Michael Peter Christen 15b2fad6a2 reverted latest change for reindexing because that works actually only
for internal Solr indexes. This is mainly caused by the fact that an
external Solr may be also a SolrCloud which do not support LukeRequests,
which are needed to request the old Schema.
2014-07-02 14:56:34 +02:00

89 lines
3.8 KiB

* IndexReIndexMonitor_p Copyright 2013 by Michael Peter Christen First released
* 29.04.2013 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.kelondro.workflow.BusyThread;
import net.yacy.migration;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import net.yacy.search.index.ReindexSolrBusyThread;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
public class IndexReIndexMonitor_p {
public static serverObjects respond(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
prop.put("docsprocessed", "0");
BusyThread bt = sb.getThread("reindexSolr");
if (bt == null) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("reindexnow") && sb.index.fulltext().connectedLocalSolr()) {
prop.put("querysize", "0");
prop.put("infomessage","reindex job started");
bt = sb.getThread("reindexSolr"); //get new created job for following posts
if (bt != null) {
prop.put("reindexjobrunning", 1);
prop.put("querysize", bt.getJobCount());
if (bt instanceof ReindexSolrBusyThread) {
prop.put("docsprocessed", ((ReindexSolrBusyThread) bt).getProcessed());
prop.put("currentselectquery","q="+((ReindexSolrBusyThread) bt).getCurrentQuery());
// prepare list of fields in queue
final String[] querylist = ((ReindexSolrBusyThread) bt).getQueryList();
if (querylist != null) {
String allfieldnames = "";
for (String oneqs : querylist) { // just use fieldname from query (fieldname:[* TO *])
allfieldnames = allfieldnames + oneqs.substring(0, oneqs.indexOf(':')) + "<br> ";
prop.put("reindexjobrunning_fieldlist", allfieldnames);
} else {
prop.put("reindexjobrunning_fieldlist", "");
if (post != null && post.containsKey("stopreindex")) {
sb.terminateThread("reindexSolr", false);
prop.put("infomessage", "reindex job stopped");
} else {
prop.put("infomessage", "reindex is running");
} else {
prop.put("reindexjobrunning", 0);
if (sb.index.fulltext().connectedLocalSolr()) {
prop.put("querysize", "is empty");
prop.put("infomessage", "no reindex job running");
} else {
prop.put("querysize", "");
prop.putHTML("infomessage", "! reindex works only with embedded Solr index !");
// return rewrite properties
return prop;