Properly resolve relative URLs against document URL in html base tags

Fixes issue #256
This commit is contained in:
luccioman 2018-12-06 20:18:00 +01:00
parent 73a6e45524
commit 3fb449b3b6
2 changed files with 109 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -744,9 +744,15 @@ public class ContentScraper extends AbstractScraper implements Scraper {
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {}
this.evaluationScores.match(Element.imgpath, src);
} else if("base")) {
try {
this.root = new DigestURL(tag.opts.getProperty("href", EMPTY_STRING));
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {}
final String baseHref = tag.opts.getProperty("href", EMPTY_STRING);
if(!baseHref.isEmpty()) {
/* We must use here AnchorURL.newAnchor as the base href may also be an URL relative to the document URL */
try {
this.root = AnchorURL.newAnchor(this.root, baseHref);
} catch (final MalformedURLException | RuntimeException ignored) {
/* Nothing more to do when the base URL is malformed */
} else if ("frame")) {
final AnchorURL src = absolutePath(tag.opts.getProperty("src", EMPTY_STRING));
if(src != null) {

View File

@ -342,6 +342,106 @@ public class ContentScraperTest {
Assert.assertEquals("{{abc}{def}}", ContentScraper.removeUnpairedBrackets("{{abc}{def}}", '{', '}'));
* Test base tag URL resolution
* @throws IOException when an unexpected error occurred
public void testBaseTagUrlResolution() throws IOException {
final String htmlHeaderBeginning = "<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>Test document</title>";
final DigestURL docUrl = new DigestURL("");
final String htmlLinksList = "<ul>"
+ "<li><a href=\"\">Absolute on same domain</a></li>"
+ "<li><a href=\"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html\">Absolute on another domain</a></li>"
+ "<li><a href=\"//\">scheme-relative on same domain</a></li>"
+ "<li><a href=\"//\">scheme-relative on another domain</a></li>"
+ "<li><a href=\"/path/absolute.html\">path-absolute</a></li>"
+ "<li><a href=\"path/relative/schemeless.html\">path-relative-scheme-less</a></li>"
+ "</ul>";
final Map<String, String[]> html2Results = new HashMap<>();
/* No base tag */
String html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
String[] expectedUrls = { "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with absolute href on same domain */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with absolute href on another domain */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with scheme-relative href on same domain */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"//\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with scheme-relative href on another domain */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"//\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with path-absolute relative href */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"/base/index.html\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
/* Base with path-relative-scheme-less relative href */
html = htmlHeaderBeginning + "<base href=\"base/index.html\"/>"
+ "</head>" + htmlLinksList;
expectedUrls = new String[]{ "",
"http://localhost/otherDomain/absolute.html", "",
"", "",
"" };
html2Results.put(html, expectedUrls);
for (final Entry<String, String[]> html2Result : html2Results.entrySet()) {
ContentScraper scraper = new ContentScraper(docUrl, 10, new HashSet<String>(), new VocabularyScraper(), 0);
try (final Writer writer = new TransformerWriter(null, null, scraper, false)) {
FileUtils.copy(new StringReader(html2Result.getKey()), writer);
final Set<DigestURL> expected = new HashSet<>();
for (final String url : html2Result.getValue()) {
expected.add(new DigestURL(url));
Assert.assertEquals(expected.size(), scraper.getAnchors().size());
} finally {
* Test microdata itemtype attribute parsing
* @throws IOException