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* RSSLoader_p
* Copyright 2010 by Michael Peter Christen, mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* First released 20.08.2010 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import net.yacy.cora.document.Hit;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSFeed;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSMessage;
import net.yacy.cora.document.RSSReader;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ARC;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ComparableARC;
import net.yacy.document.Parser.Failure;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables;
import net.yacy.kelondro.blob.Tables.Row;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile;
import de.anomic.crawler.retrieval.Response;
import de.anomic.data.WorkTables;
import de.anomic.search.Segments;
import de.anomic.search.Switchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
public class Load_RSS_p {
private static final ARC<byte[], Date> indexTriggered = new ComparableARC<byte[], Date>(1000, Base64Order.enhancedCoder);
public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard)env;
prop.put("showload", 0);
prop.put("showitems", 0);
prop.put("shownewfeeds", 0);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds", 0);
prop.put("url", "");
if (post != null && post.containsKey("removeSelectedFeedNewList")) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) try {
sb.tables.delete("rss", entry.getValue().substring(5).getBytes());
} catch (IOException e) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("removeSelectedFeedScheduler")) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) try {
byte[] pk = entry.getValue().substring(5).getBytes();
Row rssRow = sb.tables.select("rss", pk);
byte[] schedulerPK = rssRow.get("api_pk", (byte[]) null);
if (schedulerPK != null) sb.tables.delete("api", schedulerPK);
sb.tables.insert("rss", pk, rssRow);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
if (post != null && post.containsKey("addSelectedFeedScheduler")) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) {
Row row;
RSSReader rss = null;
try {
byte [] pk = entry.getValue().substring(5).getBytes();
row = sb.tables.select("rss", pk);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
DigestURI url = null;
try {
url = new DigestURI(row.get("url", ""));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Log.logWarning("Load_RSS", "malformed url '" + row.get("url", "") + "': " + e.getMessage());
try {
Response response = sb.loader.load(sb.loader.request(url, true, false), CrawlProfile.CacheStrategy.NOCACHE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
byte[] resource = response == null ? null : response.getContent();
rss = resource == null ? null : RSSReader.parse(RSSFeed.DEFAULT_MAXSIZE, resource);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.logWarning("Load_RSS", "rss loading for url '" + url.toNormalform(true, false) + "' failed: " + e.getMessage());
if (rss == null) {
Log.logWarning("Load_RSS", "no rss for url " + url.toNormalform(true, false));
} else {
RSSFeed feed = rss.getFeed();
indexAllRssFeed(sb, url, feed);
// add the feed also to the scheduler
recordAPI(sb, url, rss.getFeed(), 1, "seldays");
if (post == null || (post != null && (post.containsKey("addSelectedFeedScheduler") || post.containsKey("removeSelectedFeedNewList") || post.containsKey("removeSelectedFeedScheduler")))) {
try {
// get list of primary keys from the api table with scheduled feed loading requests
Tables.Row row;
String messageurl;
// check feeds
int newc = 0, apic = 0;
Iterator<Row> plainIterator = sb.tables.iterator("rss");
while (plainIterator.hasNext()) {
row = plainIterator.next();
if (row == null) continue;
messageurl = row.get("url", "");
if (messageurl.length() == 0) continue;
// get referrer
DigestURI referrer = sb.getURL(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, row.get("referrer", "").getBytes());
// check if feed is registered in scheduler
byte[] api_pk = row.get("api_pk");
Row r = api_pk == null ? null : sb.tables.select("api", api_pk);
if (r != null && r.get("comment", "").matches(".*\\Q" + messageurl + "\\E.*")) {
// this is a recorded entry
Date date_next_exec = r.get(WorkTables.TABLE_API_COL_DATE_NEXT_EXEC, (Date) null);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_pk", new String(row.getPK()));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_count", apic);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_rss", messageurl);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_title", row.get("title", ""));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_referrer", referrer == null ? "" : referrer.toNormalform(true, false));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_recording", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(row.get("recording_date", new Date())));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_lastload", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(row.get("last_load_date", new Date())));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_nextload", date_next_exec == null ? "" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(date_next_exec));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_lastcount", row.get("last_load_count", 0));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_allcount", row.get("all_load_count", 0));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list_" + apic + "_updperday", row.get("avg_upd_per_day", 0));
} else {
// this is a new entry
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_pk", new String(row.getPK()));
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_count", newc);
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_rss", messageurl);
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_title", row.get("title", ""));
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_referrer", referrer == null ? "" : referrer.toNormalform(true, false));
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list_" + newc + "_recording", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(row.get("recording_date", new Date())));
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_list" , apic);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds_num", apic);
prop.put("showscheduledfeeds", apic > 0 ? apic : 0);
prop.put("shownewfeeds_list" , newc);
prop.put("shownewfeeds_num", newc);
prop.put("shownewfeeds", newc > 0 ? 1 : 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
return prop;
prop.put("url", post.get("url", ""));
int repeat_time = Integer.parseInt(post.get("repeat_time", "-1"));
final String repeat_unit = post.get("repeat_unit", "seldays"); // selminutes, selhours, seldays
if (!post.get("repeat", "off").equals("on") && repeat_time > 0) repeat_time = -1;
boolean record_api = false;
DigestURI url = null;
try {
url = post.containsKey("url") ? new DigestURI(post.get("url", ""), null) : null;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Log.logWarning("Load_RSS_p", "url not well-formed: '" + post.get("url", "") + "'");
// if we have an url then try to load the rss
RSSReader rss = null;
if (url != null) try {
prop.put("url", url.toNormalform(true, false));
Response response = sb.loader.load(sb.loader.request(url, true, false), CrawlProfile.CacheStrategy.NOCACHE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
byte[] resource = response == null ? null : response.getContent();
rss = resource == null ? null : RSSReader.parse(RSSFeed.DEFAULT_MAXSIZE, resource);
} catch (IOException e) {
// index all selected items: description only
if (rss != null && post.containsKey("indexSelectedItemContent")) {
RSSFeed feed = rss.getFeed();
loop: for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().startsWith("mark_")) try {
RSSMessage message = feed.getMessage(entry.getValue().substring(5));
DigestURI messageurl = new DigestURI(message.getLink());
if (indexTriggered.containsKey(messageurl.hash())) continue loop;
if (sb.urlExists(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, messageurl.hash()) != null) continue loop;
sb.addToIndex(messageurl, null, null);
indexTriggered.put(messageurl.hash(), new Date());
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Failure e) {
if (rss != null && post.containsKey("indexAllItemContent")) {
record_api = true;
RSSFeed feed = rss.getFeed();
indexAllRssFeed(sb, url, feed);
if (record_api && rss != null && rss.getFeed() != null && rss.getFeed().getChannel() != null) {
// record API action
recordAPI(sb, url, rss.getFeed(), repeat_time, repeat_unit);
// show items from rss
if (rss != null) {
prop.put("showitems", 1);
RSSFeed feed = rss.getFeed();
RSSMessage channel = feed.getChannel();
prop.putHTML("showitems_title", channel == null ? "" : channel.getTitle());
String author = channel == null ? "" : channel.getAuthor();
if (author == null || author.length() == 0) author = channel == null ? "" : channel.getCopyright();
Date pubDate = channel == null ? null : channel.getPubDate();
prop.putHTML("showitems_author", author == null ? "" : author);
prop.putHTML("showitems_description", channel == null ? "" : channel.getDescription());
prop.putHTML("showitems_language", channel == null ? "" : channel.getLanguage());
prop.putHTML("showitems_date", (pubDate == null) ? "" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(pubDate));
prop.putHTML("showitems_ttl", channel == null ? "" : channel.getTTL());
prop.putHTML("showitems_docs", channel == null ? "" : channel.getDocs());
int i = 0;
for (final Hit item: feed) {
try {
DigestURI messageurl = new DigestURI(item.getLink(), null);
author = item.getAuthor();
if (author == null) author = item.getCopyright();
pubDate = item.getPubDate();
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_count", i);
prop.put("showitems_item_" + i + "_state", sb.urlExists(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, messageurl.hash()) != null ? 2 : indexTriggered.containsKey(messageurl.hash()) ? 1 : 0);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_guid", item.getGuid());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_author", author == null ? "" : author);
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_title", item.getTitle());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_link", messageurl.toNormalform(false, false));
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_description", item.getDescription());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_language", item.getLanguage());
prop.putHTML("showitems_item_" + i + "_date", (pubDate == null) ? "" : DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(pubDate));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
prop.put("showitems_item", i);
prop.put("showitems_num", i);
prop.putHTML("showitems_rss", url.toNormalform(true, false));
if (i > 0) {
prop.put("showload", 1);
prop.put("showload_rss", url.toNormalform(true, false));
return prop;
private static void indexAllRssFeed(Switchboard sb, DigestURI url, RSSFeed feed) {
int loadCount = 0;
loop: for (RSSMessage message: feed) {
try {
DigestURI messageurl = new DigestURI(message.getLink());
if (indexTriggered.containsKey(messageurl.hash())) continue loop;
if (sb.urlExists(Segments.Process.LOCALCRAWLING, messageurl.hash()) != null) continue loop;
sb.addToIndex(messageurl, null, null);
indexTriggered.put(messageurl.hash(), new Date());
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Failure e) {
// update info for loading
try {
Tables.Data rssRow = sb.tables.select("rss", url.hash());
if (rssRow == null) rssRow = new Tables.Data();
Date lastLoadDate = rssRow.get("last_load_date", new Date(0));
long deltaTime = Math.min(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLoadDate.getTime(), 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
int allLoadCount = rssRow.get("all_load_count", 0);
int lastAvg = rssRow.get("avg_upd_per_day", 0);
long thisAvg = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 / deltaTime * loadCount;
long nextAvg = lastAvg == 0 ? thisAvg : (thisAvg + lastAvg * 2) / 3;
rssRow.put("url", url.toNormalform(true, false).getBytes());
rssRow.put("title", feed.getChannel().getTitle());
rssRow.put("last_load_date", new Date());
rssRow.put("last_load_count", loadCount);
rssRow.put("all_load_count", allLoadCount + loadCount);
rssRow.put("avg_upd_per_day", nextAvg);
sb.tables.update("rss", url.hash(), rssRow);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) {
private static void recordAPI(Switchboard sb, DigestURI url, RSSFeed feed, int repeat_time, String repeat_unit) {
// record API action
byte[] pk = null;
serverObjects post = new serverObjects();
post.put("url", url.toNormalform(true, false));
post.put("indexAllItemContent", "");
if (repeat_time > 0) {
// store as scheduled api call
pk = sb.tables.recordAPICall(post, "Load_RSS_p.html", WorkTables.TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER, "import feed " + url.toNormalform(true, false), repeat_time, repeat_unit.substring(3));
} else {
// store just a protocol
pk = sb.tables.recordAPICall(post, "Load_RSS_p.html", WorkTables.TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER, "import feed " + url.toNormalform(true, false));
// store pk of api table into rss table to show that the entry has been recorded
assert pk != null;
Tables.Data rssRow = new Tables.Data();
rssRow.put("url", url.toNormalform(true, false).getBytes());
rssRow.put("title", feed.getChannel().getTitle());
rssRow.put("api_pk", pk);
try {
sb.tables.update("rss", url.hash(), rssRow);
} catch (IOException e) {