash;
indexContainer singleContainer;
Iterator i = wordHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
// get next word hash:
singleHash = (String) i.next();
// retrieve index
singleContainer = getContainer(singleHash, urlselection);
// check result
if (((singleContainer == null) || (singleContainer.size() == 0)) && (interruptIfEmpty)) return new HashMap();
containers.put(singleHash, singleContainer);
return containers;
public int size() {
return java.lang.Math.max(collections.size(), java.lang.Math.max(dhtInCache.size(), dhtOutCache.size()));
public int indexSize(String wordHash) {
int size = 0;
size += dhtInCache.indexSize(wordHash);
size += dhtOutCache.indexSize(wordHash);
size += collections.indexSize(wordHash);
return size;
public void close() {
synchronized (this) {
public indexContainer deleteContainer(String wordHash) {
indexContainer c = new indexContainer(
dhtInCache.sizeContainer(wordHash) + dhtOutCache.sizeContainer(wordHash) + collections.indexSize(wordHash)
synchronized (dhtInCache) {
synchronized (dhtOutCache) {
synchronized (this) {
return c;
public boolean removeEntry(String wordHash, String urlHash) {
boolean removed = false;
synchronized (dhtInCache) {
removed = removed | (dhtInCache.removeEntry(wordHash, urlHash));
synchronized (dhtOutCache) {
removed = removed | (dhtOutCache.removeEntry(wordHash, urlHash));
synchronized (this) {
removed = removed | (collections.removeEntry(wordHash, urlHash));
return removed;
public int removeEntryMultiple(Set wordHashes, String urlHash) {
// remove the same url hashes for multiple words
// this is mainly used when correcting a index after a search
Iterator i = wordHashes.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (removeEntry((String) i.next(), urlHash)) count++;
return count;
public int removeEntries(String wordHash, Set urlHashes) {
int removed = 0;
synchronized (dhtInCache) {
removed += dhtInCache.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes);
synchronized (dhtOutCache) {
removed += dhtOutCache.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes);
synchronized (this) {
removed += collections.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes);
return removed;
public String removeEntriesExpl(String wordHash, Set urlHashes) {
String removed = "";
synchronized (dhtInCache) {
removed += dhtInCache.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes) + ", ";
synchronized (dhtOutCache) {
removed += dhtOutCache.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes) + ", ";
synchronized (this) {
removed += collections.removeEntries(wordHash, urlHashes);
return removed;
public void removeEntriesMultiple(Set wordHashes, Set urlHashes) {
// remove the same url hashes for multiple words
// this is mainly used when correcting a index after a search
Iterator i = wordHashes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
removeEntries((String) i.next(), urlHashes);
public int removeWordReferences(Set words, String urlhash) {
// sequentially delete all word references
// returns number of deletions
Iterator iter = words.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// delete the URL reference in this word index
if (removeEntry(plasmaCondenser.word2hash((String) iter.next()), urlhash)) count++;
return count;
public int tryRemoveURLs(String urlHash) {
// this tries to delete an index from the cache that has this
// urlHash assigned. This can only work if the entry is really fresh
// and can be found in the RAM cache
// this returns the number of deletion that had been possible
int d = 0;
d = dhtInCache.tryRemoveURLs(urlHash);
if (d > 0) return d; else return dhtOutCache.tryRemoveURLs(urlHash);
public synchronized TreeSet indexContainerSet(String startHash, boolean ram, boolean rot, int count) {
// creates a set of indexContainers
// this does not use the dhtInCache
kelondroOrder containerOrder = new indexContainerOrder((kelondroOrder) indexOrder.clone());
TreeSet containers = new TreeSet(containerOrder);
Iterator i = wordContainers(startHash, ram, rot);
if (ram) count = Math.min(dhtOutCache.size(), count);
indexContainer container;
// this loop does not terminate using the i.hasNex() predicate when rot == true
// because then the underlying iterator is a rotating iterator without termination
// in this case a termination must be ensured with a counter
// It must also be ensured that the counter is in/decreased every loop
while ((count > 0) && (i.hasNext())) {
container = (indexContainer) i.next();
if ((container != null) && (container.size() > 0)) {
count--; // decrease counter even if the container was null or empty to ensure termination
return containers; // this may return less containers as demanded
public synchronized kelondroCloneableIterator wordContainers(String startHash, boolean ram, boolean rot) {
kelondroCloneableIterator i = wordContainers(startHash, ram);
if (rot) {
return new kelondroRotateIterator(i, new String(kelondroBase64Order.zero(startHash.length())));
} else {
return i;
public synchronized kelondroCloneableIterator wordContainers(String startWordHash, boolean ram) {
kelondroOrder containerOrder = new indexContainerOrder((kelondroOrder) indexOrder.clone());
if (ram) {
return dhtOutCache.wordContainers(startWordHash, false);
} else {
return new kelondroMergeIterator(
dhtOutCache.wordContainers(startWordHash, false),
collections.wordContainers(startWordHash, false),
// The Cleaner class was provided as "UrldbCleaner" by Hydrox
public synchronized Cleaner makeCleaner(plasmaCrawlLURL lurl, String startHash) {
return new Cleaner(lurl, startHash);
public class Cleaner extends Thread {
private String startHash;
private boolean run = true;
private boolean pause = false;
public int rwiCountAtStart = 0;
public String wordHashNow = "";
public String lastWordHash = "";
public int lastDeletionCounter = 0;
private plasmaCrawlLURL lurl;
public Cleaner(plasmaCrawlLURL lurl, String startHash) {
this.lurl = lurl;
this.startHash = startHash;
this.rwiCountAtStart = size();
public void run() {
serverLog.logInfo("INDEXCLEANER", "IndexCleaner-Thread started");
indexContainer container = null;
indexRWIEntry entry = null;
yacyURL url = null;
HashSet urlHashs = new HashSet();
Iterator indexContainerIterator = indexContainerSet(startHash, false, false, 100).iterator();
while (indexContainerIterator.hasNext() && run) {
container = (indexContainer) indexContainerIterator.next();
Iterator containerIterator = container.entries();
wordHashNow = container.getWordHash();
while (containerIterator.hasNext() && run) {
entry = (indexRWIEntry) containerIterator.next();
// System.out.println("Wordhash: "+wordHash+" UrlHash:
// "+entry.getUrlHash());
indexURLEntry ue = lurl.load(entry.urlHash(), null);
if (ue == null) {
} else {
url = ue.comp().url();
if ((url == null) || (plasmaSwitchboard.urlBlacklist.isListed(plasmaURLPattern.BLACKLIST_CRAWLER, url) == true)) {
if (urlHashs.size() > 0) {
int removed = removeEntries(container.getWordHash(), urlHashs);
serverLog.logFine("INDEXCLEANER", container.getWordHash() + ": " + removed + " of " + container.size() + " URL-entries deleted");
lastWordHash = container.getWordHash();
lastDeletionCounter = urlHashs.size();
if (!containerIterator.hasNext()) {
// We may not be finished yet, try to get the next chunk of wordHashes
TreeSet containers = indexContainerSet(container.getWordHash(), false, false, 100);
indexContainerIterator = containers.iterator();
// Make sure we don't get the same wordhash twice, but don't skip a word
if ((indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) && (!container.getWordHash().equals(((indexContainer) indexContainerIterator.next()).getWordHash()))) {
indexContainerIterator = containers.iterator();
serverLog.logInfo("INDEXCLEANER", "IndexCleaner-Thread stopped");
public void abort() {
synchronized(this) {
run = false;
public void pause() {
synchronized (this) {
if (!pause) {
pause = true;
serverLog.logInfo("INDEXCLEANER", "IndexCleaner-Thread paused");
public void endPause() {
synchronized (this) {
if (pause) {
pause = false;
serverLog.logInfo("INDEXCLEANER", "IndexCleaner-Thread resumed");
public void waiter() {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.pause) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
this.run = false;