luccioman 098ee63911 Added a manual performance test for the HostBalancer.
Consequently to the report in mantis 776

Running the perfs test with different control parameters seems to reveal
that the YaCy's RowHandleMap used in the balancer depthCache is finally
more efficient than for example the ConcurrentHashMap from JDK 8.
2018-01-28 12:41:56 +01:00

446 lines
15 KiB

package net.yacy.crawler;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import org.junit.Test;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy;
import net.yacy.cora.order.Base64Order;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.ClientIdentification;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.HandleSet;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.cora.util.SpaceExceededException;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.CrawlProfile;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Request;
import net.yacy.crawler.robots.RobotsTxt;
import net.yacy.data.WorkTables;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.ArrayStack;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowHandleSet;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
public class HostBalancerTest {
private static final File QUEUES_ROOT = new File("test/DATA/INDEX/QUEUES");
private static final File DATA_DIR = new File("test/DATA");
private static final boolean EXCEED_134217727 = true;
private static final int ON_DEMAND_LIMIT = 1000;
* Test of reopen existing HostBalancer cache to test/demonstrate issue with
* HostQueue for file: protocol
public void testReopen() throws IOException, SpaceExceededException, InterruptedException {
String hostDir = "C:\\filedirectory";
// prepare one urls for push test
String urlstr = "file:///" + hostDir;
DigestURL url = new DigestURL(urlstr);
Request req = new Request(url, null);
FileUtils.deletedelete(QUEUES_ROOT); // start clean test
HostBalancer hb = new HostBalancer(QUEUES_ROOT, ON_DEMAND_LIMIT, EXCEED_134217727, false);
assertEquals("After clear", 0, hb.size());
WorkTables wt = new WorkTables(DATA_DIR);
RobotsTxt rob = new RobotsTxt(wt, null, 10);
String res = hb.push(req, null, rob); // push url
assertNull(res); // should have no error text
assertTrue(hb.has(url.hash())); // check existence
assertEquals("first push of one url", 1, hb.size()); // expected size=1
res = hb.push(req, null, rob); // push same url (should be rejected = double occurence)
assertNotNull(res); // should state double occurrence
assertEquals("second push of same url", 1, hb.size());
hb.close(); // close
Thread.sleep(200); // wait a bit for file operation
hb = new HostBalancer(QUEUES_ROOT, ON_DEMAND_LIMIT, EXCEED_134217727, false); // reopen balancer
assertEquals("size after reopen (with one existing url)", 1, hb.size()); // expect size=1 from previous push
assertTrue("check existance of pushed url", hb.has(url.hash())); // check url exists (it fails as after reopen internal queue.hosthash is wrong)
res = hb.push(req, null, rob); // push same url as before (should be rejected, but isn't due to hosthash mismatch afte reopen)
assertNotNull("should state double occurence", res);
assertEquals("first push of same url after reopen", 1, hb.size()); // should stay size=1
assertTrue("check existance of pushed url", hb.has(url.hash()));
res = hb.push(req, null, rob);
assertNotNull("should state double occurence", res);
assertTrue("check existance of pushed url", hb.has(url.hash()));
assertEquals("second push of same url after reopen", 1, hb.size()); // double check, should stay size=1
// list all urls in hostbalancer
Iterator<Request> it = hb.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Request rres = it.next();
* A test task performing some operations to be profiled on the HostBalancer. To
* run concurrently.
private static class ProfilingTask extends Thread {
private static final CrawlProfile CRAWL_PROFILE = new CrawlProfile(
CrawlSwitchboard.CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT, CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING, // crawlerUrlMustMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // crawlerUrlMustNotMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING, // crawlerIpMustMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // crawlerIpMustNotMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // crawlerCountryMustMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // crawlerNoDepthLimitMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING, // indexUrlMustMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // indexUrlMustNotMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING, // indexContentMustMatch
CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, // indexContentMustNotMatch
0, false, CrawlProfile.getRecrawlDate(CrawlSwitchboard.CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT_RECRAWL_CYCLE),
-1, true, true, true, false, // crawlingQ, followFrames, obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex, obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow,
true, true, true, false, -1, false, true, CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST,
"robot_" + CrawlSwitchboard.CRAWL_PROFILE_SNIPPET_GLOBAL_TEXT,
ClientIdentification.yacyIntranetCrawlerAgentName, null, null, 0);
/** RobotsTxt instance */
private final RobotsTxt robots;
/** The HostBalancer instance target */
private final HostBalancer balancer;
/** The test URLs for this task */
private final List<DigestURL> urls;
/** Number of steps to run */
private final int maxSteps;
/** Number of steps effectively run */
private int steps;
/** Sleep time (in milliseconds) between each operation */
private final long sleepTime;
/** Number of HostBalancer.push() failures */
private int pushFailures;
/** Total time spent (in nanoseconds) on the HostBalancer.push() operation */
private long pushTime;
/** Maximum time spent (in nanoseconds)on the HostBalancer.push() operation */
private long maxPushTime;
/** Total time spent (in nanoseconds) on the HostBalancer.has() operation */
private long hasTime;
/** Maximum time spent (in nanoseconds) on the HostBalancer.has() operation */
private long maxHasTime;
/** Total time spent (in nanoseconds) on the HostBalancer.remove() operation */
private long removeTime;
/** Maximum time spent (in nanoseconds) on the HostBalancer.remove() operation */
private long maxRemoveTime;
* @param balancer the HostBalancer instance to be tested
* @param urls
* the test URLs
* @param steps
* number of loops
* @param sleepTime
* sleep time (in milliseconds) between each operation
public ProfilingTask(final HostBalancer balancer, final RobotsTxt robots, final List<DigestURL> urls, final int steps, final long sleepTime) {
this.balancer = balancer;
this.robots = robots;
this.urls = urls;
this.maxSteps = steps;
this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
private void sleep() {
if (this.sleepTime > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
public void run() {
try {
this.pushTime = 0;
this.maxPushTime = 0;
this.hasTime = 0;
this.maxHasTime = 0;
this.maxRemoveTime = 0;
this.removeTime = 0;
this.steps = 0;
long time;
while (this.steps < this.maxSteps) {
int processedURLs = 0;
/* Run the same steps for each test URL */
for (final DigestURL url : urls) {
if (this.steps >= this.maxSteps) {
final byte[] urlHash = url.hash();
final Request req = new Request(ASCII.getBytes("testPeer"), url, null, "", new Date(),
CRAWL_PROFILE.handle(), 0, CRAWL_PROFILE.timezoneOffset());
/* Measure push() */
time = System.nanoTime();
try {
if(this.balancer.push(req, CRAWL_PROFILE, this.robots) != null) {
} catch (final SpaceExceededException e) {
time = (System.nanoTime() - time);
this.pushTime += time;
this.maxPushTime = Math.max(time, this.maxPushTime);
/* Measure get() */
time = System.nanoTime();
time = (System.nanoTime() - time);
this.hasTime += time;
this.maxHasTime = Math.max(time, this.maxHasTime);
/* Now delete each previously inserted URL */
for (int i = 0; i < processedURLs; i++) {
DigestURL url = urls.get(i);
byte[] urlHash = url.hash();
final HandleSet urlHashes = new RowHandleSet(Word.commonHashLength, Base64Order.enhancedCoder, 1);
try {
/* Measure remove() operation */
time = System.nanoTime();
time = (System.nanoTime() - time);
this.removeTime += time;
this.maxRemoveTime = Math.max(time, this.maxRemoveTime);
} catch (final SpaceExceededException e) {
// should not happen
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public int getSteps() {
return this.steps;
public int getPushFailures() {
return this.pushFailures;
public long getPushTime() {
return this.pushTime;
public long getMaxPushTime() {
return this.maxPushTime;
public long getHasTime() {
return this.hasTime;
public long getMaxHasTime() {
return this.maxHasTime;
public long getRemoveTime() {
return this.removeTime;
public long getMaxRemoveTime() {
return this.maxRemoveTime;
* Run a stress test on the HostBalancer
* @param args
* main arguments
* @throws IOException
* when a error occurred
public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Stress test on HostBalancer");
* Set the root log level to WARNING to prevent filling the console with
* too many information log messages
.readConfiguration(new ByteArrayInputStream(".level=WARNING".getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)));
/* Main control parameters. Modify values for different scenarios. */
/* Number of concurrent test tasks */
final int threads = 50;
/* Number of steps in each task */
final int steps = 100;
/* Number of test URLs in each task */
final int urlsPerThread = 5;
/* Sleep time between each measured operation on the balancer */
final long sleepTime = 0;
final RobotsTxt robots = new RobotsTxt(new WorkTables(DATA_DIR), null,
final HostBalancer hb = new HostBalancer(QUEUES_ROOT, ON_DEMAND_LIMIT, EXCEED_134217727, false);
System.out.println("HostBalancer initialized with persistent queues folder " + QUEUES_ROOT);
try {
System.out.println("Starting " + threads + " threads ...");
long time = System.nanoTime();
final List<ProfilingTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (int count = 0; count < threads; count++) {
final List<DigestURL> urls = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < urlsPerThread; i++) {
/* We use here local test URLs to prevent running RobotsTxt internals */
urls.add(new DigestURL("http://localhost/" + i + "/" + count));
final ProfilingTask thread = new ProfilingTask(hb, robots, urls, steps, sleepTime);
/* Wait for tasks termination */
for (final ProfilingTask task : tasks) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Check consistency : balancer cache should be empty when all tasks have
* terminated without error
final int depthCacheSize = HostBalancer.depthCache.size();
if(depthCacheSize > 0) {
System.out.println("Depth cache is not empty!!! Actual URLs count : " + depthCacheSize);
System.out.println("All threads terminated in " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime() - time)
+ "s. Computing statistics...");
long pushTime = 0;
long maxPushTime = 0;
long hasTime = 0;
long maxHasTime = 0;
int pushFailures = 0;
long removeTime = 0;
long maxRemoveTime = 0;
long totalSteps = 0;
for (final ProfilingTask task : tasks) {
pushTime += task.getPushTime();
maxPushTime = Math.max(task.getMaxPushTime(), maxPushTime);
hasTime += task.getHasTime();
maxHasTime = Math.max(task.getMaxHasTime(), maxHasTime);
pushFailures += task.getPushFailures();
removeTime += task.getRemoveTime();
maxRemoveTime = Math.max(task.getMaxRemoveTime(), maxRemoveTime);
totalSteps += task.getSteps();
System.out.println("HostBalancer.push() total time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(pushTime));
System.out.println("HostBalancer.push() maximum time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(maxPushTime));
.println("HostBalancer.push() mean time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(pushTime / totalSteps));
.println("HostBalancer.push() failures : " + pushFailures);
System.out.println("HostBalancer.has() total time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(hasTime));
"HostBalancer.has() maximum time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(maxHasTime));
System.out.println("HostBalancer.has() mean time (ms) : "
+ TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(hasTime / totalSteps));
System.out.println("HostBalancer.remove() total time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(removeTime));
System.out.println("HostBalancer.remove() maximum time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(maxRemoveTime));
"HostBalancer.remove() mean time (ms) : " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(removeTime / totalSteps));
} finally {
try {
} finally {
/* Shutdown running threads */
try {
} finally {