#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%#
API The information that is presented on this page can also be retrieved as XML. Click the API icon to see the XML. To see a list of all APIs, please visit the API wiki page.

    Tag Managerhelp

    All tag actions are applied to the sub-set of bookmarks defined by this query.

    Query Type

    Enter tags to add (replace with)
    (comma separated tags)

    Bookmark Importerhelp

    Netscape HTML
    Firefox JSON
    Surrogate XML
    YaCy White/Black List
    YaCy bookmarks.db (admin)
    YaCy Crawl Starts (admin)

    Bookmark file

    Folder settingshelp

    Source folder

    Target folder

    Automatic tagginghelp

    Only for empty tags
    Overwriting existing tags
    Merging with existing tags

    Automatic Indexinghelp

    No indexing
    Index every bookmark entry
    Index every bookmark entry plus all directly linked pages
    Index all domains from all bookmarks completely

    include all media (image/movie/document) links

    Filter No filter
    Restrict to start domain
    Restrict to sub-path of given url
    Crawling Depth
    Limitations not more than documents
    Dynamic URLs allow query-strings (urls with a '?' in the path)
    Scheduler run this crawl once
    scheduled, look every
         for new documents automatically.