#%env/templates/metas.template%# #(refresh)#:: #(/refresh)# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexImport.template%#

MediaWiki Dump Import


#(prevReport)#::Check the last import report.#(/prevReport)#


:: :: :: :: :: #(/status)#

MediaWiki Dump File Selection

You can import MediaWiki dumps here. An example is the file https://dumps.wikimedia.org/dewiki/latest/dewiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2.

Dumps can be stored in the local file system or on a remote server in XML format and may be compressed in gz or bz2.

When checked, the dump file is imported only if its last modified date is unknown or is after the last import execution date on this same file (see recorded API calls with the "dump" type).

When the import is started, the following happens:




Import Process
#(thread)#terminated. You can check the next step in the Crawl Results page or start a new import.::started::running#(/thread)#
#[count]# Wiki Entries
#[speed]# articles per second
Running Time:
#[runningHours]# hours, #[runningMinutes]# minutes
Remaining Time:
#[remainingHours]# hours, #[remainingMinutes]# minutes
#(/import)# #%env/templates/footer.template%#