
521 lines
18 KiB

// swad_resource.c: resources for course program and rubrics
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/********************************* Headers ***********************************/
#include <stdbool.h> // For boolean type
#include <string.h> // For string functions
#include "swad_action_list.h"
#include "swad_alert.h"
#include "swad_assignment_resource.h"
#include "swad_attendance_resource.h"
#include "swad_browser_resource.h"
#include "swad_call_for_exam_resource.h"
#include "swad_database.h"
#include "swad_exam_resource.h"
#include "swad_forum_resource.h"
#include "swad_game_resource.h"
#include "swad_global.h"
#include "swad_HTML.h"
#include "swad_parameter.h"
#include "swad_parameter_code.h"
#include "swad_project_resource.h"
#include "swad_resource.h"
#include "swad_resource_database.h"
#include "swad_role.h"
#include "swad_rubric_resource.h"
#include "swad_survey_resource.h"
#include "swad_theme.h"
/***************************** Public constants ******************************/
const char *Rsc_ResourceTypesDB[Rsc_NUM_TYPES] =
[Rsc_NONE ] = "non",
// gui TEACHING_GUIDE // Link to teaching guide
// bib BIBLIOGRAPHY // Link to bibliography
// faq FAQ // Link to FAQ
// lnk LINKS // Link to links
// tmt TIMETABLE // Link to timetable
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = "asg",
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = "prj",
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = "cfe",
// tst TEST // User selects tags, teacher should select
[Rsc_EXAM ] = "exa",
[Rsc_GAME ] = "gam",
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = "rub",
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = "doc",
[Rsc_MARKS ] = "mrk",
// grp GROUPS // ??? User select groups
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = "for",
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = "svy",
const char *Rsc_ResourceTypesIcons[Rsc_NUM_TYPES] =
[Rsc_NONE ] = "link-slash.svg",
// gui TEACHING_GUIDE // Link to teaching guide
// bib BIBLIOGRAPHY // Link to bibliography
// faq FAQ // Link to FAQ
// lnk LINKS // Link to links
// tmt TIMETABLE // Link to timetable
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = "edit.svg",
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = "file-invoice.svg",
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = "bullhorn.svg",
// tst TEST // User selects tags, teacher should select
[Rsc_EXAM ] = "file-signature.svg",
[Rsc_GAME ] = "gamepad.svg",
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = "tasks.svg",
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = "file.svg",
[Rsc_MARKS ] = "list-alt.svg",
// grp GROUPS // ??? User select groups
[Rsc_ATTENDANCE_EVENT] = "calendar-check.svg",
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = "comments.svg",
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = "poll.svg",
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
extern struct Globals Gbl;
/**************************** Private prototypes *****************************/
static void Rsc_GetResourceEmptyTitle (__attribute__((unused)) long Cod,
char *Title,size_t TitleSize);
/************************* Show resources clipboard **************************/
void Rsc_ShowClipboard (void)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumLink;
unsigned NumLinks;
struct Rsc_Link Link;
/***** Begin list *****/
HTM_UL_Begin ("class=\"RSC_CLIPBOARD\"");
/***** Get links in clipboard from database and write them *****/
NumLinks = Rsc_DB_GetClipboard (&mysql_res);
for (NumLink = 1;
NumLink <= NumLinks;
Rsc_GetLinkDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Link);
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"PRG_RSC_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ());
Rsc_WriteLinkName (&Link,Frm_PUT_FORM_TO_GO);
HTM_LI_End ();
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/***** End list *****/
HTM_UL_End ();
/***************** Show clipboard to change resource link ********************/
void Rsc_ShowClipboardToChangeLink (const struct Rsc_Link *CurrentLink)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
unsigned NumLink;
unsigned NumLinks;
struct Rsc_Link Link;
static const struct Rsc_Link EmptyLink =
.Type = Rsc_NONE,
.Cod = -1L,
/***** Begin list *****/
HTM_UL_Begin ("class=\"RSC_CLIPBOARD\"");
if (CurrentLink) // Editing an existing element
/***** Current link (empty or not) *****/
Rsc_WriteRowClipboard (CurrentLink,
true); // Checked
/***** Row with empty link to remove the current link *****/
if (CurrentLink->Type != Rsc_NONE)
Rsc_WriteRowClipboard (&EmptyLink,
false); // Not checked
else // Inside form to create a new element
/***** Row with empty link *****/
Rsc_WriteRowClipboard (&EmptyLink,
true); // Checked
/***** Get links in clipboard from database and write them *****/
NumLinks = Rsc_DB_GetClipboard (&mysql_res);
for (NumLink = 1;
NumLink <= NumLinks;
Rsc_GetLinkDataFromRow (mysql_res,&Link);
Rsc_WriteRowClipboard (&Link,
false); // Checked
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/***** End list *****/
HTM_UL_End ();
/************************ Show one link from clipboard ***********************/
void Rsc_WriteRowClipboard (const struct Rsc_Link *Link,
HTM_SubmitOnClick_t SubmitOnClick,bool Checked)
/***** Begin list row *****/
HTM_LI_Begin ("class=\"PRG_RSC_%s\"",The_GetSuffix ());
/***** Radio selector *****/
HTM_INPUT_RADIO ("Link",SubmitOnClick,
Checked ? " checked=\"checked\"" :
/***** Name *****/
Rsc_WriteLinkName (Link,Frm_DONT_PUT_FORM_TO_GO);
/***** End list row *****/
HTM_LI_End ();
/************* Write link name (filename, assignment title...) ***************/
void Rsc_WriteLinkName (const struct Rsc_Link *Link,Frm_PutFormToGo_t PutFormToGo)
extern const char *Txt_Actions[ActLst_NUM_ACTIONS];
extern const char *Rsc_ResourceTypesIcons[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
extern const char *Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
static void (*WriteLinkName[Rsc_NUM_TYPES]) (long Cod,Frm_PutFormToGo_t PutFormToGo,
const char *Icon,
const char *IconTitle) =
[Rsc_NONE ] = Rsc_WriteResourceEmpty,
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = AsgRsc_WriteResourceAssignment,
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = PrjRsc_WriteResourceProject,
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = CfeRsc_WriteResourceCallForExam,
[Rsc_EXAM ] = ExaRsc_WriteResourceExam,
[Rsc_GAME ] = GamRsc_WriteResourceGame,
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = RubRsc_WriteResourceRubric,
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = BrwRsc_WriteResourceDocument,
[Rsc_MARKS ] = BrwRsc_WriteResourceMarksFile,
[Rsc_ATTENDANCE_EVENT] = AttRsc_WriteResourceEvent,
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = ForRsc_WriteResourceThread,
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = SvyRsc_WriteResourceSurvey,
static void (*GetResourceTitle[Rsc_NUM_TYPES]) (long Cod,char *Title,size_t TitleSize) =
[Rsc_NONE ] = Rsc_GetResourceEmptyTitle,
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = AsgRsc_GetTitleFromAsgCod,
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = PrjRsc_GetTitleFromPrjCod,
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = CfeRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod,
[Rsc_EXAM ] = ExaRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod,
[Rsc_GAME ] = GamRsc_GetTitleFromGamCod,
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = RubRsc_GetTitleFromRubCod,
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = BrwRsc_GetTitleFromDocFilCod,
[Rsc_MARKS ] = BrwRsc_GetTitleFromMrkFilCod,
[Rsc_ATTENDANCE_EVENT] = AttRsc_GetTitleFromAttCod,
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = ForRsc_GetTitleFromThrCod,
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = SvyRsc_GetTitleFromSvyCod,
static struct
void (*Set) (long Cod,char **Anchor);
void (*Free) (char **Anchor);
} FuncAnchor[Rsc_NUM_TYPES] =
[Rsc_NONE ] = {NULL,NULL},
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = {Frm_SetAnchorStr,Frm_FreeAnchorStr},
[Rsc_EXAM ] = {NULL,NULL},
[Rsc_GAME ] = {NULL,NULL},
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = {ForRsc_SetAnchorStr,ForRsc_FreeAnchorStr},
static struct
Act_Action_t IfCod;
Act_Action_t IfNotCod;
} NextActions[Rsc_NUM_TYPES] =
[Rsc_NONE ] = {ActUnk ,ActUnk },
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = {ActSeeOneAsg ,ActSeeAsg },
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = {ActSeeOnePrj ,ActSeePrj },
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = {ActSeeOneCfe ,ActSeeAllCfe },
[Rsc_EXAM ] = {ActSeeExa ,ActSeeAllExa },
[Rsc_GAME ] = {ActSeeGam ,ActSeeAllGam },
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = {ActSeeRub ,ActSeeAllRub },
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = {ActReqDatSeeDocCrs ,ActSeeAdmDocCrsGrp },
[Rsc_MARKS ] = {ActReqDatSeeMrkCrs ,ActSeeAdmMrk },
[Rsc_ATTENDANCE_EVENT] = {ActSeeOneAtt ,ActSeeAtt },
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = {ActSeePstForCrsUsr ,ActSeeForCrsUsr },
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = {ActSeeSvy ,ActSeeAllSvy },
static ParCod_Param_t ParCod[Rsc_NUM_TYPES] =
[Rsc_NONE ] = ParCod_None,
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = ParCod_Asg,
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = ParCod_Prj,
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = ParCod_Exa,
[Rsc_EXAM ] = ParCod_Exa,
[Rsc_GAME ] = ParCod_Gam,
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = ParCod_Rub,
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = ParCod_Fil,
[Rsc_MARKS ] = ParCod_Fil,
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = ParCod_Thr,
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = ParCod_Svy,
Act_Action_t NextAction;
char Title[Cns_MAX_BYTES_SUBJECT + 1];
char *Anchor;
/***** Write link name *****/
if (WriteLinkName[Link->Type])
GetResourceTitle[Link->Type] (Link->Cod,Title,sizeof (Title) - 1);
/***** Begin form to go to resource *****/
if (PutFormToGo == Frm_PUT_FORM_TO_GO)
NextAction = (Link->Cod > 0) ? NextActions[Link->Type].IfCod : // Resource specified
NextActions[Link->Type].IfNotCod; // All resources of this type
if (FuncAnchor[Link->Type].Set)
FuncAnchor[Link->Type].Set (Link->Cod,&Anchor);
Frm_BeginFormAnchor (NextAction,Anchor);
FuncAnchor[Link->Type].Free (&Anchor);
Frm_BeginForm (NextAction);
if (Link->Cod > 0)
ParCod_PutPar (ParCod[Link->Type],Link->Cod);
HTM_BUTTON_Submit_Begin (Txt_Actions[NextAction],
"class=\"LM BT_LINK PRG_LNK_%s\"",
The_GetSuffix ());
/***** Icon depending on type ******/
switch (PutFormToGo)
Ico_PutIconOn (Rsc_ResourceTypesIcons[Link->Type],Ico_BLACK,Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Link->Type]);
case Frm_PUT_FORM_TO_GO:
Ico_PutIconLink (Rsc_ResourceTypesIcons[Link->Type],Ico_BLACK,NextAction);
/***** Write title of resource*****/
HTM_Txt (Title);
/***** End form to download file *****/
if (PutFormToGo == Frm_PUT_FORM_TO_GO)
Frm_EndForm ();
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_ERROR,"Not implemented!");
/******************** Write empty resource as resource ***********************/
void Rsc_WriteResourceEmpty (__attribute__((unused)) long Cod,
__attribute__((unused)) Frm_PutFormToGo_t PutFormToGo,
const char *Icon,const char *IconTitle)
extern const char *Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
/***** Icon depending on type ******/
Ico_PutIconOn (Icon,Ico_BLACK,IconTitle);
/***** Write text *****/
/******************** Write empty resource as resource ***********************/
// The trailing null character is not counted in TitleSize
static void Rsc_GetResourceEmptyTitle (__attribute__((unused)) long Cod,
char *Title,size_t TitleSize)
extern const char *Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Rsc_NUM_TYPES];
Str_Copy (Title,Txt_RESOURCE_TYPES[Rsc_NONE],TitleSize);
/************* Get the title for a new resource from link title **************/
void Rsc_GetResourceTitleFromLink (struct Rsc_Link *Link,
static void (*GetTitle[Rsc_NUM_TYPES]) (long Cod,char *Title,size_t TitleSize) =
[Rsc_NONE ] = NULL,
[Rsc_ASSIGNMENT ] = AsgRsc_GetTitleFromAsgCod,
[Rsc_PROJECT ] = PrjRsc_GetTitleFromPrjCod,
[Rsc_CALL_FOR_EXAM ] = CfeRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod,
[Rsc_EXAM ] = ExaRsc_GetTitleFromExaCod,
[Rsc_GAME ] = GamRsc_GetTitleFromGamCod,
[Rsc_RUBRIC ] = RubRsc_GetTitleFromRubCod,
[Rsc_DOCUMENT ] = BrwRsc_GetTitleFromDocFilCod,
[Rsc_MARKS ] = BrwRsc_GetTitleFromMrkFilCod,
[Rsc_ATTENDANCE_EVENT] = AttRsc_GetTitleFromAttCod,
[Rsc_FORUM_THREAD ] = ForRsc_GetTitleFromThrCod,
[Rsc_SURVEY ] = SvyRsc_GetTitleFromSvyCod,
/***** Reset title *****/
Title[0] = '\0';
/***** Get title *****/
if (GetTitle[Link->Type])
GetTitle[Link->Type] (Link->Cod,Title,Rsc_MAX_BYTES_RESOURCE_TITLE);
Ale_ShowAlert (Ale_ERROR,"Not implemented!");
/********************** Get resource data from clipboard *********************/
void Rsc_GetLinkDataFromRow (MYSQL_RES *mysql_res,struct Rsc_Link *Link)
/***** Get row *****/
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
Type row[0]
Cod row[1]
/***** Get type (row[0]) *****/
Link->Type = Rsc_GetTypeFromString (row[0]);
/***** Get code (row[1]) *****/
Link->Cod = Str_ConvertStrCodToLongCod (row[1]);
/********************** Convert from string to type **************************/
Rsc_Type_t Rsc_GetTypeFromString (const char *Str)
Rsc_Type_t Type;
/***** Compare string with all string types *****/
for (Type = (Rsc_Type_t) 0;
Type <= (Rsc_Type_t) (Rsc_NUM_TYPES - 1);
if (!strcmp (Rsc_ResourceTypesDB[Type],Str))
return Type;
return Rsc_NONE;
/********************** Get resource data from clipboard *********************/
bool Rsc_GetParLink (struct Rsc_Link *Link)
char TypeCod[3 + 1 + Cns_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS_LONG + 1];
char TypeStr[3 + 1];
long Cod;
/***** Get link type and code *****/
Par_GetParText ("Link",TypeCod,sizeof (TypeCod) - 1);
if (sscanf (TypeCod,"%3s_%ld",TypeStr,&Cod) == 2)
/* Correct link found */
Link->Type = Rsc_GetTypeFromString (TypeStr);
Link->Cod = Cod;
return true;
/* No link found */
Link->Type = Rsc_NONE;
Link->Cod = -1L;
return false;
/************************** Check if I can get link **************************/
bool Rsc_CheckIfICanGetLink (void)
static const bool ICanGetLink[Rol_NUM_ROLES] =
[Rol_TCH ] = true,
[Rol_SYS_ADM] = true,
return ICanGetLink[Gbl.Usrs.Me.Role.Logged];