orbiter 7dff1cba62 removed option to use different primary keys in kelondro tables
this option was never used and there is also no use to set other columns but the first as the primary key. as a result, access methods to the key do not need to compute key positions, and they work faster.

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@5711 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
2009-03-13 16:52:31 +00:00

254 lines
9.1 KiB

// kelondroHashtable.java
// ------------------
// part of the Kelondro Database
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// last major change: 21.06.2005
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
we implement a hashtable based on folded binary trees
each hight in these binary trees represents one step of rehasing
the re-hashing is realised by extending the number of relevant bits in the given hash
We construct the binary tree as follows
- there exists no root node
- at height-1 are 2 nodes, and can be accessed by using only the least significant bit of the hash
- at height-2 are 4 nodes, addresses by (hash & 3) - mapping the 2 lsb of the hash
- at height-3 are 8 nodes, addresses by (hash & 7)
- .. and so on.
The number of nodes N(k) that are needed for a tree of height-k is
N(k) = 2**k + N(k-1) = 2**(k + 1) - 2 [where k > 0]
We fold this tree by putting all heights of the tree in a sequence
Computation of the position (the index) of a node:
hash h, with k significant bits (representing a height-k): h|k
then the position of a node node(h,k) is
node(h,k) = N(k - 1) + h|k [where k > 0]
We use these nodes to sequentially store a hash h at position node(h, 1), and
if that fails on node(h, 2), node(h, 3) and so on.
This is highly inefficient for the most heights k = 1, ..., (?)
The 'inefficient-border' depends on the number of elements that we want to store.
We therefore introduce an offset o which is the number of bits that are not used
at the beginning of (re-)hashing. But even if these o re-hasing steps are not done,
all bits of the hash are relevant.
Now the number of nodes N(k) that are needed is computed by N(k,o):
N(k,o) = N(k) - N(o) = 2**(k + 1) - 2**(o + 1) [where k > o, o >= 0]
When o=0 then this is equivalent to N(k).
The node-formula must be adopted as well
node(h,k,o) = N(k - 1, o) + h|k [where k > o, o >= 0]
So if you set an offset o, this leads to a minimum number of nodes
at level k=o+1: node(0,o + 1,o) = N(o, o) = 0 (position of the first entry)
Computatiion of the maxlen 'maxk', the maximum height of the tree for a given
number of maximum entries 'maxsize' in the hashtable:
maxk shall be computed in such a way, that N(k,o) <= maxsize, for any o or k
This means paricualary, that
node(h,k,o) < maxsize
for h|k we must consider the worst case:
h|k (by maxk) = 2**k - 1
node(h,maxk,o) < maxsize
N(maxk - 1, o) + h|maxk < maxsize [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
2**maxk - 2**(o + 1) + 2**maxk - 1 < maxsize [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
2**maxk - 2**(o + 1) + 2**maxk < maxsize + 1 [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
2**maxk + 2**maxk < maxsize + 2**(o + 1) + 1 [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
2**(maxk+1) < maxsize + 2**(o + 1) + 1 [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
maxk < log2(maxsize + 2**(o + 1) + 1) [where maxk > o, o >= 0]
setting maxk to
maxk = log2(maxsize)
will make this relation true in any case, even if maxk = log2(maxsize) + 1
would also be correct in some cases
Now we can use the following formula to create the folded binary hash tree:
node(h,k,o) = 2**k - 2**(o + 1) + h|k
to compute the node index and
maxk = log2(maxsize)
to compute the upper limit of re-hashing
package de.anomic.kelondro.table;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.Column;
import de.anomic.kelondro.index.Row;
import de.anomic.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.SetTools;
public class Hashtable {
private final FixedWidthArray hashArray;
protected int offset;
protected int maxk;
private int maxrehash;
private Row.Entry dummyRow;
private static final byte[] dummyKey = Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(0, 5).getBytes();
public Hashtable(final File file, final Row rowdef, final int offset, final int maxsize, final int maxrehash) throws IOException {
// this creates a new hashtable
// the key element is not part of the columns array
// this is unlike the kelondroTree, where the key is part of a row
// the offset is a number of bits that is omitted in the folded tree hierarchy
// a good number for offset is 8
// the maxsize number is the maximum number of elements in the hashtable
// this number is needed to omit grow of the table in case of re-hashing
// the maxsize is re-computed to a virtual folding height and will result in a tablesize
// less than the given maxsize. The actual maxsize can be retrieved by maxsize()
final boolean fileExisted = file.exists();
this.hashArray = new FixedWidthArray(file, extCol(rowdef), 6);
if (fileExisted) {
this.offset = hashArray.geti(0);
this.maxk = hashArray.geti(1);
this.maxrehash = hashArray.geti(2);
} else {
this.offset = offset;
this.maxk = SetTools.log2a(maxsize); // equal to |log2(maxsize)| + 1
if (this.maxk >= SetTools.log2a(maxsize + power2(offset + 1) + 1) - 1) this.maxk--;
this.maxrehash = maxrehash;
dummyRow = this.hashArray.row().newEntry();
dummyRow.setCol(0, dummyKey);
//for (int i = 0; i < hashArray.row().columns(); i++)
hashArray.seti(0, this.offset);
hashArray.seti(1, this.maxk);
hashArray.seti(2, this.maxrehash);
private Row extCol(final Row rowdef) {
final Column[] newCol = new Column[rowdef.columns() + 1];
newCol[0] = new Column("Cardinal key-4 {b256}");
for (int i = 0; i < rowdef.columns(); i++) newCol[i + 1] = rowdef.column(i);
return new Row(newCol, rowdef.objectOrder);
public static int power2(int x) {
int p = 1;
while (x > 0) {p = p << 1; x--;}
return p;
public synchronized byte[][] get(final int key) throws IOException {
final Object[] search = search(new Hash(key));
if (search[1] == null) return null;
final byte[][] row = (byte[][]) search[1];
final byte[][] result = new byte[row.length - 1][];
System.arraycopy(row, 1, result, 0, row.length - 1);
return result;
public synchronized Row.Entry put(final int key, final Row.Entry rowentry) throws IOException {
final Hash hash = new Hash(key);
// find row
final Object[] search = search(hash);
Row.Entry oldhkrow;
final int rowNumber = ((Integer) search[0]).intValue();
if (search[1] == null) {
oldhkrow = null;
} else {
oldhkrow = (Row.Entry) search[1];
// make space
while (rowNumber >= hashArray.size()) hashArray.set(hashArray.size(), dummyRow);
// write row
final Row.Entry newhkrow = hashArray.row().newEntry();
newhkrow.setCol(0, hash.key());
newhkrow.setCol(1, rowentry.bytes());
hashArray.set(rowNumber, newhkrow);
return (oldhkrow == null ? null : hashArray.row().newEntry(oldhkrow.getColBytes(1)));
private Object[] search(final Hash hash) throws IOException {
Row.Entry hkrow;
int rowKey;
int rowNumber;
do {
rowNumber = hash.node();
if (rowNumber >= hashArray.size()) return new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(rowNumber), null};
hkrow = hashArray.get(rowNumber);
rowKey = (int) hkrow.getColLong(0);
if (rowKey == 0) return new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(rowNumber), null};
} while (rowKey != hash.key());
return new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(rowNumber), hkrow};
private class Hash {
int key;
int hash;
int depth;
public Hash(final int key) {
this.key = key;
this.hash = key;
this.depth = offset + 1;
public int key() {
return key;
private int hash() {
return hash & (power2(depth) - 1); // apply mask
public int depth() {
return depth;
public void rehash() {
if (depth > maxk) {
depth = offset + 1;
hash = (int) ((5 * (long) hash - 7) / 3 + 13);
public int node() {
// node(h,k,o) = 2**k - 2**(o + 1) + h|k
return power2(depth) - power2(offset + 1) + hash();