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2021-01-13 22:31:38 +01:00
// vendor.scss v1.0 | @ajlkn | MIT licensed */
// Vars.
2021-03-07 10:21:58 +01:00
/// Vendor prefixes.
/// @var {list}
$vendor-prefixes: ("-moz-", "-webkit-", "-ms-", "");
/// Properties that should be vendorized.
/// Data via caniuse.com, github.com/postcss/autoprefixer, and developer.mozilla.org
/// @var {list}
$vendor-properties: (
// Animation.
// Appearance.
// Backdrop filter.
// Background image options.
// Box sizing.
// Clip path.
// Filter effects.
// Flexbox.
// Font feature.
// Font kerning.
// Fragmented borders and backgrounds.
// Grid layout.
// Hyphens.
// Masks.
// Multicolumn.
// Object fit.
// Regions.
// Scroll snap points.
// Shapes.
// Tab size.
// Text align last.
// Text decoration.
// Text emphasis.
// Text size adjust.
// Text spacing.
// Transform.
// Transform 3D.
// Transition.
// Unicode bidi.
// User select.
// Writing mode.
/// Values that should be vendorized.
/// Data via caniuse.com, github.com/postcss/autoprefixer, and developer.mozilla.org
/// @var {list}
$vendor-values: (
// Cross fade.
// Element function.
// Filter function.
// Flexbox.
// Grab cursors.
// Gradients.
// Grid layout.
// Image set.
// Intrinsic width.
// Sticky position.
// Transform.
// Zoom cursors.
2021-01-13 22:31:38 +01:00
// Functions.
2021-03-07 10:21:58 +01:00
/// Removes a specific item from a list.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @param {list} $list List.
/// @param {integer} $index Index.
/// @return {list} Updated list.
@function remove-nth($list, $index) {
$result: null;
@if type-of($index) != number {
@warn "$index: #{quote($index)} is not a number for `remove-nth`.";
} @else if $index == 0 {
@warn "List index 0 must be a non-zero integer for `remove-nth`.";
} @else if abs($index) > length($list) {
@warn "List index is #{$index} but list is only #{length($list)} item long for `remove-nth`.";
} @else {
$result: ();
$index: if($index < 0, length($list) + $index + 1, $index);
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
@if $i != $index {
$result: append($result, nth($list, $i));
@return $result;
/// Replaces a substring within another string.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @param {string} $string String.
/// @param {string} $search Substring.
/// @param {string} $replace Replacement.
/// @return {string} Updated string.
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace +
str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)),
@return $string;
/// Replaces a substring within each string in a list.
/// @param {list} $strings List of strings.
/// @param {string} $search Substring.
/// @param {string} $replace Replacement.
/// @return {list} Updated list of strings.
@function str-replace-all($strings, $search, $replace: "") {
@each $string in $strings {
$strings: set-nth(
index($strings, $string),
str-replace($string, $search, $replace)
@return $strings;
2021-01-13 22:31:38 +01:00
// Mixins.
2021-03-07 10:21:58 +01:00
/// Wraps @content in vendorized keyframe blocks.
/// @param {string} $name Name.
@mixin keyframes($name) {
@-moz-keyframes #{$name} {
@-webkit-keyframes #{$name} {
@-ms-keyframes #{$name} {
@keyframes #{$name} {
/// Vendorizes a declaration's property and/or value(s).
/// @param {string} $property Property.
/// @param {mixed} $value String/list of value(s).
@mixin vendor($property, $value) {
// Determine if property should expand.
$expandProperty: index($vendor-properties, $property);
// Determine if value should expand (and if so, add '-prefix-' placeholder).
$expandValue: false;
@each $x in $value {
@each $y in $vendor-values {
@if $y == str-slice($x, 1, str-length($y)) {
$value: set-nth($value, index($value, $x), "-prefix-" + $x);
$expandValue: true;
// Expand property?
@if $expandProperty {
@each $vendor in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$vendor}#{$property}: #{str-replace-all($value, "-prefix-", $vendor)};
// Expand just the value?
@else if $expandValue {
@each $vendor in $vendor-prefixes {
#{$property}: #{str-replace-all($value, "-prefix-", $vendor)};
// Neither? Treat them as a normal declaration.
@else {
#{$property}: #{$value};