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Antonio Cañas Vargas 2020-05-18 18:50:21 +02:00
parent 3fd6389752
commit 6a26e144da

108 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
[**English**](ASSESSMENT.Exams.en) | [Español](
# Exams
The **ASSESSMENT > Exams** option allows face-to-face or remote exams. In one course we can create several exams (ordered sets of questions) and carry out several sessions of each exam.
## New exam
To **create** a new exam and add it to the list of existing exams, click on the _New exam_ icon (plus sign) in the upper left corner of the box where the exams are listed, or on the _New exam_ button at the bottom of that box. A form will appear with the following fields:
* **Title**. A title for the exam (for example _Final exam_).
* **Maximum grade**. A positive real number (for example _10.0_). The score obtained in a session of this exam will be scaled in such a way that the maximum score (which coincides with the number of questions) will correspond to this maximum grade.
* **Visibility of results**. The amount of information offered to students in the results of exam sessions can be set selectively, by activating/deactivating each of the following check boxes:
* _Text of questions and answers_: The text and optional multimedia elements of both the stem and each of the options (in the case of unique or multiple choice questions) are shown.
* _Feedback text_: The optional feedback text written by the teachers is shown both in the stem and in each of the options (in the case of unique or multiple choice questions).
* _Right answers_: It shows which are the correct answers set by the teachers. The answers given by the user are always shown, they cannot be hidden.
* _Score of each question_: The numerical score of each of the questions is shown.
* _Total score_: The total numerical score is shown (sum of the scores of all questions).
This configuration will only be effective for each exam session once the teachers activate the visualization of the results of the session, which is initially deactivated.
* **Description**. Brief optional description of the exam.
Once filled in these fields, press the _Create exam_ button. A confirmation message, the same title and description edit box, and a second box to [add one or more set of questions](#sets-of-questions) to the newly created exam will be displayed. The new exam will also be displayed in the updated exam list.
To **remove** an exam, click the _Remove_ icon (red trash can). You will be asked for confirmation.
## Sets of questions
Each exam is made up of one or more sets of questions. A set of questions is made up of one or more questions imported from the [question bank](ASSESSMENT.Questions.en).
To **create** a set of questions, fill in the name of the set (for example _Unit 1_) and the number of questions to display _n_, which should be equal to or less than the number of questions _N_ present in the set. The platform will choose _k_ = min (_n_, _N_) randomly chosen and shuffled questions from the _N_ present in the set. To maximize the variability of exams generated and thus minimize the possibility of copying when there are many students in the course or group, it is advisable that _N_ is much greater than _n_.
To **remove** a set of questions, click the _Remove_ icon (red trash). You will be asked for confirmation.
To **move** up or down a set of questions use the _Up_ (up arrow) and _Down_ (down arrow) icons. The sets of questions will appear in the exams that are shown to the students in the order indicated by the teacher.
If the exam already has [sessions](#sessions), it will not be possible to add question sets, edit them, delete them, or move them.
## Questions
The questions of each set of questions are imported from the [bank of questions](ASSESSMENT.Questions.en).
To **add questions** to a set, click on the _Add questions_ icon (plus sign) in the upper left corner of the _Questions_ box or on the _New question_ button at the bottom of the box. A box titled _Select questions_ will appear, similar to the [one for editing the bank of questions](ASSESSMENT.Questions.en#edit-questions). Select one or more tags, one or more types of answers, and a range of dates, and click the _Show questions_ button. If there are questions of the chosen types, that include any of the selected tags, and that have been edited in the indicated date range, they will be listed then. In the list of questions, select one or more questions and click on the _Add questions_ button to add them to the set.
Normally we will not want the questions to be used to be available openly in [ASSESSMENT > Tests](ASSESSMENT.Tests.en). To prevent this, we can add a tag when creating or editing them, for example _Final exam_, and mark that tag as prohibited in [ASSESSMENT > Questions > Tags](ASSESSMENT.Questions.en#edit-tags).
Once the questions have been added, they will appear in the list of questions in the set, arranged alphabetically. The order of the questions in the set is not relevant because they are always chosen randomly in each exam for each student. The answers or options of a question can be shown in a different and random order for each student if this is indicated by activating the _Shuffle_ box when [creating or editing the question] (
If there is no [session](#sessions) for the exam, in each set of questions we can delete a question with the icon _Remove_ (red trash). If the exam already has [sessions](#sessions), it will not be possible to add or delete questions.
The content of each question is copied to the set of questions and even if it is later edited or deleted in [ASSESSMENT > Questions](ASSESSMENT.Questions.en), the question will not change in the exam.
## Edit exam
It is possible to remove, hide/show or edit each of the exams in the course.
To **remove** an existing exam, click on the _Remove_ icon (red trash can). In order to effectively remove the exam you will have to confirm the removal by clicking on the _Remove exam_ button. Removing the exam involves removing all of its question sets, sessions, and results.
To **hide** an existing exam, click on the _Hide_ icon (eye). To **show** a hidden exam, click on the _Show_ icon (strikethrough eye).
To **edit** an existing exam, click on the _Edit_ icon (pencil). A form identical to the one shown to [create a new exam](#new-exam) will appear, allowing you to edit the title, the maximum grade and the description. When editing is complete, click on the _Save changes_ button. If the exam has no [sessions](#sessions), you can also edit its [questions](#questions). If it already has sessions, the question edition will remain locked until all its sessions are deleted.
## Sessions
Once an exam has been created, several sessions can be held, for example one in each [group]( of the course.
### New session
To **create a new session**, the teacher (or non-editing teacher) has to go to the exam by clicking on its title. A _Sessions_ box appears, and you have to click on the _New session_ icon (plus sign) in the upper left corner, or on the _New session_ button. A form appears to give a name to the match, which will be shown later as a title on the match screen. The teacher can also select if that match is open to the participation of any student of the course or only to students belonging to certain [groups](USERS.Groups.en). Finally, you will have to click on the _Play_ icon (play symbol).
A non-editing teacher can create matches, but not games. And he/she can only delete or play the games he/she had created.
It is also possible to resume an interrupted or finished match. To do this, the teacher has to click on the _Play_/_Resume_ icon (play / flag symbol) associated to the game.
### Match operation for teachers
When a **teacher** (or a **non-editing teacher**) creates or resumes a match, a new window opens in the browser with the content of the questions and possible answers. At that time the video output should be projected in the classroom to be visible by the students present.
Teachers can click on the icons:
* _Backward_
* _Pause_/_Resume_
* _Forward_
when deemed appropriate to go through the following states of each question:
1. **Question statement**.
2. **Statement and possible answers** to the question. Students can only answer when the question is in this state and is not in pause mode.
3. **Statement and results** of the question. This status is optional and will only be displayed if the teacher activates the _View results_ toggle.
At all times, the total match time and the current question time are shown on the teacher's screen. When the match is not paused, the number of students who have answered the current question and the total number of students who are playing the match are also shown.
In principle, there is no time limit in each of the states of the question, since it is the teacher who controls when the change from one state to another. However, the teacher can click on the numbers 60, 30 and 10 next to the _hourglass_ icon to establish a countdown after which the match automatically goes to the next state. If the teacher wishes to cancel the countdown, he/she can click on the _infinite_ symbol.
Each match can be interrupted, paused and resumed at any time. This means that there is no problem if connectivity to the network is lost, if the browser is closed or if there is no time to finish the match at class time. The same applies to students, who can reconnect to the match if they close the browser and re-enter.
### Match operation for students
**Students** can join a match by selecting it in the game's match list and clicking on the _Play_ icon (play symbol / flag). A student can only join a match if he/she belongs to any of the groups associated with that match. When joining the match, a new window will open in the browser in which the question number and several buttons will appear to select one of the options. These selection buttons are only shown in the second state of the question, when the answers are being projected on the classroom screen.
## Results
The results of each student in each match are stored in the database for later use as part of the assessment. Each student can see their results after finishing the match when the teacher decides.
The teacher can activate or deactivate the visibility of the results in the list of matches in a game by clicking on the icon _Hidden results_ (crossed out eye) or on the icon _Visible results_ (eye) located to the right of each match. By default the results are hidden until the teacher makes them visible.
* If the results of a match are hidden (crossed out eye), the student will not be able to see any information about his/her outcome in that match, regardless of the current visibility settings of game results.
* If the results of a match are visible (eye), the student will see more or less information according to the current visibility settings of game results.
If you are a **teacher**, you can see the results of each student by clicking on the icon _Results_ (trophy symbol). Then select the students whose games you want to see, and click on the **See results of matches** button. A first list will appear where you can change the selection of games, and a second list with all the matches made for the selected games. You can see the details of each match by clicking on the icon _See game_ (on the right side of each row).
If you are a **student**, you can see your results by clicking on the icon _Results_ (trophy symbol). A list will appear with the matches you played in the selected games. You can see the details of each match by clicking on the _View match icon_ (on the right side of each row) if the teacher has allowed it.