Michael Peter Christen 788288eb9e added the generation of 50 (!!) new solr field in the core 'webgraph'.
The default schema uses only some of them and the resting search index
has now the following properties:
- webgraph size will have about 40 times as much entries as default
- the complete index size will increase and may be about the double size
of current amount
As testing showed, not much indexing performance is lost. The default
index will be smaller (moved fields out of it); thus searching
can be faster.
The new index will cause that some old parts in YaCy can be removed,
i.e. specialized webgraph data and the noload crawler. The new index
will make it possible to:
- search within link texts of linked but not indexed documents (about 20
times of document index in size!!)
- get a very detailed link graph
- enhance ranking using a complete link graph

To get the full access to the new index, the API to solr has now two
access points: one with attribute core=collection1 for the default
search index and core=webgraph to the new webgraph search index. This is
also avaiable for p2p operation but client access is not yet
2013-02-22 15:45:15 +01:00

249 lines
13 KiB

* WebgraphSchema
* Copyright 2011 by Michael Peter Christen
* First released 19.02.2013 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.yacy.search.schema;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.SchemaDeclaration;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.SolrType;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
public enum WebgraphSchema implements SchemaDeclaration {
// index organisation
id(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "primary key of document, a combination of <source-url-hash><target-url-hash><four-digit-hex-counter> (28 characters)"),
last_modified(SolrType.date, true, true, false, "last-modified from http header"),
load_date_dt(SolrType.date, true, true, false, "time when resource was loaded"),
collection_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "tags that are attached to crawls/index generation to separate the search result into user-defined subsets"),
// source information
source_id_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "primary key of document, the URL hash (source)"),
source_protocol_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the protocol of the url (source)"),
source_urlstub_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the url without the protocol (source)"),
source_file_ext_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the file name extension (source)"),
source_chars_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "number of all characters in the url (source)"),
source_path_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "path of the url (source)"),
source_path_folders_count_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "count of all path elements in the url (source)"),
source_path_folders_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "all path elements in the url (source)"),
source_parameter_count_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "number of key-value pairs in search part of the url (source)"),
source_parameter_key_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "the keys from key-value pairs in the search part of the url (source)"),
source_parameter_value_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "the values from key-value pairs in the search part of the url (source)"),
source_clickdepth_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "depth of web page according to number of clicks from the 'main' page, which is the page that appears if only the host is entered as url (source)"),
source_host_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "host of the url (source)"),
source_host_id_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "id of the host (source)"),
source_host_dnc_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the Domain Class Name, either the TLD or a combination of ccSLD+TLD if a ccSLD is used (source)"),
source_host_organization_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "either the second level domain or, if a ccSLD is used, the third level domain"),
source_host_organizationdnc_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the organization and dnc concatenated with '.' (source)"),
source_host_subdomain_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the remaining part of the host without organizationdnc (source)"),
// information in the source about the target
target_linktext_t(SolrType.text_general, true, true, false, "the text content of the a-tag (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_linktext_charcount_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "the length of the a-tag content text as number of characters (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_linktext_wordcount_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "the length of the a-tag content text as number of words (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_alt_t(SolrType.text_general, true, true, false, "if the link is an image link, this contains the alt tag if the image is also liked as img link (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_alt_charcount_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "the length of the a-tag content text as number of characters (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_alt_wordcount_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "the length of the a-tag content text as number of words (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_name_t(SolrType.text_general, true, true, false, "the name property of the a-tag (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_rel_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the rel property of the a-tag (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
target_relflags_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "the rel property of the a-tag, coded binary (in source, but pointing to a target)"),
// target information
target_id_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "primary key of document, the URL hash (target)"),
target_protocol_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the protocol of the url (target)"),
target_urlstub_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the url without the protocol (target)"),
target_file_ext_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the file name extension (target)"),
target_tag_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "normalized (absolute URLs), as <a> - tag with anchor text and nofollow (target)"),
target_chars_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "number of all characters in the url (target)"),
target_path_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "path of the url (target)"),
target_path_folders_count_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "count of all path elements in the url (target)"),
target_path_folders_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "all path elements in the url (target)"),
target_parameter_count_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "number of key-value pairs in search part of the url (target)"),
target_parameter_key_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "the keys from key-value pairs in the search part of the url (target)"),
target_parameter_value_sxt(SolrType.string, true, true, true, "the values from key-value pairs in the search part of the url (target)"),
target_clickdepth_i(SolrType.num_integer, true, true, false, "depth of web page according to number of clicks from the 'main' page, which is the page that appears if only the host is entered as url (target)"),
target_host_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "host of the url (target)"),
target_host_id_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "id of the host (target)"),
target_host_dnc_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the Domain Class Name, either the TLD or a combination of ccSLD+TLD if a ccSLD is used (target)"),
target_host_organization_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "either the second level domain or, if a ccSLD is used, the third level domain (target)"),
target_host_organizationdnc_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the organization and dnc concatenated with '.' (target)"),
target_host_subdomain_s(SolrType.string, true, true, false, "the remaining part of the host without organizationdnc (target)"),
target_inbound_b(SolrType.bool, true, true, false, "flag shows if the target host is equal to the source host");
public final static String CORE_NAME = "webgraph";
public final static String VOCABULARY_PREFIX = "vocabulary_";
public final static String VOCABULARY_SUFFIX = "_sxt";
private String solrFieldName = null; // solr field name in custom solr schema
private final SolrType type;
private final boolean indexed, stored;
private boolean multiValued, omitNorms;
private String comment;
private WebgraphSchema(final SolrType type, final boolean indexed, final boolean stored, final boolean multiValued, final String comment) {
this.type = type;
this.indexed = indexed;
this.stored = stored;
this.multiValued = multiValued;
this.omitNorms = false;
this.comment = comment;
assert type.appropriateName(this.name(), this.multiValued) : "bad configuration: " + this.name();
private WebgraphSchema(final SolrType type, final boolean indexed, final boolean stored, final boolean multiValued, final boolean omitNorms, final String comment) {
this(type, indexed, stored, multiValued, comment);
this.omitNorms = omitNorms;
assert type.appropriateName(this.name(), this.multiValued) : "bad configuration: " + this.name();
* Returns the YaCy default or (if available) custom field name for Solr
* @return SolrFieldname String
public final String getSolrFieldName() {
return (this.solrFieldName == null ? this.name() : this.solrFieldName);
* Set a custom Solr field name (and converts it to lower case)
* @param theValue = the field name
public final void setSolrFieldName(String theValue) {
// make sure no empty string is assigned
if ( (theValue != null) && (!theValue.isEmpty()) ) {
this.solrFieldName = theValue.toLowerCase();
} else {
this.solrFieldName = null;
public final SolrType getType() {
return this.type;
public final boolean isIndexed() {
return this.indexed;
public final boolean isStored() {
return this.stored;
public final boolean isMultiValued() {
return this.multiValued;
public final boolean isOmitNorms() {
return this.omitNorms;
public final String getComment() {
return this.comment;
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final String value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final Date value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
assert this.type == SolrType.date;
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final int value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
assert this.type == SolrType.num_integer;
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final long value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
assert this.type == SolrType.num_long;
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final String[] value) {
assert this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final Integer[] value) {
assert this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final List<?> value) {
assert this.isMultiValued();
if (value == null || value.size() == 0) {
if (this.type == SolrType.num_integer) {
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), new Integer[0]);
} else if (this.type == SolrType.string) {
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), new String[0]);
} else {
assert false;
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), new Object[0]);
if (this.type == SolrType.num_integer) {
assert (value.iterator().next() instanceof Integer);
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value.toArray(new Integer[value.size()]));
} else if (this.type == SolrType.string || this.type == SolrType.text_general) {
assert (value.iterator().next() instanceof String);
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value.toArray(new String[value.size()]));
} else {
assert false : "ADD: type is " + this.type.name();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value.toArray(new Object[value.size()]));
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final float value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final double value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);
public final void add(final SolrInputDocument doc, final boolean value) {
assert !this.isMultiValued();
doc.setField(this.getSolrFieldName(), value);