reger 97e84439fb adjusted ConfigHeuristic and changed QueryGoal.getOriginalQueryString to .getQueryString
- since specific heuristic Twitter & Blekko is not longer available or redundant with OpenSearchHeuristic,
adjusted ConfigHeuristic to use OpensearchHeuristic settings only.
For this the default OSD search target list is made available (copied) by default and the other configs are removed.

- the return of QueryGoal.getOriginalQueryString includes the queryModifier, which are held separately in a modifier object,
but in most (all) cases just the query term is expected, clarified and renamed it to QueryGoal.getQueryString which returns
just the search term (if needed a .getOrigianlQueryString could be implemented in Queryparameters, adding the modifiers)

- started to adjust internal html href references from absolute to relative (currently it is mixed).
For future development we should prefer relative href targets (less trouble with context aware  servlets)
2014-01-20 00:58:17 +01:00

240 lines
12 KiB

// ConfigHeuristics_p.java
// --------------------
// (C) 2010 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 26.06.2010 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2012-12-19 $
// $LastChangedRevision: $
// $LastChangedBy: reger $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import java.io.File;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.Configuration;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.data.WorkTables;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.opensearch.OpenSearchConnector;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.SchemaConfiguration;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants;
import net.yacy.search.schema.WebgraphSchema;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
public class ConfigHeuristics_p {
public static serverObjects respond(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
String osderrmsg = "";
if (post != null) {
// store this call as api call
sb.tables.recordAPICall(post, "ConfigHeuristics.html", WorkTables.TABLE_API_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, "heuristic settings");
if (post.containsKey("site_on")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SITE, true);
if (post.containsKey("site_off")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SITE, false);
if (post.containsKey("searchresult_on")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS, true);
if (post.containsKey("searchresult_off")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS, false);
if (post.containsKey("searchresultglobal_on")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS_CRAWLGLOBAL, true);
if (post.containsKey("searchresultglobal_off")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS_CRAWLGLOBAL, false);
if (post.containsKey("opensearch_on")) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_OPENSEARCH, true);
// re-read config (and create work table)
OpenSearchConnector os = new OpenSearchConnector(sb, true);
if (os.getSize() == 0) {
osderrmsg = "no active search targets are configured";
if (post.containsKey("opensearch_off")) sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_OPENSEARCH, false);
if (post.containsKey("discoverosd")) {
final boolean metafieldavailable = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_rel_s.name())
&& (sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_protocol_s.name()) && sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_urlstub_s.name()));
if (metafieldavailable) {
OpenSearchConnector osc = new OpenSearchConnector(sb, false);
if (osc.discoverFromSolrIndex(sb)) {
osderrmsg = "started background search for target systems, refresh page after some minutes";
} else {
osderrmsg = "Error: webgraph Solr index not enabled";
} else {
osderrmsg = "Solr webgraph index needs to be available and fields target_rel_s, target_protocol_s, target_urlstub_s on";
final String tmpurl = post.get("ossys_newurl");
// if user entered new opensearch url but hit the wrong button, simulate "add" button
if (tmpurl != null && !tmpurl.isEmpty()) post.put("addnewosd", 1);
if (post.containsKey("addnewosd")) {
// add new entry to config file
final String tmpname = post.get("ossys_newtitle");
if (tmpname != null && tmpurl !=null) {
if (!tmpname.isEmpty() && !tmpurl.isEmpty() && tmpurl.toLowerCase().contains("{searchterms}")) {
final String tmpcomment = post.get("ossys_newcomment");
OpenSearchConnector osc = new OpenSearchConnector(sb,false);
osc.add (tmpname,tmpurl,false,tmpcomment);
} else osderrmsg = "Url template must contain '{searchTerms}'";
if (post.containsKey("setopensearch")) {
// read index schema table flags
writeopensearchcfg (sb,post);
if (post.containsKey("switchsolrfieldson")) {
final boolean metafieldavailable = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_rel_s.name())
&& ( sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_protocol_s.name()) && sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_urlstub_s.name()) ) ;
if (!metafieldavailable) {
SchemaConfiguration.Entry entry;
entry = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().get(WebgraphSchema.target_rel_s.name());
if (entry != null && !entry.enabled()) {
entry = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().get(WebgraphSchema.target_protocol_s.name());
if (entry != null && !entry.enabled()) {
entry = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().get(WebgraphSchema.target_urlstub_s.name());
if (entry != null && !entry.enabled()) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.CORE_SERVICE_WEBGRAPH, true);
// copy default opensearch heuristic config with sample entries
if (post.containsKey("copydefaultosdconfig") || post.containsKey("resettodefaultosdlist")) {
// prepare a solr index profile switch list
final File osdDefaultConfig = new File(sb.getDataPath(), "defaults/heuristicopensearch.conf");
final File osdConfig = new File(sb.getDataPath(), "DATA/SETTINGS/heuristicopensearch.conf");
if ((post.containsKey("resettodefaultosdlist") || !osdConfig.exists()) && osdDefaultConfig.exists()) {
try {
Files.copy(osdDefaultConfig, osdConfig);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
osderrmsg = "file I/O error during copy";
} else {osderrmsg = "config file exists or default doesn't exist";}
final boolean showmetafieldbutton = sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_rel_s.name())
&& (sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_protocol_s.name()) && sb.index.fulltext().getWebgraphConfiguration().contains(WebgraphSchema.target_urlstub_s.name()))
&& sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.CORE_SERVICE_WEBGRAPH, false);
if (!showmetafieldbutton) prop.put("osdsolrfieldswitch",1);
prop.put("site.checked", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SITE, false) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("searchresult.checked", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS, false) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("searchresultglobal.checked", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS_CRAWLGLOBAL, false) ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("opensearch.checked", sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_OPENSEARCH, false) ? 1 : 0);
// display config file content
final File f = new File (sb.getDataPath(),"DATA/SETTINGS/heuristicopensearch.conf");
try {
Configuration p = new Configuration(f);
int c = 0;
boolean dark = false;
Iterator<Configuration.Entry> i = p.entryIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SchemaConfiguration.Entry e = i.next();
prop.put("osdcfg_" + c + "_dark", dark ? 1 : 0);
dark = !dark;
prop.put("osdcfg_" + c + "_checked", e.enabled() ? 1 : 0);
prop.putHTML("osdcfg_" + c + "_title", e.key());
prop.putHTML("osdcfg_" + c + "_comment", e.getComment() != null ? e.getComment() : "");
String tmps = e.getValue();
prop.putHTML("osdcfg_" + c + "_url", tmps);
tmps = tmps.substring(0,tmps.lastIndexOf("/"));
prop.putHTML("osdcfg_" + c + "_urlhostlink", tmps);
prop.put("osdcfg", c);
} catch (final IOException e1) {
prop.put("osdcfg", 0);
return prop;
private static void writeopensearchcfg(final Switchboard sb, final serverObjects post) {
// read index schema table flags
final File f = new File(sb.getDataPath(), "DATA/SETTINGS/heuristicopensearch.conf");
try {
Configuration cfg = new Configuration(f);
final Iterator<Configuration.Entry> cfgentries = cfg.entryIterator();
Configuration.Entry entry;
boolean modified = false; // flag to remember changes
while (cfgentries.hasNext()) {
entry = cfgentries.next();
final String sfn = post.get("ossys_url_" + entry.key());
if (sfn != null) {
if (!sfn.equals(entry.getValue())) {
modified = true;
// set enable flag
String v = post.get("ossys_" + entry.key());
boolean c = v != null && v.equals("checked");
if (entry.enabled() != c) {
modified = true;
// delete entry from config
v = post.get("ossys_del_" + entry.key());
c = v != null && v.equals("checked");
if (c) {
modified = true;
if (modified) { // save settings to config file if modified
try {
} catch (final IOException ex) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// re-read config (and create/update work table)
if (sb.getConfigBool(SwitchboardConstants.HEURISTIC_OPENSEARCH, true)) {
new OpenSearchConnector(sb, true);