luccioman 31ad043bb9 Added user interface feedback on results feeding termination status.
Added as an additional icon with title in the search progress bar, to
inform about background search feeder threads terminated or still
running. While giving a bit more information to users about the p2p
search process, this can help choosing whether or not wait a little bit
more time before going to the next page, in order to get results from
various sources sorted as best as possible (see #91 for a discussion
about sorting accuracy and network latency).

Other related modifications included :
 - regular updates to statistics in the progress bar until the
background feeders are completely terminated.
 - removed some uses of unsecure and discouraged JavaScript elements
2017-05-15 13:15:16 +02:00

142 lines
6.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 Martin Thelian, Alexander Schier, Michael Hamann,
* Michael Peter Christen, Franz Brausse, fuchsi
* This file is part of YaCy.
* YaCy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* YaCy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with YaCy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
function addHover() {
if (document.all&&document.getElementById) {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {
var node = divs[i];
if (node.className=="searchresults") {
node.onmouseover=function() {
this.className+=" hover";
node.onmouseout=function() {
this.className=this.className.replace(" hover", "");
function fadeOutBar() {
document.getElementById("progressbar").setAttribute('style',"transition:transform 0s;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0s;backgroundColor:transparent;");
* @returns pagination buttons
function renderPaginationButtons(offset, itemscount, itemsperpage, totalcount, localResourceSize, remoteResourceSize, remoteIndexCount, remotePeerCount, navurlbase, localQuery) {
var resnav = "<ul class=\"pagination\">";
var thispage = Math.floor(offset / itemsperpage);
var firstPage = thispage - (thispage % 10);
if (thispage == 0) {
resnav += "<li class=\"disabled\"><a title=\"Previous page\" href=\"#\">&laquo;</a></li>";
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"prevpage\" title=\"Previous page\" href=\"";
resnav += (navurlbase + "&amp;startRecord=" + ((thispage - 1) * itemsperpage));
resnav += "\">&laquo;</a></li>";
var totalPagesNb = Math.floor(1 + ((totalcount - 1) / itemsperpage));
var numberofpages = Math.min(10, totalPagesNb - firstPage);
if (!numberofpages) numberofpages = 10;
for (i = firstPage; i < (firstPage + numberofpages); i++) {
if (i == thispage) {
resnav += "<li class=\"active\"><a href=\"#\">";
resnav += (i + 1);
resnav += "</a></li>";
} else {
resnav += "<li><a href=\"";
resnav += (navurlbase + "&amp;startRecord=" + (i * itemsperpage));
resnav += "\">" + (i + 1) + "</a></li>";
if ((localQuery && thispage >= (totalPagesNb - 1)) || (!localQuery && thispage >= (numberofpages - 1))) {
resnav += "<li class=\"disabled\"><a href=\"#\" title=\"Next page\">&raquo;</a></li>";
} else {
resnav += "<li><a id=\"nextpage\" title=\"Next page\" href=\"";
resnav += (navurlbase + "&amp;startRecord=" + ((thispage + 1) * itemsperpage));
resnav += "\">&raquo;</a>";
resnav += "</ul>";
return resnav;
* Parses a string representing an integer value
* @param strIntValue formatted string
* @returns the number value or undefined when the string is undefined, or NaN when the string is not a number
function parseFormattedInt(strIntValue) {
var inValue;
if(strIntValue != null && strIntValue.replace != null) {
/* Remove thousands separator and try to parse as integer */
intValue = parseInt(strIntValue.replace(/[\.\,]/g,''))
return intValue;
function statistics(offset, itemscount, itemsperpage, totalcount, localResourceSize, remoteResourceSize, remoteIndexCount, remotePeerCount, navurlbase, localQuery, feedRunning) {
var totalcountIntValue = parseFormattedInt(totalcount);
var offsetIntValue = parseFormattedInt(offset);
var itemscountIntValue = parseFormattedInt(itemscount);
var itemsperpageIntValue = parseFormattedInt(itemsperpage);
var feedingStatusElement = document.getElementById("feedingStatus");
if(feedingStatusElement != null) {
if(feedRunning) {
feedingStatusElement.style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
feedingStatusElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
if (totalcountIntValue == 0) {
if (offsetIntValue >= 0) document.getElementById("offset").innerHTML = offset;
if (offsetIntValue >= 0) document.getElementById("startRecord").setAttribute('value', offsetIntValue - 1);
if (itemscountIntValue >= 0) document.getElementById("itemscount").firstChild.nodeValue = itemscount;
document.getElementById("totalcount").firstChild.nodeValue = totalcount;
if (document.getElementById("localResourceSize") != null) document.getElementById("localResourceSize").firstChild.nodeValue = localResourceSize;
if (document.getElementById("remoteResourceSize") != null) document.getElementById("remoteResourceSize").firstChild.nodeValue = remoteResourceSize;
if (document.getElementById("remoteIndexCount") != null) document.getElementById("remoteIndexCount").firstChild.nodeValue = remoteIndexCount;
if (document.getElementById("remotePeerCount") != null) document.getElementById("remotePeerCount").firstChild.nodeValue = remotePeerCount;
// compose page navigation
if (document.getElementById("progressbar").getAttribute('class') != "progress-bar progress-bar-success") {
var percent = 100 * (itemscountIntValue - offsetIntValue + 1) / itemsperpageIntValue;
if (percent == 100) {
document.getElementById("progressbar").setAttribute('style',"transition:transform 0s;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0s;");
document.getElementById("progressbar").setAttribute('class',"progress-bar progress-bar-success");
window.setTimeout(fadeOutBar, 500);
document.getElementById("progressbar").setAttribute('style',"width:" + percent + "%");
var resnavElement = document.getElementById("resNav");
if (resnavElement != null) {
resnavElement.innerHTML = renderPaginationButtons(offsetIntValue, itemscountIntValue, itemsperpageIntValue,
totalcountIntValue, parseFormattedInt(localResourceSize), parseFormattedInt(remoteResourceSize), parseFormattedInt(remoteIndexCount),
parseFormattedInt(remotePeerCount), navurlbase, localQuery);