Lotus af07007799 partly revert latest windows changes:
YaCy has to be installed to a directory with write access for the
running user.
DATA folder is now used in the YaCy folder again.
For using another location, the start script has to be heavily modified
for loading proper start parameters after YaCy has been started once.
2013-07-14 18:43:32 +02:00

80 lines
2.8 KiB

@Echo Off
title YaCy
if exist DATA\yacy.noconsole del DATA\yacy.noconsole
If %1.==CPGEN. GoTo :CPGEN
Rem Generating the proper classpath unsing loops and labels
Set CLASSPATH=htroot
For %%X in (lib/*.jar) Do Call %0 CPGEN lib\%%X
REM Please change the "javastart" settings in the web-interface "Basic Configuration" -> "Advanced"
set jmx=
set jms=
set javacmd=-Xmx600m -Xms180m
set priolvl=10
set priority=/BELOWNORMAL
set port=8090
if exist DATA\SETTINGS\httpProxy.conf GoTo :RENAMEINDEX
set javacmd=%javacmd% -Xss256k -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1024m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
Rem Starting YaCy
Echo Generated classpath:%CLASSPATH%
Echo JRE Parameters:%javacmd%
Echo Priority:%priority%
Echo ****************** YaCy Web Crawler/Indexer ^& Search Engine ******************
Echo **** (C) by Michael Peter Christen, usage granted under the GPL Version 2 ****
Echo **** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Project home and releases: http://yacy.net/ ****
Echo ** LOG of YaCy: DATA/LOG/yacy00.log (and yacy^<xx^>.log) **
Echo ** STOP YaCy: execute stopYACY.bat and wait some seconds **
Echo ** GET HELP for YaCy: see www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki and forum.yacy.de **
Echo *******************************************************************************
Echo ^>^> YaCy started as daemon process. Administration at http://localhost:%port% ^<^<
title YaCy - http://localhost:%port%
start "YaCy" %priority% /B /WAIT java %javacmd% -classpath %CLASSPATH% net.yacy.yacy
if not exist DATA\yacy.restart GoTo :END
del DATA\yacy.restart
Rem PUBLIC is now freeworld (r4575)
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (DATA\SETTINGS\httpProxy.conf) do (
if "%%i"=="network.unit.name" set networkname=%%j
if not defined networkname set networkname=PUBLIC
ren PUBLIC %networkname%
cd ..
cd ..
Rem This target is used to read java runtime parameters out of the yacy config file
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (DATA\SETTINGS\yacy.conf) do (
if "%%i"=="javastart_Xmx" set jmx=%%j
if "%%i"=="javastart_Xms" set jms=%%j
if "%%i"=="port" set port=%%j
if "%%i"=="javastart_priority" set priolvl=%%j
if defined jmx set javacmd=-%jmx%
if defined jms set javacmd=-%jms% %javacmd%
if defined priolvl (
if %priolvl% == 20 set priority=/LOW
if %priolvl% == 10 set priority=/BELOWNORMAL
Rem This target is used to concatenate the classpath parts
Rem Target needed to jump to the end of the file