Antonio Cañas Vargas 684071c4ae Version19.115
2020-01-09 18:56:45 +01:00

267 lines
10 KiB

// swad_map.c: OpenStreetMap maps
SWAD (Shared Workspace At a Distance),
is a web platform developed at the University of Granada (Spain),
and used to support university teaching.
This file is part of SWAD core.
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Antonio Cañas Vargas
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/********************************* Headers ***********************************/
#define _GNU_SOURCE // For asprintf
#include <stdio.h> // For asprintf
#include "swad_database.h"
#include "swad_HTML.h"
#include "swad_map.h"
#include "swad_string.h"
/************** External global variables from others modules ****************/
// extern struct Globals Gbl;
/***************************** Private constants *****************************/
/******************************* Private types *******************************/
/***************************** Private variables *****************************/
/***************************** Private prototypes ****************************/
static unsigned Map_GetZoomFromDistance (double MaxDistance);
/******************************** Leaflet CSS ********************************/
/* https://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start/ */
void Map_LeafletCSS (void)
HTM_Txt ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\""
" href=\"https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.6.0/dist/leaflet.css\""
" integrity=\"sha512-xwE/Az9zrjBIphAcBb3F6JVqxf46+CDLwfLMHloNu6KEQCAWi6HcDUbeOfBIptF7tcCzusKFjFw2yuvEpDL9wQ==\""
" crossorigin=\"\" />");
/******************************* Leaflet script ******************************/
void Map_LeafletScript (void)
/* Put this AFTER Leaflet's CSS */
HTM_Txt ("<script src=\"https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.6.0/dist/leaflet.js\""
" integrity=\"sha512-gZwIG9x3wUXg2hdXF6+rVkLF/0Vi9U8D2Ntg4Ga5I5BZpVkVxlJWbSQtXPSiUTtC0TjtGOmxa1AJPuV0CPthew==\""
" crossorigin=\"\">"
/************** Create a map centered in the given coordinates ***************/
void Map_CreateMap (const char *ContainerId,
const struct Coordinates *Coord,unsigned Zoom)
/* Let's create a map with pretty Mapbox Streets tiles */
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To write the decimal point as a dot
HTM_TxtF ("\t"
"var mymap = L.map('%s').setView([%lg, %lg], %u);\n",
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
/************************* Add tile layer to our map *************************/
#define Map_MAX_ZOOM 20
#define Map_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN "pk.eyJ1IjoiYWNhbmFzIiwiYSI6ImNrNGFoNXFxOTAzdHozcnA4d3Y0M3BwOGkifQ.uSg754Lv2iZEJg0W2pjiOQ"
void Map_AddTileLayer (void)
/* Next we'll add a tile layer to add to our map,
in this case it's a Mapbox Streets tile layer.
Creating a tile layer usually involves
setting the URL template for the tile images,
the attribution text and the maximum zoom level of the layer.
In this example we'll use the mapbox/streets-v11 tiles
from Mapbox's Static Tiles API
(in order to use tiles from Mapbox,
you must also request an access token).*/
HTM_TxtF ("\t"
" {"
" 'Map data &copy; <a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org/\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors,"
" <a href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/\">CC-BY-SA</a>,"
" Imagery &copy; <a href=\"https://www.mapbox.com/\">Mapbox</a>',"
"maxZoom: %u,"
"id: 'mapbox/streets-v11',"
"accessToken: '%s'"
/************************** Add a marker to our map **************************/
void Map_AddMarker (const struct Coordinates *Coord)
Str_SetDecimalPointToUS (); // To write the decimal point as a dot
HTM_TxtF ("\t"
"var marker = L.marker([%lg, %lg]).addTo(mymap);\n",
Str_SetDecimalPointToLocal (); // Return to local system
/************************* Add a marker to our map ***************************/
void Map_AddPopup (const char *Title,const char *Subtitle,bool Open)
/* The bindPopup method attaches a popup with the specified HTML content
to your marker so the popup appears when you click on the object,
and the openPopup method (for markers only)
immediately opens the attached popup. */
HTM_TxtF ("\t"
"marker.bindPopup(\"<strong>%s</strong><br />%s\")",
if (Open)
HTM_Txt (".openPopup()");
HTM_Txt (";\n");
/********* Get average coordinates of centres in current institution *********/
void Map_GetCoordAndZoom (struct Coordinates *Coord,unsigned *Zoom,
const char *Query)
MYSQL_RES *mysql_res;
double MaxDistance;
/***** Get average coordinates *****/
if (DB_QuerySELECT (&mysql_res,"can not get coordinates",
/* Get row */
row = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_res);
/* Get latitude (row[0]) */
Coord->Latitude = Map_GetLatitudeFromStr (row[0]);
/* Get longitude (row[1]) */
Coord->Longitude = Map_GetLongitudeFromStr (row[1]);
/* Get maximum distance (row[2]) */
MaxDistance = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (row[2]);
Coord->Latitude =
Coord->Longitude =
MaxDistance = 0.0;
/***** Convert distance to zoom *****/
*Zoom = Map_GetZoomFromDistance (MaxDistance);
/***** Free structure that stores the query result *****/
DB_FreeMySQLResult (&mysql_res);
/************************ Get latitude from a string *************************/
// This function may change Str on wrong double
double Map_GetLatitudeFromStr (char *Str)
double Latitude = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (Str);
if (Latitude < -90.0)
return -90.0; // South Pole
if (Latitude > 90.0)
return 90.0; // North Pole
return Latitude;
/*********************** Get longitude from a string *************************/
// This function may change Str on wrong double
double Map_GetLongitudeFromStr (char *Str)
double Longitude = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (Str);
if (Longitude < -180.0)
return -180.0; // West
if (Longitude > 180.0)
return 180.0; // East
return Longitude;
/************************ Get altitude from a string *************************/
// This function may change Str on wrong double
double Map_GetAltitudeFromStr (char *Str)
double Altitude = Str_GetDoubleFromStr (Str);
if (Altitude < -413.0)
return -413.0; // Dead Sea shore
if (Altitude > 8848.0)
return 8848.0; // Mount Everest
return Altitude;
/*********************** Get zoom level from distance ************************/
static unsigned Map_GetZoomFromDistance (double MaxDistance)
/***** Convert distance to zoom *****/
return (MaxDistance < 0.01) ? 15 :
((MaxDistance < 0.1 ) ? 12 :
((MaxDistance < 1.0 ) ? 8 :
((MaxDistance < 10.0 ) ? 5 :
((MaxDistance < 50.0 ) ? 2 :