2021-02-10 14:51:05 +01:00

251 lines
8.8 KiB

// swad_timeline.h: social timeline
#ifndef _SWAD_TL
#define _SWAD_TL
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance in Spanish),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/********************************** Headers **********************************/
/****************************** Public constants *****************************/
#define TL_TIMELINE_SECTION_ID "timeline"
#define TL_ICON_ELLIPSIS "ellipsis-h.svg"
#define TL_DEF_USRS_SHOWN 5 // Default maximum number of users shown who have share/fav a note
#define TL_MAX_USRS_SHOWN 1000 // Top maximum number of users shown who have share/fav a note
/******************************** Public types *******************************/
#define TL_NUM_NOTE_TYPES 13
// If the numbers assigned to each event type change,
// it is necessary to change old numbers to new ones in database table tl_notes
typedef enum
/* Start tab */
TL_NOTE_POST = 10, // Post written directly in timeline
/* Institution tab */
TL_NOTE_INS_DOC_PUB_FILE = 1, // Public file in documents of institution
TL_NOTE_INS_SHA_PUB_FILE = 2, // Public file in shared files of institution
/* Centre tab */
TL_NOTE_CTR_DOC_PUB_FILE = 3, // Public file in documents of centre
TL_NOTE_CTR_SHA_PUB_FILE = 4, // Public file in shared files of centre
/* Degree tab */
TL_NOTE_DEG_DOC_PUB_FILE = 5, // Public file in documents of degree
TL_NOTE_DEG_SHA_PUB_FILE = 6, // Public file in shared files of degree
/* Course tab */
TL_NOTE_CRS_DOC_PUB_FILE = 7, // Public file in documents of course
TL_NOTE_CRS_SHA_PUB_FILE = 8, // Public file in shared files of course
/* Assessment tab */
TL_NOTE_EXAM_ANNOUNCEMENT = 9, // Exam announcement in a course
/* Users tab */
/* Messages tab */
TL_NOTE_NOTICE = 12, // A public notice in a course
TL_NOTE_FORUM_POST = 11, // Post in global/swad forums
/* Analytics tab */
/* Profile tab */
} TL_NoteType_t;
#define TL_NUM_TOP_MESSAGES (1 + 6)
typedef enum
} TL_TopMessage_t;
typedef enum
TL_TIMELINE_USR, // Show the timeline of a user
TL_TIMELINE_GBL, // Show the timeline of the users follwed by me
} TL_UsrOrGbl_t;
#define TL_NUM_WHAT_TO_GET 3
typedef enum
TL_GET_RECENT_TIMELINE, // Recent timeline is shown when the user clicks on action menu,...
// or after editing timeline
TL_GET_ONLY_NEW_PUBS, // New publications are retrieved via AJAX
// automatically from time to time
TL_GET_ONLY_OLD_PUBS, // Old publications are retrieved via AJAX
// when the user clicks on link at bottom of timeline
} TL_WhatToGet_t;
struct TL_Timeline
TL_UsrOrGbl_t UsrOrGbl;
Usr_Who_t Who;
TL_WhatToGet_t WhatToGet;
unsigned Num; // Number of publications
struct TL_Publication *Lst; // List of publications
} Pubs;
long NotCod; // Used as parameter about social note to be edited, removed...
long PubCod; // Used as parameter about social publishing to be edited, removed...
typedef enum
TL_SHOW_FEW_USRS, // Show a few first favers/sharers
TL_SHOW_ALL_USRS, // Show all favers/sharers
} TL_HowManyUsrs_t;
#define TL_NUM_PUB_TYPES 4
// If the numbers assigned to each event type change,
// it is necessary to change old numbers to new ones in database table tl_notes
typedef enum
} TL_PubType_t;
struct TL_Publication
long PubCod;
long NotCod;
long PublisherCod; // Sharer or writer of the publication
TL_PubType_t PubType;
TL_TopMessage_t TopMessage; // Used to show feedback on the action made
struct TL_PostContent
char Txt[Cns_MAX_BYTES_LONG_TEXT + 1];
struct Media Media;
struct TL_Note
long NotCod; // Unique code/identifier for each note
TL_NoteType_t NoteType; // Timeline post, public file, exam announcement, notice, forum post...
long UsrCod; // Publisher
long HieCod; // Hierarchy code (institution/centre/degree/course)
long Cod; // Code of file, forum post, notice, timeline post...
bool Unavailable; // File, forum post, notice,... unavailable (removed)
time_t DateTimeUTC; // Date-time of publication in UTC time
unsigned NumShared; // Number of times (users) this note has been shared
unsigned NumFavs; // Number of times (users) this note has been favourited
struct TL_Comment
long PubCod; // Unique code/identifier for each publication
long UsrCod; // Publisher
long NotCod; // Note code to which this comment belongs
time_t DateTimeUTC; // Date-time of publication in UTC time
unsigned NumFavs; // Number of times (users) this comment has been favourited
struct TL_PostContent Content;
/****************************** Public prototypes ****************************/
void TL_ResetTimeline (struct TL_Timeline *Timeline);
void TL_ShowTimelineGbl (void);
void TL_ShowTimelineUsr (struct TL_Timeline *Timeline);
void TL_RefreshNewTimelineGbl (void);
void TL_RefreshOldTimelineGbl (void);
void TL_RefreshOldTimelineUsr (void);
void TL_MarkMyNotifAsSeen (void);
void TL_GetParamWho (void);
Usr_Who_t TL_GetGlobalWho (void);
void TL_StoreAndPublishNote (TL_NoteType_t NoteType,long Cod);
void TL_MarkNoteAsUnavailable (TL_NoteType_t NoteType,long Cod);
void TL_MarkNoteOneFileAsUnavailable (const char *Path);
void TL_MarkNotesChildrenOfFolderAsUnavailable (const char *Path);
void TL_PublishNoteInTimeline (struct TL_Publication *SocPub);
void TL_ReceivePostUsr (void);
void TL_ReceivePostGbl (void);
void TL_ShowHiddenCommentsUsr (void);
void TL_ShowHiddenCommentsGbl (void);
void TL_PutHiddenParamPubCod (long PubCod);
long TL_GetParamNotCod (void);
long TL_GetParamPubCod (void);
void TL_ReceiveCommentUsr (void);
void TL_ReceiveCommentGbl (void);
void TL_CreateNotifToAuthor (long AuthorCod,long PubCod,
Ntf_NotifyEvent_t NotifyEvent);
void TL_RequestRemNoteUsr (void);
void TL_RequestRemNoteGbl (void);
void TL_RemoveNoteUsr (void);
void TL_RemoveNoteGbl (void);
long TL_GetPubCodOfOriginalNote (long NotCod);
void TL_RequestRemComUsr (void);
void TL_RequestRemComGbl (void);
void TL_RemoveComUsr (void);
void TL_RemoveComGbl (void);
void TL_RemoveUsrContent (long UsrCod);
void TL_ShowNumSharersOrFavers (unsigned NumUsrs);
void TL_ShowSharersOrFavers (MYSQL_RES **mysql_res,
unsigned NumUsrs,unsigned NumFirstUsrs);
void TL_PutFormToSeeAllFaversSharers (Act_Action_t ActionGbl,Act_Action_t ActionUsr,
const char *ParamFormat,long ParamCod,
TL_HowManyUsrs_t HowManyUsrs);
void TL_FormFavSha (Act_Action_t ActionGbl,Act_Action_t ActionUsr,
const char *ParamFormat,long ParamCod,
const char *Icon,const char *Title);
void TL_GetDataOfNoteByCod (struct TL_Note *SocNot);
void TL_GetDataOfCommByCod (struct TL_Comment *SocCom);
void TL_ClearOldTimelinesDB (void);
void TL_GetNotifPublication (char SummaryStr[Ntf_MAX_BYTES_SUMMARY + 1],
char **ContentStr,
long PubCod,bool GetContent);
unsigned long TL_GetNumPubsUsr (long UsrCod);