Michael Peter Christen efeb592661 don't do solr optimization, this create high IO load. We should leave
this task to solr to do that on it's own instead of forcing it.
2016-08-19 15:30:53 +02:00

354 lines
17 KiB

// ResourceObserver.java
// -----------------------
// (c) David Wieditz; lotus at mail.berlios.de
// first published 6.2.2010
// based on the former code (c) by Detlef Reichl; detlef!reichl()gmx!org
// Pforzheim, Germany, 2008
// part of YaCy
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.search;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import net.yacy.cora.document.WordCache;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Cache;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.ResultURLs;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.IndexCell;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool;
import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyRelease;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache;
public class ResourceObserver {
public static final ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog("RESOURCE OBSERVER");
// status type for which shows where in the control-circuit model a memory state can be categorized
public enum Space implements Comparable<Space> {
EXHAUSTED, // smallest space state, outside of over/undershot
NOMINAL, // wanted-space state between steady-state and under/overshot
AMPLE; // largest space state, below steady-state
private final Switchboard sb;
private final File path; // path to check
private Space normalizedDiskFree = Space.AMPLE;
private Space normalizedDiskUsed = Space.AMPLE;
private Space normalizedMemoryFree = Space.AMPLE;
public ResourceObserver(final Switchboard sb) {
this.sb = sb;
this.path = sb.getDataPath(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_PRIMARY_PATH, "").getParentFile();
log.info("path for disc space measurement: " + this.path);
* checks the resources and pauses crawls if necessary
public void resourceObserverJob() {
MemoryControl.setProperMbyte(getMinFreeMemory()); // may change by user config
this.normalizedDiskFree = getNormalizedDiskFree();
this.normalizedDiskUsed = getNormalizedDiskUsed(true);
this.normalizedMemoryFree = getNormalizedMemoryFree();
// take actions if disk space is below AMPLE
if (this.normalizedDiskFree != Space.AMPLE ||
this.normalizedDiskUsed != Space.AMPLE ||
this.normalizedMemoryFree != Space.AMPLE ) {
String reason = "";
if (this.normalizedDiskFree != Space.AMPLE) reason += " not enough disk space, " + getUsableSpace();
if (this.normalizedDiskUsed != Space.AMPLE) reason += " too high disk usage, " + getNormalizedDiskUsed(true);
if (this.normalizedMemoryFree != Space.AMPLE ) reason += " not enough memory space";
if (!this.sb.crawlJobIsPaused(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL)) {
log.info("pausing local crawls");
this.sb.pauseCrawlJob(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL, "resource observer:" + reason);
if (!this.sb.crawlJobIsPaused(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL)) {
log.info("pausing remote triggered crawls");
this.sb.pauseCrawlJob(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL, "resource observer:" + reason);
if ((this.normalizedDiskFree == Space.EXHAUSTED || this.normalizedMemoryFree != Space.AMPLE) && this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, false)) {
log.info("disabling index receive");
this.sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, false);
this.sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_AUTODISABLED, true);
// shrink resources if space is EXHAUSTED
if ((this.normalizedDiskFree == Space.EXHAUSTED && this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_AUTOREGULATE, false)) ||
(this.normalizedDiskUsed == Space.EXHAUSTED && this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_AUTOREGULATE, false))) {
shrinkmethods: while (true /*this is not a loop, just a construct that we can leave with a break*/) {
// delete old releases
if (yacyRelease.deleteOldDownloads(sb.releasePath, 1)) log.warn("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting downloaded releases files");
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// clear HTCACHE
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting HTCACHE");
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// delete logs
//if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// delete robots.txt
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting robots.txt database");
try {sb.robots.clear();} catch (final IOException e) {}
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// delete news
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting News database");
sb.peers.newsPool.clear(NewsPool.INCOMING_DB); sb.peers.newsPool.clear(NewsPool.PROCESSED_DB);
sb.peers.newsPool.clear(NewsPool.OUTGOING_DB); sb.peers.newsPool.clear(NewsPool.PUBLISHED_DB);
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// clear citations
if (sb.index.connectedCitation()) {
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting citations");
try {sb.index.urlCitation().clear();} catch (final IOException e) {}
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// throw away crawl queues, if they are large
if (sb.crawlQueues.coreCrawlJobSize() > 1000) {
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting crawl queues");
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// cut away too large RWIs
IndexCell<WordReference> termIndex = sb.index.termIndex();
if (termIndex != null) try {
int shrinkedReferences = termIndex.deleteOld(100, 10000);
if (shrinkedReferences > 0) {
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - shrinked " + shrinkedReferences + " RWI references to a maximum of 100");
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
} catch (IOException e) {
// delete too old RWIs
//if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// delete fulltext from large Solr documents
//if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// run a solr optimize
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break shrinkmethods;
// delete old Solr documents
long day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
for (int t = 12; t >= 1 ; t --) {
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting documents with loaddate > " + t + " months");
this.sb.index.fulltext().deleteOldDocuments(t * 30 * day, true);
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break shrinkmethods;
for (int t = 30; t > 3 ; t --) {
log.info("DISK SPACE EXHAUSTED - deleting documents with loaddate > " + t + " days");
this.sb.index.fulltext().deleteOldDocuments(t * day, true);
if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break shrinkmethods;
// delete ALL RWIs
if (sb.index.termIndex() != null) {
try {sb.index.termIndex().clear();} catch (final IOException e) {}
//if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
// delete full Solr
try {sb.index.fulltext().clearLocalSolr();} catch (final IOException e) {}
//if (getNormalizedDiskFree() == Space.AMPLE && getNormalizedDiskUsed(false) == Space.AMPLE) break;
break; // DO NOT REMOVE THIS, the loop may run forever. It shall run only once.
this.normalizedDiskFree = getNormalizedDiskFree();
this.normalizedDiskUsed = getNormalizedDiskUsed(false);
this.normalizedMemoryFree = getNormalizedMemoryFree();
// normalize state if the resources are AMPLE
if (this.normalizedDiskFree == Space.AMPLE && this.normalizedDiskUsed == Space.AMPLE && this.normalizedMemoryFree == Space.AMPLE ) {
if(this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_AUTODISABLED, false)) { // we were wrong!
log.info("enabling index receive");
this.sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, true);
this.sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_AUTODISABLED, false);
} else if (this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_AUTODISABLED, false)) {
log.info("continue paused local crawls");
} else if (this.sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_AUTODISABLED, false)) {
log.info("continue paused remote triggered crawls");
log.info("resources ok");
private long sizeOfDirectory_lastCountTime = 0;
private long sizeOfDirectory_lastCountValue = 0;
public long getSizeOfDataPath(final boolean cached) {
if (cached && System.currentTimeMillis() - this.sizeOfDirectory_lastCountTime < 600000) return this.sizeOfDirectory_lastCountValue;
this.sizeOfDirectory_lastCountTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
this.sizeOfDirectory_lastCountValue = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(this.path);
} catch (Throwable e) {} // org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.sizeOf calls sizes of files which are there temporary and may cause an exception. Thats a bug inside FileUtils
return this.sizeOfDirectory_lastCountValue;
public long getUsableSpace() {
return this.path.getUsableSpace();
private Space getNormalizedDiskUsed(final boolean cached) {
final long currentUsed = getSizeOfDataPath(cached);
//final long currentSpace = getUsableSpace(this.path);
if (currentUsed < 1L) return Space.AMPLE;
Space ret = Space.AMPLE;
if (currentUsed > getMaxUsedDiskOvershot()) {
log.warn("Volume " + this.path.toString() + ": used space (" + (currentUsed / 1024 / 1024) + " MB) is too high (> " + (getMaxUsedDiskOvershot() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB)");
ret = Space.EXHAUSTED;
return ret;
if (currentUsed > getMaxUsedDiskSteadystate()) {
log.info("Volume " + this.path.toString() + ": used space (" + (currentUsed / 1024 / 1024) + " MB) is high, but nominal (> " + (getMaxUsedDiskSteadystate() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB)");
ret = Space.NOMINAL;
return ret;
return ret;
* returns the amount of disk space available
* @return <ul>
* <li><code>HIGH</code> if disk space is available</li>
* <li><code>MEDIUM</code> if low disk space is available</li>
* <li><code>LOW</code> if lower than hardlimit disk space is available</li>
* </ul>
private Space getNormalizedDiskFree() {
final long currentSpace = getUsableSpace();
//final long currentSpace = getUsableSpace(this.path);
if (currentSpace < 1L) return Space.AMPLE; // this happens if the function does not work, like on Windows
Space ret = Space.AMPLE;
if (currentSpace < getMinFreeDiskUndershot()) {
log.warn("Volume " + this.path.toString() + ": free space (" + (currentSpace / 1024 / 1024) + " MB) is too low (< " + (getMinFreeDiskSteadystate() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB)");
ret = Space.EXHAUSTED;
return ret;
if (currentSpace < getMinFreeDiskSteadystate()) {
log.info("Volume " + this.path.toString() + ": free space (" + (currentSpace / 1024 / 1024) + " MB) is low, but nominal (< " + (getMinFreeDiskSteadystate() / 1024 / 1024) + " MB)");
ret = Space.NOMINAL;
return ret;
return ret;
private Space getNormalizedMemoryFree() {
if(MemoryControl.properState()) return Space.AMPLE;
// clear some caches - @all: are there more of these, we could clear here?
return MemoryControl.properState()? Space.AMPLE : Space.EXHAUSTED;
* @return <code>true</code> if disk space is available
public boolean getDiskAvailable() {
return this.normalizedDiskFree == Space.AMPLE;
* @return <code>true</code> if memory is available
public boolean getMemoryAvailable() {
return this.normalizedMemoryFree == Space.AMPLE;
* @return amount of space (bytes) that should be used in steady state
public long getMaxUsedDiskSteadystate() {
return this.sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_STEADYSTATE, 524288) /* MB */ * 1024L * 1024L;
* @return amount of space (bytes) that should at least be kept free as hard limit; the limit when autoregulation to steady state should start
public long getMaxUsedDiskOvershot() {
return this.sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_USED_MAX_OVERSHOT, 1048576) /* MB */ * 1024L * 1024L;
* @return amount of space (bytes) that should be kept free as steady state
public long getMinFreeDiskSteadystate() {
return this.sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_STEADYSTATE, 2048) /* MB */ * 1024L * 1024L;
* @return amount of space (bytes) that should at least be kept free as hard limit; the limit when autoregulation to steady state should start
public long getMinFreeDiskUndershot() {
return this.sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.RESOURCE_DISK_FREE_MIN_UNDERSHOT, 1024) /* MB */ * 1024L * 1024L;
* @return amount of space (MiB) that should at least be free
public long getMinFreeMemory() {
return this.sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.MEMORY_ACCEPTDHT, 0);