Antonio Cañas Vargas 0bb8245fdc Version19.108
2019-12-30 12:25:45 +01:00

719 lines
24 KiB

// swad_institution.c: institutions
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/********************************* Headers ***********************************/
#include <stdbool.h> // For boolean type
#include <stddef.h> // For NULL
#include "swad_database.h"
#include "swad_form.h"
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_help.h"
#include "swad_hierarchy_config.h"
#include "swad_HTML.h"
#include "swad_institution.h"
#include "swad_logo.h"
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/***************************** Private constants *****************************/
/******************************* Private types *******************************/
/***************************** Private variables *****************************/
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
static void InsCfg_Configuration (bool PrintView);
static void InsCfg_PutIconsToPrintAndUpload (void);
static void InsCfg_Title (bool PutLink);
static bool InsCfg_GetIfMapIsAvailable (void);
static void InsCfg_Map (void);
static void InsCfg_Country (bool PrintView,bool PutForm);
static void InsCfg_FullName (bool PutForm);
static void InsCfg_ShrtName (bool PutForm);
static void InsCfg_WWW (bool PrintView,bool PutForm);
static void InsCfg_Shortcut (bool PrintView);
static void InsCfg_QR (void);
static void InsCfg_NumUsrs (void);
static void InsCfg_NumCtrs (void);
static void InsCfg_NumDegs (void);
static void InsCfg_NumCrss (void);
static void InsCfg_NumDpts (void);
static void InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_Role_t Role);
static void InsCfg_UpdateInsCtyDB (long InsCod,long CtyCod);
/*************** Show information of the current institution *****************/
void InsCfg_ShowConfiguration (void)
InsCfg_Configuration (false);
/***** Show help to enrol me *****/
Hlp_ShowHelpWhatWouldYouLikeToDo ();
/*************** Print information of the current institution ****************/
void InsCfg_PrintConfiguration (void)
InsCfg_Configuration (true);
/***************** Information of the current institution ********************/
static void InsCfg_Configuration (bool PrintView)
extern const char *Hlp_INSTITUTION_Information;
bool PutLink;
bool PutFormCty;
bool PutFormName;
bool PutFormWWW;
bool MapIsAvailable;
/***** Trivial check *****/
if (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod <= 0) // No institution selected
/***** Initializations *****/
PutLink = !PrintView && Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.WWW[0];
PutFormCty =
PutFormName = !PrintView && Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged == Rol_SYS_ADM;
PutFormWWW = !PrintView && Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_INS_ADM;
/***** Begin box *****/
if (PrintView)
Box_BoxBegin (NULL,NULL,InsCfg_PutIconsToPrintAndUpload,
/***** Title *****/
InsCfg_Title (PutLink);
/**************************** Left part ***********************************/
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"HIE_CFG_LEFT\"");
/***** Begin table *****/
HTM_TABLE_BeginWidePadding (2);
/***** Country *****/
InsCfg_Country (PrintView,PutFormCty);
/***** Institution name *****/
InsCfg_FullName (PutFormName);
InsCfg_ShrtName (PutFormName);
/***** Institution WWW *****/
InsCfg_WWW (PrintView,PutFormWWW);
/***** Shortcut to the institution *****/
InsCfg_Shortcut (PrintView);
if (PrintView)
/***** QR code with link to the institution *****/
InsCfg_QR ();
/***** Number of users who claim to belong to this institution,
number of centres,
number of degrees,
number of courses,
number of departments *****/
InsCfg_NumUsrs ();
InsCfg_NumCtrs ();
InsCfg_NumDegs ();
InsCfg_NumCrss ();
InsCfg_NumDpts ();
/***** Number of users in courses of this institution *****/
InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_TCH);
InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_NET);
InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_STD);
InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_UNK);
/***** End table *****/
/***** End of left part *****/
HTM_DIV_End ();
/**************************** Right part **********************************/
/***** Check map *****/
MapIsAvailable = InsCfg_GetIfMapIsAvailable ();
if (MapIsAvailable)
HTM_DIV_Begin ("class=\"HIE_CFG_RIGHT\"");
/***** Institution map *****/
InsCfg_Map ();
HTM_DIV_End ();
/***** End box *****/
Box_BoxEnd ();
/********* Put contextual icons in configuration of an institution ***********/
static void InsCfg_PutIconsToPrintAndUpload (void)
/***** Icon to print info about institution *****/
Ico_PutContextualIconToPrint (ActPrnInsInf,NULL);
if (Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged >= Rol_INS_ADM)
/***** Icon to upload logo of institution *****/
Lgo_PutIconToChangeLogo (Hie_INS);
/***** Put icon to view places *****/
Plc_PutIconToViewPlaces ();
/***************** Show title in institution configuration *******************/
static void InsCfg_Title (bool PutLink)
HieCfg_Title (PutLink,
Hie_INS, // Logo scope
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod, // Logo code
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.ShrtName, // Logo short name
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.FullName, // Logo full name
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.WWW, // Logo www
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.FullName); // Text full name
/******************** Check if centre map should be shown ********************/
// TODO: Change code!!!!
static bool InsCfg_GetIfMapIsAvailable (void)
return true;
/***** Coordinates 0, 0 means not set ==> don't show map *****/
return (bool) (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ctr.Coord.Latitude ||
/****************************** Draw centre map ******************************/
// TODO: Change code!!!!
static void InsCfg_Map (void)
/* https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start/ */
/***** Leaflet CSS *****/
HTM_Txt ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\""
" href=\"https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.6.0/dist/leaflet.css\""
" integrity=\"sha512-xwE/Az9zrjBIphAcBb3F6JVqxf46+CDLwfLMHloNu6KEQCAWi6HcDUbeOfBIptF7tcCzusKFjFw2yuvEpDL9wQ==\""
" crossorigin=\"\" />");
/***** Leaflet script *****/
/* Put this AFTER Leaflet's CSS */
HTM_Txt ("<script src=\"https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.6.0/dist/leaflet.js\""
" integrity=\"sha512-gZwIG9x3wUXg2hdXF6+rVkLF/0Vi9U8D2Ntg4Ga5I5BZpVkVxlJWbSQtXPSiUTtC0TjtGOmxa1AJPuV0CPthew==\""
" crossorigin=\"\">"
/***** Container for the map *****/
HTM_DIV_Begin ("id=\"centre_mapid\"");
HTM_DIV_End ();
/***** Script to draw the map *****/
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To write the decimal point as a dot
/* Let's create a map of the center of London with pretty Mapbox Streets tiles */
HTM_TxtF ("\tvar mymap = L.map('centre_mapid').setView([%lg, %lg], 16);\n",
/* Next we'll add a tile layer to add to our map,
in this case it's a Mapbox Streets tile layer.
Creating a tile layer usually involves
setting the URL template for the tile images,
the attribution text and the maximum zoom level of the layer.
In this example we'll use the mapbox/streets-v11 tiles
from Mapbox's Static Tiles API
(in order to use tiles from Mapbox,
you must also request an access token).*/
HTM_Txt ("\tL.tileLayer('https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}', {"
"attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org/\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/\">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery &copy; <a href=\"https://www.mapbox.com/\">Mapbox</a>',"
"maxZoom: 20,"
"id: 'mapbox/streets-v11',"
"accessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWNhbmFzIiwiYSI6ImNrNGFoNXFxOTAzdHozcnA4d3Y0M3BwOGkifQ.uSg754Lv2iZEJg0W2pjiOQ'"
/* Marker */
HTM_TxtF ("\tvar marker = L.marker([%lg, %lg]).addTo(mymap);",
HTM_TxtF ("\tmarker.bindPopup(\"<strong>%s</strong><br />%s\").openPopup();",
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
/***************** Show country in institution configuration *****************/
static void InsCfg_Country (bool PrintView,bool PutForm)
extern const char *Txt_Country;
unsigned NumCty;
/***** Country *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",PutForm ? "OthCtyCod" :
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
if (PutForm)
/* Get list of countries */
Cty_GetListCountries (Cty_GET_BASIC_DATA);
/* Put form to select country */
Frm_StartForm (ActChgInsCtyCfg);
HTM_SELECT_Begin (true,
"id=\"OthCtyCod\" name=\"OthCtyCod\""
" class=\"INPUT_SHORT_NAME\"");
for (NumCty = 0;
NumCty < Gbl.Hierarchy.Sys.Ctys.Num;
HTM_OPTION (HTM_Type_LONG,&Gbl.Hierarchy.Sys.Ctys.Lst[NumCty].CtyCod,
Gbl.Hierarchy.Sys.Ctys.Lst[NumCty].CtyCod == Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod,false,
Frm_EndForm ();
/* Free list of countries */
Cty_FreeListCountries ();
else // I can not move institution to another country
if (!PrintView)
Frm_StartFormGoTo (ActSeeCtyInf);
Cty_PutParamCtyCod (Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod);
HTM_BUTTON_SUBMIT_Begin (Hie_BuildGoToMsg (Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Name[Gbl.Prefs.Language]),
Hie_FreeGoToMsg ();
Cty_DrawCountryMap (&Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty,"COUNTRY_MAP_TINY");
HTM_Txt (Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.Name[Gbl.Prefs.Language]);
if (!PrintView)
Frm_EndForm ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/********* Show institution full name in institution configuration ***********/
static void InsCfg_FullName (bool PutForm)
extern const char *Txt_Institution;
HieCfg_FullName (PutForm,Txt_Institution,ActRenInsFulCfg,
/********* Show institution short name in institution configuration **********/
static void InsCfg_ShrtName (bool PutForm)
HieCfg_ShrtName (PutForm,ActRenInsShoCfg,Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.ShrtName);
/************ Show institution WWW in institution configuration **************/
static void InsCfg_WWW (bool PrintView,bool PutForm)
HieCfg_WWW (PrintView,PutForm,ActChgInsWWWCfg,Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.WWW);
/********** Show institution shortcut in institution configuration ***********/
static void InsCfg_Shortcut (bool PrintView)
HieCfg_Shortcut (PrintView,"ins",Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod);
/************* Show institution QR in institution configuration **************/
static void InsCfg_QR (void)
HieCfg_QR ("ins",Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod);
/** Show number of users who claim to belong to instit. in instit. config. ***/
static void InsCfg_NumUsrs (void)
extern const char *Txt_Users_of_the_institution;
/***** Number of users *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,Txt_Users_of_the_institution);
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
HTM_Unsigned (Usr_GetNumUsrsWhoClaimToBelongToIns (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/*********** Show number of centres in institution configuration *************/
static void InsCfg_NumCtrs (void)
extern const char *Txt_Centres;
extern const char *Txt_Centres_of_INSTITUTION_X;
/***** Number of centres *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,Txt_Centres);
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"LB\"");
Frm_StartFormGoTo (ActSeeCtr);
Ins_PutParamInsCod (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod);
snprintf (Gbl.Title,sizeof (Gbl.Title),
HTM_Unsigned (Ctr_GetNumCtrsInIns (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
Frm_EndForm ();
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/*********** Show number of degrees in institution configuration *************/
static void InsCfg_NumDegs (void)
extern const char *Txt_Degrees;
/***** Number of degrees *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,Txt_Degrees);
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
HTM_Unsigned (Deg_GetNumDegsInIns (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/************ Show number of courses in institution configuration ************/
static void InsCfg_NumCrss (void)
extern const char *Txt_Courses;
/***** Number of courses *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,Txt_Courses);
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
HTM_Unsigned (Crs_GetNumCrssInIns (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/********** Show number of departments in institution configuration **********/
static void InsCfg_NumDpts (void)
extern const char *Txt_Departments;
/***** Number of departments *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,Txt_Departments);
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
HTM_Unsigned (Dpt_GetNumDepartmentsInInstitution (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/************** Number of users in courses of this institution ***************/
static void InsCfg_NumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Rol_Role_t Role)
extern const char *Txt_Users_in_courses;
extern const char *Txt_ROLES_PLURAL_Abc[Rol_NUM_ROLES][Usr_NUM_SEXS];
/***** Number of users in courses *****/
HTM_TR_Begin (NULL);
/* Label */
Frm_LabelColumn ("RT",NULL,
Role == Rol_UNK ? Txt_Users_in_courses :
/* Data */
HTM_TD_Begin ("class=\"DAT LB\"");
HTM_Unsigned (Usr_GetNumUsrsInCrssOfIns (Role,Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod));
HTM_TD_End ();
HTM_TR_End ();
/******** Show a form for sending a logo of the current institution **********/
void InsCfg_RequestLogo (void)
Lgo_RequestLogo (Hie_INS);
/************** Receive the logo of the current institution ******************/
void InsCfg_ReceiveLogo (void)
Lgo_ReceiveLogo (Hie_INS);
/*************** Remove the logo of the current institution ******************/
void InsCfg_RemoveLogo (void)
Lgo_RemoveLogo (Hie_INS);
/******************* Change the country of a institution *********************/
void InsCfg_ChangeInsCty (void)
extern const char *Txt_The_institution_X_already_exists;
extern const char *Txt_The_country_of_the_institution_X_has_changed_to_Y;
struct Country NewCty;
/***** Get the new country code for the institution *****/
NewCty.CtyCod = Cty_GetAndCheckParamOtherCtyCod (0);
/***** Check if country has changed *****/
if (NewCty.CtyCod != Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.CtyCod)
/***** Get data of the country from database *****/
Cty_GetDataOfCountryByCod (&NewCty,Cty_GET_BASIC_DATA);
/***** Check if it already exists an institution with the same name in the new country *****/
if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("ShortName",Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.ShrtName,-1L,NewCty.CtyCod))
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_WARNING,NULL,
else if (Ins_CheckIfInsNameExistsInCty ("FullName",Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.FullName,-1L,NewCty.CtyCod))
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_WARNING,NULL,
/***** Update the table changing the country of the institution *****/
InsCfg_UpdateInsCtyDB (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod,NewCty.CtyCod);
Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.CtyCod =
Gbl.Hierarchy.Cty.CtyCod = NewCty.CtyCod;
/***** Initialize again current course, degree, centre... *****/
Hie_InitHierarchy ();
/***** Write message to show the change made *****/
Ale_CreateAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,NULL,
/****************** Update country in table of institutions ******************/
static void InsCfg_UpdateInsCtyDB (long InsCod,long CtyCod)
/***** Update country in table of institutions *****/
DB_QueryUPDATE ("can not update the country of an institution",
"UPDATE institutions SET CtyCod=%ld WHERE InsCod=%ld",
/************ Change the name of an institution in configuration *************/
void InsCfg_RenameInsShort (void)
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins,Cns_SHRT_NAME);
void InsCfg_RenameInsFull (void)
/***** Rename institution *****/
Ins_RenameInstitution (&Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins,Cns_FULL_NAME);
/********************** Change the URL of a institution **********************/
void InsCfg_ChangeInsWWW (void)
extern const char *Txt_The_new_web_address_is_X;
char NewWWW[Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW + 1];
/***** Get parameters from form *****/
/* Get the new WWW for the institution */
Par_GetParToText ("WWW",NewWWW,Cns_MAX_BYTES_WWW);
/***** Check if new WWW is empty *****/
if (NewWWW[0])
/***** Update database changing old WWW by new WWW *****/
Ins_UpdateInsWWWDB (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.InsCod,NewWWW);
Str_Copy (Gbl.Hierarchy.Ins.WWW,NewWWW,
/***** Write message to show the change made *****/
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_SUCCESS,Txt_The_new_web_address_is_X,
Ale_ShowAlertYouCanNotLeaveFieldEmpty ();
/***** Show the form again *****/
InsCfg_ShowConfiguration ();
/*** Show msg. of success after changing an institution in instit. config. ***/
void InsCfg_ContEditAfterChgIns (void)
/***** Write success / warning message *****/
Ale_ShowAlerts (NULL);
/***** Show the form again *****/
InsCfg_ShowConfiguration ();