Games -> Matches

Antonio Cañas Vargas 2023-03-30 14:03:56 +02:00
parent d8e9773d7d
commit 23f928c5cc

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ In each criteria you can edit the following fields:
* **Source**: optional link to one of the following resources:
* _No link_. Teachers will enter the grade manually.
* _Exam_. The grade will be obtained from the sum of the sessions of an [exam](
* _Game_. The grade will be obtained from the sum of the games of a [game](
* _Game_. The grade will be obtained from the sum of the matches of a [game](
* _Rubric_. The grade will be obtained from another rubric, as long as no loops are formed.
* **Minimum**: lower value. Any grade lower than this will be substituted for this minimum value.
* **Maximum**: upper value. Any grade higher than this will be replaced by this maximum value.