Page moved

Antonio Cañas Vargas 2023-03-10 17:17:14 +01:00
parent f34c193207
commit 0b64f4f000

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
[**English**](ASSESSMENT.System.en) | [Español](
[**English**](COURSE.Assessment.en) | [Español](
# Information about the assessment system
The **ASSESSMENT > System** option displays information about the assessment system used in the selected course, editable by teachers. Teachers can force students to read this information by checking the _Force students to read this information_ checkbox.
The **COURSE > Assessment** option displays information about the assessment system used in the selected course, editable by teachers. Teachers can force students to read this information by checking the _Force students to read this information_ checkbox.
### Edit
To edit the information about the assessment system, you must click on the _Edit_ icon (pencil) at the top left of the box. A new box titled **Source of information** is displayed in which you can choose one of the following options:
* **Do not give any information**.
* **Plain text**. A [plain text]( editor. You can write inline math formulas with `\(LaTeX\)` or centred equations with `$$LaTeX$$` or `\[LaTeX\]`.
* **Plain text**. A [plain text]( editor. You can write inline math formulas with `\(LaTeX\)` or centered equations with `$$LaTeX$$` or `\[LaTeX\]`.
* **Rich text**. A rich text editor. In this case you can use [Pandoc's Markdown]( to format the text. You can also write inline math formulas with `$LaTeX$` or centred equations with `$$LaTeX$$`.
* **Web page hosted in SWAD**. A page uploaded to SWAD server. A form is shown to upload either a single HTML file if your page contains no images, or a ZIP file containing an `index.html` or `index.htm` HTML file and a folder with image files.
* **Link to web page hosted on another server**. You have to write a URL, that is, a link to a page or external document hosted on another server.