luccioman 8303e15419 Reduced number of search navigators refresh requests in JS resort mode
The SearchEvent listen to changes on each of its navigators, and the
information about their overall state is sent with each fetched search
item (as a "data-nav-generation" attribute). Then the browser can
regularly fetch a fresh version of yacysearchtrailer.html only if
necessary (when that nav-generation value change).
2017-10-12 07:16:19 +02:00

417 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 Jeremy Rand, Ryszard Goń, luccioman
* This file is part of YaCy.
* YaCy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* YaCy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with YaCy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* Functions dedicated to (re)sort YaCy search results in the browser (configuration setting : search.jsresort=true)
* See related style sheet env/yacysort.css */
var itemCount = 0;
var currentPageNumber = 0;
/* Set to true to enable browser console log traces */
var logEnabled = false;
/* Indicates if the results fetching from server is running */
var fetchingResults = true;
/* Holds the last known navigators generation known from the server */
var lastNavGeneration = null;
* Refresh the results page, checking and eventually updating each result CSS class depending on its position.
* Important : resorting based on ranking must have been done before.
* @param {Boolean} isPageChange when true this refresh is done in response to a page change
* @param {Number} pageNumber the page number to display
var displayPage = function(isPageChange, pageNumber) {
var offset = 1;
var totalcount = 0;
var itemscount = 0;
// For every search item that has already been displayed and sorted ...
$("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults").each(function(i) {
var item = $(this);
var isFresh = item.hasClass("fresh");
if(isPageChange && isFresh) {
/* When changing page, remove the 'fresh' mark from all results,
* so that the related insertion/removal animations are not performed */
var earlierPage = i < (pageNumber * requestedResults);
// Apply the "earlierpage" class IFF the item is from an earlier page.
item.toggleClass("earlierpage", earlierPage);
if (earlierPage) {
if(isPageChange) {
/* Use the "hidden" CSS class when changing page to hide it without unnecessary animation */
} else {
var laterPage = ((i - offset + 1) >= requestedResults);
item.toggleClass("laterpage", laterPage);
// If we now have too many results, hide the lowest-ranking ones.
if (laterPage) {
if(isPageChange) {
/* Use the "hidden" CSS class when changing page to hide it without unnecessary animation */
} else {
// TODO: collected totalcount here seems to often be smaller than the "totalcount" that statistics() ends up with. Why is that?
// TODO: The following statistical displays could maybe be moved to the
// latestinfo() call.
var buttonsList = document.getElementById("paginationButtons");
if(buttonsList != null) {
renderPaginationButtons(buttonsList, offset, requestedResults, totalcount, null, theLocalQuery, true);
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Showing results " + ($("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults.earlierpage").length + 1)
+ " - " + ($("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults.earlierpage").length + requestedResults)
+ " out of " + $("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults").length + "; notEarlierPage = " + $("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults:not(.earlierpage)").length);
* Update the current page to the requested page number
* @param {Number} pageNumber the requested page number (starts at 0)
var numberedPage = function(pageNumber) {
// Find all items.
var allItems = $("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults");
// Check if the pageNumber is too high before updating the currentPage
var checkedPageNumber;
if(allItems.length > 0) {
checkedPageNumber = Math.min(pageNumber, Math.floor(allItems.length / requestedResults));
} else {
checkedPageNumber = 0;
var pageChange = currentPageNumber != checkedPageNumber;
currentPageNumber = checkedPageNumber;
// Update the display to show the new page.
displayPage(pageChange, checkedPageNumber);
var processSidebarNavProtocols = function(navProtocolsOld, navProtocolsNew) {
navProtocolsOld.find(".btn-group-xs").each( function(index, oldProtocol) {
var protocolId = $(oldProtocol).attr("id");
var newProtocol = navProtocolsNew.find("#" + protocolId);
// Check whether the protocol has been removed in the new sidebar.
if (newProtocol.length === 0) {
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Deleting nav-protocol...");
} );
navProtocolsNew.find(".btn-group-xs").each( function(index, newProtocol) {
var protocolId = $(newProtocol).attr("id");
var oldProtocol = navProtocolsOld.find("#" + protocolId);
// Check whether the protocol exists in both the new and old sidebar
if (oldProtocol.length === 1) {
// Replace the HTML.
// TODO: Look into smoother animations.
// Check whether the protocol has been added in the new sidebar.
if (oldProtocol.length === 0) {
// We need to insert the protocol in the right position.
// TODO: Insert in the correct position instead of the end.
} );
* Refresh a navigator list element with the "menugroup" class.
* @param parentSidebar the parent navigators side bar currently displayed
* @param listOld the old navigator list
* @param listNew the new navigator list
var processSidebarMenuGroup = function(parentSidebar, listOld, listNew) {
if ( $(listNew).length === 1) {
if ( $(listOld).length < 1) {
/* List old doesn't exist : insert it at the beginning of the list */
var allNavs = parentSidebar.find(".nav.nav-sidebar.menugroup");
if(allNavs.length > 0) {
var childrenOld = $(listOld).children("li");
if ( childrenOld.length >= 2 ) {
// There are at least 2 <li> elements in the list.
// The first one is the heading, so skip that one.
var childToCheck = childrenOld[1];
if ( $(childToCheck).css("display") == "block" ) {
// The list has been expanded by the user already.
// That means we need to expand the new list to match.
// If we don't do this, the new list will be collapsed every time we update,
// which would annoy the user.
$(listNew).children("li").css("display", "block");
// TODO: animate
var processSidebar = function(data) {
var oldSidebar = $("#sidebar");
var newSidebar = $('<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 sidebar" id="sidebar">\n\n' + data + '\n\n</div>');
if( oldSidebar.children().length === 0 ) {
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Initializing sidebar...");
else {
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Sidebar has changed, updating...");
var navProtocolsOld = $("#nav-protocols");
var navProtocolsNew = newSidebar.find("#nav-protocols");
if( navProtocolsNew.length === 1 ) {
processSidebarNavProtocols(navProtocolsOld, navProtocolsNew);
var tagCloudOld = $("#tagcloud");
var tagCloudNew = newSidebar.find("#tagcloud");
if ( tagCloudNew.length === 1 ) {
// TODO: animate
var catLocationOld = $("#cat-location");
var catLocationNew = newSidebar.find("#cat-location");
if ( catLocationNew.length === 1 ) {
// TODO: animate
// TODO: nav-dates
// hosts (AKA providers)
processSidebarMenuGroup(oldSidebar, $("#nav-hosts"), newSidebar.find("#nav-hosts"));
processSidebarMenuGroup(oldSidebar, $("#nav-languages"), newSidebar.find("#nav-languages"));
processSidebarMenuGroup(oldSidebar, $("#nav-authors"), newSidebar.find("#nav-authors"));
processSidebarMenuGroup(oldSidebar, $("#nav-namespace"), newSidebar.find("#nav-namespace"));
processSidebarMenuGroup(oldSidebar, $("#nav-filetype"), newSidebar.find("#nav-filetype"));
// TODO: navs
// TODO: nav-vocabulary
// TODO: nav-about
/* Store the new nav-generation data attribute if provided */
var navGenerationHolder = $("#rankingButtons");
if(navGenerationHolder.length > 0) {
var newNavGenerationHolder = newSidebar.find("#rankingButtons");
if(newNavGenerationHolder.length > 0) {
var navGeneration = newNavGenerationHolder.data("nav-generation");
if(navGeneration != null) {
navGenerationHolder.data("nav-generation", navGeneration);
lastNavGeneration = navGeneration;
if(fetchingResults) {
setTimeout(updateSidebar, 500);
* Update the search navigators (facets) sidebar if necessary.
var updateSidebar = function() {
var navGenerationHolder = $("#rankingButtons");
var shouldUpdateSideBar = true;
if(navGenerationHolder.length > 0) {
var oldNavGeneration = navGenerationHolder.data("nav-generation");
if(oldNavGeneration != null && lastNavGeneration != null && oldNavGeneration == lastNavGeneration) {
/* nav-generation has not changed : no need to refresh the navigators side bar*/
shouldUpdateSideBar = false;
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Prevented unnecessary sidebar update");
if(shouldUpdateSideBar) {
var trailerParams = {
"eventID": theEventID,
"resource": "global"
var searchForm = document.forms.searchform;
if(searchForm != null) {
if(searchForm.resource != null && searchForm.resource.value != null) {
trailerParams.resource = searchForm.resource.value;
if(searchForm.auth != null && searchForm.auth.value != null) {
trailerParams.auth = searchForm.auth.value;
} else if(fetchingResults) {
setTimeout(updateSidebar, 500);
* Process result from yacysearchlatestinfo.json and re-launch results fetching
* only is the results feeders are not terminated on the server
var processLatestInfo = function(latestInfo) {
if (latestInfo.feedRunning) {
$.get("yacysearchlatestinfo.json", {
eventID : theEventID
}, processItem);
} else {
fetchingResults = false;
var processItem = function(data) {
var newItem = $(data);
newItem.addClass("hidden fresh");
/* If we didn't get a valid response from YaCy, wait a bit and check if the results feeders are still running on the server side */
if( ! newItem.data("ranking") ) {
setTimeout(function() {
eventID: theEventID
}, 1000);
// For every search item that has already been displayed...
var allResults = $("#resultscontainer").find(".searchresults");
var allResultsLength = allResults.length;
// Special case if this is the first search item.
if(allResultsLength === 0) {
// Display the new item
} else {
allResults.each( function(i) {
// If the existing search item is lower-ranked than the new item...
if (parseFloat($(this).data("ranking")) <= parseFloat(newItem.data("ranking")) ) {
// Insert new item before the existing item
return false;
// If the new item is lower-ranked than all existing items...
else if (i == allResultsLength - 1) {
// And if the new item (position i + 1) would be ranked 0 to requestedResults - 1...
if (i + 1 < requestedResults) {
// Insert new item at the end
return false;
// If the new item is too irrelevant to be displayed...
else {
// Insert new item at the end
if(logEnabled) {
console.log("Hiding search result because ranking " + newItem.data("ranking") + " too low.");
return false;
var navGeneration = newItem.data("nav-generation");
if(navGeneration != null) {
/* Store the navigators generation new value when the item provided this info */
lastNavGeneration = navGeneration;
displayPage(false, currentPageNumber);
if (itemCount === 0) {
// Increment itemCount and get another item.
eventID: theEventID,
item: itemCount